コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a list of missing attendance occurrences for the specified date, scheduleId and groupLocationIds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="occurrenceDate">The occurrence date.</param>
        /// <param name="scheduleId">The schedule identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="groupLocationIds">The group location ids.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <AttendanceOccurrence> CreateMissingAttendanceOccurrences(DateTime occurrenceDate, int scheduleId, List <int> groupLocationIds)
            var groupLocationQuery = new GroupLocationService(this.Context as RockContext).GetByIds(groupLocationIds);

            var attendanceOccurrencesQuery = this.Queryable()
                                             .Where(a => a.GroupId.HasValue &&
                                                    a.LocationId.HasValue &&
                                                    groupLocationQuery.Any(gl => gl.GroupId == a.GroupId && gl.LocationId == gl.LocationId) &&
                                                    a.ScheduleId == scheduleId &&
                                                    a.OccurrenceDate == occurrenceDate);

            var missingAttendanceOccurrences = groupLocationQuery.Where(gl => !attendanceOccurrencesQuery.Any(ao => ao.LocationId == gl.LocationId && ao.GroupId == gl.GroupId))
                                               .Select(gl => new AttendanceOccurrence
                GroupId        = gl.GroupId,
                Group          = gl.Group,
                LocationId     = gl.LocationId,
                Location       = gl.Location,
                ScheduleId     = scheduleId,
                OccurrenceDate = occurrenceDate

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Linq Expression that can be applied to an IQueryable to filter the result set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">The type of entity in the result set.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">A service instance that can be queried to obtain the result set.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The input parameter that will be injected into the filter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="selection">A formatted string representing the filter settings.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A Linq Expression that can be used to filter an IQueryable.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Filter issue(s):  + errorMessages.AsDelimited( ;  )</exception>
        public override Expression GetExpression( Type entityType, IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, string selection )
            var settings = new FilterSettings( selection );

            var context = (RockContext)serviceInstance.Context;

            // Get the Location Data View that defines the set of candidates from which proximate Locations can be selected.
            var dataView = DataComponentSettingsHelper.GetDataViewForFilterComponent( settings.DataViewGuid, context );

            // Evaluate the Data View that defines the candidate Locations.
            var locationService = new LocationService( context );

            var locationQuery = locationService.Queryable();

            if ( dataView != null )
                locationQuery = DataComponentSettingsHelper.FilterByDataView( locationQuery, dataView, locationService );

            // Get all the Family Groups that have a Location matching one of the candidate Locations.
            int familyGroupTypeId = GroupTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid() ).Id;

            var groupLocationsQuery = new GroupLocationService( context ).Queryable()
                                                                         .Where( gl => gl.Group.GroupTypeId == familyGroupTypeId && locationQuery.Any( l => l.Id == gl.LocationId ) );

            // If a Location Type is specified, apply the filter condition.
            if (settings.LocationTypeGuid.HasValue)
                int groupLocationTypeId = DefinedValueCache.Read( settings.LocationTypeGuid.Value ).Id;

                groupLocationsQuery = groupLocationsQuery.Where( x => x.GroupLocationTypeValue.Id == groupLocationTypeId );

            // Get all of the Group Members of the qualifying Families.
            var groupMemberServiceQry = new GroupMemberService( context ).Queryable()
                                                                         .Where( gm => groupLocationsQuery.Any( gl => gl.GroupId == gm.GroupId ) );

            // Get all of the People corresponding to the qualifying Group Members.
            var qry = new PersonService( context ).Queryable()
                                                  .Where( p => groupMemberServiceQry.Any( gm => gm.PersonId == p.Id ) );

