コード例 #1
        private string RemovePrivateRecipeItem(Command command)
            if (command.MainObjPair.Value == string.Empty)
                return "Remove item must specify item ID";

            if (command.OptionalCommandPairs == null || !command.OptionalCommandPairs.Any())
                return "Remove item must specify recipe ID";

            var itemIdPattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
            int itemId;
            if (int.TryParse(itemIdPattern, out itemId) == false)
                return "Remove item must specify a valid item ID";

            string recipeIdPattern = string.Empty;
            int recipeId;

            foreach (var optionalCommandPair in command.OptionalCommandPairs)
                var currValue = optionalCommandPair.Key.ToLower();
                if (currValue.Contains("recipe")) recipeIdPattern = optionalCommandPair.Value;

            if (int.TryParse(recipeIdPattern, out recipeId) == false)
                return "Remove item must specify a valid recipe ID";

            var recipe = _privateRecipeRepository.GetById(recipeId);
            if (recipe == null)
                return $"Recipe with ID {recipeId} not found";

            var item = recipe.Items.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == itemId);
            if (item == null)
                return $"Recipe item ID {itemId} not found in the recipe";

            return "Remove item successfully";
コード例 #2
        private string ShowIndividualUserRecipe(Command command)
            var allUserRecipes = _userService.GetUserRecipes();

            var recipePattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
            int recipeId;

            if (int.TryParse(recipePattern, out recipeId))
                var selectedRecipe = allUserRecipes.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == recipeId);
                if (selectedRecipe == null) return $"Your recipe with id {recipeId} does not exist";
                    if (command.OptionalCommandPairs != null && command.OptionalCommandPairs.Any())
                        if (command.OptionalCommandPairs[0].Key.Contains("status"))
                            selectedRecipe = selectedRecipe.Copy();
                            selectedRecipe.Items = selectedRecipe.Items.Where(i => i.Status.ToString().ToLower() == command.OptionalCommandPairs[0].Value).ToList();
                    return selectedRecipe.ToString();
                var selectedRecipes = allUserRecipes.Where(r => r.Title.ToLower().Contains(recipePattern.ToLower())).ToList();
                if (!selectedRecipes.Any()) return $"Your recipe with title pattern {recipePattern} does not exist";

                selectedRecipes = selectedRecipes.Copy();
                if (command.OptionalCommandPairs != null && command.OptionalCommandPairs.Any())
                    if (command.OptionalCommandPairs[0].Key.Contains("status"))
                        foreach (var selectedRecipe in selectedRecipes)
                            selectedRecipe.Items = selectedRecipe.Items.Where(i => i.Status.ToString().ToLower() == command.OptionalCommandPairs[0].Value.ToLower()).ToList();
                return selectedRecipes.Print();
コード例 #3
        private string ProcessTakeDownCommand(Command command)
            var output = "Invalid Takedown Command";

            if (!IsUserLogin()) return ErrMsgLoginRequired;

            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.PublicRecipe)
                if (command.MainObjPair.Value == string.Empty)
                    return "Takedown recipe must specify recipe ID";

                var recipeIdPattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
                int recipeId;
                if (int.TryParse(recipeIdPattern, out recipeId) == false)
                    return "Takedown recipe must specify a valid recipe ID";

                var result = _userService.TakeDownRecipe(recipeId);

                return string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) ? "Takedown recipe successfully" : result;

            return output;
コード例 #4
        private string RemovePrivateRecipe(Command command)
            var recipePattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipePattern))
                return "Edit recipe must specify recipe ID or pattern";

            int recipeId;
            PrivateRecipe recipe = null;
            if (int.TryParse(recipePattern, out recipeId))
                //search by id
                recipe = _userService.GetUserRecipes().SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == recipeId);
                //search by title
                var foundRecipes = _userService.GetUserRecipes().Where(r => r.Title.ToLower().Contains(recipePattern.ToLower())).ToList();
                if (foundRecipes.Count > 1)
                    return $"{foundRecipes.Count} recipes with title {recipePattern} found. Cannot Edit. Title must be unique\n";

                if (foundRecipes.Count == 1)
                    recipe = foundRecipes[0];

            if (recipe == null)
                return "Recipe not found";


            var output = $"Delete recipe {recipe.Id} : {recipe.Title} successful";
            return output;
コード例 #5
        private string ProcessReviewCommand(Command command)
            var output = "Invalid Review Command";

            if (!IsUserLogin()) return ErrMsgLoginRequired;

