コード例 #1
 public ListingInfo(ListingItem item, ListView list, Employee user)
     this.item    = item;
     this.list    = list;
     this.user    = user;
     originalItem = item.originalItem;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the listing tab with ListingItems
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">The listview that contains the items</param>
        private void FillListingTab(ListView list)
            // Fill tab with all listings
            using (var context = new Model()) {
                var queryResult = context.Listings.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Listing").ToList();

                foreach (Listing l in queryResult)
                    ListingItem newItem = new ListingItem(l.year_built, l.date_listed);
                    newItem.id                 = l.id;
                    newItem.Address            = HelperFunctions.AddressToString(l.StreetAddress);
                    newItem.Bedrooms           = l.num_bedrooms;
                    newItem.Bathrooms          = l.num_bathrooms;
                    newItem.Stories            = l.num_stories;
                    newItem.AskingPriceDecimal = l.asking_price;

                    newItem.originalItem = l;

コード例 #3
        private void SubmitListing(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Int32 sellerID = 0;

            // If not existing client, have to make the client to get its ID, a seller client at this point
            if (clientSelected is false)
                string fname = clientFirstName.Text;
                string lname = clientLastName.Text;
                string phone = clientPhoneNumber.Text;
                string email = clientEmail.Text;

                //need the ID of the last inserted row
                sellerID = HelperFunctions.AddNewClient(null, fname, lname, "Seller", phone, email);

                if (sellerID == -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to create client", "Incorrect Fields");
            // otherwise, we have to just find the client's ID
                sellerID = clientIDs.ElementAt(existingClientList.SelectedIndex - 1);

                // If the client is only a buyer atm, upgrade to Both
                using (var context = new Model()) {
                    var seller = context.Clients.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Client WHERE id = @id", new SqlParameter("id", sellerID)).FirstOrDefault <Client>();

                    if (seller.client_type.Equals("B"))
                        context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE Client SET client_type = 'E' WHERE id = @id", new SqlParameter("id", sellerID));
                        clientTypeChanged = true;

            // Next we have to make a new address
            int  streetNum   = -1;
            bool parseResult = int.TryParse(streetNumberField.Text, out streetNum);

            if (streetNum < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Street Address cannot be below 0", "Incorrect Fields");
                // Get rid of the client if existing

            string streetName = streetNameField.Text;
            string city       = cityField.Text;
            string postalcode = postalCodeField.Text.ToString();

            // Check fields to make sure they arent null
            if (HelperFunctions.NullOrEmpty(streetName, city) || streetTypeBox.SelectedIndex == -1 || provinceBox.SelectedIndex == -1 ||
                HelperFunctions.CheckPostalCode(postalcode) is false ||
                parseResult is false)
                MessageBox.Show("Address related fields have resulted in an error", "Incorrect Fields");
                // Get rid of the client if existing

            string streetType = ((ComboBoxItem)streetTypeBox.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();
            string province   = ((ComboBoxItem)provinceBox.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();

            // If not, we can make a new address and store it's ID as well.
            SqlParameter streetNumParam  = new SqlParameter("num", streetNum);
            SqlParameter streetNameParam = new SqlParameter("name", streetName);
            SqlParameter streetTypeParam = new SqlParameter("type", streetType);
            SqlParameter cityParam       = new SqlParameter("city", city);
            SqlParameter provinceParam   = new SqlParameter("province", province);
            SqlParameter postalCodeParam = new SqlParameter("postalcode", postalcode);

            Object[] parameters = new object[] { streetNumParam, streetNameParam, streetTypeParam, cityParam, provinceParam, postalCodeParam };
            Int32    addressID  = 0;

            using (var context = new Model()) {
                context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("INSERT INTO StreetAddress (address_num, street, street_type, city, province_short, postal_code)" +
                                                   "VALUES (@num, @name, @type, @city, @province, @postalcode)", parameters);

                // Get the foreign key ID
                var result = context.StreetAddresses.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM StreetAddress WHERE ID = IDENT_CURRENT('StreetAddress')").FirstOrDefault <StreetAddress>();
                addressID = result.id;

            // Finally, we can make the listing with the left over information
            List <bool> parsedAttempts = new List <bool>();
            byte        numBedrooms    = 0;
            byte        numBathrooms   = 0;
            byte        numStories     = 0;
            double      squareFootage  = -1;
            double      lotSize        = -1;

            parsedAttempts.Add(byte.TryParse(numberBedroomsField.Text, out numBedrooms));
            parsedAttempts.Add(byte.TryParse(numberBathroomsField.Text, out numBathrooms));
            parsedAttempts.Add(byte.TryParse(numberStoriesField.Text, out numStories));

            double.TryParse(squareFootageField.Text, out squareFootage);
            double.TryParse(lotSizeField.Text, out lotSize);

