コード例 #1
ファイル: TableInfoSynchronizer.cs プロジェクト: rkm/RDMP
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="SynchronizationFailedException">Could not figure out how to resolve a synchronization problem between the TableInfo and the underlying table structure</exception>
        /// <param name="notifier">Called every time a fixable problem is detected, method must return true or false.  True = apply fix, False = don't - but carry on checking</param>
        public bool Synchronize(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            bool IsSynched = true;

            //server exists and is accessible?
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new SynchronizationFailedException("Could not connect to " + _toSyncTo, e);

            //database exists?
            var expectedDatabase = _toSyncTo.ExpectDatabase(_tableToSync.GetDatabaseRuntimeName());

            if (!expectedDatabase.Exists())
                throw new SynchronizationFailedException("Server did not contain a database called " + _tableToSync.GetDatabaseRuntimeName());

            //identify new columns
            DiscoveredColumn[] liveColumns;
            DiscoveredTable    expectedTable;

            if (_tableToSync.IsTableValuedFunction)
                expectedTable = expectedDatabase.ExpectTableValuedFunction(_tableToSync.GetRuntimeName(), _tableToSync.Schema);
                if (!expectedTable.Exists())
                    throw new SynchronizationFailedException("Database " + expectedDatabase + " did not contain a TABLE VALUED FUNCTION called " + _tableToSync.GetRuntimeName());
                //table exists?
                expectedTable = expectedDatabase.ExpectTable(_tableToSync.GetRuntimeName(), _tableToSync.Schema, _tableToSync.IsView ? TableType.View:TableType.Table);
                if (!expectedTable.Exists())
                    throw new SynchronizationFailedException("Database " + expectedDatabase + " did not contain a table called " + _tableToSync.GetRuntimeName());

                liveColumns = expectedTable.DiscoverColumns();
            catch (SqlException e)
                throw new Exception("Failed to enumerate columns in " +
                                    _toSyncTo +
                                    " (we were attempting to synchronize the TableInfo " + _tableToSync + " (ID=" + _tableToSync.ID + ").  Check the inner exception for specifics", e);

            ColumnInfo[] catalogueColumns = _tableToSync.ColumnInfos.ToArray();

            IDataAccessCredentials credentialsIfExists = _tableToSync.GetCredentialsIfExists(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing);
            string pwd = null;
            string usr = null;

            if (credentialsIfExists != null)
                usr = credentialsIfExists.Username;
                pwd = credentialsIfExists.GetDecryptedPassword();

            ITableInfoImporter importer;

            //for importing new stuff
            if (_tableToSync.IsTableValuedFunction)
                importer = new TableValuedFunctionImporter(_repository, (DiscoveredTableValuedFunction)expectedTable);
                importer = new TableInfoImporter(_repository, _toSyncTo.Name, _toSyncTo.GetCurrentDatabase().GetRuntimeName(), _tableToSync.GetRuntimeName(), _tableToSync.DatabaseType, username: usr, password: pwd, importFromSchema: _tableToSync.Schema, importTableType: _tableToSync.IsView ? TableType.View:TableType.Table);

            DiscoveredColumn[] newColumnsInLive =
                    live => !catalogueColumns.Any(columnInfo =>

            //there are new columns in the live database that are not in the Catalogue
            if (newColumnsInLive.Any())
                //see if user wants to add missing columns
                bool addMissingColumns = notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("The following columns are missing from the TableInfo:" + string.Join(",", newColumnsInLive.Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName())), CheckResult.Fail, null, "The ColumnInfos will be created and added to the TableInfo"));

                List <ColumnInfo> added = new List <ColumnInfo>();

                if (addMissingColumns)
                    foreach (DiscoveredColumn missingColumn in newColumnsInLive)
                        added.Add(importer.CreateNewColumnInfo(_tableToSync, missingColumn));

                    ForwardEngineerExtractionInformationIfAppropriate(added, notifier);
                    IsSynched = false;

