コード例 #1
         * Generate IDN Bulk file
         * Return   : void
         * Parameter: TailandRicTemplate objAQSTQS
        private void GenerateIDNBulkFile(TailandRicTemplate objAQSTQS)
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

            if (xlApp == null)
                logger.LogErrorAndRaiseException("EXCEL could not be started. Check that your office installation and project references are correct");
            xlApp.Visible = false;

                //create a new excel file
                if (!Directory.Exists(configObj.SavePath))
                    DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(configObj.SavePath);

                Workbook wBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);

                Worksheet wSheet = (Worksheet)wBook.Worksheets[1];
                wSheet.Name = "SET_EQLB_W";

                ((Range)wSheet.Columns["A:Q", System.Type.Missing]).ColumnWidth = 18;
                xlApp.Cells.Columns.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;

                if (wSheet == null)
                    logger.LogErrorAndRaiseException("Worksheet could not be created. Check that your office installation and project references are correct.");

                ((Range)wSheet.Rows["1", System.Type.Missing]).Font.Bold      = true;
                ((Range)wSheet.Rows["1", System.Type.Missing]).Font.Color     = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Red);
                ((Range)wSheet.Rows["1", System.Type.Missing]).Interior.Color = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Yellow);

                wSheet.Cells[1, 1] = "SYMBOL";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 1] = objAQSTQS.ricStr;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 2] = "DSPLY_NAME";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 2] = objAQSTQS.displayNameStr;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 3] = "RIC";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 3] = objAQSTQS.ricStr;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 4] = "OFFCL_CODE";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 4] = objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 5] = "EX_SYMBOL";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 5] = "DUMMY-" + objAQSTQS.ricStr.Substring(0, objAQSTQS.ricStr.IndexOf(".")).ToUpper();

                wSheet.Cells[1, 6] = "BCKGRNDPAG";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 6] = "****";

                wSheet.Cells[1, 7] = "BCAST_REF";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 7] = objAQSTQS.bcastRefStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[2, 8]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[1, 8] = "#INSTMOD_EXPIR_DATE";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 8] = objAQSTQS.maturDateDT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                wSheet.Cells[1, 9] = "#INSTMOD_LONGLINK1";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 9] = objAQSTQS.underlyingRicStr;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 10] = "#INSTMOD_LONGLINK2";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 10] = objAQSTQS.longlink2Str;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[2, 11]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[1, 11] = "#INSTMOD_MATUR_DATE";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 11] = objAQSTQS.maturDateDT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                wSheet.Cells[1, 12] = "#INSTMOD_OFFC_CODE2";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 12] = objAQSTQS.offc_code2Str;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 13] = "#INSTMOD_STRIKE_PRC";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 13] = objAQSTQS.strikePrcStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[2, 14]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[1, 14] = "#INSTMOD_WNT_RATIO";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 14] = objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.Substring(0, objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.IndexOf(":") - 1);

                wSheet.Cells[1, 15] = "#INSTMOD_MNEMONIC";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 15] = objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 16] = "#INSTMOD_TDN_SYMBOL";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 16] = objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr;

                wSheet.Cells[1, 17] = "EXL_NAME";
                wSheet.Cells[2, 17] = "SET_EQLB_W";

                xlApp.DisplayAlerts          = false;
                xlApp.AlertBeforeOverwriting = false;

                string fullpath = configObj.SavePath + "\\" + objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("d").Replace('/', '-') + ".xls";
            catch (SystemException ex)
コード例 #2
         * Generate FM template file
         * Return   : void
         * Parameter: TailandRicTemplate objAQSTQS
        private void GenerateFMTemplate(TailandRicTemplate objAQSTQS)
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

            if (xlApp == null)
                logger.LogErrorAndRaiseException("EXCEL could not be started. Check that your office installation and project references are correct");
            xlApp.Visible = false;

                //create a new excel file
                if (!Directory.Exists(configObj.SavePath))
                    DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(configObj.SavePath);

                Workbook wBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);

                Worksheet wSheet = (Worksheet)wBook.Worksheets[1];
                wSheet.Name = "TailandRicInfo";

                ((Range)wSheet.Columns["A", System.Type.Missing]).ColumnWidth = 30;
                ((Range)wSheet.Columns["B", System.Type.Missing]).ColumnWidth = 4;
                ((Range)wSheet.Columns["C", System.Type.Missing]).ColumnWidth = 50;
                xlApp.Cells.Columns.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;

                if (wSheet == null)
                    logger.LogErrorAndRaiseException("Worksheet could not be created. Check that your office installation and project references are correct.");

