private void Fill_dgvOrderServices() { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT toimintaalue_id FROM mokki WHERE mokki_id = '" + tbOrder_ModifyCottageID.Text + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); alue_id = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); string query = "SELECT p.palvelu_id as 'ID', p.nimi as 'Nimi', p.kuvaus as 'Kuvaus', p.hinta as 'hinta/kpl', " + "coalesce(lkm, 0) AS kpl FROM palvelu p LEFT outer JOIN varauksen_palvelut vp ON p.palvelu_id = vp.palvelu_id " + "AND varaus_id = '" + lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text + "' " + "WHERE toimintaalue_id = '" + alue_id + "'"; MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); DataTable data = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(data); dgvOrderServices.DataSource = data; dgvOrderServices.Columns[0].Width = 30; dgvOrderServices.Columns[1].Width = 137; dgvOrderServices.Columns[2].Width = 240; dgvOrderServices.Columns[3].Width = 55; dgvOrderServices.Columns[4].Width = 35; foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvc in dgvOrderServices.Columns) // Make all rows non editable { dgvc.ReadOnly = true; dgvOrderServices.Columns[4].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen; } dgvOrderServices.Columns[4].ReadOnly = false; // Make editable only "kpl" row }
private void DeleteSelectedRegion(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Deletes selected region from database DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Haluatko varmasti poistaa valitun toiminta-alueen?", "Poista toimialue", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { try { string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "DELETE FROM toimintaalue " + "WHERE toimintaalue_id=" + dgvRegion.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); PopulateDGVRegion(); tbRegionName.Text = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Alueen poisto epäonnistui. Varmista, ettei alueeseen ole liitetty palveluita tai mökkejä, ja yritä uudelleen.", "Poisto epäonnistui" , MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
private void btnServiceDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Haluatko varmasti poistaa valitun palvelun tiedot?", "Poista palvelun tiedot", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { try { string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "DELETE FROM palvelu " + "WHERE palvelu_id=" + dgvService.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); PopulateDGVService(); } catch (Exception ex) { ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); MessageBox.Show("Tietojen poisto ei onnistunut. Yritä uudelleen myöhemmin. Lisätietoja: " + ex.Message); } } }
private void btmSearchVarata_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // New order { // Check date again, if user change data, and no do search if (!OrderUtils.CheckCottageBookDate(Convert.ToInt32(dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value), dtpSearchFROM.Text, dtpSearchTO.Text)) { btnSearchHae_Click(sender, e); return; } ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT toimintaalue_id FROM toimintaalue WHERE nimi Like '" + dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString() + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); int toimintaalueid = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Make object to send on Booking window Cottage cottage = new Cottage(Convert.ToInt32(dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value), toimintaalueid, dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString(), dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString(), dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString(), dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[5].Value.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[6].Value.ToString()), dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[7].Value.ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(dgSearchTable.CurrentRow.Cells[8].Value.ToString())); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); NewBook newbook = new NewBook(cottage, dtpSearchFROM.Value.Date, dtpSearchTO.Value.Date); Booking booking = new Booking(newbook); booking.ShowDialog(); }
