protected void CorrectDropdowns(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model) { if (!model.IsEditable) { model.TypeId = model.TypeIdHidden; model.ProductionTimeTypeId = model.ProductionTimeTypeIdHidden; model.PeriodId = model.PeriodIdHidden; model.TransferMethodTypeId = model.TransferMethodTypeIdHidden; } model.NoteList = HelpBl.GetAllNodeTypesDto(); }
protected bool ValidateServiceRequestEditModel(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model, UploadFileDto fileDto) { /*if (model.Id > 0 && fileDto == null && model.AttachmentId == 0) { if (model.Operation == 1) ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty,StrCannotSendRequestWithoutTemplate); }*/ //if (model.TypeId == 15) //{ // ModelState.AddModelError("TypeId", "Данный вид услуги не доступен для создания заявки!"); //} if(model.IsForFiredUser) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.UserBirthDate)) ModelState.AddModelError("UserBirthDate", "Не заполнена дата рождения"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FiredUserName)) ModelState.AddModelError("FiredUserName", "Не заполнено имя"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FiredUserSurname)) ModelState.AddModelError("FiredUserSurname", "Не заполнено фамилия"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FiredUserPatronymic)) ModelState.AddModelError("FiredUserPatronymic", "Не заполнено отчество"); } return ModelState.IsValid; }
public void ReloadDictionariesToModel(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model) { LoadDictionaries(model); }
public ActionResult ServiceRequestEdit(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model) { //CorrectCheckboxes(model); CorrectDropdowns(model); UploadFileDto fileDto = GetFileContext(); //bool needToReload; //string error; if (!ValidateServiceRequestEditModel(model, fileDto)) { model.Operation = 0; HelpBl.ReloadDictionariesToModel(model); return View(model); } string error; if (!HelpBl.SaveServiceRequestEditModel(model, fileDto, out error)) { //HttpContext.AddError(new Exception(error)); if (model.ReloadPage) { ModelState.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) ModelState.AddModelError("", error); return View(HelpBl.GetServiceRequestEditModel(model.Id, model.UserId)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) ModelState.AddModelError("", error); } return View(model); }
protected void SetHiddenFields(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model) { model.TransferMethodTypeIdHidden = model.TransferMethodTypeId; model.ProductionTimeTypeIdHidden = model.ProductionTimeTypeIdHidden; model.TypeIdHidden = model.TypeId; model.PeriodIdHidden = model.PeriodId; }
public HelpServiceRequestEditModel GetServiceRequestEditModel(int id, int? userId) { IUser current = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser; if (id == 0 && !userId.HasValue) { if ((current.UserRole & UserRole.Employee) == UserRole.Employee || (current.UserRole & UserRole.DismissedEmployee) == UserRole.DismissedEmployee) userId = current.Id; else throw new ValidationException(StrNoUser); } HelpServiceRequest entity = null; if (id != 0) entity = HelpServiceRequestDao.Load(id); HelpServiceRequestEditModel model = new HelpServiceRequestEditModel { Id = id, UserId = id == 0 ? userId.Value : entity.User.Id, IsUserEmployee=CurrentUser.UserRole==UserRole.Employee }; User user = UserDao.Load(model.UserId); User currUser = UserDao.Load(current.Id); if(id == 0) { entity = new HelpServiceRequest { User = user, Creator = currUser, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, EditDate = DateTime.Now, UserBirthDate= DateTime.Now }; } else { model.TypeId = entity.Type.Id; model.IsForGEMoney = entity.IsForGEMoney; model.ProductionTimeTypeId = entity.ProductionTime.Id; model.TransferMethodTypeId = entity.TransferMethod.Id; model.PeriodId = entity.Period == null? new int?() : entity.Period.Id; model.FiredUserName = entity.FiredUserName; model.FiredUserPatronymic = entity.FiredUserPatronymic; model.FiredUserSurname = entity.FiredUserSurname; model.UserBirthDate = entity.UserBirthDate==null?String.Empty : entity.UserBirthDate.