コード例 #1
        ///<summary>Uploads an AssetBundle to RESTful service
        ///<param name="url">The absolute URL to the POST endpoint</param>
        ///<param name="info">The AssetBundleInfo struct</param>
        ///<param name="message">A message to be used on the server side</param>
        ///<param name="jwtName">Optional name of a JSON Web Token (placed somewhere in Assets) that can be used for authentication</param>
        ///<exception cref="FileNotFoundException">The AssetBundle is not found</exception>
        ///<returns>Returns a Task so can be used with await or ContinueWith</returns>
        public static Task <HttpResponseMessage> UploadAssetBundleAsync(string url, AssetBundleInfo info, FCMMessage message, string appName = null, string jwtName = null)
            bool useJWT = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jwtName);

            if (info.Exists())
                if (useJWT)
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = GenerateAuthHeaderFromJWT(jwtName);
                MultipartFormDataContent formData = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                FileInfo      f  = new FileInfo(info.path);
                StreamContent fs = new StreamContent(f.OpenRead());
                formData.Add(fs, "bundle", f.Name);
                string app = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(appName) ? appName : Application.productName;
                formData.Add(new StringContent(app), "appName");
                if (message.IsValid())
                    formData.Add(new StringContent(message.Serialize()), "message");

                return(client.PostAsync(url, formData));
                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("AssetBundle {0} does not exist in directory {1}", info.name, info.path));
コード例 #2
        public static FCMMessage Deserialize(string val)
            FCMMessage obj = JsonUtility.FromJson <FCMMessage>(val);

コード例 #3
        ///<summary>Simplified version of <see cref="UploadAssetBundleAsync" />
        ///<param name="url">The absolute URL to the POST endpoint</param>
        ///<param name="info">The AssetBundleInfo struct</param>
        ///<param name="message">A message to be used on the server side</param>
        ///<param name="jwtName">Optional name of a JSON Web Token (placed somewhere in Assets) that can be used for authentication</param>
        ///<exception cref="FileNotFoundException">The AssetBundle is not found</exception>
        ///<returns>Returns a Task which returns a deserialized RemoteAssetBundle</returns>
        public static async Task <RemoteAssetBundle> UploadAssetBundle(string url, AssetBundleInfo info, FCMMessage message, string appName = null, string jwtName = null)
            HttpResponseMessage response = await UploadAssetBundleAsync(url, info, message, appName, jwtName);

            string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
