public void FileCopyTo(string LocalSourceFileName, string RemoteDestinationFileName) { string cmd = ""; string answer = ""; string resp = ""; string desc = ""; KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(LocalSourceFileName); if (fi.Exists == false) { throw new Exception("Local source file not found!"); } //byte checksum = 0; string destination_dir_path = Globals.GetDirectoryOfFile(RemoteDestinationFileName); cmd = string.Format("req:dir_exists; path:{0};", destination_dir_path); answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 2000); //MessageBox.Show(answer); HandleDeviceEvent(answer); kvp.Clear(); kvp.Fill(answer); resp = kvp.GetVal("resp"); desc = kvp.GetVal("desc"); // add a log here with 'desc' field if (resp == "0") { cmd = string.Format("req:dir_create; path:{0};", destination_dir_path); resp = RequestCommand(cmd, 2000); if (resp == "0") { throw new Exception("Unable to locate destination folder"); } } cmd = string.Format("req:file_create; file_name:{0}; file_length:{1}", RemoteDestinationFileName, fi.Length); answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 2000); //MessageBox.Show(answer); HandleDeviceEvent(answer); kvp.Clear(); kvp.Fill(answer); resp = kvp.GetVal("resp"); desc = kvp.GetVal("desc"); // add a log here with 'desc' field if (resp == "1") // The other side is ready to receive the content of the file. { long total_bytes_sent = SendOutData(LocalSourceFileName); } }
public string FetchFile(string RemoteFullFileName, string LocalDirPath) { string cmd = string.Format("req:file_get_preper_to_send_file; full_file_name:{0};", RemoteFullFileName); string answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 10000); KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp.Fill(answer); string resp = kvp.GetVal("resp"); if (resp == "1") { long file_length = 0; long.TryParse(kvp.GetVal("file_length"), out file_length); cmd = string.Format("req:file_sned_file; full_file_name:{0};", RemoteFullFileName); answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 10000); kvp.Clear(); kvp.Fill(answer); if (kvp.GetVal("resp") == "1") { string remote_root = kvp.GetVal("root"); string remote_full_file_name = kvp.GetVal("full_file_name"); string remote_rel_file_name = remote_full_file_name.Replace(remote_root, ""); string local_full_file_name = LocalDirPath + remote_rel_file_name; local_full_file_name = local_full_file_name.Replace("/", "\\"); this.IncomingFileLength = file_length; this.IncomingFileName = local_full_file_name; string local_path = Globals.GetDirOfFile(local_full_file_name); try { if (Directory.Exists(local_path) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(local_path); } this.IncomingStream = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(IncomingFileName, FileMode.Create)); this.IncomingFileAvailable = true; } catch { // } } } return(answer); }
public string[] GetListOfCards(string Group) { List <string> res = new List <string>(); string cmd = string.Format("req:card_get_cards; group:{0}", Group); string answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 10000); KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp.Fill(answer); if (kvp.GetVal("resp") != "1") { return(res.ToArray()); } try { int group_count = int.Parse(kvp.GetVal("card_count")); for (int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) { res.Add(kvp.GetVal(string.Format("c_{0}", i + 1))); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(res.ToArray()); } return(res.ToArray()); }
internal string[] GetListOfDirs(string RemotePath) { List <string> res = new List <string>(); string cmd = string.Format("req:dir_get_dirs; path:{0};", RemotePath); string answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 10000); KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp.Fill(answer); if (kvp.GetVal("resp") != "1") { return(res.ToArray()); } try { int dir_count = int.Parse(kvp.GetVal("dir_count")); for (int i = 0; i < dir_count; i++) { res.Add(kvp.GetVal(string.Format("d_{0}", i + 1))); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(res.ToArray()); } return(res.ToArray()); }
private void HandleDeviceEvent(string EventString) { if (this.OnLog == null) { return; } if (this.Owner == null) { return; } if (EventString == null || EventString == "") { return; } if (this.Owner.InvokeRequired) { try { this.Owner.Invoke(new DelegateLog(HandleDeviceEvent), new object[] { EventString }); } catch (Exception ex) { // } } else { KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp.Fill(EventString); string event_name = kvp.GetVal("event"); if (event_name == "file_received") { string file_name = kvp.GetVal("file_name"); long file_length = 0; long.TryParse(kvp.GetVal("file_length"), out file_length); if (this.OnFileSentCompeleted != null) { OnFileSentCompeleted(file_name, file_length); this.OnLog(string.Format("File '{0}' Copied.", file_name)); } } else if (event_name == "file_transmition_finished") { string file_name = kvp.GetVal("file_name"); long file_length = 0; long.TryParse(kvp.GetVal("file_length"), out file_length); if (this.OnFileReceivedCompeleted != null) { OnFileReceivedCompeleted(file_name, file_length); this.OnLog(string.Format("File '{0}' Fetched.", file_name)); } } } }
public string EchoBack(string Text) { string cmd = string.Format("req:echo_back; text:{0};", Text); string answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 2000); KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp.Fill(answer); string resp = kvp.GetVal("resp"); string desc = kvp.GetVal("desc"); return(desc); }