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"); model.IsForFiredUser = (entity.UserBirthDate != null);//Если дата рождения заполнена - значит форма для уволенного сотрудника model.Note = entity.Note==null?0 : entity.Note.Id; model.Requirements = entity.Requirements; model.Version = entity.Version; model.DocumentNumber = entity.Number.ToString(); model.DateCreated = FormatDate(entity.CreateDate); model.Creator = entity.Creator.FullName; model.Address = entity.Address; RequestAttachment attachment = RequestAttachmentDao.FindByRequestIdAndTypeId(entity.Id, RequestAttachmentTypeEnum.HelpServiceRequestTemplate); if(attachment != null) { model.AttachmentId = attachment.Id; model.Attachment = attachment.FileName; } RequestAttachment serviceAttach = RequestAttachmentDao.FindByRequestIdAndTypeId(entity.Id, RequestAttachmentTypeEnum.HelpServiceRequest); if (serviceAttach != null) { model.ServiceAttachmentId = serviceAttach.Id; model.ServiceAttachment = serviceAttach.FileName; model.DocumentsCount = serviceAttach.DocumentsCount; } RequestPrintForm form = RequestPrintFormDao.FindByRequestAndTypeId(id, RequestPrintFormTypeEnum.ServiceRequest); model.IsPrintFormAvailable = form != null; if (entity.Consultant != null) model.Worker = entity.Consultant.FullName; if (entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) model.WorkerEndDate = entity.EndWorkDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); if (entity.ConfirmWorkDate.HasValue) model.ConfirmDate = entity.ConfirmWorkDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); } model.NoteList = noteTypeDao.GetAllNoteTypeDto(); SetUserInfoModel(user, model); LoadDictionaries(model); SetFlagsState(id, currUser, entity, model); //SetStaticFields(model, entity); SetHiddenFields(model); return model; }
protected void SetFlagsState(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model, bool state) { model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = state; model.IsEditable = state; model.IsEndAvailable = state; model.IsEndWorkAvailable = state; model.IsNotEndWorkAvailable = state; model.IsSaveAvailable = state; model.IsSendAvailable = state; model.IsConsultantOutsourcingEditable = state; //model.IsServiceAttachmentVisible = state; }
protected void SetFlagsState(int id, User current, HelpServiceRequest entity, HelpServiceRequestEditModel model) { UserRole currentRole = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole; SetFlagsState(model, false); if (model.Id == 0) { if ((currentRole & UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel) != UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel && (currentRole & UserRole.Manager) != UserRole.Manager && (currentRole & UserRole.Employee) != UserRole.Employee && (currentRole & UserRole.DismissedEmployee) != UserRole.DismissedEmployee && (currentRole & UserRole.PersonnelManager) != UserRole.PersonnelManager) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(StrUserNotManager, current.Id)); model.IsEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; return; } if (entity!=null && entity.FiredUserDepartment != null) { model.DepartmentId = entity.FiredUserDepartment.Id; model.DepartmentName = entity.FiredUserDepartment.Name; } switch (currentRole) { case UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel: case UserRole.Employee: if (entity.Creator.Id == current.Id) { if(!entity.SendDate.HasValue) { model.IsEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; //if (model.AttachmentId > 0 || !model.IsAttachmentVisible) model.IsSendAvailable = true; } if (entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.ConfirmWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsEndAvailable = true; } break; case UserRole.DismissedEmployee: if (entity.Creator.Id == current.Id) { if (!entity.SendDate.HasValue) { model.IsEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; //if (model.AttachmentId > 0 || !model.IsAttachmentVisible) model.IsSendAvailable = true; } if (entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.ConfirmWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsEndAvailable = true; } break; case UserRole.Manager: if (entity.Creator.Id == current.Id) { if (!entity.SendDate.HasValue) { model.IsEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; //if (model.AttachmentId > 0 || !model.IsAttachmentVisible) model.IsSendAvailable = true; } if (entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.ConfirmWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsEndAvailable = true; } break; case UserRole.ConsultantOutsourcing: if (entity.Consultant == null || (entity.Consultant.Id == current.Id)) { if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == current.Id && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) { model.IsEndWorkAvailable = true; model.IsNotEndWorkAvailable = true; model.IsConsultantOutsourcingEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; } if (entity.SendDate.HasValue && !entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = true; } //кнопка принятия в работу доступна пока не сформируется услуга не зависимо от того, кто ее принял в работу if (entity.SendDate.HasValue && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = true; break; /*case UserRole.PersonnelManager: if (entity.Consultant == null || (entity.Consultant.Id == current.Id)) { if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == current.Id && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) { if (current.Id == 10) { model.IsNotEndWorkAvailable = true; } model.IsEndWorkAvailable = true; model.IsConsultantOutsourcingEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; } if (entity.SendDate.HasValue && !entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = true; } //кнопка принятия в работу доступна пока не сформируется услуга не зависимо от того, кто ее принял в работу if (entity.SendDate.HasValue && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = true; break;*/ //DEPRECATED MAY BE PROBLEM case UserRole.Estimator: case UserRole.PersonnelManager: if (entity.Consultant == null || (entity.Consultant.Id == current.Id)) { if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == current.Id && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) { model.IsEndWorkAvailable = true; model.IsNotEndWorkAvailable = true; model.IsConsultantOutsourcingEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; } if (entity.SendDate.HasValue && !entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) { model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = true; } } //кнопка принятия в работу доступна пока не сформируется услуга не зависимо от того, кто ее принял в работу if (entity.SendDate.HasValue && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = true; //чтобы видно было кадровикам, но в работу не принималось и скан не выкачивался List<int> EstimatorList = new List<int> { 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 26, 27 }; List<int> PersonnelList = new List<int> { 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 4, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 21, 26, 27 }; if (AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.Id != 10 && (CurrentUser.UserRole & UserRole.Estimator) == 0) { if (entity.Type.Id == 4 || entity.Type.Id == 2 || entity.Type.Id == 5 || entity.Type.Id == 10 || entity.Type.Id == 11 || entity.Type.Id == 21 || entity.Type.Id == 7 || entity.Type.Id == 26 || entity.Type.Id == 27) { model.IsNotScanView = entity.Type.Id == 26 || entity.Type.Id == 27 ? false : true; model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = false; } else model.IsNotScanView = false; } else { if (!EstimatorList.Contains(entity.Type.Id)) { model.IsBeginWorkAvailable = false; model.IsNotScanView = false; } } //консультант составляет за сотрудника if (entity.Creator.Id == current.Id) { if (!entity.SendDate.HasValue) { model.IsEditable = true; model.IsSaveAvailable = true; //if (model.AttachmentId > 0 || !model.IsAttachmentVisible) model.IsSendAvailable = true; } if (entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue && !entity.ConfirmWorkDate.HasValue) model.IsEndAvailable = true; } break; } }
protected void LoadDictionaries(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model) { model.CommentsModel = GetCommentsModel(model.Id, RequestTypeEnum.HelpServiceRequest); List<HelpServiceType> types = HelpServiceTypeDao.LoadAllSortedByOrder(); //types = FilteServiceRequestTypes(types); model.Types = types.ConvertAll(x => new IdNameDto { Id = x.Id,Name = x.Name}); model.ProductionTimeTypes = HelpServiceProductionTimeDao.LoadAllSortedByOrder(). ConvertAll(x => new IdNameDto { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name }). Where(x => x.Id != 1).ToList<IdNameDto>();//исключил одну строку if (model.Id == 0) model.ProductionTimeTypeId = 2; model.TransferMethodTypes = HelpServiceTransferMethodDao.LoadAllSortedByOrder(). ConvertAll(x => new IdNameDto { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name }). Where(x => x.Id != 3 && x.Id != 2).ToList<IdNameDto>(); //удалил из списка почту России и курьер-сервис if(model.TypeId == 0) model.TypeId = types.First().Id; HelpServiceType type = types.Where(x => x.Id == model.TypeId).First(); SetDistionariesFlag(model,type); }
protected void ChangeEntityProperties(HelpServiceRequest entity,HelpServiceRequestEditModel model, UploadFileDto fileDto, User currUser,out string error) { error = string.Empty; UserRole currRole = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole; if (model.IsEditable) { HelpServiceType type = HelpServiceTypeDao.Load(model.TypeId); if (model.Id != 0) { if (fileDto != null && entity.Type.IsAttachmentAvailable && model.AttachmentId != 0) RequestAttachmentDao.DeleteAndFlush(model.AttachmentId); } entity.Type = type; entity.IsForGEMoney = model.IsForGEMoney; entity.Note = noteTypeDao.Load(model.Note); entity.FiredUserName = model.FiredUserName; entity.FiredUserSurname = model.FiredUserSurname; entity.FiredUserPatronymic = model.FiredUserPatronymic; if (model.DepartmentId > 0) { var dep = DepartmentDao.Load(model.DepartmentId); entity.FiredUserDepartment = dep; } if(model.UserBirthDate!