private void btnCottageSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Get's data from form components, and does a query to the DB. Updates CottageDataGridView-component to show search results string query = "SELECT * FROM mokki " + "WHERE toimintaalue_id = " + RegionUtils.RegionNameToIndex(cbCottageRegions.Text) + " " + "AND postinro LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCottagePostNum.Text, 5) + "%' " + "AND mokkinimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCottageName.Text, 45) + "%' " + "AND katuosoite LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCottageStreetAddress.Text, 45) + "%' " + "AND kuvaus LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCottageDescription.Text, 500) + "%' " + "AND henkilomaara > '" + (nudCottageCapacity.Value - 1) + "' " + "AND varustelu LIKE '%" + cbCottageEqupment.Text + "%' " + "AND hinta <(" + Convert.ToDouble(nudCottagePrice.Value + 1) + ");"; try { DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); adapter.Fill(table); dgvCottage.DataSource = table; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Virhe tietojen hakemisessa. Tarkista tiedot ja yritä uudelleen. Lisätietoja: " + ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Virhe haun tekemisessä. Tarkista tiedot ja yritä uudelleen. Lisätietoja: " + ex.Message); } }
private void btnServiceSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Get's data from form components, and does a query to the DB. Updates ServiceDataGridView-component to show search results string query = "SELECT * FROM palvelu " + "WHERE toimintaalue_id = " + RegionUtils.RegionNameToIndex(cbServiceRegion.Text) + " " + "AND nimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbServiceName.Text, 40) + "%' " + "AND tyyppi LIKE '%" + tbServiceType.Text + "%' " + "AND kuvaus LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbServiceDescription.Text, 500) + "%' " + "AND hinta <(" + (nudServicePrice.Value + 1) + ");"; try { DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); adapter.Fill(table); dgvService.DataSource = table; dgvService.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Palvelu ID"; dgvService.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Toiminta-alue ID"; dgvService.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Nimi"; dgvService.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Tyyppi"; dgvService.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Kuvaus"; dgvService.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Hinta (€)"; dgvService.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Alv (%)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Virhe tietojen hakemisessa. Tarkista tiedot ja yritä uudelleen. Lisätietoja: " + ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Virhe haun tekemisessä. Tarkista tiedot ja yritä uudelleen. Lisätietoja: " + ex.Message); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //add a new customer to the database { PostUtils.CheckPostal(tbCustomerPostalAdd.Text, tbCustomerPostOfficeAdd.Text); ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query3 = "START TRANSACTION; " + "INSERT INTO asiakas(asiakas_id,postinro,etunimi,sukunimi,lahiosoite,email,puhelinnro) " + "VALUES(default,'" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPostalAdd.Text, tbCustomerPostalAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerFNameAdd.Text, tbCustomerFNameAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerLNameAdd.Text, tbCustomerLNameAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerAddressAdd.Text, tbCustomerAddressAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerEmailAdd.Text, tbCustomerEmailAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPhoneAdd.Text, tbCustomerPhoneAdd.MaxLength) + "'); " + "COMMIT;"; MySqlCommand command3 = new MySqlCommand(query3, ConnectionUtils.connection); command3.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); this.Close(); }
///<summary>Executes a standard search query at "laskut" tab</summary> private void PopulateDGVBilling() { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query = "SELECT l.lasku_id, v.varaus_id, a.asiakas_id, CONCAT(a.etunimi, ' ', a.sukunimi) " + ", a.lahiosoite, a.puhelinnro,, l.summa, v.vahvistus_pvm " + "FROM lasku l " + "JOIN varaus v ON l.varaus_id = v.varaus_id " + "JOIN asiakas a ON v.asiakas_id = a.asiakas_id " + "WHERE l.lasku_id LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingInvoiceID.Text, 11) + "%' " + "AND v.varaus_id LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingOrderID.Text, 11) + "%' " + "AND a.asiakas_id LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingCustomerID.Text, 11) + "%' " + "AND a.etunimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingSurname.Text, 20) + "%' " + "AND a.sukunimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingLastname.Text, 40) + "%' " + "AND LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingEmail.Text, 50) + "%' " + "AND a.puhelinnro LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingPhone.Text, 15) + "%' "; if (cbBillingPaid.SelectedIndex == 0) { query += "AND v.vahvistus_pvm IS NOT NULL ORDER BY l.lasku_id;"; } else if (cbBillingPaid.SelectedIndex == 1) { query += "AND v.vahvistus_pvm IS NULL ORDER BY l.lasku_id;"; } else { query += "ORDER BY l.lasku_id;"; } DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); adapter.Fill(table); dgvBilling.DataSource = table; dgvBilling.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Lasku ID"; dgvBilling.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Varaus ID"; dgvBilling.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Asiakas ID"; dgvBilling.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Asiakkaan nimi"; dgvBilling.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Lähiosoite"; dgvBilling.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Puhelinnumero"; dgvBilling.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Sähköposti"; dgvBilling.Columns[7].HeaderText = "Summa (€)"; dgvBilling.Columns[8].HeaderText = "Maksettu (pvm)"; BillingUtils.latestQuery = query; ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); }