public static void CheckPostal(string postalCode, string postOffice) //function for handling posti-table -related details { //first we'll check whether the postal code already exists in the database ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlDataReader reader = null; string query0 = "SELECT * FROM posti " + "WHERE postinro LIKE '" + postalCode + "';"; MySqlCommand command0 = new MySqlCommand(query0, ConnectionUtils.connection); reader = command0.ExecuteReader(); ArrayList postalList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList officeList = new ArrayList(); while (reader.Read()) { postalList.Add((string)reader["postinro"]); officeList.Add((string)reader["toimipaikka"]); } reader.Close(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); if (postalList.Count > 0) //the postal code already exists { if (!officeList[0].Equals(postOffice)) //the post office in textbox is different from that of database -> solve conflict { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Postinumeroon " + postalList[0] + " liittyvä postitoimipaikka on " + officeList[0] + ". Haluatko varmasti muuttaa postinumeroon liittyvää postitoimipaikkaa?", "Muuta postinumeron postitoimipaikkaa", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query1 = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE posti " + "SET postinro='" + postalList[0] + "', toimipaikka='" + postOffice + "' WHERE postinro ='" + postalList[0] + "'; " + "COMMIT;"; MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(query1, ConnectionUtils.connection); command1.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } else //res == DialogResult.No { //tbCustomerPostOffice.Text = (string)officeList[0]; } } } else //the postal code does not exist, so we create it { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query2 = "START TRANSACTION; " + "INSERT INTO posti(postinro,toimipaikka) " + "VALUES('" + postalCode + "','" + postOffice + "');" + "COMMIT;"; MySqlCommand command2 = new MySqlCommand(query2, ConnectionUtils.connection); command2.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } }
///<summary>Uses the latest search query to update the datagridview</summary> public static void RefreshDataGridView(DataGridView dgvBilling) { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(latestQuery, ConnectionUtils.connection); adapter.Fill(table); dgvBilling.DataSource = table; ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); }
///<summary>Deletes a bill</summary> public static void DeleteSelectedInvoice(int lasku_id) { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "DELETE FROM lasku " + "WHERE lasku_id = " + lasku_id + "; " + "COMMIT;"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); }
private void btnCustomerDeleteInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //delete customer's identifying data from database { //First, we need to check whether the customer has unpaid bills ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query0 = "SELECT l.maksettu " + "FROM lasku l JOIN varaus v " + "ON l.varaus_id = v.varaus_id " + "JOIN asiakas a " + "ON v.asiakas_id = a.asiakas_id " + "WHERE a.asiakas_id =" + dgvCustomer.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + ";"; MySqlCommand command0 = new MySqlCommand(query0, ConnectionUtils.connection); MySqlDataReader reader = null; reader = command0.ExecuteReader(); ArrayList billList = new ArrayList(); while (reader.Read()) { billList.Add((bool)reader["maksettu"]); } reader.Close(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); bool unpaidBills = false; foreach (bool b in billList) { if (b.Equals(false)) { unpaidBills = true; //unpaid bill found } } if (unpaidBills) { MessageBox.Show("Asiakkaalla on maksamattomia laskuja. Tietoja ei voida poistaa.", "Maksamattomia laskuja", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else //the customer does not have unpaid bills, so we can proceed to remove his/her data { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Haluatko varmasti poistaa valitun asiakkaan tiedot?", "Poista asiakkaan tiedot", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE asiakas " + "SET postinro='xxxxx',etunimi='',sukunimi='',lahiosoite=''," + "email='',puhelinnro='' " + "WHERE asiakas_id=" + dgvCustomer.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); PopulateDGVCustomer(); } } }
///<summary>Creates a bill for a reservation and checks if there are existing bills for this reservation</summary> public static void CreateInvoice(int varaus_id) { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); //Let's check if there's an existing invoice for this varaus_id value string query = "SELECT COUNT(*) " + "FROM lasku " + "WHERE varaus_id = " + varaus_id + ";"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); int existingInvoices = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); DialogResult result = DialogResult.No; if (existingInvoices != 0) { result = MessageBox.Show("Tälle varaukselle on jo yksi tai useampi lasku. Poistetaanko vanha lasku/laskut?", "Hetkinen!