protected override void DoAnyFurtherActions(Pawn activatedBy, Map map, Thing trigger) { this.bestPsychic = PawnTalentUtility.FindBestPsychic(base.GetEffectArea(activatedBy.Position), map); if (this.bestPsychic != null) { if (this.bestPsychic.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(TraitDef.Named("PsychicSensitivity")) != 2) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.PsychicShock, this.bestPsychic, null);, null, null); } } else { List <Pawn> list = new List <Pawn>(); foreach (IntVec3 c in base.GetEffectArea(activatedBy.Position)) { foreach (Thing thing in c.GetThingList(map)) { if (thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Pawn && thing.def.race.intelligence == Intelligence.Humanlike) { Pawn pawn = thing as Pawn; int num = pawn.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(TraitDef.Named("PsychicSensitivity")); if (num >= 0) { list.Add(pawn); } } } } foreach (Pawn pawn2 in list) { float value = Rand.Value; if ((double)value < 0.25) { pawn2.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(MentalStateDefOf.Berserk, null, true, false, null); } else if ((double)value < 0.85) { Hediff hediff2 = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.PsychicShock, pawn2, null);, null, null); } } } ActionTrigger actionTrigger = trigger as ActionTrigger; if (actionTrigger != null) { IEnumerable <IntVec3> cells = actionTrigger.Cells; IntVec3 center = cells.RandomElement <IntVec3>(); //TODO: check if it works GenExplosion.DoExplosion(center, map, 2f, DamageDefOf.Flame, null, -1, -1f, null, null, null, null, ThingDefOf.ChunkSlagSteel, 0.4f, 1, true, null, 0f, 1); } }
protected override void DisplayDialog(Pawn activatedBy, Map map, Thing trigger) { this.bestPsychic = PawnTalentUtility.FindBestPsychic(base.GetEffectArea(activatedBy.Position), map); DiaNode diaNode = new DiaNode("RD_PsionicLandmine".Translate()); //A psionic landmine in the room generates a short-range psychic shock!"); //"A psionic landmine in the room generates a short-range psychic shock!" if (this.bestPsychic != null) { if (this.bestPsychic.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(TraitDef.Named("PsychicSensitivity")) == 2) { DiaNode diaNode2 = diaNode; diaNode2.text += "RD_FortunatelyDissipateAttack".Translate(this.bestPsychic.Named("PAWN")); //" Fortunately, {0} was able to dissipate the attack with their psychic capabilities. } else { DiaNode diaNode3 = diaNode; diaNode3.text += "RD_FortunatelyDissipateAttackShock".Translate(this.bestPsychic.Named("PAWN")); //" {0} was able to channel the attack, preventing harm to others, but is now in psychic shock! } } DiaOption diaOption = new DiaOption("OK".Translate()); diaOption.resolveTree = true; diaNode.options.Add(diaOption); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_NodeTree(diaNode, true, true, null)); }