public void Update(Vessel vessel) { if (vessel.rigidbody == null) { return; //if we try to update before rigidbodies exist we spam the console with NullPointerExceptions. } //if (vessel.packed) return; time = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); deltaT = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime; CoM = vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass(); up = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).normalized; Rigidbody rigidBody = vessel.rootPart.rigidbody; if (rigidBody != null) { rootPartPos = rigidBody.position; } north = Vector3d.Exclude(up, (vessel.mainBody.position + vessel.mainBody.transform.up * (float)vessel.mainBody.Radius) - CoM).normalized; east = vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM).normalized; forward = vessel.GetTransform().up; rotationSurface = Quaternion.LookRotation(north, up); rotationVesselSurface = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * rotationSurface); velocityVesselOrbit = vessel.orbit.GetVel(); velocityVesselOrbitUnit = velocityVesselOrbit.normalized; velocityVesselSurface = velocityVesselOrbit - vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM); velocityVesselSurfaceUnit = velocityVesselSurface.normalized; velocityMainBodySurface = rotationSurface * velocityVesselSurface; horizontalOrbit = Vector3d.Exclude(up, velocityVesselOrbit).normalized; horizontalSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(up, velocityVesselSurface).normalized; angularVelocity = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * vessel.rigidbody.angularVelocity; radialPlusSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselSurface, up).normalized; radialPlus = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselOrbit, up).normalized; normalPlusSurface = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlusSurface, velocityVesselSurfaceUnit); normalPlus = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlus, velocityVesselOrbitUnit); gravityForce = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(CoM); localg = gravityForce.magnitude; speedOrbital.value = velocityVesselOrbit.magnitude; speedSurface.value = velocityVesselSurface.magnitude; speedVertical.value = Vector3d.Dot(velocityVesselSurface, up); speedSurfaceHorizontal.value = (velocityVesselSurface - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude; speedOrbitHorizontal = (velocityVesselOrbit - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude; vesselHeading.value = rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y; vesselPitch.value = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x > 180) ? (360.0 - rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x) : -rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x; vesselRoll.value = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z > 180) ? (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z - 360.0) : rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z; altitudeASL.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM); RaycastHit sfc; if (Physics.Raycast(CoM, -up, out sfc, (float)altitudeASL + 10000.0F, 1 << 15)) { altitudeTrue.value = sfc.distance; } else if (vessel.mainBody.pqsController != null) { // from here: altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM) - (vessel.mainBody.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM), Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM), Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right) - vessel.mainBody.pqsController.radius); } else { altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM); } double surfaceAltitudeASL = altitudeASL - altitudeTrue; altitudeBottom = altitudeTrue; foreach (Part p in { if (p.collider != null) { Vector3d bottomPoint = p.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(vessel.mainBody.position); double partBottomAlt = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(bottomPoint) - surfaceAltitudeASL; altitudeBottom = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(altitudeBottom, partBottomAlt)); } } double atmosphericPressure = FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(altitudeASL, vessel.mainBody); if (atmosphericPressure < vessel.mainBody.atmosphereMultiplier * 1e-6) { atmosphericPressure = 0; } atmosphericDensity = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(atmosphericPressure); atmosphericDensityGrams = atmosphericDensity * 1000; orbitApA.value = vessel.orbit.ApA; orbitPeA.value = vessel.orbit.PeA; orbitPeriod.value = vessel.orbit.period; orbitTimeToAp.value = vessel.orbit.timeToAp; if (vessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1) { orbitTimeToPe.value = vessel.orbit.timeToPe; } else { orbitTimeToPe.value = -vessel.orbit.meanAnomaly / (2 * Math.PI / vessel.orbit.period); } orbitLAN.value = vessel.orbit.LAN; orbitArgumentOfPeriapsis.value = vessel.