コード例 #1
        public Form1()
            ModeCartTraining = ModeRSV2Training = false;
            ModeCartExecutingMetaNetwork = false;
            ModeCartMapping = ModeRSV2Browsing = false;
            ModeRsv2ExecutingMetaNetwork = false;

            server = new EZRoboNetDevice(1, EZRoboNetDevice.t_Node_Station);

            rnd = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            SensorDataRequested = CameraFrameRequested = false;
            rsv2pass = cartpass = 0;

            robosapien = new RobosapienV2(server, 2, rnd);
            cart = new LMMobileRobot(server, 3, rnd);

            cartTrainingFSM = new CartTrainingFSM(cart);
            cartMNExecutingFSM = new CartMetaNetworkFSM(cart);
            rsv2MNExecutingFSM = new RSV2MetanetworkFSM(robosapien);

            // creating mapping and browsing FSMs
            mappingFSM = new MappingFSM(cart, 4, MappingFSM.orSOUTH, 1, 1);
            rsv2BrowsingFSM = new RSV2BrowsingFSM(mappingFSM, robosapien, 0, 1, RSV2BrowsingFSM.orSOUTH);

            rsv2TrainingFSM = new RSV2TrainingFSM(robosapien);


            comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 2;
            comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 2;
コード例 #2
        // constructor
        public RSV2BrowsingFSM(MappingFSM mapfsm, RobosapienV2 robo,
                                int robIpos, int robJpos, int robOrient)
            mappingFSM = mapfsm;

            Robosapien = robo;
            ipos = robIpos;
            jpos = robJpos;
            orientation = robOrient;

            LastKnownCartIpos = mappingFSM.ipos;
            LastKnownCartJpos = mappingFSM.jpos;

            // creating the task queue
            TaskQueue = new int[MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH];
            TaskQueueLength = 0;

            // registering browsing FSM in mapping FSM

            // now setting up our Last Known location inside the mappingh FSM
            mappingFSM.LastKnownRsv2Ipos = robIpos;
            mappingFSM.LastKnownRsv2Jpos = robJpos;
コード例 #3
        public static void drawMap(MappingFSM mapFSM, System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel)
            int xdim = mapFSM.MapDim;
            int ydim = mapFSM.MapDim;

            int mpanelxdim = panel.Width;
            int mpanelydim = panel.Height;

            Graphics mg = panel.CreateGraphics();

            // now calculating cell width and height
            int cellwidth = (int)(mpanelxdim / xdim);
            int cellheight = (int)(mpanelydim / ydim);
            // cell height-width done

            // now drawing maze (with robot)
            int i, j;
            for (i = 0; i < ydim; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < xdim; j++)
                    int x1, y1, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;
                    x1 = j * cellwidth;
                    y1 = i * cellheight;
                    if (mapFSM.Map[i][j] != MappingFSM.cellVOID)
                        SolidBrush bluebrush = new SolidBrush(mapFSM.Map[i][j] == MappingFSM.cellBLOCK ? Color.Blue : Color.Gray);
                        System.Drawing.Pen blackpen = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                        mg.FillRectangle(bluebrush, x1, y1, cellwidth, cellheight);
                        mg.DrawRectangle(blackpen, x1, y1, cellwidth, cellheight);


            // now drawing the movile robot
            MappingFSM.drawRobot(mapFSM, mg, mapFSM.jpos, mapFSM.ipos, mapFSM.orientation,
                                 panel, Color.Yellow);
            // now drawing the other robot (if any)
            if (mapFSM.browsingFSM != null)
                MappingFSM.drawRobot(mapFSM, mg, mapFSM.browsingFSM.jpos, mapFSM.browsingFSM.ipos,
                                    mapFSM.browsingFSM.orientation, panel, Color.Green);
コード例 #4
        public static void drawRobot(MappingFSM mapFSM, Graphics mg, 
                                     int robotx, int roboty, int robotorient,
                                     System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel,
                                Color color)
            int xdim = mapFSM.MapDim;
            int ydim = mapFSM.MapDim;
            int mpanelxdim = panel.Width;
            int mpanelydim = panel.Height;

            int cellwidth = (int)(mpanelxdim / xdim);
            int cellheight = (int)(mpanelydim / ydim);

            int x1 = robotx * cellwidth;
            int y1 = roboty * cellheight;
            int x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

            SolidBrush robobrush = new SolidBrush(color);
            mg.FillEllipse(robobrush, x1, y1, cellwidth, cellheight);
            // denoting orientation
            System.Drawing.Pen redpen = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
            switch (robotorient)
                case MappingFSM.orNORTH: x1 = robotx * cellwidth + (int)(cellwidth / 2);
                    y1 = roboty * cellheight + (int)(cellheight / 2);
                    x2 = robotx * cellwidth + (int)(cellwidth / 2);
                    y2 = roboty * cellheight;

                case MappingFSM.orEAST: x1 = robotx * cellwidth + (int)(cellwidth / 2);
                    y1 = roboty * cellheight + (int)(cellheight / 2);
                    x2 = (robotx + 1) * cellwidth;
                    y2 = roboty * cellheight + (int)(cellheight / 2);

                case MappingFSM.orSOUTH: x1 = robotx * cellwidth + (int)(cellwidth / 2);
                    y1 = roboty * cellheight + (int)(cellheight / 2);
                    x2 = robotx * cellwidth + (int)(cellwidth / 2);
                    y2 = (roboty + 1) * cellheight;

                case MappingFSM.orWEST: x1 = robotx * cellwidth + (int)(cellwidth / 2);
                    y1 = roboty * cellheight + (int)(cellheight / 2);
                    x2 = robotx * cellwidth;
                    y2 = roboty * cellheight + (int)(cellheight / 2);
            mg.DrawLine(redpen, x1, y1, x2, y2);
コード例 #5
        public static void deleteRobot(MappingFSM mapFSM, int robotx, int roboty, Graphics mg, 
                                       System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel)
            int xdim = mapFSM.MapDim;
            int ydim = mapFSM.MapDim;

            int mpanelxdim = panel.Width;
            int mpanelydim = panel.Height;

            int cellwidth = (int)(mpanelxdim / xdim);
            int cellheight = (int)(mpanelydim / ydim);

            int x1 = robotx * cellwidth;
            int y1 = roboty * cellheight;
            int x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

            SolidBrush whitebrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
            mg.FillEllipse(whitebrush, x1, y1, cellwidth, cellheight);