public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string name = Common.doPost("name"); string type_id = Common.doPost("type_id2"); string user_group = Common.doPost("user_group"); string center = Common.doPost("center"); string grade = Common.doPost("grade2"); string employee_number = Common.doPost("employee_number"); string username = Common.doPost("username"); string oldpassword = Common.doPost("oldpassword"); string password = Common.doPost("password"); string password2 = Common.doPost("password2"); string country_id = Common.doPost("country_id2"); string phone_number = Common.doPost("phone_number"); string email = Common.doPost("email"); string status = Common.doPost("status2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string encryptedOldPassword = ""; string encryptedOldPasswordDB = ""; Member _member = new Member("users"); if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password2)) { int userID = Convert.ToInt32(id); encryptedOldPasswordDB = (from u in this._db.recsys_users where == userID select u.password).FirstOrDefault(); string salt = encryptedOldPasswordDB.Substring(0, 20); encryptedOldPassword = _member.encrypt(oldpassword, salt); if (!encryptedOldPassword.Equals(encryptedOldPasswordDB)) return Content("oldPasswordNotMatch"); } } _val.val(name, "req"); _val.val(type_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); _val.val(user_group, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0" }); _val.val(center, new String[] { "req", "int" }); _val.val(country_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phone_number)) _val.val(phone_number, "int"); if (email != null) { _val.val(email, "email"); } _val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); int t_id = Convert.ToInt32(type_id); Byte type = (from t in this._db.recsys_type where t.status == 1 && == t_id select t.type).FirstOrDefault(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { if (_member.isExist(username, "username", oper != "edit" ? "" : "id != '" + id + "'")) { _val.setValStatus(false); } } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password2)) { _val.val(password, "req"); _val.val(password2, new String[] { "req", "equal=" + password }); } if (type == null || !this._ctr.Contains(center)) { _val.setValStatus(false); } if (this.isDuplicatePhoneNumber(phone_number, id, country_id)) { _val.setValStatus(false); } if(_val.getValStatus()) { grade = string.IsNullOrEmpty(grade) ? null : grade; Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "name", name }, { "type_id", type_id }, { "type", type }, { "user_group", user_group }, { "center", center }, { "username", username }, { "email", email }, { "status", status }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") }, { "employee_number", employee_number}, { "country_id", country_id }, { "phone_number", phone_number }, { "grade", grade } }; if(! String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { data["password"] = password; } if(oper == "edit") { _member.update(data, id, "id"); } else { _member.insert(data); id = (from m in this._db.recsys_users orderby descending select; } } else { return Content("false"); } } else { this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(Common.doDelete("relate", "id2 = '" + id + "' AND table1 = 'group' AND table2 = 'users'")); _member.delete(Convert.ToInt32(id)); Common.delDir("Upload/users/" + id + "/"); } return Content(id); }