private static void SteamUpdateRequest(ModUpdateInfo updateInfo, string modRootPath) { try { var mod = new Mod(modRootPath); SteamUtility.Init(); Console.WriteLine(mod.ToString()); Console.WriteLine($"Latest changenote: {updateInfo.LatestChangeNote}"); if (SteamUtility.Upload(mod, updateInfo.LatestChangeNote)) { Console.WriteLine("Upload done"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { SteamUtility.Shutdown(); } }
private static void SteamUpdateRequest(ReleaseSettings settings, ModUpdateInfo updateInfo, string releasePath, string workspacePath) { if (UserAccepts("Upload to Steam workshop now? (Y/N): ")) { try { var publishedIdPath = releasePath + @"\About\PublishedFileId.txt"; var publishedIdPathTwo = workspacePath + @"\About\PublishedFileId.txt"; if (!File.Exists(publishedIdPath)) { if (UserAccepts("\nPublishedFileId.txt not detected. Input workshop ID now? (Y / N): ")) { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the workshop ID OR Press ENTER to continue: "); var newPublishedId = Console.ReadLine(); using (var sw = File.CreateText(publishedIdPath)) { sw.WriteLine(newPublishedId); } using (var sw = File.CreateText(publishedIdPathTwo)) { sw.WriteLine(newPublishedId); } } } var mod = new Mod(releasePath); SteamUtility.Init(); Console.WriteLine(mod.ToString()); if (SteamUtility.Upload(mod, UpdateReport(updateInfo))) { Console.WriteLine("Upload done"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }