コード例 #1
        public void EachAnimationWillDecreaseTheOffset()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blocksFallingAnimation = default(BlocksFallingAnimation);

            "Given I have a standard board and a known list of coordinates".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                var boardCoordinates = new List<BoardCoordinate> { new BoardCoordinate(1, 2), new BoardCoordinate(2, 3) };
                board[1, 2].YOffset = 200;
                board[2, 3].YOffset = 200;
                blocksFallingAnimation = new BlocksFallingAnimation(boardCoordinates, board);

            "When I call animate after 100 milliseconds has passed"
                .Do(() => blocksFallingAnimation.Animate(new GameTime { ElapsedGameTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) }));

            "Then the square at 1, 2 should have a yoffset of 200 - block fall speed * 100".Observation(
                () => board[1, 2].YOffset.ShouldEqual((float)(200 - GameConstants.Animation.BLOCK_FALL_SPEED * 100)));

            "Then the square at 2, 3 should have a yoffset of 200 - block fall speed * 100".Observation(
                () => board[1, 2].YOffset.ShouldEqual((float)(200 - GameConstants.Animation.BLOCK_FALL_SPEED * 100)));

            "Then 2 squares will have a y offset higher than 0".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.YOffset != 0).ShouldEqual(2));
コード例 #2
        public void CanRaiseABoardChangedEventWhenAnimationHasFinished()
            var blocksFallingAnimation = default(BlocksFallingAnimation);
            var result = default(IGameEvent);

            "Given I have a blocks falling animation"
                .Context(() =>
                    blocksFallingAnimation = new BlocksFallingAnimation(new List<BoardCoordinate>(), A.Fake<IBoard>());
                    GameEvents.Dispatcher = new ActionEventDispatcher(e => result = e);

            "When I call on finished on the animation"
                .Do(() => blocksFallingAnimation.OnFinished());

            "Then a game board changed event should be raised"
                .Observation(() => result.ShouldBeOfType<BoardChangedEvent>());
コード例 #3
        public void CanTellWhenTheAnimationShouldFinish()
            var blocksFallingAnimation = default(BlocksFallingAnimation);

            "Given I have a standard board and a known list of coordinates".Context(() =>
                var board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                var boardCoordinates = new List<BoardCoordinate> { new BoardCoordinate(1, 2), new BoardCoordinate(2, 3) };
                board[1, 2].YOffset = 0;
                board[2, 3].YOffset = 0;
                blocksFallingAnimation = new BlocksFallingAnimation(boardCoordinates, board);

            "When I call animate when there are no more offsets to update"
                .Do(() => blocksFallingAnimation.Animate(new GameTime { ElapsedGameTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) }));

            "Then the animation should be finished"
                .Observation(() => blocksFallingAnimation.Finished().ShouldBeTrue());