CompressedTexImage2D() private method

private CompressedTexImage2D ( UInt32 target, Int32 level, UInt32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, void data ) : void
target System.UInt32
level System.Int32
internalformat System.UInt32
width System.Int32
height System.Int32
border System.Int32
imageSize System.Int32
data void
return void
コード例 #1
        protected unsafe virtual bool init(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
                if (usage == BufferUsages.Read && !isRenderTarget)
                    Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Only RenderTargets may be readable");

                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();
                if (isRenderTarget)
                    generateMipmaps = false;

                uint texturesTEMP = 0;
                GL.GenTextures(1, &texturesTEMP);
                Texture = texturesTEMP;
                if (Texture == 0)
                    Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Failed to Generate Texture");

                GL.BindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, Texture);
                if (!generateMipmaps)
                    GL.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.LINEAR);
                GL.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL.LINEAR);

                hasMipmaps = false;
                if (image != null)
                    var imageType = image.GetType();

                                        #if NaCl
                    if (imageType == typeof(ImageBMPC))
                    if (imageType == typeof(ImagePNG) || imageType == typeof(ImageJPG) || imageType == typeof(ImageBMP) || imageType == typeof(ImageBMPC))
                        uint pixelOrder, byteSizes;
                        int  format = Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat, out pixelOrder, out byteSizes);
                        var  mipmap = image.Mipmaps[0];
                        fixed(byte *data = mipmap.Data)
                            GL.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, mipmap.Size.Width, mipmap.Size.Height, 0, pixelOrder, byteSizes, data);
                            if (generateMipmaps)
                                hasMipmaps = true;
                    else if (imageType == typeof(ImageDDS) || imageType == typeof(ImagePVR))
                        if (image.Mipmaps.Length != Image.Mipmap.CalculateMipmapLvls(image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height))
                            Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Compressed Textures require full mipmap chain");
                        GL.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
                        hasMipmaps = true;

                        bool   compressed = false;
                        uint   format     = 0;
                        string errorType  = null;
                        if (imageType == typeof(ImageDDS))
                            var imageDDS = (ImageDDS)image;
                            compressed = imageDDS.Compressed;
                            format     = imageDDS.FormatGL;
                            errorType  = "DDS";
                        else if (imageType == typeof(ImagePVR))
                            var imagePVR = (ImagePVR)image;
                            compressed = imagePVR.Compressed;
                            format     = imagePVR.FormatGL;
                            errorType  = "PVR";

                        if (compressed)
                            for (int i = 0; i < image.Mipmaps.Length; ++i)
                                var mipmap = image.Mipmaps[i];
                                fixed(byte *data = mipmap.Data)
                                    // look up:: for linux with mesa
                                    GL.CompressedTexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, i, format, mipmap.Size.Width, mipmap.Size.Height, 0, mipmap.Data.Length, data);
                            Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Loading uncompresed " + errorType + " textures not supported");

                    Size          = image.Size;
                    PixelByteSize = image.CalculatePixelByteSize();
                    //GL.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat), width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, IntPtr.Zero.ToPointer());
                    uint pixelOrder, byteSizes;
                    int  format = Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat, out pixelOrder, out byteSizes);
                    GL.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, width, height, 0, pixelOrder, byteSizes, IntPtr.Zero.ToPointer());
                    if (generateMipmaps)
                        hasMipmaps = true;
                    Size          = new Size2(width, height);
                    PixelByteSize = Image.CalculatePixelByteSize((surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormats.Defualt ? Video.DefaultSurfaceFormat() : surfaceFormat), width, height);

                SizeF = Size.ToVector2();

                uint   error;
                string errorName;
                if (Video.checkForError(out error, out errorName))
                    Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", string.Format("{0} {1}: Failed to load/create texture", error, errorName));
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null)
                    loadedCallback(this, false);

            if (!isRenderTarget)
                Loaded = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null)
                    loadedCallback(this, true);