コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a entirely new copy of the <see cref="CohortIdentificationConfiguration"/> with all new IDs on the root and all child objects.  This includes
        /// filters, patient index tables, parameters, set containers etc.
        /// <para>This is done in a transaction so that if it fails halfway through you won't end up with half a clone configuration</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notifier">Event listener for reporting cloning progress and any problems</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CohortIdentificationConfiguration CreateClone(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            //todo this would be nice if it was ICatalogueRepository but transaction is super SQLy
            var cataRepo = ((CatalogueRepository)Repository);

            //start a new super transaction
            using (cataRepo.BeginNewTransactedConnection())
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Super Transaction started on Catalogue Repository", CheckResult.Success));

                    var clone = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(cataRepo, Name + " (Clone)");

                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Created clone configuration '" + clone.Name + "' with ID " + clone.ID + " called " + clone, CheckResult.Success));

                    //clone the global parameters
                    foreach (var p in GetAllParameters())
                        notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Cloning global parameter " + p.ParameterName, CheckResult.Success));
                        var cloneP = new AnyTableSqlParameter(cataRepo, clone, p.ParameterSQL);
                        cloneP.Comment = p.Comment;
                        cloneP.Value   = p.Value;

                    //key is the original, value is the clone
                    var parentToCloneJoinablesDictionary = new Dictionary <JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration, JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration>();

                    //clone the joinables
                    foreach (var joinable in GetAllJoinables())
                        //clone the aggregate which has permission to be joinable
                        var cloneJoinableAggregate = joinable.AggregateConfiguration.CreateClone();

                        //clone the join permission
                        var cloneJoinable = new JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration(cataRepo, clone, cloneJoinableAggregate);

                        parentToCloneJoinablesDictionary.Add(joinable, cloneJoinable);

                    clone.ClonedFrom_ID = ID;
                    clone.RootCohortAggregateContainer_ID = RootCohortAggregateContainer.CloneEntireTreeRecursively(notifier, this, clone, parentToCloneJoinablesDictionary).ID;

                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Clone creation successful, about to commit Super Transaction", CheckResult.Success));
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Super Transaction committed successfully", CheckResult.Success));

                catch (Exception e)
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Cloning failed, See Exception for details, the Super Transaction was rolled back successfully though", CheckResult.Fail, e));

コード例 #2
        private AggregateConfiguration CreateCloneOfAggregateConfigurationPrivate(AggregateConfiguration toClone, ChooseWhichExtractionIdentifierToUseFromManyHandler resolveMultipleExtractionIdentifiers)
            var cataRepo = CatalogueRepository;

            //two cases here either the import has a custom freaky CHI column (dimension) or it doesn't reference CHI at all if it is freaky we want to preserve it's freakyness
            ExtractionInformation underlyingExtractionInformation;
            IColumn extractionIdentifier = GetExtractionIdentifierFrom(toClone, out underlyingExtractionInformation, resolveMultipleExtractionIdentifiers);

            //clone will not have axis or pivot or dimensions other than extraction identifier
            var newConfiguration = toClone.ShallowClone();

            //make it's name follow the naming convention e.g. cic_105_LINK103_MyAggregate

            //now clear it's pivot dimension, make it not extratcable and make it's countSQL basic/sane
            newConfiguration.PivotOnDimensionID = null;
            newConfiguration.IsExtractable      = false;
            newConfiguration.CountSQL           = null;//clear the count sql

            //clone parameters
            foreach (AnyTableSqlParameter toCloneParameter in toClone.Parameters)
                var newParam = new AnyTableSqlParameter((ICatalogueRepository)newConfiguration.Repository, newConfiguration, toCloneParameter.ParameterSQL);
                newParam.Value   = toCloneParameter.Value;
                newParam.Comment = toCloneParameter.Comment;

            //now clone it's AggregateForcedJoins
            foreach (var t in cataRepo.AggregateForcedJoinManager.GetAllForcedJoinsFor(toClone))
                cataRepo.AggregateForcedJoinManager.CreateLinkBetween(newConfiguration, t);

            //now give it 1 dimension which is the only IsExtractionIdentifier column
            var newDimension = new AggregateDimension(cataRepo, underlyingExtractionInformation, newConfiguration);

            //the thing we were cloning had a freaky CHI column (probably had a collate or something involved in it or a masterchi)
            if (extractionIdentifier is AggregateDimension)
                //preserve it's freakyness
                newDimension.Alias     = extractionIdentifier.Alias;
                newDimension.SelectSQL = extractionIdentifier.SelectSQL;
                newDimension.Order     = extractionIdentifier.Order;

            //now rewire all it's filters
            if (toClone.RootFilterContainer_ID != null) //if it has any filters
                //get the tree
                AggregateFilterContainer oldRootContainer = toClone.RootFilterContainer;

                //clone the tree
                var newRootContainer = oldRootContainer.DeepCloneEntireTreeRecursivelyIncludingFilters();
                newConfiguration.RootFilterContainer_ID = newRootContainer.ID;