            // Retrieve the Filter Expression.
            var extractedFilterExpression = FilterExpressionExtractor.Extract<Model.Person>( qry, parameterExpression, "p" );

            return extractedFilterExpression;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a list of missing attendance occurrences for the specified dates, scheduleId and groupLocationIds.
        /// These will be new AttendanceOccurrence records that haven't been saved to the database yet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="occurrenceDateList">The occurrence date list.</param>
        /// <param name="scheduleId">The schedule identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="groupLocationIds">The group location ids.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <AttendanceOccurrence> CreateMissingAttendanceOccurrences(List <DateTime> occurrenceDateList, int scheduleId, List <int> groupLocationIds)
            if (!groupLocationIds.Any())
                return(new List <AttendanceOccurrence>());

            var groupLocationQuery = new GroupLocationService(this.Context as RockContext).GetByIds(groupLocationIds);
            int?groupId            = null;
            int?locationId         = null;

            if (groupLocationIds.Count == 1)
                // if there is only one group location, we can optimize the attendanceOccurrencesQuery to use a simpler LINQ expression
                var groupLocationInfo = groupLocationQuery.Select(a => new { a.GroupId, a.LocationId }).FirstOrDefault();
                groupId    = groupLocationInfo.GroupId;
                locationId = groupLocationInfo?.LocationId;

            List <AttendanceOccurrence> missingAttendanceOccurrenceList = new List <AttendanceOccurrence>();

            foreach (var occurrenceDate in occurrenceDateList)
                var attendanceOccurrencesQuery = this.Queryable()
                                                 .Where(a => a.GroupId.HasValue &&
                                                        a.LocationId.HasValue &&
                                                        a.ScheduleId == scheduleId &&
                                                        a.OccurrenceDate == occurrenceDate);

                if (groupId.HasValue && locationId.HasValue)
                    // since we have just group location id (and date and schedule), we just have to check if the attendance occurrence exists
                    attendanceOccurrencesQuery = attendanceOccurrencesQuery.Where(a => a.GroupId == groupId.Value && a.LocationId == locationId.Value);
                    if (attendanceOccurrencesQuery.Any())
                        missingAttendanceOccurrenceList.Add(new AttendanceOccurrence
                            GroupId        = groupId.Value,
                            LocationId     = locationId.Value,
                            ScheduleId     = scheduleId,
                            OccurrenceDate = occurrenceDate

                    attendanceOccurrencesQuery = attendanceOccurrencesQuery.Where(a => groupLocationQuery.Any(gl => gl.GroupId == a.GroupId && gl.LocationId == a.LocationId));
                    List <AttendanceOccurrence> missingAttendanceOccurrencesForOccurrenceDate =
                        groupLocationQuery.Where(gl => !attendanceOccurrencesQuery.Any(ao => ao.LocationId == gl.LocationId && ao.GroupId == gl.GroupId))
                        .Select(gl => new
                        .Select(gl => new AttendanceOccurrence
                        GroupId        = gl.GroupId,
                        LocationId     = gl.LocationId,
                        ScheduleId     = scheduleId,
                        OccurrenceDate = occurrenceDate

                    if (missingAttendanceOccurrencesForOccurrenceDate.Any())

コード例 #4
        public IQueryable<MapItem> GetFamiliesMapInfo( int groupId, int statusId, string campusIds)
            // Enable proxy creation since security is being checked and need to navigate parent authorities
            SetProxyCreation( true );

            var group = ( (GroupService)Service ).Queryable( "GroupLocations.Location" )
                .Where( g => g.Id == groupId )

            if ( group != null )
                var person = GetPerson();

                if ( group.IsAuthorized( Rock.Security.Authorization.VIEW, person ) )
                    var mapItems = new List<MapItem>();

                    foreach ( var location in group.GroupLocations
                        .Where( l => l.Location.GeoFence != null )
                        .Select( l => l.Location ) )
                        var familyGroupTypeId = GroupTypeCache.GetFamilyGroupType().Id;
                        var recordStatusActiveId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_ACTIVE.AsGuid() ).Id;