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); } //Delete existing invoices with the same reservation number if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { for (int i = 0; i < existingInvoices; i++) { query = "SELECT lasku_id " + "FROM lasku " + "WHERE varaus_id = " + varaus_id + ";"; command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); int lasku_id = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "DELETE FROM lasku " + "WHERE lasku_id = " + lasku_id + "; " + "COMMIT;"; command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //Create new invoice double summa = CalculateTotalPrice(varaus_id); double alv = 10; string maksettu = "false"; query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "INSERT INTO lasku(varaus_id, summa, alv, maksettu) " + "VALUES(" + varaus_id + ", " + summa + ", " + alv + ", " + maksettu + "); " + "COMMIT;"; command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //add a new customer to the database { PostUtils.CheckPostal(tbCustomerPostalAdd.Text, tbCustomerPostOfficeAdd.Text); ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query3 = "START TRANSACTION; " + "INSERT INTO asiakas(asiakas_id,postinro,etunimi,sukunimi,lahiosoite,email,puhelinnro) " + "VALUES(default,'" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPostalAdd.Text, tbCustomerPostalAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerFNameAdd.Text, tbCustomerFNameAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerLNameAdd.Text, tbCustomerLNameAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerAddressAdd.Text, tbCustomerAddressAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerEmailAdd.Text, tbCustomerEmailAdd.MaxLength) + "','" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPhoneAdd.Text, tbCustomerPhoneAdd.MaxLength) + "'); " + "COMMIT;"; MySqlCommand command3 = new MySqlCommand(query3, ConnectionUtils.connection); command3.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); this.Close(); }
private void btnOrderRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Delete order from database { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Haluatko varmasti poistaa varauksen?", "Poista varaus", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "DELETE FROM varaus " + "WHERE varaus_id=" + dgOrder.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); PopulateDGVOrder(); } }
///<summary>Executes a standard search query at "laskut" tab</summary> private void PopulateDGVBilling() { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string query = "SELECT l.lasku_id, v.varaus_id, a.asiakas_id, CONCAT(a.etunimi, ' ', a.sukunimi) " + ", a.lahiosoite, a.puhelinnro,, l.summa, v.vahvistus_pvm " + "FROM lasku l " + "JOIN varaus v ON l.varaus_id = v.varaus_id " + "JOIN asiakas a ON v.asiakas_id = a.asiakas_id " + "WHERE l.lasku_id LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingInvoiceID.Text, 11) + "%' " + "AND v.varaus_id LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingOrderID.Text, 11) + "%' " + "AND a.asiakas_id LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingCustomerID.Text, 11) + "%' " + "AND a.etunimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingSurname.Text, 20) + "%' " + "AND a.sukunimi LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingLastname.Text, 40) + "%' " + "AND LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingEmail.Text, 50) + "%' " + "AND a.puhelinnro LIKE '%" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(txtboxBillingPhone.Text, 15) + "%' "; if (cbBillingPaid.SelectedIndex == 0) { query += "AND v.vahvistus_pvm IS NOT NULL ORDER BY l.lasku_id;"; } else if (cbBillingPaid.SelectedIndex == 1) { query += "AND v.vahvistus_pvm IS NULL ORDER BY l.lasku_id;"; } else { query += "ORDER BY l.lasku_id;"; } DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); adapter.Fill(table); dgvBilling.DataSource = table; dgvBilling.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Lasku ID"; dgvBilling.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Varaus ID"; dgvBilling.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Asiakas ID"; dgvBilling.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Asiakkaan nimi"; dgvBilling.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Lähiosoite"; dgvBilling.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Puhelinnumero"; dgvBilling.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Sähköposti"; dgvBilling.Columns[7].HeaderText = "Summa (€)"; dgvBilling.Columns[8].HeaderText = "Maksettu (pvm)"; BillingUtils.latestQuery = query; ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); }
private void tbOrder_ModifyCottageID_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!OrderUtils.CheckCottageID(Convert.ToInt32(tbOrder_ModifyCottageID.Text))) //Check is database contains selected cottage { return; } else { //Update order's id in database string query2 = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE varaus " + "SET mokki_mokki_id='" + tbOrder_ModifyCottageID.Text + "' " + "WHERE varaus_id=" + lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, ConnectionUtils.connection); command3.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } }
