コード例 #1
    private void LoadModel()
         * This method illustrates how to load a model from 3D Repo.
         * Note that the function returns an array of models.
         * Federated models will return each of the sub models as a model,
         * whereas a normal model will always return an array with 1 member.
         * Note that 3D Repo uses mesh batching, where multiple meshes are batched together
         * into a single unity mesh. This results in requiring some special logic within the shader
         * to render the material properties correctly.
         * Sample shaders and shader controller are provided within this project to demonstrate how
         * to create a basic shader that works with 3D Repo meshes.
        models = client.LoadModel(teamspace, modelID, Shader.Find("3DRepo/Standard"), Shader.Find("3DRepo/StandardTransparent"), AttachShaderComponent, true);

コード例 #2
 void LoadModel()
     var models = client.LoadModel(teamspace, modelID, Shader.Find("3DRepo/Standard"), Shader.Find("3DRepo/StandardTransparent"), AttachShaderComponent);