/// <summary> /// Queries how wide the entry is, used for centering on the screen. /// </summary> public virtual int GetWidth(MenuScreen screen) { return (int)screen.ScreenManager.Font.MeasureString(Text).X; }
/// <summary> /// Draws the menu entry. This can be overridden to customize the appearance. /// </summary> public virtual void Draw(MenuScreen screen, bool isSelected, GameTime gameTime) { // Draw the selected entry in yellow, otherwise white. var color = isSelected ? Color.Red : Color.White; if (Disabled) { color = isSelected ? Color.PaleVioletRed : Color.Gray; } // Pulsate the size of the selected menu entry. var time = gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds; var pulsate = (float)Math.Sin(time * 6) + 1; var scale = 1 + pulsate * 0.05f * _selectionFade; // Modify the alpha to fade text out during transitions. color *= screen.TransitionAlpha; // Draw text, centered on the middle of each line. var screenManager = screen.ScreenManager; var spriteBatch = screenManager.SpriteBatch; var font = screenManager.Font; var origin = new Vector2(0, font.LineSpacing / 2); spriteBatch.DrawString(font, _text, _position, color, 0, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Queries how much space this menu entry requires. /// </summary> public virtual int GetHeight(MenuScreen screen) { return screen.ScreenManager.Font.LineSpacing; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the menu entry. /// </summary> public virtual void Update(MenuScreen screen, bool isSelected, GameTime gameTime) { // there is no such thing as a selected item on Windows Phone, so we always // force isSelected to be false #if WINDOWS_PHONE isSelected = false; #endif // When the menu selection changes, entries gradually fade between // their selected and deselected appearance, rather than instantly // popping to the new state. var fadeSpeed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 4; _selectionFade = isSelected ? Math.Min(_selectionFade + fadeSpeed, 1) : Math.Max(_selectionFade - fadeSpeed, 0); }