            // If anything goes wrong in the parsing
            if (HelperFunctions.IntegersBelowZero(numBedrooms, numBathrooms, numStories) ||
                parsedAttempts.Any(a => a is false))
                if (squareFootageField.Text.Equals("") is false && squareFootage < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("House information fields are incorrect", "Incorrect Fields");
                    // Get rid of the client if existing
                if (lotSizeField.Text.Equals("") is false && lotSize < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("House information fields are incorrect", "Incorrect Fields");
                    // Get rid of the client if existing

                MessageBox.Show("House information fields are incorrect", "Incorrect Fields");
                // Get rid of the client if existing

            // squarefootage and lotsize information is optional so must be handled differently
            if (squareFootage > 0)
                if (lotSize > 0)

            bool     hasGarage   = (bool)hasGarageBox.IsChecked;
            DateTime yearBuilt   = (DateTime)yearBuiltField.SelectedDate;
            Decimal  askingPrice = -1;

            if (Decimal.TryParse(askingPriceField.Text, out askingPrice) is false || askingPrice < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Asking price was entered incorrectly", "Incorrect Fields");
                // Get rid of the client if existing

            DateTime dateListed = DateTime.Today;

            // Insert into database
            using (var context = new Model()) {
                SqlParameter addressFK        = new SqlParameter("addrFK", addressID);
                SqlParameter sellerFK         = new SqlParameter("sellerFK", sellerID);
                SqlParameter askingPriceParam = new SqlParameter("askingprice", askingPrice);
                SqlParameter numBedParam      = new SqlParameter("bed", numBedrooms);
                SqlParameter numBathParam     = new SqlParameter("bath", numBathrooms);
                SqlParameter numStoriesParam  = new SqlParameter("stories", numStories);
                SqlParameter hasGarageParam   = new SqlParameter("garage", hasGarage);
                SqlParameter yearBuiltParam   = new SqlParameter("yearbuilt", SqlDbType.DateTime); //optional
                yearBuiltParam.Value = yearBuilt;
                SqlParameter sqFootageParam = new SqlParameter("sqfootage", SqlDbType.Real);       //optional
                sqFootageParam.Value = squareFootage;
                SqlParameter lotSizeParam = new SqlParameter("lotsize", SqlDbType.Real);           //optional
                lotSizeParam.Value = lotSize;
                SqlParameter pictureParam = new SqlParameter("picture", SqlDbType.Image);          //optional
                pictureParam.Value = selectedImageData;
                SqlParameter timestamp = new SqlParameter("timestamp", SqlDbType.DateTime);
                timestamp.Value = dateListed;

                yearBuiltParam.IsNullable = true;
                sqFootageParam.IsNullable = true;
                lotSizeParam.IsNullable   = true;

                if (changedYearBuilt is false)
                    yearBuiltParam.Value = DBNull.Value;
                if (squareFootage <= 0)
                    sqFootageParam.Value = DBNull.Value;
                if (lotSize <= 0)
                    lotSizeParam.Value = DBNull.Value;
                if (selectedImageData == null)
                    pictureParam.Value = DBNull.Value;

                parameters = new object[] { addressFK, sellerFK, askingPriceParam, numBedParam, numBathParam, numStoriesParam,
                                            hasGarageParam, yearBuiltParam, sqFootageParam, lotSizeParam, pictureParam, timestamp };

                try {
                    context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("INSERT INTO Listing (address_id, seller_id, asking_price, num_bedrooms, num_bathrooms, " +
                                                       "num_stories, has_garage, year_built, square_footage, lot_size, display_picture, date_listed)" +
                                                       "VALUES (@addrFK, @sellerFK, @askingprice, @bed, @bath," +
                                                       "@stories, @garage, @yearbuilt, @sqfootage, @lotsize, @picture, @timestamp)", parameters);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not create listing", "Incorrect Fields");

                    // Get rid of the client if existing

                // Get the record we just added
                var result = context.Listings.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Listing WHERE ID = IDENT_CURRENT('listing')").FirstOrDefault <Listing>();

                // Construct the list item
                ListingItem newItem = new ListingItem(yearBuilt, dateListed);
                newItem.id                 = result.id;
                newItem.Address            = HelperFunctions.AddressToString(result.StreetAddress);
                newItem.Bedrooms           = result.num_bedrooms;
                newItem.Bathrooms          = result.num_bathrooms;
                newItem.Stories            = result.num_stories;
                newItem.AskingPriceDecimal = result.asking_price;
                newItem.originalItem       = result;

                // Add it to the listview