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis; orbitInclination.value = vessel.orbit.inclination; orbitEccentricity.value = vessel.orbit.eccentricity; orbitSemiMajorAxis.value = vessel.orbit.semiMajorAxis; latitude.value = vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM); longitude.value = RTUtil.ClampDegrees180(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM)); if (vessel.mainBody != Planetarium.fetch.Sun) { Vector3d delta = vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + 1) - vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - 1); Vector3d plUp = Vector3d.Cross(vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()), vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4)).normalized; angleToPrograde = RTUtil.ClampDegrees360((((vessel.orbit.inclination > 90) || (vessel.orbit.inclination < -90)) ? 1 : -1) * ((Vector3)up).AngleInPlane(plUp, delta)); } else { angleToPrograde = 0; } mainBody = vessel.mainBody; radius = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).magnitude; mass = thrustAvailable = thrustMinimum = massDrag = torqueThrustPYAvailable = 0; torqueAvailable = new Vector3d(); rcsThrustAvailable = new Vector6(); rcsTorqueAvailable = new Vector6(); EngineInfo einfo = new EngineInfo(forward, CoM); IntakeInfo iinfo = new IntakeInfo(); foreach (Part p in { if (p.physicalSignificance != Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE) { double partMass = p.mass + p.GetResourceMass(); mass += partMass; massDrag += partMass * p.maximum_drag; } if (vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS]) { foreach (ModuleRCS pm in p.Modules.OfType <ModuleRCS>()) { double maxT = pm.thrusterPower; Vector3d partPosition = p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM; if ((pm.isEnabled) && (!pm.isJustForShow)) { foreach (Transform t in pm.thrusterTransforms) { Vector3d thrusterThrust = -t.up * pm.thrusterPower; rcsThrustAvailable.Add(thrusterThrust); Vector3d thrusterTorque = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(partPosition, thrusterThrust)); rcsTorqueAvailable.Add(thrusterTorque); } } } } if (p is CommandPod) { torqueAvailable += * Math.Abs(((CommandPod)p).rotPower); } foreach (PartModule pm in p.Modules) { if (!pm.isEnabled) { continue; } if (pm is ModuleReactionWheel) { ModuleReactionWheel rw = (ModuleReactionWheel)pm; if (rw.wheelState == ModuleReactionWheel.WheelState.Active) { torqueAvailable += new Vector3d(rw.PitchTorque, rw.RollTorque, rw.YawTorque); } } if (pm is ModuleEngines) { einfo.AddNewEngine(pm as ModuleEngines); } else if (pm is ModuleResourceIntake) { iinfo.addIntake(pm as ModuleResourceIntake); } } } torqueAvailable += Vector3d.Max(rcsTorqueAvailable.positive, rcsTorqueAvailable.negative); // Should we use Max or Min ? thrustAvailable += einfo.thrustAvailable; thrustMinimum += einfo.thrustMinimum; torqueThrustPYAvailable += einfo.torqueThrustPYAvailable; // Convert the resource information from the einfo and iinfo format // to the more useful ResourceInfo format. resources = new Dictionary <int, ResourceInfo>(); foreach (var info in einfo.resourceRequired) { int id = info.Key; var req = info.Value; resources[id] = new ResourceInfo( PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(id), req.requiredLastFrame, req.requiredAtMaxThrottle, iinfo.getIntakes(id)); } int intakeAirId = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition("IntakeAir").id; intakeAir = 0; intakeAirNeeded = 0; intakeAirAtMax = 0; if (resources.ContainsKey(intakeAirId)) { intakeAir = resources[intakeAirId].intakeProvided; intakeAirNeeded = resources[intakeAirId].required; intakeAirAtMax = resources[intakeAirId].requiredAtMaxThrottle; } angularMomentum = new Vector3d(angularVelocity.x * MoI.x, angularVelocity.y * MoI.y, angularVelocity.z * MoI.z); maxThrustAccel = thrustAvailable / mass; minThrustAccel = thrustMinimum / mass; inertiaTensor = new Matrix3x3(); foreach (Part p in { if (p.Rigidbody == null) { continue; } //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part inertia tensor Vector3d principalMoments = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor; Quaternion princAxesRot = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * p.transform.rotation * p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation; Quaternion invPrincAxesRot = Quaternion.Inverse(princAxesRot); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Vector3d iHat =; iHat[i] = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Vector3d jHat =; jHat[j] = 1; inertiaTensor[i, j] += Vector3d.Dot(iHat, princAxesRot * Vector3d.Scale(principalMoments, invPrincAxesRot * jHat)); } } //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part mass and position double partMass = p.mass + p.GetResourceMass(); Vector3 partPosition = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { inertiaTensor[i, i] += partMass * partPosition.sqrMagnitude; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { inertiaTensor[i, j] += -partMass * partPosition[i] * partPosition[j]; } } } MoI = new Vector3d(inertiaTensor[0, 0], inertiaTensor[1, 1], inertiaTensor[2, 2]); angularMomentum = inertiaTensor * angularVelocity; }