internal bool RemoveCard(string CardPath) { List <string> res = new List <string>(); string cmd = string.Format("req:card_remove; card_path:{0}", CardPath); string answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 10000); KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp.Fill(answer); if (kvp.GetVal("resp") != "1") { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool DirCreate(string RemoteDirPathRel) { string cmd = string.Format("req:dir_create; path:{0};", RemoteDirPathRel); string answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 10000); KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp.Fill(answer); if (kvp.GetVal("resp") != "1") { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dgvCards.Rows.Clear(); string[] Phone_cards = com.GetListOfCards(cmbPhoneCardGroup.SelectedItem.ToString()); string[] Pc_cards =null; int row = 0; foreach (string phone_side_card in Phone_cards) { int indx = dgvCards.Rows.Add(1); dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnRow.Index].Value = ++row; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnSelectPcCard.Index].Value = false; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCard.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnSelectPhCard.Index].Value = false; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCardPhone.Index].Value = Globals.GetLastPartOfDir(phone_side_card); dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCardPathPc.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCardPathPhone.Index].Value = phone_side_card; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCroup.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnManifestDataPc.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnManifestDataPhone.Index].Value = ""; } if (cmbPcCardGroup.SelectedIndex == 0) { List<string> all_cards = new List<string>(); string[] groups = Globals.GetPathOfEachGroup(); foreach (string group in groups) { string[] cards = Globals.GetPathOfEachCard(group); foreach (string card in cards) { all_cards.Add(card); } } Pc_cards = all_cards.ToArray(); } else { string group = group = Globals.GetCardsPath() + "\\" + cmbPcCardGroup.SelectedItem.ToString(); Pc_cards = Globals.GetPathOfEachCard(group); } if (Phone_cards != null) { if (Pc_cards!=null) foreach (string card_dir_path in Pc_cards) { string card_name = Globals.GetLastPartOfDir(card_dir_path); int idx = Lookup(card_name, dgvCards); if (idx == -1) { int indx = dgvCards.Rows.Add(1); dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnRow.Index].Value = ++row; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnSelectPcCard.Index].Value = false; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCard.Index].Value = card_name; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnSelectPhCard.Index].Value = false; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCardPhone.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCardPathPc.Index].Value = card_dir_path; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCardPathPhone.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnCroup.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnManifestDataPc.Index].Value = ""; dgvCards.Rows[indx].Cells[clmnManifestDataPhone.Index].Value = ""; } else { dgvCards.Rows[idx].Cells[clmnCard.Index].Value = card_name; dgvCards.Rows[idx].Cells[clmnCardPathPc.Index].Value = card_dir_path; } } } // Extract manifest data for (int i = 0; i < dgvCards.Rows.Count; i++) { // Extract manifest data of phone-side cards string card_path_phone = (string)dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnCardPathPhone.Index].Value; string manifest_phone = ""; if (card_path_phone != "") { manifest_phone = com.GetManifestData(card_path_phone); dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnManifestDataPhone.Index].Value = manifest_phone; } // Extract manifest data of pc-side cards string card_path_pc = (string)dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnCardPathPc.Index].Value; string manifest_pc = ""; if (card_path_pc != "") { manifest_pc = File.ReadAllText(card_path_pc+"/"); KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair('\n','='); kvp.Fill(manifest_pc); manifest_pc = kvp.GetString(';',':'); dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnManifestDataPc.Index].Value = manifest_pc; } } // Define proper action for transfering cards to/from pc from/to phone. for (int i = 0; i < dgvCards.Rows.Count; i++) { string manifest_phone = (string)dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnManifestDataPhone.Index].Value; string manifest_pc = (string)dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnManifestDataPc.Index].Value; if (manifest_phone == "" && manifest_pc == "") continue; else if (manifest_phone == "") dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = "--->"; else if (manifest_pc == "") dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = "<---"; else { KeyValPair kvp_phone = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp_phone.Fill(manifest_phone); KeyValPair kvp_pc = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); kvp_pc.Fill(manifest_pc); double ph_last_modified = 0; double pc_last_modified = 0; try { ph_last_modified = Double.Parse(kvp_phone.GetVal("last_modified")); pc_last_modified = Double.Parse(kvp_pc.GetVal("last_modified")); } catch { dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = "!"; continue; } if (pc_last_modified == ph_last_modified) dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = "<--->"; else if (pc_last_modified > ph_last_modified) dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = "--->"; else dgvCards.Rows[i].Cells[clmnAction.Index].Value = "<---"; } } if (chbxShowDiffs.Checked) ShowOnlyDiffs(); }