                //Generate data for AQS/TQS template

                wSheet.Cells[1, 1] = "Official Code";
                wSheet.Cells[1, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[1, 3] = objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[3, 1]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[3, 1] = "========================================================";

                wSheet.Cells[4, 1] = "Total RICs";
                wSheet.Cells[4, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[4, 3] = objAQSTQS.totalRicsStr;

                wSheet.Cells[5, 1] = "Exchange";
                wSheet.Cells[5, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[5, 3] = objAQSTQS.exchangeStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[7, 1]).Font.Bold = true;
                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[8, 1]).Font.Bold = true;
                wSheet.Cells[7, 1] = "1";
                wSheet.Cells[8, 1] = "For AQS/TQS";
                wSheet.Cells[9, 1] = "--------------------";

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[10, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[10, 1] = "Effective Date";
                wSheet.Cells[10, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[10, 3] = objAQSTQS.effectiveDateStr;

                wSheet.Cells[11, 1] = "RIC";
                wSheet.Cells[11, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[11, 3] = objAQSTQS.ricStr;

                wSheet.Cells[12, 1] = "Displayname";
                wSheet.Cells[12, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[12, 3] = objAQSTQS.displayNameStr;

                wSheet.Cells[13, 1] = "Official Code";
                wSheet.Cells[13, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[13, 3] = objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[14, 1]).Font.Color = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Red);
                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[14, 2]).Font.Color = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Red);
                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[14, 1]).Font.Bold  = true;
                wSheet.Cells[14, 1] = "Exchange Symbol";
                wSheet.Cells[14, 2] = ":";

                wSheet.Cells[15, 1] = "OFFC_CODE2";
                wSheet.Cells[15, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[15, 3] = objAQSTQS.offc_code2Str;

                wSheet.Cells[16, 1] = "Currency";
                wSheet.Cells[16, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[16, 3] = objAQSTQS.currencyStr;

                wSheet.Cells[17, 1] = "Recordtype";
                wSheet.Cells[17, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[17, 3] = objAQSTQS.recordtypeStr;

                wSheet.Cells[18, 1] = "Chain RIC (Old)";
                wSheet.Cells[18, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[18, 3] = objAQSTQS.chainRicStr;

                wSheet.Cells[19, 1] = "Chain RIC (New)";
                wSheet.Cells[19, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[19, 3] = objAQSTQS.chainRicOnListingDateStr;

                wSheet.Cells[21, 1] = "BCAST-REF";
                wSheet.Cells[21, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[21, 3] = objAQSTQS.bcastRefStr;

                wSheet.Cells[22, 1] = "UNDERLYING RIC (LONGLINK1)";
                wSheet.Cells[22, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[22, 3] = objAQSTQS.underlyingRicStr;

                wSheet.Cells[23, 1] = "LONGLINK2";
                wSheet.Cells[23, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[23, 3] = objAQSTQS.longlink2Str;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[24, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[24, 1] = "WNT_RATIO (DW per Underlying)";
                wSheet.Cells[24, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[24, 3] = objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.Substring(0, objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.IndexOf(":") - 1);

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[25, 3]).NumberFormat = "0.00";
                wSheet.Cells[25, 1] = "STRIKE_PRC (WT)";
                wSheet.Cells[25, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[25, 3] = objAQSTQS.strikePrcStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[26, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[26, 1] = "MATUR_DATE / EXPIR_DATE";
                wSheet.Cells[26, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[26, 3] = objAQSTQS.maturDateDT.Day + "-" + MonthTrans(objAQSTQS.maturDateDT) + "-" + objAQSTQS.maturDateDT.Year;

                //Generate data for NDA Template
                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[28, 1]).Font.Bold = true;
                wSheet.Cells[28, 1] = "For NDA";
                wSheet.Cells[29, 1] = "--------------------";