            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.PublicRecipe)
                if (command.MainObjPair.Value == string.Empty)
                    return "Review recipe must specify public recipe ID";

                if (command.OptionalCommandPairs == null || command.OptionalCommandPairs.Count < 2)
                    return "Review recipe must specify a rating and optionally with a comment";

                var recipeIdPattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
                int recipeId;
                if (int.TryParse(recipeIdPattern, out recipeId) == false)
                    return "Review recipe must specify a valid recipe ID";

                string ratingPattern = string.Empty;
                double rating;
                string comment = string.Empty;
                foreach (var optionalCommandPair in command.OptionalCommandPairs)
                    var currValue = optionalCommandPair.Key.ToLower();
                    if (currValue.Contains("rating")) ratingPattern = optionalCommandPair.Value;
                    else if (currValue.Contains("comment")) comment = optionalCommandPair.Value;

                if (double.TryParse(ratingPattern, out rating) == false)
                    return "Review recipe must specify a valid rating";

                var result = _userService.ReviewRecipe(recipeId, rating, comment);

                return string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) ? "Review recipe successfully" : result;

            return output;
コード例 #6
        private string ProcessShowCommand(Command command)
            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.SystemStatus)
                return _market.GetSystemInfo().ToString();

            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.PublicRecipe)
                var publicRecipes = _market.GetAllRecipes();
                return publicRecipes.Print();

            if (IsUserLogin())
                if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.UserAccountBalance)
                    return _userService.GetUserMoneyAccount().ToString();

                if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.PrivateRecipe)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.MainObjPair.Value)) //show all recipes
                        return ShowAllUserRecipes();
                        //show individual recipe
                        return ShowIndividualUserRecipe(command);
                return ErrMsgLoginRequired;

            return "Invalid show command";
コード例 #7
        private string ProcessPublishCommand(Command command)
            var output = "Invalid Publish Command";

            if (!IsUserLogin()) return ErrMsgLoginRequired;

            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.PrivateRecipe)
                if (command.MainObjPair.Value == string.Empty)
                    return "Publish recipe must specify recipe ID";

                if (command.OptionalCommandPairs == null || !command.OptionalCommandPairs.Any())
                    return "Publish recipe must specify price";

                var recipeIdPattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
                int recipeId;
                if (int.TryParse(recipeIdPattern, out recipeId) == false)
                    return "Publish recipe must specify a valid recipe ID";

                string pricePattern = string.Empty;
                decimal price;

                foreach (var optionalCommandPair in command.OptionalCommandPairs)
                    var currValue = optionalCommandPair.Key.ToLower();
                    if (currValue.Contains("price")) pricePattern = optionalCommandPair.Value;

                if (decimal.TryParse(pricePattern, out price) == false)
                    return "Publish recipe must specify a valid price";

                var recipe = _privateRecipeRepository.GetById(recipeId);
                if (recipe == null)
                    return $"Recipe with ID {recipeId} not found";

                var result = _userService.PublishRecipe(recipe.Id, price);

                return string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) ? "Publish recipe successfully" : result;

            return output;
コード例 #8
        private string ProcessRemoveCommand(Command command)
            var output = "Invalid remove command";

            if (!IsUserLogin()) return ErrMsgLoginRequired;

            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.PrivateRecipe)
                return RemovePrivateRecipe(command);