public Booking(NewBook b) { InitializeComponent(); ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT nimi FROM toimintaalue WHERE toimintaalue_id Like '" + b.Cottage.RegionID.ToString() + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); string region = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); // Fill cottage data and book date lblBookCottageId.Text = b.Cottage.CottageID.ToString(); lblBookEquipment.Text = "(Varustelu: " + b.Cottage.Equipment + ")"; lblBookCottageName.Text = b.Cottage.Name.ToString(); lblBookCottageAddress.Text = b.Cottage.Address.ToString() + ", " + b.Cottage.Postal.ToString(); lblBookAlue.Text = region; lblBookMaxPersons.Text = b.Cottage.Capacity.ToString() + " hlö"; lblBookCottagePrice.Text = b.Cottage.Price.ToString() + " €/yö"; lblBookBookingDateFrom.Text = b.Alkupv.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); lblBookBookingDateTo.Text = b.Loppupv.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); cottagepriodprice = b.Cottage.Price * ((b.Loppupv - b.Alkupv).TotalDays); lblBookDays.Text = "(" + ((b.Loppupv - b.Alkupv).TotalDays).ToString() + " pv)"; lblBookSeasonPrice.Text = cottagepriodprice.ToString() + " €"; lblBookPriceFull.Text = cottagepriodprice.ToString() + " €"; MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT palvelu_id as 'ID', nimi as 'Nimi', kuvaus as 'Kuvaus', " + "hinta as 'hinta/kpl', 0 as 'kpl' FROM palvelu WHERE toimintaalue_id LIKE '" + b.Cottage.RegionID + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); DataTable data = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(data); dgvBookServices.DataSource = data; dgvBookServices.Columns[0].Width = 26; dgvBookServices.Columns[1].Width = 200; dgvBookServices.Columns[2].Width = 320; dgvBookServices.Columns[3].Width = 57; dgvBookServices.Columns[4].Width = 30; foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvc in dgvBookServices.Columns) // Make all rows non editable { dgvc.ReadOnly = true; dgvBookServices.Columns[4].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen; } dgvBookServices.Columns[4].ReadOnly = false; // Make editable only "kpl" row }
public static string GetPostOffice(string postalCode) //returns the post office of the corresponding postal code { string postOffice = ""; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlDataReader reader = null; string query0 = "SELECT * FROM posti " + "WHERE postinro LIKE '" + postalCode + "';"; MySqlCommand command0 = new MySqlCommand(query0, ConnectionUtils.connection); reader = command0.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { postOffice = (string)reader["toimipaikka"]; } reader.Close(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); return(postOffice); }
private string MakeQueryBook() { if (customerid == 0) // If created new customer, get added cutomer_id { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT asiakas_id FROM asiakas WHERE etunimi LIKE '" + tbBookCustomerName.Text + "' AND sukunimi LIKE '" + tbBookCustomerLastname.Text + "' AND lahiosoite LIKE '" + tbBookCustomerAddress.Text + "' AND postinro LIKE '" + tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text + "' AND email LIKE '" + tbBookCustomerEmail.Text + "' AND puhelinnro LIKE '" + tbBookCustomerPhone.Text + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); customerid = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } string queryBook = "START TRANSACTION; " + "INSERT INTO varaus(asiakas_id, mokki_mokki_id, varattu_pvm, vahvistus_pvm, varattu_alkupvm, varattu_loppupvm) " + "VALUES('" + customerid + "', '" + lblBookCottageId.Text + "', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', NULL, '" + lblBookBookingDateFrom.Text + " 16:00:00', '" + lblBookBookingDateTo.Text + " 12:00:00'); " + "COMMIT;"; // Book start time always 16:00:00 and end time always 12:00:00 return(queryBook); }
private void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //modifies the customer's data according to the textbox inputs { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Haluatko varmasti muuttaa valitun asiakkaan tietoja?", "Muuta asiakkaan tietoja", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { PostUtils.CheckPostal(tbCustomerPostalMod.Text, tbCustomerPostOfficeMod.Text); string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE asiakas " + "SET postinro='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPostalMod.Text, tbCustomerPostalMod.MaxLength) + "',etunimi='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerFNameMod.Text, tbCustomerFNameMod.MaxLength) + "',sukunimi='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerLNameMod.Text, tbCustomerLNameMod.MaxLength) + "',lahiosoite='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerAddressMod.Text, tbCustomerAddressMod.MaxLength) + "'," + "email='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerEmailMod.Text, tbCustomerEmailMod.MaxLength) + "',puhelinnro='" + TextBoxUtils.ModifyInput(tbCustomerPhoneMod.Text, tbCustomerPhoneMod.MaxLength) + "' " + "WHERE asiakas_id=" + lblCustomerIDMod.Text + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); this.Close(); } }