                        var families = new GroupLocationService( (RockContext)Service.Context ).Queryable()
                            .Where( l =>
                                l.IsMappedLocation &&
                                l.Group.GroupTypeId == familyGroupTypeId &&
                                l.Location.GeoPoint.Intersects( location.GeoFence ) &&
                                l.Group.Members.Any( m =>
                                    m.Person.RecordStatusValueId.HasValue &&
                                    m.Person.RecordStatusValueId == recordStatusActiveId &&
                                    m.Person.ConnectionStatusValueId.HasValue &&
                                    m.Person.ConnectionStatusValueId.Value == statusId ) )
                            .Select( l => new
                                MinStatus = l.Group.Members
                                    .Where( m =>
                                        m.Person.RecordStatusValueId.HasValue &&
                                        m.Person.RecordStatusValueId == recordStatusActiveId &&
                                        m.Person.ConnectionStatusValueId.HasValue )
                                    .OrderBy( m => m.Person.ConnectionStatusValue.Order )
                                    .Select( m => m.Person.ConnectionStatusValue.Id )
                            } );

                        var campusIdList = ( campusIds ?? string.Empty ).SplitDelimitedValues().AsIntegerList();
                        if ( campusIdList.Any() )
                            families = families.Where( a => a.CampusId.HasValue && campusIdList.Contains( a.CampusId.Value ) );

                        foreach ( var family in families.Where( f => f.MinStatus == statusId ) )
                            var mapItem = new MapItem( family.Location );
                            mapItem.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Group" ).Id;
                            mapItem.EntityId = family.Id;
                            mapItem.Name = family.Name;
                            if ( mapItem.Point != null || mapItem.PolygonPoints.Any() )
                                mapItems.Add( mapItem );

                    return mapItems.AsQueryable();
                    throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized );
                throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.BadRequest );
コード例 #5
        public IQueryable<MapItem> GetFamiliesMapInfo( int groupId, int statusId )
            var group = ( (GroupService)Service ).Queryable( "GroupLocations.Location" )
                .Where( g => g.Id == groupId )

            if ( group != null )
                var person = GetPerson();

                if ( group.IsAuthorized( Rock.Security.Authorization.VIEW, person ) )
                    var mapItems = new List<MapItem>();

                    foreach ( var location in group.GroupLocations
                        .Where( l => l.Location.GeoFence != null )
                        .Select( l => l.Location ) )
                        var familyGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                        var activeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_ACTIVE.AsGuid();
                        var families = new GroupLocationService( (RockContext)Service.Context ).Queryable()
                            .Where( l =>
                                l.IsMappedLocation &&
                                l.Group.GroupType.Guid.Equals( familyGuid ) &&
                                l.Location.GeoPoint.Intersects( location.GeoFence ) &&
                                l.Group.Members.Any( m =>
                                    m.Person.RecordStatusValue != null &&
                                    m.Person.RecordStatusValue.Guid.Equals(activeGuid) &&
                                    m.Person.ConnectionStatusValueId.HasValue &&
                                    m.Person.ConnectionStatusValueId.Value == statusId ) )
                            .Select( l => new
                                MinStatus = l.Group.Members
                                    .Where( m =>
                                        m.Person.RecordStatusValue != null &&
                                        m.Person.RecordStatusValue.Guid.Equals( activeGuid ) &&
                                        m.Person.ConnectionStatusValueId.HasValue )
                                    .OrderBy( m => m.Person.ConnectionStatusValue.Order )
                                    .Select( m => m.Person.ConnectionStatusValue.Id )
                            } );

                        foreach ( var family in families.Where( f => f.MinStatus == statusId ) )
                            var mapItem = new MapItem( family.Location );
                            mapItem.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Group" ).Id;
                            mapItem.EntityId = family.Id;
                            mapItem.Name = family.Name;
                            if ( mapItem.Point != null || mapItem.PolygonPoints.Any() )
                                mapItems.Add( mapItem );

                    return mapItems.AsQueryable();
                    throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized );
                throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.BadRequest );
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a list of missing attendance occurrences for the specified dates, scheduleId and groupLocationIds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="occurrenceDateList">The occurrence date list.</param>
        /// <param name="scheduleId">The schedule identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="groupLocationIds">The group location ids.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <AttendanceOccurrence> CreateMissingAttendanceOccurrences(List <DateTime> occurrenceDateList, int scheduleId, List <int> groupLocationIds)
            var groupLocationQuery = new GroupLocationService(this.Context as RockContext).GetByIds(groupLocationIds);