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[30, 1]).Font.Bold = true;
                wSheet.Cells[30, 1] = "B. Existing Organisation Listing";

                wSheet.Cells[31, 1] = "RIC";
                wSheet.Cells[31, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[31, 3] = objAQSTQS.ricStr;

                wSheet.Cells[32, 1] = "IDN Longname";
                wSheet.Cells[32, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[32, 3] = objAQSTQS.underlyingRicStr.Substring(0, objAQSTQS.underlyingRicStr.IndexOf(".BK")) + "_" + objAQSTQS.dwIssueShortNameStr + "@" + IDNLongNameFormat(objAQSTQS.strikePrcStr) + MonthTrans(objAQSTQS.maturDateDT).ToUpper() + (objAQSTQS.maturDateDT.Year).ToString().Substring(2, 2) + "CWNT";

                wSheet.Cells[33, 1] = "Issue Classification";
                wSheet.Cells[33, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[33, 3] = "WT";

                wSheet.Cells[34, 1] = "Primary Listing (RIC) /EDCOID";
                wSheet.Cells[34, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[34, 3] = objAQSTQS.bcastRefStr;

                wSheet.Cells[35, 1] = "Organisation Name (DIRNAME)";
                wSheet.Cells[35, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[35, 3] = objAQSTQS.dwIssuerStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[37, 1]).Font.Bold = true;
                wSheet.Cells[37, 1] = "Note (For Warrant Term & Conditions)";

                wSheet.Cells[38, 1] = "RIC";
                wSheet.Cells[38, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[38, 3] = objAQSTQS.ricStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[39, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[39, 1] = "Issue Date";
                wSheet.Cells[39, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[39, 3] = objAQSTQS.effectiveDateStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[40, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[40, 1] = "Listed Date";
                wSheet.Cells[40, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[40, 3] = objAQSTQS.effectiveDateStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[41, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[41, 1] = "First Exercise Date";
                wSheet.Cells[41, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[41, 3] = objAQSTQS.exerciseDateStr + "(Automatic Exercise)";

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[42, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[42, 1] = "Last Exercise Date";
                wSheet.Cells[42, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[42, 3] = objAQSTQS.exerciseDateStr + "(Automatic Exercise)";

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[43, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[43, 1] = "Last Actual Trading Date";
                wSheet.Cells[43, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[43, 3] = objAQSTQS.lastTradingDateStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[44, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[44, 1] = "Expiry Date";
                wSheet.Cells[44, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[44, 3] = objAQSTQS.maturDateDT.Day + "-" + MonthTrans(objAQSTQS.maturDateDT) + "-" + objAQSTQS.maturDateDT.Year;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[45, 3]).NumberFormat = "0.00";
                wSheet.Cells[45, 1] = "Strike Price";
                wSheet.Cells[45, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[45, 3] = objAQSTQS.strikePrcStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[46, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[46, 1] = "Ratio warrant : underlying";
                wSheet.Cells[46, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[46, 3] = objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr + " ( " + objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.Substring(0, objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.IndexOf(':') - 1) + " Derivative Warrants " + " : " + objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.Substring(objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr.IndexOf(':') + 2) + " Stock )";

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[47, 3]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[47, 1] = "Outstanding Warrant Quantity";
                wSheet.Cells[47, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[47, 3] = objAQSTQS.numberOfWarrants;

                wSheet.Cells[48, 1] = "ISIN";
                wSheet.Cells[48, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[48, 3] = objAQSTQS.offc_code2Str;

                //((Range)wSheet.Rows["49", System.Type.Missing]).Font.Color = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Blue);
                wSheet.Cells[49, 1] = "Exercise Period";
                wSheet.Cells[49, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[49, 3] = "European Style; DW can be exercised only on Automatic Exercise Date.";

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[51, 1]).Font.Bold = true;
                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[51, 3]).Font.Bold = true;
                wSheet.Cells[51, 1] = "RICs(ADD) in the Search";
                wSheet.Cells[51, 2] = ":";
                wSheet.Cells[51, 3] = objAQSTQS.ricStr;

                ((Range)wSheet.Cells[53, 1]).NumberFormat = "@";
                wSheet.Cells[53, 1] = "===========================END=============================";

                xlApp.DisplayAlerts          = false;
                xlApp.AlertBeforeOverwriting = false;

                string fullpath = configObj.SavePath + "\\" + "FM Temp-" + objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("d").Replace('/', '-') + ".xls";
            catch (SystemException ex)
コード例 #3
         * Quick method to get data from a dedicated URL
        //private void DataCaptureByUrl()
        //    try
        //    {
        //        selenium.Open(configObj.html_url);