public void Update(Vessel vessel) { if (vessel.rigidbody == null) return; //if we try to update before rigidbodies exist we spam the console with NullPointerExceptions. //if (vessel.packed) return; time = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); deltaT = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime; CoM = vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass(); up = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).normalized; Rigidbody rigidBody = vessel.rootPart.rigidbody; if (rigidBody != null) rootPartPos = rigidBody.position; north = Vector3d.Exclude(up, (vessel.mainBody.position + vessel.mainBody.transform.up * (float)vessel.mainBody.Radius) - CoM).normalized; east = vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM).normalized; forward = vessel.GetTransform().up; rotationSurface = Quaternion.LookRotation(north, up); rotationVesselSurface = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * rotationSurface); velocityVesselOrbit = vessel.orbit.GetVel(); velocityVesselOrbitUnit = velocityVesselOrbit.normalized; velocityVesselSurface = velocityVesselOrbit - vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM); velocityVesselSurfaceUnit = velocityVesselSurface.normalized; velocityMainBodySurface = rotationSurface * velocityVesselSurface; horizontalOrbit = Vector3d.Exclude(up, velocityVesselOrbit).normalized; horizontalSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(up, velocityVesselSurface).normalized; angularVelocity = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * vessel.rigidbody.angularVelocity; radialPlusSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselSurface, up).normalized; radialPlus = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselOrbit, up).normalized; normalPlusSurface = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlusSurface, velocityVesselSurfaceUnit); normalPlus = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlus, velocityVesselOrbitUnit); gravityForce = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(CoM); localg = gravityForce.magnitude; speedOrbital.value = velocityVesselOrbit.magnitude; speedSurface.value = velocityVesselSurface.magnitude; speedVertical.value = Vector3d.Dot(velocityVesselSurface, up); speedSurfaceHorizontal.value = (velocityVesselSurface - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude; speedOrbitHorizontal = (velocityVesselOrbit - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude; vesselHeading.value = rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y; vesselPitch.value = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x > 180) ? (360.0 - rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x) : -rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x; vesselRoll.value = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z > 180) ? (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z - 360.0) : rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z; altitudeASL.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM); RaycastHit sfc; if (Physics.Raycast(CoM, -up, out sfc, (float)altitudeASL + 10000.0F, 1 << 15)) { altitudeTrue.value = sfc.distance; } else if (vessel.mainBody.pqsController != null) { // from here: altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM) - (vessel.mainBody.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM), Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM), Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right) - vessel.mainBody.pqsController.radius); } else { altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM); } double surfaceAltitudeASL = altitudeASL - altitudeTrue; altitudeBottom = altitudeTrue; foreach (Part p in { if (p.collider != null) { Vector3d bottomPoint = p.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(vessel.mainBody.position); double partBottomAlt = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(bottomPoint) - surfaceAltitudeASL; altitudeBottom = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(altitudeBottom, partBottomAlt)); } } double atmosphericPressure = FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(altitudeASL, vessel.mainBody); if (atmosphericPressure < vessel.mainBody.atmosphereMultiplier * 1e-6) atmosphericPressure = 0; atmosphericDensity = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(atmosphericPressure); atmosphericDensityGrams = atmosphericDensity * 1000; orbitApA.value = vessel.orbit.ApA; orbitPeA.value = vessel.orbit.PeA; orbitPeriod.value = vessel.orbit.period; orbitTimeToAp.value = vessel.orbit.timeToAp; if (vessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1) orbitTimeToPe.value = vessel.orbit.timeToPe; else orbitTimeToPe.value = -vessel.orbit.meanAnomaly / (2 * Math.PI / vessel.orbit.period); orbitLAN.value = vessel.orbit.LAN; orbitArgumentOfPeriapsis.value = vessel.