public override IEnumerable<Thing> PlayerStartingThings() { for (int i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { PawnKindDef kind; if (this.animalKind != null) { kind = this.animalKind; } else { kind = this.RandomPets().RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef td) => td.RaceProps.petness); } Pawn animal = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kind, Faction.OfPlayer); if (animal.Name == null || animal.Name.Numerical) { animal.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(animal, NameStyle.Full, null); } if (Rand.Value < this.bondToRandomPlayerPawnChance && { Pawn pawn = (from p in Find.GameInitData.startingAndOptionalPawns.Take(Find.GameInitData.startingPawnCount) where TrainableUtility.CanBeMaster(p, animal, false) && !p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) select p).RandomElementWithFallback(null); if (pawn != null) {, null, true);, true); pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, animal); animal.playerSettings.Master = pawn; } } yield return animal; } }
public override IEnumerable <Thing> PlayerStartingThings() { for (int i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { PawnKindDef kind; if (this.animalKind != null) { kind = this.animalKind; } else { kind = this.RandomPets().RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef td) => td.RaceProps.petness); } Pawn animal = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kind, Faction.OfPlayer); if (animal.Name == null || animal.Name.Numerical) { animal.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(animal, NameStyle.Full, null); } if (Rand.Value < this.bondToRandomPlayerPawnChance) { Pawn pawn = Find.GameInitData.startingPawns.RandomElement <Pawn>(); if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath)) { pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, animal); } } yield return(animal); } }
public override IEnumerable <Thing> PlayerStartingThings() { int i = 0; if (i < count) { _003CPlayerStartingThings_003Ec__Iterator1 _003CPlayerStartingThings_003Ec__Iterator = (_003CPlayerStartingThings_003Ec__Iterator1) /*Error near IL_003e: stateMachine*/; PawnKindDef kind = (animalKind == null) ? RandomPets().RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef td) => td.RaceProps.petness) : animalKind; Pawn animal = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kind, Faction.OfPlayer); if (animal.Name == null || animal.Name.Numerical) { animal.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(animal); } if (Rand.Value < bondToRandomPlayerPawnChance && { Pawn pawn = (from p in Find.GameInitData.startingAndOptionalPawns.Take(Find.GameInitData.startingPawnCount) where TrainableUtility.CanBeMaster(p, animal, checkSpawned: false) && !p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) select p).RandomElementWithFallback(); if (pawn != null) {, null, complete: true);, checkOn: true); pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, animal); animal.playerSettings.Master = pawn; } } yield return((Thing)animal); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } }
public override IEnumerable <Thing> PlayerStartingThings() { int i = 0; if (i < this.count) { PawnKindDef kind = (this.animalKind == null) ? this.RandomPets().RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef td) => td.RaceProps.petness) : this.animalKind; Pawn animal = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kind, Faction.OfPlayer); if (animal.Name == null || animal.Name.Numerical) { animal.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(animal, NameStyle.Full, null); } if (Rand.Value < this.bondToRandomPlayerPawnChance) { Pawn pawn = Find.GameInitData.startingPawns.RandomElement(); if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath)) { pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, animal); } } yield return((Thing)animal); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } }
private static void GiveShuffledBioTo(Pawn pawn, FactionDef factionType, string requiredLastName) { pawn.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(pawn, NameStyle.Full, requiredLastName); PawnBioAndNameGenerator.FillBackstorySlotShuffled(pawn, BackstorySlot.Childhood, ref pawn.story.childhood, factionType); if (pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYearsFloat >= 20f) { PawnBioAndNameGenerator.FillBackstorySlotShuffled(pawn, BackstorySlot.Adulthood, ref pawn.story.adulthood, factionType); } }
public static void GiveNameBecauseOfNuzzle(Pawn namer, Pawn namee) { string text = (namee.Name != null) ? namee.Name.ToStringFull : namee.LabelIndefinite(); namee.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(namee, NameStyle.Full, null); if (namer.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { Messages.Message("MessageNuzzledPawnGaveNameTo".Translate(namer, text, namee.Name.ToStringFull), namee, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }
public static void GiveNameBecauseOfNuzzle(Pawn namer, Pawn namee) { string value = (namee.Name == null) ? namee.LabelIndefinite() : namee.Name.ToStringFull; namee.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(namee); if (namer.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { Messages.Message("MessageNuzzledPawnGaveNameTo".Translate(namer.Named("NAMER"), value, namee.Name.ToStringFull, namee.Named("NAMEE")), namee, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }
public static bool TryDevelopBondRelation(Pawn humanlike, Pawn animal, float baseChance) { if (!animal.RaceProps.Animal) { return(false); } if (animal.RaceProps.TrainableIntelligence.intelligenceOrder < TrainableIntelligenceDefOf.Intermediate.intelligenceOrder) { return(false); } if (humanlike.relations.DirectRelationExists(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, animal)) { return(false); } if (animal.relations.GetFirstDirectRelationPawn(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, (Pawn x) => x.Spawned) != null) { return(false); } int num = 0; List <DirectPawnRelation> directRelations = animal.relations.DirectRelations; for (int i = 0; i < directRelations.Count; i++) { if (directRelations[i].def == PawnRelationDefOf.Bond && !directRelations[i].otherPawn.Dead) { num++; } } int num2 = 0; List <DirectPawnRelation> directRelations2 = humanlike.relations.DirectRelations; for (int j = 0; j < directRelations2.Count; j++) { if (directRelations2[j].def == PawnRelationDefOf.Bond && !directRelations2[j].otherPawn.Dead) { num2++; } } if (num > 0) { baseChance *= Mathf.Pow(0.2f, (float)num); } if (num2 > 0) { baseChance *= Mathf.Pow(0.55f, (float)num2); } if (Rand.Value < baseChance) { if (!humanlike.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath)) { humanlike.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, animal); } if (humanlike.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer || animal.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.BondedWithAnimal, new object[] { humanlike, animal }); } bool flag = false; string text = null; if (animal.Name == null || animal.Name.Numerical) { flag = true; text = ((animal.Name != null) ? animal.Name.ToStringFull : animal.LabelIndefinite()); animal.Name = PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(animal, NameStyle.Full, null); } if (PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout(humanlike) || PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout(animal)) { string text2; if (flag) { text2 = "MessageNewBondRelationNewName".Translate(new object[] { humanlike.LabelShort, text, animal.Name.ToStringFull }).AdjustedFor(animal).CapitalizeFirst(); } else { text2 = "MessageNewBondRelation".Translate(new object[] { humanlike.LabelShort, animal.LabelShort }).CapitalizeFirst(); } Messages.Message(text2, humanlike, MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); } return(true); } return(false); }
public static string GetRandomBirthName(Pawn forPawn) { return((PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName(forPawn) as NameTriple).Last); }