IDictionary _Columns; // QueryColumn (when SQL) internal Query(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { _DataSourceName = null; _QueryCommandType = QueryCommandTypeEnum.Text; _CommandText = null; _QueryParameters = null; _Timeout = 0; _RowLimit = 0; // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "DataSourceName": _DataSourceName = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "CommandType": _QueryCommandType = Engine.QueryCommandType.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "CommandText": _CommandText = new Expression(r, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.String); break; case "QueryParameters": _QueryParameters = new QueryParameters(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Timeout": _Timeout = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "RowLimit": // Extension of RDL specification _RowLimit = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; default: // don't know this element - log it OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Unknown Query element '" + xNodeLoop.Name + "' ignored."); break; } // end of switch } // end of foreach // Resolve the data source name to the object if (_DataSourceName == null) { r.rl.LogError(8, "DataSourceName element not specified for Query."); return; } }
Style _Style; // Default style information for the body internal Body(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { _ReportItems = null; _Height = null; _Columns = 1; _ColumnSpacing = null; _Style = null; // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "ReportItems": _ReportItems = new ReportItems(r, this, xNodeLoop); // need a class for this break; case "Height": _Height = new RSize(r, xNodeLoop); break; case "Columns": _Columns = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "ColumnSpacing": _ColumnSpacing = new RSize(r, xNodeLoop); break; case "Style": _Style = new Style(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; default: // don't know this element - log it OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Unknown Body element '" + xNodeLoop.Name + "' ignored."); break; } } if (_Height == null) { OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "Body Height not specified."); } }
int _Rotation; // Angle of rotation of the label text internal DataLabel(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { _Style = null; _Value = null; _Visible = false; _Position = DataLabelPositionEnum.Auto; _Rotation = 0; // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Style": _Style = new Style(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Value": _Value = new Expression(r, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Variant); break; case "Visible": _Visible = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Position": _Position = DataLabelPosition.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Rotation": _Rotation = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; default: break; } } }
bool _CanOmit = false; // When display values don't fit, is it OK to drop some from display internal Axis(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { _Visible = false; _Style = null; _Title = null; _Title2 = null;// 20022008 AJM GJL _Margin = false; _MajorTickMarks = AxisTickMarksEnum.None; _MinorTickMarks = AxisTickMarksEnum.None; _MajorGridLines = null; _MinorGridLines = null; _MajorInterval = null; _MinorInterval = null; _Reverse = false; _CrossAt = 0; _Interlaced = false; _Scalar = false; _Min = null; _Max = null; _LogScale = false; _Month = false; //12052008 WP // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Visible": _Visible = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Style": _Style = new Style(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Title": _Title = new Title(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; // 20022008 AJM GJL - Second Y axis case "Title2": case "fyi:Title2": _Title2 = new Title(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Margin": _Margin = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "MajorTickMarks": _MajorTickMarks = AxisTickMarks.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "MinorTickMarks": _MinorTickMarks = AxisTickMarks.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "MajorGridLines": _MajorGridLines = new ChartGridLines(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "MinorGridLines": _MinorGridLines = new ChartGridLines(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "MajorInterval": _MajorInterval = new Expression(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Integer); OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Axis element MajorInterval is currently ignored."); break; case "MinorInterval": _MinorInterval = new Expression(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Integer); OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Axis element MinorInterval is currently ignored."); break; case "Reverse": _Reverse = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "CrossAt": _CrossAt = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "Interlaced": _Interlaced = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Scalar": _Scalar = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Min": _Min = new Expression(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Integer); break; case "Max": _Max = new Expression(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Integer); break; case "LogScale": _LogScale = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Month": case "fyi:Month": _Month = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "fyi:CanOmit": _CanOmit = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; default: // don't know this element - log it OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Unknown Axis element '" + xNodeLoop.Name + "' ignored."); break; } } }
