DownloadAsSVG() public method

Exports lectures to SVG file.
public DownloadAsSVG ( List lectures, string title, System.DateTime created, string linkToInfo ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
lectures List List of lectures.
title string Title displayed at top-left corner of the SVG.
created System.DateTime Date the timetable was created from config.
linkToInfo string Hyperlink to webpage with additional information.
return System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
コード例 #1
 public ActionResult ExportToSVG()
     ImportExport instance = new ImportExport();
     return instance.DownloadAsSVG(M.CustomTimetableFields, M.SelectedTimetable.m_timetableInfo.TimetableLabel, M.SelectedTimetable.m_timetableInfo.Created,