コード例 #1
        public ActionResult L2ABwHrWD(string L3A, string L3B, string Dir)
            // Can't get the Route directive to work... ( try again with fresh project )
            // needed to modify RouteConfig.cs, now it is called but not populating parameters.
            // needed to modify RouteConfig.cs to enable attribute routing (undo above replace with routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes())
            // working now, but some data has '&' in name that is causing exception outside of my code, perhaps better to avoid it

            // TBD more things to experiment
            // 1* use query strings to get paramaters, match exactly -- this works
            // 2. use run query to return results that equate to selected row add to model so it can populate the page title
            //     pass multiple models back to view: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/687061/Multiple-Models-in-a-View-in-ASP-NET-MVC-MVC
            //     use the viewmodel approach: model containing two models with results for each query
            // 2*  Existing parameters already a model, just needed to attach it to the model results
            // 3. pass keys and then use results for parameterizing the query by name, covering matching names for different partitions

            // debug hard-code sample parameters
            //L3A = "NE Florida Av & NE 8th St, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC 20002, USA";
            //L3B = "Court House, Arlington, VA, USA";
            //Dir = "A-B";

            //construct unique names from passed parameters
            L3A = "[CentroidA].[Level3 Locality].&[" + L3A.Replace(".0a2n0d.", "&") + "]";
            L3B = "[CentroidB].[Level3 Locality].&[" + L3B.Replace(".0a2n0d.", "&") + "]";
            Dir = "[Direction].[Direction].&[" + Dir + "]";

            //Debug, just hard code it
            //string L3A = "[CentroidA].[Level3 Locality].&[NE Florida Av & NE 8th St, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC 20002, USA]";
            //string L3B = "[CentroidB].[Level3 Locality].&[Court House, Arlington, VA, USA]";
            //string Dir = "[Direction].[Direction].&[A-B]";

            //default constructor-less
            //L3ABwHrWDParams param = new L3ABwHrWDParams()
            //     {
            //       Direction = Dir,
            //       Level3A = L3A,
            //       Level3B = L3B
            //     };
            //L3ABwHrWDParams param = new L3ABwHrWDParams(L3A, L3B, Dir);
            L2ABwHrWDReport l2abwhrwdreport = new L2ABwHrWDReport(L3A, L3B, Dir);

            return View(l2abwhrwdreport);
コード例 #2
        public ViewResult L2ABwHrWDPost(string Level3A, string Level3B, string Direction)
            // need to decorate with unique name parts, unnecessary if unique name is in query
            if ((Level3A.Length < 32) || (Level3A.Substring(0, 32) != "[CentroidA].[Level3 Locality].&["))
                Level3A = "[CentroidA].[Level3 Locality].&[" + Level3A + "]";
            if ((Level3B.Length < 32) || (Level3B.Substring(0, 32) != "[CentroidB].[Level3 Locality].&["))
                Level3B = "[CentroidB].[Level3 Locality].&[" + Level3B + "]";
            if ((Direction.Length < 26) || (Direction.Substring(0, 26) != "[Direction].[Direction].&["))
                Direction = "[Direction].[Direction].&[" + Direction + "]";

            L2ABwHrWDReport l2abwhrwdreport = new L2ABwHrWDReport(Level3A, Level3B, Direction);

            return View("L2ABwHrWD", l2abwhrwdreport);