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis; orbitInclination.value = vessel.orbit.inclination; orbitEccentricity.value = vessel.orbit.eccentricity; orbitSemiMajorAxis.value = vessel.orbit.semiMajorAxis; latitude.value = vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM); longitude.value = RTUtil.ClampDegrees180(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM)); if (vessel.mainBody != Planetarium.fetch.Sun) { Vector3d delta = vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + 1) - vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - 1); Vector3d plUp = Vector3d.Cross(vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()), vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4)).normalized; angleToPrograde = RTUtil.ClampDegrees360((((vessel.orbit.inclination > 90) || (vessel.orbit.inclination < -90)) ? 1 : -1) * ((Vector3)up).AngleInPlane(plUp, delta)); } else { angleToPrograde = 0; } mainBody = vessel.mainBody; radius = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).magnitude; mass = thrustAvailable = thrustMinimum = massDrag = torqueThrustPYAvailable = 0; torqueAvailable = new Vector3d(); rcsThrustAvailable = new Vector6(); rcsTorqueAvailable = new Vector6(); EngineInfo einfo = new EngineInfo(forward, CoM); IntakeInfo iinfo = new IntakeInfo(); foreach (Part p in { if (p.physicalSignificance != Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE) { double partMass = p.mass + p.GetResourceMass(); mass += partMass; massDrag += partMass * p.maximum_drag; } if (vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS]) { foreach (ModuleRCS pm in p.Modules.OfType<ModuleRCS>()) { double maxT = pm.thrusterPower; Vector3d partPosition = p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM; if ((pm.isEnabled) && (!pm.isJustForShow)) { foreach (Transform t in pm.thrusterTransforms) { Vector3d thrusterThrust = -t.up * pm.thrusterPower; rcsThrustAvailable.Add(thrusterThrust); Vector3d thrusterTorque = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(partPosition, thrusterThrust)); rcsTorqueAvailable.Add(thrusterTorque); } } } } if (p is CommandPod) { torqueAvailable += * Math.Abs(((CommandPod)p).rotPower); } foreach (PartModule pm in p.Modules) { if (!pm.isEnabled) continue; if (pm is ModuleReactionWheel) { ModuleReactionWheel rw = (ModuleReactionWheel)pm; if (rw.wheelState == ModuleReactionWheel.WheelState.Active) { torqueAvailable += new Vector3d(rw.PitchTorque, rw.RollTorque, rw.YawTorque); } } if (pm is ModuleEngines) { einfo.AddNewEngine(pm as ModuleEngines); } else if (pm is ModuleResourceIntake) { iinfo.addIntake(pm as ModuleResourceIntake); } } } torqueAvailable += Vector3d.Max(rcsTorqueAvailable.positive, rcsTorqueAvailable.negative); // Should we use Max or Min ? thrustAvailable += einfo.thrustAvailable; thrustMinimum += einfo.thrustMinimum; torqueThrustPYAvailable += einfo.torqueThrustPYAvailable; // Convert the resource information from the einfo and iinfo format // to the more useful ResourceInfo format. resources = new Dictionary<int, ResourceInfo>(); foreach (var info in einfo.resourceRequired) { int id = info.Key; var req = info.Value; resources[id] = new ResourceInfo( PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(id), req.requiredLastFrame, req.requiredAtMaxThrottle, iinfo.getIntakes(id)); } int intakeAirId = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition("IntakeAir").id; intakeAir = 0; intakeAirNeeded = 0; intakeAirAtMax = 0; if (resources.ContainsKey(intakeAirId)) { intakeAir = resources[intakeAirId].intakeProvided; intakeAirNeeded = resources[intakeAirId].required; intakeAirAtMax = resources[intakeAirId].requiredAtMaxThrottle; } angularMomentum = new Vector3d(angularVelocity.x * MoI.x, angularVelocity.y * MoI.y, angularVelocity.z * MoI.z); maxThrustAccel = thrustAvailable / mass; minThrustAccel = thrustMinimum / mass; inertiaTensor = new Matrix3x3(); foreach (Part p in { if (p.Rigidbody == null) continue; //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part inertia tensor Vector3d principalMoments = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor; Quaternion princAxesRot = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * p.transform.rotation * p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation; Quaternion invPrincAxesRot = Quaternion.Inverse(princAxesRot); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Vector3d iHat =; iHat[i] = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Vector3d jHat =; jHat[j] = 1; inertiaTensor[i, j] += Vector3d.Dot(iHat, princAxesRot * Vector3d.Scale(principalMoments, invPrincAxesRot * jHat)); } } //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part mass and position double partMass = p.mass + p.GetResourceMass(); Vector3 partPosition = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { inertiaTensor[i, i] += partMass * partPosition.sqrMagnitude; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { inertiaTensor[i, j] += -partMass * partPosition[i] * partPosition[j]; } } } MoI = new Vector3d(inertiaTensor[0, 0], inertiaTensor[1, 1], inertiaTensor[2, 2]); angularMomentum = inertiaTensor * angularVelocity; }