public PCF_Importer_form(ExternalCommandData cData, ref string message) { InitializeComponent(); _commandData = cData; _uiapp = _commandData.Application; _uidoc = _uiapp.ActiveUIDocument; _doc = _uidoc.Document; _message = message; //Init saved values _excelPath = mySettings.Default.excelPath; _pcfPath = mySettings.Default.pcfPath; //Init textboxes textBox1.Text = _pcfPath; textBox2.Text = _excelPath; textBox3.Text = mySettings.Default.numberOfPipelinesDetected.ToString(); //Init radiobuttons iv.ConfigureAll = mySettings.Default.configureAll; if (iv.ConfigureAll) { radioButton1.Checked = true; radioButton2.Checked = false; } else { radioButton1.Checked = false; radioButton2.Checked = true; } PcfDict = new PCF_Dictionary(new KeywordProcessor()); PcfCreator = new PCF_Creator(new ProcessElements()); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ElementCollection ExtractedElementCollection = new ElementCollection(); PCF_Dictionary PcfDict = new PCF_Dictionary(new KeywordProcessor()); //Read the input PCF file FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(); string[] readFile = fileReader.ReadFile(mySettings.Default.pcfPath); //This method collects all top-level element strings and creates ElementSymbols with data Parser.CreateInitialElementList(ExtractedElementCollection, readFile); //This method compares all element symbols and gets the amount of line for their definition Parser.IndexElementDefinitions(ExtractedElementCollection, readFile); //This method extracts element data from the file Parser.ExtractElementDefinition(ExtractedElementCollection, readFile); //This method processes elements foreach (ElementSymbol elementSymbol in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements) { PcfDict.ProcessTopLevelKeywords(elementSymbol); } IList <ElementSymbol> elementList = (from ElementSymbol es in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements where !( string.Equals(es.PipelineReference, "PRE-PIPELINE") || string.Equals(es.PipelineReference, "MATERIALS") ) select es).ToList(); if (iv.ConfigureAll == true) { PCF_Configuration.ExportAllConfigurationToExcel(elementList); } else { PCF_Configuration.ExportByPipelineConfigurationToExcel(elementList); } }
public Result ExecuteMyCommand(UIApplication uiApp, ref string message) { UIDocument uidoc = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument; Application app = uiApp.Application; doc = uidoc.Document; PcfDict = new PCF_Dictionary(new KeywordProcessor()); ExtractedElementCollection = new ElementCollection(); //Read the input PCF file FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(); string[] readFile = fileReader.ReadFile(mySettings.Default.pcfPath); //This method collects all top-level element strings and creates ElementSymbols with data Parser.CreateInitialElementList(ExtractedElementCollection, readFile); //This method compares all element symbols and gets the number of lines for their definition Parser.IndexElementDefinitions(ExtractedElementCollection, readFile); //This method extracts element data from the file Parser.ExtractElementDefinition(ExtractedElementCollection, readFile); //This method processes elements foreach (ElementSymbol elementSymbol in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements) { PcfDict.ProcessTopLevelKeywords(elementSymbol); } #region CONFIGURATION DataSet dataSet = PCF_Configuration.ImportExcelToDataSet(mySettings.Default.excelPath); foreach (ElementSymbol es in from ElementSymbol es in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements where !( //Filter out non pipeline elements string.Equals(es.PipelineReference, "PRE-PIPELINE") || string.Equals(es.PipelineReference, "MATERIALS") || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "PIPELINE-REFERENCE") ) select es) { PCF_Configuration.ExtractElementConfiguration(dataSet, es); } #endregion #region Element creation using (TransactionGroup txGp = new TransactionGroup(doc)) { txGp.Start("Create elements from PCF data"); using (Transaction trans1 = new Transaction(doc)) { trans1.Start("Create elements"); PcfCreator = new PCF_Creator(new ProcessElements()); //This method creates elements //First send pipes for creation, other elements after //Filter for pipes var pipeQuery = from ElementSymbol es in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements where string.Equals(es.ElementType, "PIPE") select es; //Send pipes to creation foreach (ElementSymbol es in pipeQuery) { PcfCreator.SendElementsToCreation(es); } //Regenerate document doc.Regenerate(); //The rest of the elements are sent in waves, because fx. I determined, that CAPs must be sent later //It depends on if the element can be created as standalone or it would need other elements to be present //CAPS must be sent later var firstWaveElementsQuery = from ElementSymbol es in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements where !( //Take care! ! operator has lower precedence than || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "PIPE") || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "CAP") || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "FLANGE-BLIND") || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "OLET") || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "VALVE") ) select es; //Send elements to creation foreach (ElementSymbol es in firstWaveElementsQuery) { PcfCreator.SendElementsToCreation(es); } trans1.Commit(); } using (Transaction trans2 = new Transaction(doc)) { trans2.Start("Create second wave of elements"); //Filter CAPs var secondWaveElementsQuery = from ElementSymbol es in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements where string.Equals(es.ElementType, "CAP") || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "FLANGE-BLIND") || string.Equals(es.ElementType, "OLET") select es; //Send CAPs to creation foreach (ElementSymbol es in secondWaveElementsQuery) { PcfCreator.SendElementsToCreation(es); } trans2.Commit(); } using (Transaction trans3 = new Transaction(doc)) { trans3.Start("Create third wave of elements"); //Filter CAPs var thirdWaveElementsQuery = from ElementSymbol es in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements where string.Equals(es.ElementType, "VALVE") select es; //Send CAPs to creation foreach (ElementSymbol es in thirdWaveElementsQuery) { PcfCreator.SendElementsToCreation(es); } trans3.Commit(); } using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc)) { tx.Start("Delete dummy elements"); IEnumerable <Element> query = from ElementSymbol es in ExtractedElementCollection.Elements where es.DummyToDelete != null select es.DummyToDelete; try { foreach (Element e in query) { doc.Delete(e.Id); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } tx.Commit(); } txGp.Assimilate(); } #endregion //Test //int test = ExtractedElementCollection.Elements.Count; //using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc)) //{ // tx.Start("Transaction Name"); // tx.Commit(); //} return(Result.Succeeded); }