public static int Compare(Roshambo p1, Roshambo p2) { int winner = 0; if (p1 == p2) { winner = 0; } else if (p1 == Roshambo.Rock) { if (p2 == Roshambo.Paper) { winner = 2; } else { winner = 1; } } else if (p1 == Roshambo.Paper) { if (p2 == Roshambo.Rock) { winner = 1; } else { winner = 2; } } else { if (p2 == Roshambo.Rock) { winner = 2; } else { winner = 1; } } return(winner); }
public static string WinOrLose(Roshambo userChoice, Roshambo npc) { try { if (userChoice == Roshambo.scissors && npc == Roshambo.paper) { return("You're a winner."); } else if (userChoice.Equals(npc)) { return("Tie"); } else if (userChoice == Roshambo.rock && npc == Roshambo.rock) { return("Tie"); } else if (userChoice == Roshambo.scissors && npc == Roshambo.rock) { return("You lost."); } else if (userChoice == Roshambo.rock && npc == Roshambo.scissors) { return("You're a winner."); } else if (userChoice == Roshambo.paper && npc == Roshambo.scissors) { return("You lost."); } else if (userChoice == Roshambo.paper && npc == Roshambo.rock) { return("You're a winner."); } else { return(WinOrLose(userChoice, npc)); } } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Not correct try again."); return(WinOrLose(userChoice, npc)); } }
public UserPlayer(string name, string choice) { Name = name; bool isInvalidInput = true; while (isInvalidInput) { if (Enum.TryParse <Roshambo>(choice, out Roshambo validEnum)) { RoshamboValue = validEnum; isInvalidInput = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: invalid choice entered"); Console.WriteLine("Rock, Paper, Scissors: (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)"); choice = Console.ReadLine(); } } }
public static Roshambo RPSInput(string userInput) //Check for valid user input { Roshambo result = 0; string[] acceptedInput = { "r", "p", "s", "rock", "paper", "scissors", "1", "2", "3" }; while (!acceptedInput.Contains(userInput)) { Console.Write("Please enter valid input. (1)rock, (2)paper, (3) scissors: "); userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } if (userInput == "r" || userInput == "rock" || userInput == "1") { result = Roshambo.rock; } else if (userInput == "p" || userInput == "paper" || userInput == "2") { result = Roshambo.paper; } else if (userInput == "s" || userInput == "scissors" || userInput == "3") { result = Roshambo.scissors; } return(result); }
public Player(string _name, Roshambo _roshamboValue) { Name = _name; RoshamboValue = _roshamboValue; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to rock, paper, scissors."); Console.WriteLine("Please enter name."); Player user = new PlayerThree(); user.Name = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); bool again = true; while (again) { Console.WriteLine("Select an opponent: Targaryens or Lannisters. {1 or 2} "); Console.WriteLine("\n1.Targaryens."); Console.WriteLine("\n2.Lannisters."); string enemy = Console.ReadLine(); int hostile = int.Parse(enemy); if (hostile == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Rock,paper,or scissors? 1-3"); PlayerOne opponentOne = new PlayerOne(); Roshambo userChoice = user.generateRoshambo(); Roshambo npcChoice = opponentOne.generateRoshambo(); string finalResult = WinOrLose(userChoice, npcChoice); Console.WriteLine($"{user.Name} selected {userChoice}. Targaryens selected {npcChoice}."); if (finalResult == "You're a winner.") { user.Wins++; } else if (finalResult == "You lost.") { user.Losses++; } else if (finalResult == "Tie") { user.Ties++; } Console.WriteLine($"{user.Name}: {userChoice} "); Console.WriteLine($"{opponentOne.Name}: {npcChoice}"); Console.WriteLine(finalResult); again = true; } else if (hostile == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Rock,paper,scissors. 1-3"); PlayerTwo opponentTwo = new PlayerTwo(); Roshambo userChoice = user.generateRoshambo(); Roshambo npcChoice = opponentTwo.generateRoshambo(); string finalResult = WinOrLose(userChoice, npcChoice); Console.WriteLine($"{user.Name} selected {userChoice}. Lannisters selected {npcChoice}."); if (finalResult == "You're a winner.") { user.Wins++; } else if (finalResult == "You lost.") { user.Losses++; } else if (finalResult == "Tie") { user.Ties++; } Console.WriteLine($"{opponentTwo.Name}: {npcChoice}"); Console.WriteLine(finalResult); again = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please try again, m'lord."); again = true; } Console.WriteLine("Would you like to go again? y/n"); string yesNo = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (yesNo == "yes" || yesNo == "y") { } else if (yesNo == "no" || yesNo == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Goodbye."); Console.WriteLine($"You have:\n {user.Wins} Wins\n {user.Losses} Losses\n {user.Ties} Ties"); again = false; } } }
protected Roshambo rpsList; //list rps that only the children of Player can access public Player(Roshambo g) //the constructor is named Player and its parameter is a value from the //Roshambo class that it stores in the rpslist variable { rpsList = g; }
public GrantThompson(Roshambo g) : base(g) //the constructor is Grant Thompson and it takes //the value g in the Roshambo class, and stores it in the player varialble rpslist? { name = "Grant Thompson"; }
public override Roshambo GenerateRoShamBo() { Roshambo Rock = Roshambo.Rock; return(Rock); }
public DwayneJohnson(Roshambo g) : base(g) //the constructor is Dwayne Johnson and it takes //the value r in the Roshambo class, and stores it in the player varialble rpslist? { name = "Dwayne Johnson"; }