internal Chart(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p, xNode) { _Type = ChartTypeEnum.Column; _Subtype = new Expression(r, p, "Plain", ExpressionType.Enum); //AJM GJL 14082008 Allowing Expression _SeriesGroupings = null; _CategoryGroupings = null; _ChartData = null; _Legend = null; _CategoryAxis = null; _ValueAxis = null; _Title = null; _PointWidth = 0; _Palette = new Expression(r, p, "Default", ExpressionType.Enum); //AJM GJL 14082008 Allowing Expression _ThreeDProperties = null; _PlotArea = null; _ChartElementOutput = ChartElementOutputEnum.Output; _isHYNEsWonderfulVector = new Expression(r, p, "False", ExpressionType.Boolean); _showTooltips = new Expression(r, p, "False", ExpressionType.Boolean); _showTooltipsX = new Expression(r, p, "False", ExpressionType.Boolean); _ToolTipXFormat = new Expression(r, p, "", ExpressionType.String); _ToolTipYFormat = new Expression(r, p, "", ExpressionType.String); // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Type": _Type = ChartType.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText); if (_Type == ChartTypeEnum.Stock || _Type == ChartTypeEnum.Unknown) { OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "Chart type '" + xNodeLoop.InnerText + "' is not currently supported."); } break; case "Subtype": _Subtype = new Expression(r, p, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Enum); //AJM GJL 14082008 break; case "SeriesGroupings": _SeriesGroupings = new SeriesGroupings(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "CategoryGroupings": _CategoryGroupings = new CategoryGroupings(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "ChartData": _ChartData = new ChartData(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Legend": _Legend = new Legend(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "CategoryAxis": _CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "ValueAxis": _ValueAxis = new ValueAxis(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Title": _Title = new Title(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "PointWidth": _PointWidth = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "Palette": _Palette = new Expression(r, p, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Enum); //AJM GJL 14082008 break; case "ThreeDProperties": _ThreeDProperties = new ThreeDProperties(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "PlotArea": _PlotArea = new PlotArea(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "ChartElementOutput": _ChartElementOutput = Engine.ChartElementOutput.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "HyneWonderfulVector": //AJM GJL 14082008 case "RenderAsVector": case "fyi:RenderAsVector": _isHYNEsWonderfulVector = new Expression(r, p, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Boolean); break; case "fyi:tooltip": case "fyi:Tooltip": _showTooltips = new Expression(r, p, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Boolean); break; case "fyi:TooltipX": _showTooltipsX = new Expression(r, p, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Boolean); break; case "fyi:TooltipYFormat": _ToolTipYFormat = new Expression(r, p, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Boolean); break; case "fyi:TooltipXFormat": _ToolTipXFormat = new Expression(r, p, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Boolean); break; default: if (DataRegionElement(xNodeLoop)) // try at DataRegion level { break; } // don't know this element - log it OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Unknown Chart element '" + xNodeLoop.Name + "' ignored."); break; } } DataRegionFinish(); // Tidy up the DataRegion if (_SeriesGroupings == null && _CategoryGroupings == null) { OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "Chart requires either the SeriesGroupings element or CategoryGroupings element or both."); } if (OwnerReport.rl.MaxSeverity > 4) // if we already have severe error don't check for these additional issues { return; } // Do some specific checking based on the type of the Chart specified switch (_Type) { case ChartTypeEnum.Bubble: if (_ChartData == null || _ChartData.Items[0].Datapoints.Items[0].DataValues.Items.Count != 3) { OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "Bubble charts require three DataPoints defined."); } break; case ChartTypeEnum.Scatter: if (_ChartData == null || _ChartData.Items[0].Datapoints.Items[0].DataValues.Items.Count != 2) { OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "Scatter charts require two DataPoints defined."); } break; default: break; } }
internal bool ReportItemElement(XmlNode xNodeLoop) { switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Style": _Style = new Style(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Action": _Action = new Action(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "Top": _Top = new RSize(OwnerReport, xNodeLoop); break; case "Left": _Left = new RSize(OwnerReport, xNodeLoop); break; case "Height": _Height = new RSize(OwnerReport, xNodeLoop); break; case "Width": _Width = new RSize(OwnerReport, xNodeLoop); break; case "ZIndex": _ZIndex = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "Visibility": _Visibility = new Visibility(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "ToolTip": _ToolTip = new Expression(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.String); break; case "Label": _Label = new Expression(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.Variant); break; case "LinkToChild": _LinkToChild = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "Bookmark": _Bookmark = new Expression(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.String); break; case "RepeatWith": _RepeatWith = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "Custom": _Custom = new Custom(OwnerReport, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "DataElementName": _DataElementName = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "DataElementOutput": _DataElementOutput = Engine.DataElementOutput.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "rd:DefaultName": break; // MS tag: we don't use but don't want to generate a warning default: return(false); // Not a report item element } return(true); }
bool _Clustered; // Determines if data series are clustered // (displayed along distinct rows). Only // applies to bar and column chart types. Defaults to false. internal ThreeDProperties(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { _Enabled = false; _ProjectionMode = ThreeDPropertiesProjectionModeEnum.Perspective; _Rotation = 0; _Inclination = 0; _Perspective = 0; _HeightRatio = 0; _DepthRatio = 0; _Shading = ThreeDPropertiesShadingEnum.None; _GapDepth = 0; _WallThickness = 0; _DrawingStyle = ThreeDPropertiesDrawingStyleEnum.Cube; _Clustered = false; // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Enabled": _Enabled = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "ProjectionMode": _ProjectionMode = ThreeDPropertiesProjectionMode.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "Rotation": _Rotation = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "Inclination": _Inclination = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "Perspective": _Perspective = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "HeightRatio": _HeightRatio = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "DepthRatio": _DepthRatio = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "Shading": _Shading = ThreeDPropertiesShading.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "GapDepth": _GapDepth = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "WallThickness": _WallThickness = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "DrawingStyle": _DrawingStyle = ThreeDPropertiesDrawingStyle.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Clustered": _Clustered = XmlUtil.Boolean(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; default: break; } } }