=null) entity.UserBirthDate = DateTime.Parse(model.UserBirthDate); entity.ProductionTime = HelpServiceProductionTimeDao.Load(model.ProductionTimeTypeId); entity.TransferMethod = helpServiceTransferMethodDao.Load(model.TransferMethodTypeId); entity.Requirements = type.IsRequirementsAvailable ? model.Requirements : null; entity.Period = type.IsPeriodAvailable ? model.PeriodId.HasValue ? helpServicePeriodDao.Load(model.PeriodId.Value) : null : null; entity.Address = model.Address; if(fileDto != null && entity.Type.IsAttachmentAvailable && entity.Id != 0) { RequestAttachment attachment = new RequestAttachment { UncompressContext = fileDto.Context, ContextType = fileDto.ContextType, CreatorRole = RoleDao.Load((int)currRole), DateCreated = DateTime.Now, FileName = fileDto.FileName, RequestId = entity.Id, RequestType = (int)RequestAttachmentTypeEnum.HelpServiceRequestTemplate, }; RequestAttachmentDao.SaveAndFlush(attachment); model.AttachmentId = attachment.Id; model.Attachment = attachment.FileName; } if (!entity.Type.IsAttachmentAvailable && model.AttachmentId != 0) RequestAttachmentDao.DeleteAndFlush(model.AttachmentId); } if (model.IsConsultantOutsourcingEditable) { if (fileDto != null && model.ServiceAttachmentId != 0) RequestAttachmentDao.DeleteAndFlush(model.ServiceAttachmentId); if (fileDto != null) { RequestAttachment attachment = new RequestAttachment { UncompressContext = fileDto.Context, ContextType = fileDto.ContextType, CreatorRole = RoleDao.Load((int)currRole), DateCreated = DateTime.Now, FileName = fileDto.FileName, RequestId = entity.Id, RequestType = (int)RequestAttachmentTypeEnum.HelpServiceRequest, DocumentsCount = model.DocumentsCount>0?model.DocumentsCount:1 }; RequestAttachmentDao.SaveAndFlush(attachment); model.ServiceAttachmentId = attachment.Id; model.ServiceAttachment = attachment.FileName; } } switch (currRole) { case UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel: case UserRole.Employee: if (entity.Creator.Id == currUser.Id) { if (model.Operation == 1 && !entity.SendDate.HasValue) entity.SendDate = DateTime.Now; if(entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) { if(model.Operation == 4) entity.ConfirmWorkDate = DateTime.Now; else if(model.Operation == 5) { entity.SendDate = null; entity.BeginWorkDate = null; entity.EndWorkDate = null; } } } break; case UserRole.DismissedEmployee: if (entity.Creator.Id == currUser.Id) { if (model.Operation == 1 && !entity.SendDate.HasValue) entity.SendDate = DateTime.Now; if (entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) { if (model.Operation == 4) entity.ConfirmWorkDate = DateTime.Now; else if (model.Operation == 5) { entity.SendDate = null; entity.BeginWorkDate = null; entity.EndWorkDate = null; } } } break; case UserRole.Manager: if (entity.Creator.Id == currUser.Id) { if (model.Operation == 1 && !entity.SendDate.HasValue) entity.SendDate = DateTime.Now; if (entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue) { if (model.Operation == 4) entity.ConfirmWorkDate = DateTime.Now; else if (model.Operation == 5) { entity.SendDate = null; entity.BeginWorkDate = null; entity.EndWorkDate = null; } } } break; case UserRole.ConsultantOutsourcing: if (entity.Consultant == null || (entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id)) { if (model.Operation == 2 && entity.SendDate.HasValue) { entity.BeginWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.Consultant = currUser; } if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id && model.Operation == 3 && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.EndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.ConfirmWorkDate = DateTime.Now; } if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id && model.Operation == 6 && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.EndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.NotEndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; } } //кнопка принятия в работу доступна пока не сформируется услуга не зависимо от того, кто ее принял в работу if (model.Operation == 2 && entity.SendDate.HasValue && !entity.NotEndWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.BeginWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.Consultant = currUser; } break; case UserRole.PersonnelManager: if (entity.Consultant == null || (entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id)) { if (model.Operation == 2 && entity.SendDate.HasValue) { entity.BeginWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.Consultant = currUser; } if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id && model.Operation == 3 && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.EndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.ConfirmWorkDate = DateTime.Now; } if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id && model.Operation == 6 && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.EndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.NotEndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; } } //кнопка принятия в работу доступна пока не сформируется услуга не зависимо от того, кто ее принял в работу if (model.Operation == 2 && entity.SendDate.HasValue && !entity.NotEndWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.BeginWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.Consultant = currUser; } //если консультант создает заявку за сотрудника if (entity.Creator.Id == currUser.Id && model.Operation == 1 && !entity.SendDate.HasValue) entity.SendDate = DateTime.Now; break; /*case UserRole.PersonnelManager: //DEPRECATED MAY BE PROBLEM if (entity.Consultant == null || (entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id)) { if (model.Operation == 2 && entity.SendDate.HasValue) { entity.BeginWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.Consultant = currUser; } if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id && model.Operation == 3 && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.EndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.ConfirmWorkDate = DateTime.Now; } if (entity.Consultant != null && entity.Consultant.Id == currUser.Id && model.Operation == 6 && entity.BeginWorkDate.HasValue && currUser.Id == 10) { entity.EndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.NotEndWorkDate = DateTime.Now; } } //кнопка принятия в работу доступна пока не сформируется услуга не зависимо от того, кто ее принял в работу if (model.Operation == 2 && entity.SendDate.HasValue && !entity.NotEndWorkDate.HasValue) { entity.BeginWorkDate = DateTime.Now; entity.Consultant = currUser; } break;*/ } }
public bool SaveServiceRequestEditModel(HelpServiceRequestEditModel model, UploadFileDto fileDto, out string error) { error = string.Empty; User currUser = null; User user = null; HelpServiceRequest entity = null; try { IUser current = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser; currUser = UserDao.Load(current.Id); user = UserDao.Load(model.UserId); if (model.Id == 0) { entity = new HelpServiceRequest { CreateDate = DateTime.Now, Creator = currUser,//UserDao.Load(current.Id), Number = RequestNextNumberDao.GetNextNumberForType((int)RequestTypeEnum.HelpServiceRequest), EditDate = DateTime.Now, User = user, FiredUserName=model.FiredUserName, FiredUserSurname=model.FiredUserSurname, FiredUserPatronymic=model.FiredUserPatronymic, Note=noteTypeDao.Load(model.Note), IsForGEMoney=model.IsForGEMoney }; if (model.UserBirthDate != null) entity.UserBirthDate = DateTime.Parse(model.UserBirthDate); ChangeEntityProperties(entity, model,fileDto,currUser,out error); HelpServiceRequestDao.SaveAndFlush(entity); model.Id = entity.Id; model.DocumentNumber = entity.Number.ToString(); model.DateCreated = entity.CreateDate.ToShortDateString(); model.Creator = entity.Creator.FullName; if (fileDto != null && entity.Type.IsAttachmentAvailable) ChangeEntityProperties(entity, model, fileDto, currUser, out error);//если создается черновик, то цепляем файл образца } else { entity = HelpServiceRequestDao.Get(model.Id); if (entity == null) throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrServiceRequestNotFound, model.Id)); if (entity.Version != model.Version) { error = StrServiceRequestWasChanged; model.ReloadPage = true; return false; } ChangeEntityProperties(entity, model, fileDto, currUser, out error); HelpServiceRequestDao.SaveAndFlush(entity); if (entity.Version != model.Version) { if((entity.Creator !=null && entity.Creator.Id == CurrentUser.Id) || (entity.User!=null && entity.User.Id==CurrentUser.Id)) entity.EditDate = DateTime.Now; HelpServiceRequestDao.SaveAndFlush(entity); } } //if (entity.DeleteDate.HasValue) // model.IsDeleted = true; //} model.Version = entity.Version; model.Worker = entity.Consultant != null ? entity.Consultant.FullName : string.Empty; model.WorkerEndDate = entity.EndWorkDate.HasValue ? entity.EndWorkDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : string.Empty; model.ConfirmDate = entity.ConfirmWorkDate.HasValue ? entity.ConfirmWorkDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : string.Empty; SetFlagsState(entity.Id, currUser,entity, model); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { HelpServiceRequestDao.RollbackTran(); Log.Error("Error on SaveServiceRequestEditModel:", ex); error = StrException + ex.GetBaseException().Message; return false; } finally { //SetUserInfoModel(user, model); LoadDictionaries(model); SetHiddenFields(model); } }