            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.RecipeItem)
                return RemovePrivateRecipeItem(command);

            return output;
コード例 #9
        private string ProcessAddCommand(Command command)
            var output = "Invalid add command";

            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.User)
                output = _market.CreateUserMoneyAccount(command.MainObjPair.Value);
                if (IsUserLogin())
                    if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.PrivateRecipe)
                        return AddPrivateRecipe(command);

                    else if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.RecipeItem)
                        return AddPrivateRecipeItem(command);
                    output = ErrMsgLoginRequired;

            return output;
コード例 #10
        private string ProcessLoginCommand(Command command)
            if (command.MainObjPair.Key == DomainObjectType.User)
                var userId = command.MainObjPair.Value.ToLower();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                    return "Please specify user id";

                var userAccount = _moneyAccountRepository.GetUserMoneyAccount(userId);
                if (userAccount == null)
                    return $"User {userId} does not exist";

                _currentUser = userId;
                _userService = new UserService(userId, _market, _privateRecipeRepository, _publicRecipeRepository, _moneyAccountRepository);
                return $"Login user {userId} successful";

            return "Invalid login command";
コード例 #11
        private Command PreprocessCommand(string rawCommand)
            var command = new Command();
            var parts = CommandLineHelper.SplitCommandLine(rawCommand).ToList();

            if (!parts.Any()) return command;

            var rawCommandType = parts[0].ToLower();

            if (rawCommandType == "help") command.CommandType = CommandType.Help;
            else if (rawCommandType == "add") command.CommandType = CommandType.Add;
            else if (rawCommandType == "edit") command.CommandType = CommandType.Edit;
            else if (rawCommandType == "help") command.CommandType = CommandType.Help;
            else if (rawCommandType == "login") command.CommandType = CommandType.Login;
            else if (rawCommandType == "show" || rawCommandType == "list") command.CommandType = CommandType.Show;
            else if (rawCommandType == "remove" || rawCommandType == "delete") command.CommandType = CommandType.Remove;
            else if (rawCommandType == "publish") command.CommandType = CommandType.Publish;
            else if (rawCommandType == "takedown") command.CommandType = CommandType.Takedown;
            else if (rawCommandType == "purchase" || rawCommandType == "buy") command.CommandType = CommandType.Purchase;
            else if (rawCommandType == "review") command.CommandType = CommandType.Review;

            if (parts.Count > 1)
                var mainObjKey = parts[1].ToLower();
                DomainObjectType mainObjKeyType = DomainObjectType.Unknown;

                if (mainObjKey == "user") mainObjKeyType = DomainObjectType.User;
                else if (mainObjKey == "recipe" || mainObjKey == "privaterecipe") mainObjKeyType = DomainObjectType.PrivateRecipe;
                else if (mainObjKey == "market" || mainObjKey == "publicrecipe") mainObjKeyType = DomainObjectType.PublicRecipe;
                else if (mainObjKey == "item" || mainObjKey == "recipeitem") mainObjKeyType = DomainObjectType.RecipeItem;
                else if (mainObjKey == "balance" || mainObjKey == "account") mainObjKeyType = DomainObjectType.UserAccountBalance;
                else if (mainObjKey == "system" || mainObjKey == "systemstatus") mainObjKeyType = DomainObjectType.SystemStatus;

                var mainObjValue = string.Empty;
                if (parts.Count > 2)
                    mainObjValue = parts[2];

                command.MainObjPair = new KeyValuePair<DomainObjectType, string>(mainObjKeyType, mainObjValue);

            for (int i = 3; i < parts.Count; i = i + 2)
                var key = parts[i];
                var value = string.Empty;
                if (parts.Count > i + 1)
                    value = parts[i + 1];