            //See if we need to delete any ColumnInfos
            ColumnInfo[] columnsInCatalogueButSinceDisapeared =
                .Where(columnInfo => !liveColumns.Any(                                  //there are not any
                           c => columnInfo.GetRuntimeName().Equals(c.GetRuntimeName())) //columns with the same name between discovery/columninfo

            if (columnsInCatalogueButSinceDisapeared.Any())
                foreach (var columnInfo in columnsInCatalogueButSinceDisapeared)
                    bool deleteExtraColumnInfos = notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("The ColumnInfo " + columnInfo.GetRuntimeName() + " no longer appears in the live table.", CheckResult.Fail, null, "Delete ColumnInfo " + columnInfo.GetRuntimeName()));
                    if (deleteExtraColumnInfos)
                        IsSynched = false;


            if (IsSynched)
                IsSynched = SynchronizeTypes(notifier, liveColumns);

            if (IsSynched && !_tableToSync.IsTableValuedFunction)//table valued functions don't have primary keys!
                IsSynched = SynchronizeField(liveColumns, _tableToSync.ColumnInfos, notifier, "IsPrimaryKey");

            if (IsSynched && !_tableToSync.IsTableValuedFunction)//table valued functions don't have autonum
                IsSynched = SynchronizeField(liveColumns, _tableToSync.ColumnInfos, notifier, "IsAutoIncrement");

            if (IsSynched)
                IsSynched = SynchronizeField(liveColumns, _tableToSync.ColumnInfos, notifier, "Collation");

            if (IsSynched && _tableToSync.IsTableValuedFunction)
                IsSynched = SynchronizeParameters((TableValuedFunctionImporter)importer, notifier);


            //get list of primary keys from underlying table
コード例 #2
ファイル: TableInfoSynchronizer.cs プロジェクト: rkm/RDMP
        private bool SynchronizeParameters(TableValuedFunctionImporter importer, ICheckNotifier notifier)
            var discoveredParameters = _toSyncTo.GetCurrentDatabase().ExpectTableValuedFunction(_tableToSync.GetRuntimeName(), _tableToSync.Schema).DiscoverParameters();
            var currentParameters    = _tableToSync.GetAllParameters();

            //For each parameter in underlying database
            foreach (DiscoveredParameter parameter in discoveredParameters)
                ISqlParameter existingCatalogueReference = currentParameters.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ParameterName.Equals(parameter.ParameterName));
                if (existingCatalogueReference == null)// that is not known about by the TableInfo
                    bool create = notifier.OnCheckPerformed(
                        new CheckEventArgs(
                            "TableInfo " + _tableToSync +
                            " is a Table Valued Function but it does not have a record of the parameter " +
                            parameter.ParameterName + " which appears in the underlying database", CheckResult.Fail,
                            null, "Create the Parameter"));

                    if (!create)
                        return(false); //no longer synched
                    importer.CreateParameter(_tableToSync, parameter);
                    //it is known about by the Catalogue but has it mysteriously changed datatype since it was imported / last synced?

                    var dbDefinition = importer.GetParamaterDeclarationSQL(parameter);
                    //if there is a disagreement on type etc
                    if (existingCatalogueReference.ParameterSQL != dbDefinition)
                        bool modify =
                                new CheckEventArgs(
                                    "Parameter " + existingCatalogueReference + " is declared as '" + dbDefinition +
                                    "' but in the Catalogue it appears as '" +
                                    existingCatalogueReference.ParameterSQL + "'", CheckResult.Fail, null,
                                    "Change the definition in the Catalogue to '" + dbDefinition + "'"));

                        if (!modify)

                        existingCatalogueReference.ParameterSQL = dbDefinition;

            //Find redundant parameters - parameters that the catalogue knows about but no longer appear in the table valued function signature in the database
            foreach (ISqlParameter currentParameter in currentParameters)
                if (!discoveredParameters.Any(p => p.ParameterName.Equals(currentParameter.ParameterName)))
                    bool delete =
                            new CheckEventArgs(
                                "TableInfo " + _tableToSync +
                                " is a Table Valued Function, in the Catalogue it has a parameter called " +
                                currentParameter.ParameterName +
                                " but this parameter no longer appears in the underlying database", CheckResult.Fail,
                                null, "Delete Parameter " + currentParameter.ParameterName));

                    if (!delete)