///<summary>Updates the 'vahvistus_pvm' field of varaus and 'maksettu' field of lasku</summary> public static void SetPaymentState(int lasku_id, string paymentDate) { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); //get varaus_id string query = "SELECT varaus_id " + "FROM lasku " + "WHERE lasku_id = " + lasku_id + ";"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); int varaus_id = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); //Set the date of payment query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE varaus " + "SET vahvistus_pvm = " + paymentDate + " " + "WHERE varaus_id = " + varaus_id + "; " + "COMMIT;"; command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); //Update the state of payment bool isPaid; if (paymentDate.Equals("NULL")) { isPaid = false; } else { isPaid = true; } query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE lasku " + "SET maksettu = " + isPaid + " " + "WHERE varaus_id = " + varaus_id + "; " + "COMMIT;"; command = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); }
///<summary>Creates invoice.pdf file with reservation details, saves it and opens it</summary> public static void CreatePdfDocument(int lasku_id) { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); string fileSaveLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\invoice.pdf"; //Next to .exe file //Customer name string query = "SELECT CONCAT(a.etunimi, ' ', a.sukunimi) AS nimi " + "FROM lasku l " + "JOIN varaus v ON l.varaus_id = v.varaus_id " + "JOIN asiakas a ON v.asiakas_id = a.asiakas_id " + "WHERE l.lasku_id = " + lasku_id + ";"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); string customerName = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Customer address query = "SELECT a.lahiosoite " + "FROM lasku l " + "JOIN varaus v ON l.varaus_id = v.varaus_id " + "JOIN asiakas a ON v.asiakas_id = a.asiakas_id " + "WHERE l.lasku_id = " + lasku_id + ";"; cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); string customerAddress = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Customer zip code query = "SELECT CONCAT(a.postinro, ' ', p.toimipaikka) AS posti " + "FROM lasku l " + "JOIN varaus v ON l.varaus_id = v.varaus_id " + "JOIN asiakas a ON v.asiakas_id = a.asiakas_id " + "JOIN posti p ON a.postinro = p.postinro " + "WHERE l.lasku_id = " + lasku_id + ";"; cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); string customerPostal = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString().ToUpper(); //varaus_id for calculating the price later query = "SELECT varaus_id " + "FROM lasku " + "WHERE lasku_id = " + lasku_id + ";"; cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); int varaus_id = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); DateTime billingDate = DateTime.Now; string dueDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14).ToShortDateString(); string[] senderAddress = { "Village Newbies Oy", "Siilokatu 1", "90700 OULU" }; string[] receiverAddress = { customerName, customerAddress, customerPostal }; List <ItemRow> itemsList = GenerateItemsList(lasku_id); double totalPrice = CalculateTotalPrice(varaus_id); string totalPriceString = String.Format("{0:0.00}", totalPrice); double totalAlvAmount = 0; foreach (ItemRow item in itemsList) { totalAlvAmount += (Convert.ToDouble(item.Total) * (Convert.ToDouble(item.VAT) / 100)); } double subTotal = totalPrice - totalAlvAmount; //Creating the PDF document new InvoicerApi(SizeOption.A4, OrientationOption.Portrait, "€") .Reference(lasku_id.ToString()) .BillingDate(billingDate) .Company(Address.Make("Lähettäjä", senderAddress, "", "")) .Client(Address.Make("Vastaanottaja", receiverAddress, "", "")) .TextColor("#2E5902") .BackColor("#e7fecf") .Image(@"..\..\images\vnLogo.png", 175, 60) .Items(itemsList) .Totals(new List <TotalRow> { TotalRow.Make("Välisumma", (decimal)subTotal), TotalRow.Make("ALV", (decimal)totalAlvAmount), TotalRow.Make("Kokonaishinta", (decimal)totalPrice, true), }) .Details(new List <DetailRow> { DetailRow.Make("MAKSUTIEDOT", "SAAJAN TILINUMERO", "FI12345678910", "BIC", "NDEAFIHH", "SAAJA", "VILLAGE NEWBIES OY", "VIITENUMERO", "123456789", "ERÄPÄIVÄ", dueDate, "EURO", totalPriceString) }) .Footer("") .Save(fileSaveLocation); //Open the document using default application System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileSaveLocation); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); }
