public ApplySuggestionOnSelectionAction(ScopeAwareRichTextBox txt, Suggestion sug) : base(txt, txt.ActiveScope) { selStart = txt.SelectionStart; selLength = txt.SelectionLength; Title = sug.Description; suggestion = sug; }
public ScopeRenameAction(Scope scope, ScopeAwareRichTextBox text) : base(text, scope) { titlePrefix = "Rename"; SetTitle(); highlightFillColor = Color.Yellow; highlightFillOpacity = 80; highlightBorderColor = Color.Red; highlightBorderOpacity = 180; highlightBorderWidth = 2; }
public SpecialSelectionMarker(Graphics g, Scope scopeToDraw, ScopeAwareRichTextBox txt) : base(g, scopeToDraw, txt) { }
void sampleTextInput1_ActiveScopeChanged(object sender, ScopeAwareRichTextBox.ScopeEventArgs e) { if (e.Scope == null) { tipsScopeEditor.SetToolTip(txtRegexInput, string.Empty); tipsScopeEditor.ToolTipTitle = "No Active Scope"; results.ShowRects(e.Scope, new List<Rectangle>()); return; } tipsScopeEditor.Hide(txtRegexInput); if (e.Scope.Name != string.Empty) { tipsScopeEditor.ToolTipTitle = e.Scope.Name; } else { tipsScopeEditor.ToolTipTitle = "Unnamed Scope (right-click to rename)"; } tipsScopeEditor.ReshowDelay = 500; tipsScopeEditor.UseAnimation = true; tipsScopeEditor.UseFading = false; tipsScopeEditor.InitialDelay = 500; string explanationText = String.Empty; tipsScopeEditor.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info; tipsScopeEditor.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue; tipsScopeEditor.ForeColor = Color.Black; if (e.Scope.IsImplicit) { explanationText = "Automatic rule was used.\nRight-Click to select your own rule."; } else { tipsScopeEditor.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info; explanationText = "Custom rule was used.\nRight-Click to select a different rule."; } if (e.Scope.Suggestions.Count > 0) { string desc = explanationText + "\n\nTry To Match:\n[" + TrimIfNeeded(e.Scope.Suggestions[0].Description) + "]"; // Text = removeNewLines(desc); tipsScopeEditor.SetToolTip(txtRegexInput, desc); // tipsScopeEditor.Show(desc,txtRegexInput); } else { tipsScopeEditor.SetToolTip(txtRegexInput, explanationText + "\n\nTry To Match:\n[Exactly " + "\"" + TrimIfNeeded(e.Scope.Text) + "\"]"); } Scope s = e.Scope; // results.ShowRects(s, txtRegexInput.GetSurroundingRects(s.StartPosInRootScope, s.Length)); results.HighlightScope(s); txtRegexInput.Focus(); }
public UIActionSuggestionProvider(ScopeAwareRichTextBox textBox) { txt = textBox; }
public SmartContextMenu(Scope targetScope,ScopeAwareRichTextBox TextBox) { scope = targetScope; textBox = TextBox; }
public DefineEncapsulatingScopeAction(ScopeAwareRichTextBox txt, Scope target) : base(txt,target) { root = target; Title = "Group these.."; }