private void Fill_customer_values() // Fill customer data function { if (tbBookCustomerEmail.Text == "") { tbBookCustomerEmail.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <string>("email").ToString(), tbBookCustomerEmail.MaxLength); } else if (tbBookCustomerPhone.Text == "") { tbBookCustomerPhone.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <string>("puhelinnro"), tbBookCustomerPhone.MaxLength); } tbBookCustomerName.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <string>("etunimi").ToString(), tbBookCustomerName.MaxLength); tbBookCustomerLastname.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <string>("sukunimi").ToString(), tbBookCustomerLastname.MaxLength); tbBookCustomerAddress.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <string>("lahiosoite").ToString(), tbBookCustomerAddress.MaxLength); tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <string>("postinro").ToString(), tbBookCustomerPostnumber.MaxLength); tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(PostUtils.GetPostOffice(dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <string>("postinro").ToString()), tbBookCustomerPostOffice.MaxLength); customerid = dt.Rows[currentcustomer].Field <int>("asiakas_id"); lblBookCustomerID.Visible = true; lblBookCustomerID.Text = "Asiakas ID: " + customerid.ToString(); }
private void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //modifies the customer's data according to the textbox inputs { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Haluatko varmasti muuttaa valitun asiakkaan tietoja?", "Muuta asiakkaan tietoja", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { PostUtils.CheckPostal(tbCustomerPostalMod.Text, tbCustomerPostOfficeMod.Text); string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE asiakas " + "SET postinro='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPostalMod.Text, tbCustomerPostalMod.MaxLength) + "',etunimi='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerFNameMod.Text, tbCustomerFNameMod.MaxLength) + "',sukunimi='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerLNameMod.Text, tbCustomerLNameMod.MaxLength) + "',lahiosoite='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerAddressMod.Text, tbCustomerAddressMod.MaxLength) + "'," + "email='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerEmailMod.Text, tbCustomerEmailMod.MaxLength) + "',puhelinnro='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPhoneMod.Text, tbCustomerPhoneMod.MaxLength) + "' " + "WHERE asiakas_id=" + lblCustomerIDMod.Text + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); this.Close(); } }
private void btnCustomerSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //get data from asiakas-table to datagridview according to the search criteria { string query = "SELECT * FROM asiakas " + "WHERE postinro LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPostal.Text, tbCustomerPostal.MaxLength) + "%' " + "AND etunimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerFName.Text, tbCustomerFName.MaxLength) + "%' " + "AND sukunimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerLName.Text, tbCustomerLName.MaxLength) + "%' " + "AND lahiosoite LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerAddress.Text, tbCustomerAddress.MaxLength) + "%' " + "AND email LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerEmail.Text, tbCustomerEmail.MaxLength) + "%' " + "AND puhelinnro LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPhone.Text, tbCustomerPhone.MaxLength) + "%';"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); adapter.Fill(table); dgvCustomer.DataSource = table; dgvCustomer.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Asiakas ID"; dgvCustomer.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Postinumero"; dgvCustomer.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Etunimi"; dgvCustomer.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Sukunimi"; dgvCustomer.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Lähiosoite"; dgvCustomer.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Sähköposti"; dgvCustomer.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Puhelinnumero"; }
private void btnRegionSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Get's data from tbRegionName, and does a query to the DB. Updates dgvRegion-component to show search results string query = "SELECT * FROM toimintaalue " + "WHERE nimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbRegionName.Text, 40) + "%';"; try { DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); adapter.Fill(table); dgvRegion.DataSource = table; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Virhe tietojen hakemisessa. Tarkista tiedot ja yritä uudelleen. Lisätietoja: " + ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Virhe haun tekemisessä. Tarkista tiedot ja yritä uudelleen. Lisätietoja: " + ex.Message); } }
private void tbBookCustomerPostOffice_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text, tbBookCustomerPostOffice.MaxLength); }
private void tbBookCustomerAddress_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbBookCustomerAddress.Text = TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbBookCustomerAddress.Text, tbBookCustomerAddress.MaxLength); }