public emTransform transformFrame(string source, string target, out gm.Vector3 vec, out gm.Quaternion quat) { emTransform trans = new emTransform(); try { transformer.lookupTransform(target, source, new Time(new TimeData()), out trans); } catch (Exception e) { ROS.Error(e.ToString()); trans = null; } if (trans != null) { vec = trans.translation != null?trans.translation.ToMsg() : new emVector3().ToMsg(); quat = trans.rotation != null?trans.rotation.ToMsg() : new emQuaternion().ToMsg(); } else { vec = null; quat = null; } return(trans); }
private bool onHeaderReceived(Connection conn, Header header) { string md5sum; if (header.Values.Contains("md5sum")) { md5sum = (string)header.Values["md5sum"]; } else { ROS.Error("TCPROS header from service server did not have required element: md5sum"); return(false); } //TODO check md5sum bool empty = false; lock (call_queue_mutex) { empty = call_queue.Count == 0; if (empty) { header_read = true; } } if (!empty) { processNextCall(); header_read = true; } return(true); }
internal override CallResult Call() { if (link.connection.dropped) { return(CallResult.Invalid); } ServiceCallbackHelperParams <MReq, MRes> parms = new ServiceCallbackHelperParams <MReq, MRes> { request = new MReq(), response = new MRes(), connection_header = link.connection.header.Values }; parms.request.Deserialize(buffer); try { bool ok =; link.processResponse(parms.response, ok); } catch (Exception e) { string woops = "Exception thrown while processing service call: " + e; ROS.Error(woops); link.processResponse(woops, false); return(CallResult.Invalid); } return(CallResult.Success); }
public bool handleHeader(Header header) { if (!header.Values.Contains("md5sum") || !header.Values.Contains("service") || !header.Values.Contains("callerid")) { string bbq = "Bogus tcpros header. did not have required elements: md5sum, service, callerid"; ROS.Error(bbq); connection.sendHeaderError(ref bbq); return(false); } string md5sum = (string)header.Values["md5sum"]; string service = (string)header.Values["service"]; string client_callerid = (string)header.Values["client_callerid"]; if (header.Values.Contains("persistent") && ((string)header.Values["persistent"] == "1" || (string)header.Values["persistent"] == "true")) { persistent = true; } ROS.Debug("Service client [{0}] wants service [{1}] with md5sum [{2}]", client_callerid, service, md5sum); IServicePublication isp = ServiceManager.Instance.lookupServicePublication(service); if (isp == null) { string bbq = string.Format("received a tcpros connection for a nonexistent service [{0}]", service); ROS.Error(bbq); connection.sendHeaderError(ref bbq); return(false); } if (isp.md5sum != md5sum && md5sum != "*" && isp.md5sum != "*") { string bbq = "client wants service " + service + " to have md5sum " + md5sum + " but it has " + isp.md5sum + ". Dropping connection"; ROS.Error(bbq); connection.sendHeaderError(ref bbq); return(false); } if (isp.isDropped) { string bbq = "received a tcpros connection for a nonexistent service [" + service + "]"; ROS.Error(bbq); connection.sendHeaderError(ref bbq); return(false); } parent = isp; IDictionary m = new Hashtable(); m["request_type"] = isp.req_datatype; m["response_type"] = isp.res_datatype; m["type"] = isp.datatype; m["md5sum"] = isp.md5sum; m["callerid"] = this_node.Name; connection.writeHeader(m, onHeaderWritten); isp.addServiceClientLink(this); return(true); }