private void btnSearchHae_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable data = new DataTable(); string query = "SELECT m.mokki_id, t.nimi as Toimintaalue, m.postinro as Postinumero, m.mokkinimi as 'Nimi', m.katuosoite, " + "m.kuvaus as 'Kuvaus', m.henkilomaara, m.varustelu as 'Varustelu', m.hinta " + "FROM mokki m INNER JOIN toimintaalue t " + "ON m.toimintaalue_id = t.toimintaalue_id "; if (cbSearchAlueKaikki.Checked == false) // Get alue_id { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT toimintaalue_id FROM toimintaalue WHERE nimi Like '" + cbSearchAluet.Text + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); string alue_id = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); query += "WHERE m.toimintaalue_id LIKE '" + alue_id + "' "; } if (nudSearchHintaraja.Value != 0 && cbSearchAlueKaikki.Checked == true) // Set price limit { query += "WHERE m.hinta <= '" + nudSearchHintaraja.Value + "' "; } else if (nudSearchHintaraja.Value != 0 && cbSearchAlueKaikki.Checked == false) { query += "AND m.hinta <= '" + nudSearchHintaraja.Value + "' "; } if (nudSearchMaxhlo.Value != 0) // Set customer quantity { if (nudSearchHintaraja.Value != 0 || cbSearchAlueKaikki.Checked == false) { query += "AND "; } else { query += "WHERE "; } query += "m.henkilomaara >= '" + nudSearchMaxhlo.Value + "' "; } if (cbSearchVarustelu.Text != "Kaikki") { if (nudSearchHintaraja.Value == 0 && cbSearchAlueKaikki.Checked == true && nudSearchMaxhlo.Value == 0) { query += "WHERE varustelu = '" + cbSearchVarustelu.Text + "' "; } else { query += "AND varustelu = '" + cbSearchVarustelu.Text + "' "; } } query += "AND m.mokki_id not IN " + // Check is cottage free on dates "(SELECT mokki_mokki_id FROM varaus v " + "WHERE '" + dtpSearchFROM.Text + " 16:00:00' <= v.varattu_loppupvm and '" + dtpSearchTO.Text + " 12:00:00' >= v.varattu_alkupvm)"; MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); try { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); dgSearchTable.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; dgSearchTable.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopCenter; sda.Fill(data); dgSearchTable.DataSource = data; dgSearchTable.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Mökki ID"; dgSearchTable.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Lähiosoite"; dgSearchTable.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Henkilömäärä(max)"; dgSearchTable.Columns[8].HeaderText = "Hinta (€)"; ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Virhe, yritä uudelleen\n\n" + ex, "Virhe", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btmOrder_OrderModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!OrderUtils.CheckOrderCottageBookDate(Convert.ToInt32(tbOrder_ModifyCottageID.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text), dtpOrder_ModifyStartDate.Text, dtpOrder_ModifyEndDate.Text)) //Check is cottage free on selected dates { return; } DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Haluatko varmasti tallentaa muokatut tiedot?", "Muokkaa varaus", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { string queryServices = "START TRANSACTION; "; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvOrderServices.Rows) // Services modify { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand checkRow = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM varauksen_palvelut WHERE varaus_id = '" + lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text + "' AND palvelu_id = '" + row.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); MySqlDataReader reader = checkRow.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows && Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["kpl"].Value) != 0) // If service already in database { reader.Read(); if (Convert.ToInt32(reader["lkm"]) != Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["kpl"].Value)) { queryServices += "UPDATE varauksen_palvelut SET lkm='" + row.Cells["kpl"].Value.ToString() + "' " + "WHERE varaus_id = '" + lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text + "' AND palvelu_id = '" + row.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "'; "; } } else if (!reader.HasRows && Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["kpl"].Value) != 0) // If new service { queryServices += "INSERT INTO vn.varauksen_palvelut(varaus_id, palvelu_id, lkm) " + "VALUES(" + lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text + ", " + row.Cells["ID"].Value.ToString() + ", " + row.Cells["kpl"].Value.ToString() + "); "; } else if (reader.HasRows && Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["kpl"].Value) == 0) // if service set to 0 { queryServices += "DELETE FROM varauksen_palvelut WHERE varaus_id = '" + lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text + "' AND palvelu_id = '" + row.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "'; "; } ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } queryServices += "COMMIT;"; if (queryServices != "START TRANSACTION; COMMIT;") // check if services not changet { try { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(queryServices, ConnectionUtils.connection); command1.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Add/EDIT/REMOVE services ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } catch { MessageBox.Show(queryServices); } } //Update order's start- and(or) enddate string query = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE varaus " + "SET varattu_alkupvm='" + dtpOrder_ModifyStartDate.Text + " 16:00:00',varattu_loppupvm='" + dtpOrder_ModifyEndDate.Text + " 12:00:00'" + "WHERE varaus_id=" + lbOrder_ModifyOrderID.Text + "; " + "COMMIT;"; ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command2 = new MySqlCommand(query, ConnectionUtils.connection); command2.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); Close(); } }
