private void Init() { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'types.ExplainType' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.explainTypeTableAdapter.Fill(this.types.ExplainType); //Load Account Mapping Table this.AcctMapObj = AccountMapping.GetInstance(); // Declare A New Explain Object this.explainObj = new ExplainPL(this.dsRECON.ExplainPL); // Declare the Recon Manager reconObj = new ReconMgr(this.dsRECON, dtpicker.Value); //Loads Paths From Menu this.LoadFilePaths(); this.explainObj.ExplainTable.ExplainPLRowChanged += new RECONDataSet.ExplainPLRowChangeEventHandler(ExplainTable_ExplainPLRowChanged); this.reconObj.FoundMatch += new RecEventDelegate(reconObj_FoundMatch); }
public frmExplainAdjustment(ExplainPL explObj) { this._ExplainPLObj = explObj; InitializeComponent(); }