public void lookupTransform(string target_frame, string source_frame, Time time, out emTransform transform, ref string error_string) { transform = new emTransform(); string mapped_tgt = resolve(tf_prefix, target_frame); string mapped_src = resolve(tf_prefix, source_frame); if (mapped_tgt == mapped_src) { transform.translation = new emVector3(); transform.rotation = new emQuaternion(); transform.child_frame_id = mapped_src; transform.frame_id = mapped_tgt; transform.stamp = ROS.GetTime(DateTime.Now); return; } lock (framemutex) { uint target_id = getFrameID(mapped_tgt); uint source_id = getFrameID(mapped_src); TransformAccum accum = new TransformAccum(); TF_STATUS retval = walkToTopParent(accum, TimeCache.toLong(, target_id, source_id, ref error_string); if (error_string != null && retval != TF_STATUS.NO_ERROR) { switch (retval) { case TF_STATUS.CONNECTIVITY_ERROR: ROS.Error("NO CONNECTIONSZSZ: " + error_string); break; case TF_STATUS.EXTRAPOLATION_ERROR: ROS.Error("EXTRAPOLATION: " + error_string); break; case TF_STATUS.LOOKUP_ERROR: ROS.Error("LOOKUP: " + error_string); break; } } transform.translation = accum.result_vec; transform.rotation = accum.result_quat; transform.child_frame_id = mapped_src; transform.frame_id = mapped_tgt; transform.stamp = new Time { data = new TimeData { sec = (uint)(accum.time >> 32), nsec = (uint)(accum.time & 0xFFFFFFFF) } }; } }
public void lookupTransform(String t, String s, Time time, out emTransform transform) { try { lookupTransform(,, time, out transform); } catch (Exception e) { transform = null; ROS.Error(e); throw e; } }
public bool call(IRosMessage req, ref IRosMessage resp) { if (resp == null) { //instantiate null response IN CASE this call succeeds resp = IRosMessage.generate((MsgTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(MsgTypes), req.msgtype().ToString().Replace("Request", "Response"))); } CallInfo info = new CallInfo { req = req, resp = resp, success = false, finished = false }; bool immediate = false; lock (call_queue_mutex) { if (connection.dropped) { return(false); } if (call_queue.Count == 0 && header_written && header_read) { immediate = true; } call_queue.Enqueue(info); } if (immediate) { processNextCall(); } while (!info.finished) { info.finished_condition.WaitOne(); } if (info.success) { // response is only sent on success => don't try to deserialize on failure. resp.Deserialize(resp.Serialized); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.exception)) { ROS.Error("Service call failed: service [{0}] responded with an error: {1}", name, info.exception); } return(info.success); }
public bool call(IRosMessage req, ref IRosMessage resp) { CallInfo info = new CallInfo { req = req, resp = resp, success = false, finished = false, call_finished = false, caller_thread_id = ROS.getPID() }; bool immediate = false; lock (call_queue_mutex) { if (connection.dropped) { info.call_finished = true; return(false); } if (call_queue.Count == 0 && header_written && header_read) { immediate = true; } call_queue.Enqueue(info); } if (immediate) { processNextCall(); } while (!info.finished) { info.finished_condition.WaitOne(); } lock (info.finished_mutex) { info.call_finished = true; } resp = resp.Deserialize(resp.Serialized); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.exception)) { ROS.Error("Service call failed: service [{0}] responded with an error: {1}", name, info.exception); } return(info.success); }
private bool onResponseOkAndLength(Connection conn, byte[] buf, int size, bool success) { if (conn != connection || size != 5) { throw new Exception("response or length NOT OK!"); } if (!success) { return(false); } byte ok = buf[0]; int len = BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, 1); if (len > 1000000000) { ROS.Error("GIGABYTE IS TOO BIIIIG"); connection.drop(Connection.DropReason.Destructing); return(false); } lock (call_queue_mutex) { if (ok != 0) { current_call.success = true; } else { current_call.success = false; } } if (len > 0) {, onResponse); } else { byte[] f = new byte[0]; onResponse(conn, f, 0, true); } return(true); }
public virtual void onRequestLength(Connection conn, ref byte[] buffer, uint size, bool success) { if (!success) { return; } if (conn != connection || size != 4) { throw new Exception("Invalid request length read"); } uint len = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0); if (len > 1000000000) { ROS.Error("A message over a gigabyte was predicted... stop... being... bad."); connection.drop(Connection.DropReason.Destructing); return; }, onRequest); }