private void btnBookAddResirvation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // new book adding { if (tbBookCustomerEmail.Text == "" || tbBookCustomerPhone.Text == "" || tbBookCustomerName.Text == "" || tbBookCustomerLastname.Text == "" || tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text == "" || tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text == "" || tbBookCustomerAddress.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Kaikki asiakastiedot pitäisi olla täyetty.", "Tiedot puuttuu", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; // If some customer data not specified, cancel action } string queryCustomer, services = "\n\nLisäpalvelut:\n"; if (customerid != 0) //If customer finded, update it { PostUtils.CheckPostal(tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text, tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text); ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT toimipaikka FROM posti WHERE postinro='" + tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); queryCustomer = "START TRANSACTION; " + "UPDATE asiakas SET etunimi='" + tbBookCustomerName.Text + "', sukunimi='" + tbBookCustomerLastname.Text + "', " + "lahiosoite='" + tbBookCustomerAddress.Text + "', postinro='" + tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text + "', " + "email='" + tbBookCustomerEmail.Text + "', puhelinnro='" + tbBookCustomerPhone.Text + "' " + "WHERE asiakas_id='" + customerid + "'; " + "COMMIT;"; } else // if customer not finded, add new { PostUtils.CheckPostal(tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text, tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text); queryCustomer = "START TRANSACTION; " + "INSERT INTO asiakas(asiakas_id,postinro,etunimi,sukunimi,lahiosoite,email,puhelinnro) " + "VALUES(default,'" + tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text + "','" + tbBookCustomerName.Text + "','" + tbBookCustomerLastname.Text + "','" + tbBookCustomerAddress.Text + "','" + tbBookCustomerEmail.Text + "','" + tbBookCustomerPhone.Text + "'); " + "COMMIT;"; } foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvBookServices.Rows) // Get services { if (Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["kpl"].Value) != 0) { services += row.Cells["nimi"].Value.ToString() + " - " + row.Cells["kpl"].Value.ToString() + "kpl\n"; } } if (services == "\n\nLisäpalvelut:\n") // If all services are 0, erase services { services = ""; } // Book/order overview window DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("\t\tYhteenveto \n\nMökki tiedot:" + "\nAlue: \t\t" + lblBookAlue.Text + "\nMökki ID: \t" + lblBookCottageId.Text + "\nMajoitusaika: \t" + lblBookBookingDateFrom.Text + " - " + lblBookBookingDateTo.Text + " " + lblBookDays.Text + "\nOsoite: \t\t" + lblBookCottageAddress.Text + "\n\nAsiakas tiedot: " + "\nNimi: \t\t" + tbBookCustomerName.Text + " " + tbBookCustomerLastname.Text + "\nOsoite: \t\t" + tbBookCustomerAddress.Text + ", " + tbBookCustomerPostnumber.Text + ", " + tbBookCustomerPostOffice.Text + "\nSähköposti: \t" + tbBookCustomerEmail.Text + "\nPuhelinnumero: \t" + tbBookCustomerPhone.Text + services + "\n\nSumma yhteensä: " + lblBookPriceFull.Text, "Yhteenveto", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { try { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(queryCustomer, ConnectionUtils.connection); command1.ExecuteNonQuery(); // 1. add/update customer string queryBook = MakeQueryBook(); ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command2 = new MySqlCommand(queryBook, ConnectionUtils.connection); command2.ExecuteNonQuery(); // 2. get added/updated customer ID and make book ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT varaus_id FROM varaus WHERE asiakas_id LIKE '" + customerid + "' AND mokki_mokki_id LIKE '" + lblBookCottageId.Text + "' AND varattu_alkupvm LIKE '" + lblBookBookingDateFrom.Text + "%' AND varattu_loppupvm LIKE '" + lblBookBookingDateTo.Text + "%' ", ConnectionUtils.connection); varausid = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); // get just added order ID ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); if (services != "") // if services exists { string queryServices = MakeQueryServices(); ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand command3 = new MySqlCommand(queryServices, ConnectionUtils.connection); command3.ExecuteNonQuery(); // 3. get added order ID and add services to data table ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); this.Close(); } BillingUtils.CreateInvoice(varausid); // Make new billing DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Varaus lisätty. Uusi lasku lisätty järjestelmään. Varaus id: " + varausid + " \nSiirrytäänkö laskuun?", "Prosessi onnistui", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { BillingUtils.GoToCreatedInvoice(varausid); } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Tapahtunut virhe, yritä uudelleen. Virhe: \n\n\n" + ex, "Virhe", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else if (res == DialogResult.Cancel) { } }
private void btnBookSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dt.Clear(); currentcustomer = 0; if (tbBookCustomerEmail.Text != "") // Search customer by email { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand ckech_is_user_exists = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM asiakas WHERE email like '" + tbBookCustomerEmail.Text + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); MySqlDataReader reader = ckech_is_user_exists.ExecuteReader(); dt.Load(reader); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) // Fill data if finded one record { Fill_customer_values(); lblBookCustomerExists.Text = "Sähköpostilla löydetty 1 asiakas"; btnBookNext.Visible = false; btnBookPrev.Visible = false; lblCustomerOnSame.Visible = false; tbBookCustomerEmail.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerEmail.Font, FontStyle.Bold); tbBookCustomerPhone.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerPhone.Font, FontStyle.Regular); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) // If finded more than 1 record { lblBookCustomerExists.Text = "Sähköpostiosoitella löytyy " + dt.Rows.Count.ToString() + " asiakasta"; Fill_customer_values(); lblCustomerOnSame.Text = "1/" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); btnBookNext.Visible = true; btnBookPrev.Visible = true; lblCustomerOnSame.Visible = true; tbBookCustomerEmail.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerEmail.Font, FontStyle.Bold); tbBookCustomerPhone.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerPhone.Font, FontStyle.Regular); } else { Erase_customer_values(); lblBookCustomerExists.Text = "Asiakasta ei löydy, syötä uuden asiakkaan tiedot."; tbBookCustomerPhone.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerPhone.Font, FontStyle.Regular); tbBookCustomerEmail.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerEmail.Font, FontStyle.Regular); } ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } else if (tbBookCustomerPhone.Text != "") //Search customer by phonenumber { ConnectionUtils.OpenConnection(); MySqlCommand ckech_is_user_exists = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM asiakas WHERE puhelinnro like '" + tbBookCustomerPhone.Text + "'", ConnectionUtils.connection); MySqlDataReader reader = ckech_is_user_exists.ExecuteReader(); dt.Load(reader); lblBookCustomerExists.Visible = true; if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { Fill_customer_values(); lblBookCustomerExists.Text = "Puhelinnumerolla löydetty 1 asiakas"; btnBookNext.Visible = false; btnBookPrev.Visible = false; lblCustomerOnSame.Visible = false; tbBookCustomerEmail.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerEmail.Font, FontStyle.Regular); tbBookCustomerPhone.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerPhone.Font, FontStyle.Bold); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) { lblBookCustomerExists.Text = "Puhelinnumerolla löytyy " + dt.Rows.Count.ToString() + " asiakasta"; Fill_customer_values(); lblCustomerOnSame.Text = "1/" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); btnBookNext.Visible = true; btnBookPrev.Visible = true; lblCustomerOnSame.Visible = true; tbBookCustomerEmail.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerEmail.Font, FontStyle.Regular); tbBookCustomerPhone.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerPhone.Font, FontStyle.Bold); } else { Erase_customer_values(); lblBookCustomerExists.Text = "Asiakasta ei löydy, syötä uuden asiakkaan tiedot."; tbBookCustomerPhone.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerPhone.Font, FontStyle.Regular); tbBookCustomerEmail.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerEmail.Font, FontStyle.Regular); } ConnectionUtils.CloseConnection(); } else { lblBookCustomerExists.Text = "Hae asiakasta sähköpostilla tai puhelinnumerolla"; Erase_customer_values(); tbBookCustomerPhone.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerPhone.Font, FontStyle.Regular); tbBookCustomerEmail.Font = new Font(tbBookCustomerEmail.Font, FontStyle.Regular); } }