        //        string txt = selenium.GetText("//pre");
        //        DataAnalysis(txt);
        //        count++;
        //    }
        //    catch (SeleniumException ex)
        //    {
        //        logger.LogErrorAndRaiseException(ex.ToString());
        //    }


         * DataAnalysis method used to split pre txt to get required data
         * Return   : void
         * Parameter: String sourceStr
        private void DataAnalysis(String sourceStr)
            TailandRicTemplate objAQSTQS = new TailandRicTemplate();
            Hashtable          ht        = new Hashtable();

            //create a backup string to keep source string
            String bksourceStr = sourceStr;

            for (int i = 0; i < configObj.TailandRicFields.Count; i++)
                sourceStr = sourceStr.Substring(sourceStr.IndexOf(configObj.TailandRicFields[i]));

                if (configObj.TailandRicFields[i] == "Exercise ratio (DW : Underlying asset)")
                    sourceStr = sourceStr.Substring(sourceStr.IndexOf(")") + 6);
                else if (configObj.TailandRicFields[i] == "Number of derivative warrants (unit:")
                    sourceStr = sourceStr.Substring(sourceStr.IndexOf(":") + 8);
                    sourceStr = sourceStr.Substring(sourceStr.IndexOf(":") + 2);

                ht.Add(configObj.TailandRicFields[i], sourceStr.Substring(0, sourceStr.IndexOf("\n")));

            //Get short name of issuer, need dealing if no short name contained in ()
            String tempStr = bksourceStr.Substring(bksourceStr.IndexOf(configObj.TailandRicFields[0]), bksourceStr.IndexOf(configObj.TailandRicFields[1]) - bksourceStr.IndexOf(configObj.TailandRicFields[0]));

            if (tempStr.Contains("(THAILAND)"))
                tempStr = tempStr.Substring(tempStr.IndexOf("(THAILAND)") + "(THAILAND)".Length);
            objAQSTQS.dwIssueShortNameStr = tempStr.Substring(tempStr.IndexOf("(") + 1, tempStr.IndexOf(")") - tempStr.IndexOf("(") - 1);

            objAQSTQS.dwIssuerStr = DWIssuerFormat((string)ht["DW issuer"], objAQSTQS.dwIssueShortNameStr);

            objAQSTQS.totalRicsStr = "1";
            objAQSTQS.exchangeStr  = "SET";

            objAQSTQS.effectiveDateStr = (string)ht["Trading date"];

            objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr = (string)ht["DW name"];
            objAQSTQS.ricStr          = objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr + "tc.BK";

            objAQSTQS.displayNameStr = (string)ht["Underlying asset(s)"] + " BY " + objAQSTQS.dwIssueShortNameStr + " CA#" + objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr.Substring(objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr.Length - 1, 1);

            //Get ISIN number
            objAQSTQS.offc_code2Str = DataCaptureFromSetSmart(objAQSTQS.officialCodeStr);

            objAQSTQS.currencyStr              = "THB";
            objAQSTQS.recordtypeStr            = "97";
            objAQSTQS.chainRicStr              = "0#IPO.BK";
            objAQSTQS.chainRicOnListingDateStr = "0#DW.BK, 0#" + ((string)ht["Underlying asset(s)"]).Substring(0, 1) + ".BK";
            objAQSTQS.bcastRefStr              = objAQSTQS.dwIssueShortNameStr + ".BK";
            objAQSTQS.underlyingRicStr         = (string)ht["Underlying asset(s)"] + ".BK";
            objAQSTQS.longlink2Str             = (string)ht["DW name"] + "tcta.BK";
            objAQSTQS.wntRatioStr              = (string)ht["Exercise ratio (DW : Underlying asset)"];
            objAQSTQS.strikePrcStr             = (string)ht["Exercise price (baht per share)"];
            objAQSTQS.lastTradingDateStr       = (string)ht["Last trading date"];

            objAQSTQS.exerciseDateStr = (string)ht["Last exercise date"];
            DateTime mDT = new DateTime();

            if (DateTime.TryParse(objAQSTQS.exerciseDateStr, out mDT))
                objAQSTQS.maturDateDT = mDT.AddDays(1);
                logger.LogErrorAndRaiseException("Fail to parse maturity date to date");
                objAQSTQS.maturDateDT = DateTime.Now;

            objAQSTQS.numberOfWarrants = (string)ht["Number of derivative warrants (unit:"];