bool _InTableFooter; // true if tablecell is part of footer; simplifies HTML processing internal TableCell(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode, int colIndex) : base(r, p) { _ColIndex = colIndex; _ReportItems = null; _ColSpan = 1; // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "ReportItems": _ReportItems = new ReportItems(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; case "ColSpan": _ColSpan = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; default: // don't know this element - log it OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Unknown TableCell element '" + xNodeLoop.Name + "' ignored."); break; } } // Must have exactly one ReportItems if (_ReportItems == null) { OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "ReportItems element is required with a TableCell but not specified."); } else if (_ReportItems.Items.Count != 1) { OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "Only one element in ReportItems element is allowed within a TableCell."); } // Obtain the tablecell's owner table; // determine if tablecell is part of table header _InTableHeader = false; ReportLink rl; for (rl = this.Parent; rl != null; rl = rl.Parent) { if (rl is Table) { _OwnerTable = (Table)rl; break; } if (rl is Header && rl.Parent is Table) // Header and parent is Table (not TableGroup) { _InTableHeader = true; } if (rl is Footer && rl.Parent is Table) // Header and parent is Table (not TableGroup) { _InTableFooter = true; } } return; }
Type _CodeType; // used for parsing of expressions; DONT USE AT RUNTIME // Constructor internal ReportDefn(XmlNode xNode, ReportLog replog, string folder, NeedPassword getpswd, int objcount, IRdlSourceLoader sourceLoader) // report has no parents { rl = replog; // used for error reporting _ObjectCount = objcount; // starting number for objects in this report; 0 other than for subreports _SourceLoader = sourceLoader; GetDataSourceReferencePassword = getpswd; _ParseFolder = folder; _Description = null; _Author = null; _AutoRefresh = -1; _DataSourcesDefn = null; _DataSetsDefn = null; _Body = null; _Width = null; _PageHeader = null; _PageFooter = null; _PageHeight = null; _PageWidth = null; _LeftMargin = null; _RightMargin = null; _TopMargin = null; _BottomMargin = null; _EmbeddedImages = null; _Language = null; _CodeModules = null; _Code = null; _Classes = null; _DataTransform = null; _DataSchema = null; _DataElementName = null; _DataElementStyle = DataElementStyleEnum.AttributeNormal; _LUReportItems = new Hashtable(); // to hold all the textBoxes _LUAggrScope = new ListDictionary(); // to hold all dataset, dataregion, grouping names _LUEmbeddedImages = new ListDictionary(); // probably not very many _LUDynamicNames = new Hashtable(); _DataCache = new List <ICacheData>(); // Run thru the attributes foreach (XmlAttribute xAttr in xNode.Attributes) { switch (xAttr.Name) { case "Name": _Name = new Name(xAttr.Value); break; } } // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Description": _Description = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "Author": _Author = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "AutoRefresh": _AutoRefresh = XmlUtil.Integer(xNodeLoop.InnerText); break; case "DataSources": _DataSourcesDefn = new DataSourcesDefn(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "DataSets": _DataSetsDefn = new DataSetsDefn(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "Body": _Body = new Body(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "ReportParameters": _ReportParameters = new ReportParameters(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "Width": _Width = new RSize(this, xNodeLoop); break; case "PageHeader": _PageHeader = new PageHeader(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "PageFooter": _PageFooter = new PageFooter(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "PageHeight": _PageHeight = new RSize(this, xNodeLoop); break; case "PageWidth": _PageWidth = new RSize(this, xNodeLoop); break; case "LeftMargin": _LeftMargin = new RSize(this, xNodeLoop); break; case "RightMargin": _RightMargin = new RSize(this, xNodeLoop); break; case "TopMargin": _TopMargin = new RSize(this, xNodeLoop); break; case "BottomMargin": _BottomMargin = new RSize(this, xNodeLoop); break; case "EmbeddedImages": _EmbeddedImages = new EmbeddedImages(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "Language": _Language = new Expression(this, null, xNodeLoop, ExpressionType.String); break; case "Code": _Code = new Code(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "CodeModules": _CodeModules = new CodeModules(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "Classes": _Classes = new Classes(this, null, xNodeLoop); break; case "DataTransform": _DataTransform = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "DataSchema": _DataSchema = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "DataElementName": _DataElementName = xNodeLoop.InnerText; break; case "DataElementStyle": _DataElementStyle = Engine.DataElementStyle.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, this.rl); break; default: // don't know this element - log it this.rl.LogError(4, "Unknown Report element '" + xNodeLoop.Name + "' ignored."); break; } } if (_Body == null) { rl.LogError(8, "Body not specified for report."); } if (_Width == null) { rl.LogError(4, "Width not specified for report. Assuming page width."); } if (rl.MaxSeverity <= 4) // don't do final pass if already have serious errors { FinalPass(folder); // call final parser pass for expression resolution } // Cleanup any dangling resources if (_DataSourcesDefn != null) { _DataSourcesDefn.CleanUp(null); } }