                //if(command.OptionalCommandPairs == null) command.OptionalCommandPairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
                command.OptionalCommandPairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key, value));

            return command;
コード例 #12
        private string EditPrivateRecipeItem(Command command)
            if (command.MainObjPair.Value == string.Empty)
                return "Edit item must specify item ID";

            if (command.OptionalCommandPairs == null || command.OptionalCommandPairs.Count < 2)
                return "Edit item must specify recipe ID and/or item description and/or status";

            var itemIdPattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
            int itemId;
            if (int.TryParse(itemIdPattern, out itemId) == false)
                return "Edit item must specify a valid item ID";

            string recipeIdPattern = string.Empty;
            int recipeId;
            string newDescription = string.Empty;
            string newStatus = string.Empty;

            foreach (var optionalCommandPair in command.OptionalCommandPairs)
                var currValue = optionalCommandPair.Key.ToLower();
                if (currValue.Contains("recipe")) recipeIdPattern = optionalCommandPair.Value;
                else if (currValue.Contains("desc")) newDescription = optionalCommandPair.Value;
                else if (currValue.Contains("status")) newStatus = optionalCommandPair.Value;

            if (int.TryParse(recipeIdPattern, out recipeId) == false)
                return "Edit item must specify a valid recipe ID";

            var recipe = _privateRecipeRepository.GetById(recipeId);
            if (recipe == null)
                return $"Recipe with ID {recipeId} not found";

            var item = recipe.Items.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == itemId);
            if (item == null)
                return $"Recipe item ID {itemId} not found in the recipe";

            if (newDescription != string.Empty)
                item.Description = newDescription;

            if (newStatus.ToLower() == RecipeItemStatus.New.ToString().ToLower())
            else if (newStatus.ToLower() == RecipeItemStatus.Done.ToString().ToLower())

            return "Edit item successfully";
コード例 #13
        private string EditPrivateRecipe(Command command)
            var output = "";

            var recipePattern = command.MainObjPair.Value;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipePattern))
                return "Edit recipe must specify recipe ID or pattern";

            if (command.OptionalCommandPairs == null || command.OptionalCommandPairs.Count == 0)
                return "Edit recipe must associate with -title";

            var newTitle = command.OptionalCommandPairs[0].Value;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newTitle)) return "New title in edit recipe must not be empty";

            int recipeId;
            PrivateRecipe recipe = null;
            if (int.TryParse(recipePattern, out recipeId))
                //search by id
                recipe = _userService.GetUserRecipes().SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == recipeId);
                //search by title
                var foundRecipes = _userService.GetUserRecipes().Where(r => r.Title.ToLower().Contains(recipePattern.ToLower())).ToList();
                if (foundRecipes.Count == 1)
                    recipe = foundRecipes[0];
                else if (foundRecipes.Count > 1)
                    output = $"{foundRecipes.Count} recipes with title {recipePattern} found. Editing first one : {foundRecipes[0].Title}\n";
                    recipe = foundRecipes[0];

            if (recipe == null)
                return "Recipe not found";

            recipe.Title = newTitle;

            output += $"Edit recipe {recipe.Id} : {recipe.Title} successful";
            return output;
コード例 #14
        private string AddPrivateRecipeItem(Command command)
            var itemDesc = command.MainObjPair.Value;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemDesc)) return "Item cannot be empty";

            if (command.OptionalCommandPairs == null || command.OptionalCommandPairs.Count == 0)
                return "Add item must associate with a recipe";

            int recipeId;
            if (int.TryParse(command.OptionalCommandPairs[0].Value, out recipeId) == false)
                return "Add item must specify a recipe ID";

            var recipe = _privateRecipeRepository.GetById(recipeId);
            if (recipe == null) return $"Recipe with ID [{recipeId}] not found";

            var item = new RecipeItem(itemDesc, recipe);
            return "Item created successfully";
コード例 #15
 private string AddPrivateRecipe(Command command)
     if (command.MainObjPair.Value == string.Empty)
         return "Invalid recipe name";
         var result = _userService.CreateNewPrivateRecipe(command.MainObjPair.Value);
         return result == string.Empty ? "Recipe created successfully" : result;