//opens up the addEditStudent form with functionality to add new student private void buttonNewStudent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { addEditStudent addEditForm = new addEditStudent(); addEditForm.addStudent = true; DialogResult result = addEditForm.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { selectedStudent = addEditForm.student; textBoxShowStudent.Text = selectedStudent.StudentID.ToString(); this.DisplayStudent(); } }
//opens up the addEditStudent form with functionality to edit the current student private void buttonEditStudent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { addEditStudent addEditForm = new addEditStudent(); addEditForm.addStudent = false; addEditForm.student = selectedStudent; DialogResult result = addEditForm.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK || result == DialogResult.Retry) { selectedStudent = addEditForm.student; this.DisplayStudent(); } else if (result == DialogResult.Abort) { textBoxShowStudent.Text = ""; this.ClearControls(); } }