            List <AttendanceOccurrence> missingAttendanceOccurrenceList = new List <AttendanceOccurrence>();

            foreach (var occurrenceDate in occurrenceDateList)
                var attendanceOccurrencesQuery = this.Queryable()
                                                 .Where(a => a.GroupId.HasValue &&
                                                        a.LocationId.HasValue &&
                                                        groupLocationQuery.Any(gl => gl.GroupId == a.GroupId && gl.LocationId == gl.LocationId) &&
                                                        a.ScheduleId == scheduleId &&
                                                        a.OccurrenceDate == occurrenceDate);

                List <AttendanceOccurrence> missingAttendanceOccurrencesForOccurrenceDate = groupLocationQuery.Where(gl => !attendanceOccurrencesQuery.Any(ao => ao.LocationId == gl.LocationId && ao.GroupId == gl.GroupId))
                                                                                            .Select(gl => new AttendanceOccurrence
                    GroupId        = gl.GroupId,
                    Group          = gl.Group,
                    LocationId     = gl.LocationId,
                    Location       = gl.Location,
                    ScheduleId     = scheduleId,
                    OccurrenceDate = occurrenceDate


コード例 #7
ファイル: PostalCodeFilter.cs プロジェクト: NewSpring/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Type of the entity.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">The service instance.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The parameter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="selection">The selection.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression GetExpression( Type entityType, IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, string selection )
            var values = selection.Split( '|' );

            ComparisonType comparisonType = values[0].ConvertToEnum<ComparisonType>( ComparisonType.EqualTo );
            string postalCode = values[1];

            var familyGroupTypeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();

            var groupLocationQry = new GroupLocationService( ( RockContext ) serviceInstance.Context ).Queryable();

            switch ( comparisonType )
                case ComparisonType.EqualTo:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry.Where( gl => gl.Location.PostalCode == postalCode );
                case ComparisonType.NotEqualTo:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry.Where( gl => gl.Location.PostalCode != postalCode );
                case ComparisonType.StartsWith:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry.Where( gl => gl.Location.PostalCode.StartsWith( postalCode ) );
                case ComparisonType.Contains:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry.Where( gl => gl.Location.PostalCode.Contains( postalCode ) );
                case ComparisonType.DoesNotContain:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry.Where( gl => !gl.Location.PostalCode.Contains( postalCode ) );
                case ComparisonType.IsBlank:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry
                        .Where( gl => gl.Location.PostalCode == null || gl.Location.PostalCode == string.Empty );
                case ComparisonType.IsNotBlank:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry
                        .Where( gl => gl.Location.PostalCode != null && gl.Location.PostalCode != string.Empty );
                case ComparisonType.EndsWith:
                    groupLocationQry = groupLocationQry.Where( gl => gl.Location.PostalCode.EndsWith( postalCode ) );

            IQueryable<Rock.Model.Person> qry;

            var groupMemberQry = groupLocationQry.Select( gl => gl.Group )
                .Where( g => g.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid )
                .SelectMany( g => g.Members );

            // Families which do not have locations need to be added separately
            if ( comparisonType == ComparisonType.IsBlank || comparisonType == ComparisonType.DoesNotContain || comparisonType == ComparisonType.NotEqualTo )
                var noLocationGroupMembersQry = new GroupService( ( RockContext ) serviceInstance.Context ).Queryable()
                .Where( g => g.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid && !g.GroupLocations.Any() )
                .SelectMany( g => g.Members );

                qry = new PersonService( ( RockContext ) serviceInstance.Context ).Queryable()
                    .Where( p => groupMemberQry.Any( xx => xx.PersonId == p.Id ) || noLocationGroupMembersQry.Any( xx => xx.PersonId == p.Id ) );
                qry = new PersonService( ( RockContext ) serviceInstance.Context ).Queryable()
                    .Where( p => groupMemberQry.Any( xx => xx.PersonId == p.Id ) );

            Expression extractedFilterExpression = FilterExpressionExtractor.Extract<Rock.Model.Person>( qry, parameterExpression, "p" );

            return extractedFilterExpression;