internal Topic(SafeKafkaHandle kafkaHandle, Producer producer, string topic, TopicConfig config, out LibRdKafka.PartitionerCallback partitionerDelegate) { // PartitionerDelegate is an out parameter as its reference must be kept outside of Topic // it may be called after topic is GC, and it may be different for different topics // so we can't simply make it static here this.producer = producer; config = config ?? new TopicConfig(); config[""] = "true"; IntPtr configPtr = config.handle.Dup(); if (config.CustomPartitioner != null) { partitionerDelegate = (IntPtr rkt, IntPtr keydata, UIntPtr keylen, int partition_cnt, IntPtr rkt_opaque, IntPtr msg_opaque) => { byte[] key = null; if (keydata != IntPtr.Zero) { key = new byte[(int)keylen]; Marshal.Copy(keydata, key, 0, (int)keylen); } return(config.CustomPartitioner(this, key, partition_cnt)); }; LibRdKafka.topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(configPtr, partitionerDelegate); } else { partitionerDelegate = null; } handle = kafkaHandle.Topic(topic, configPtr); }
// WIP, not producing useful numbers yet. Assumes one partition. public static async Task<long> Consume(string broker, string topic) { long n = 0; var topicConfig = new TopicConfig(); topicConfig["auto.offset.reset"] = "smallest"; var config = new Config() { GroupId = "benchmark-consumer", DefaultTopicConfig = topicConfig }; using (var consumer = new EventConsumer(config, broker)) { var signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1); consumer.OnMessage += (obj, msg) => { n += 1; }; consumer.OnEndReached += (obj, end) => { Console.WriteLine($"End reached"); signal.Release(); }; consumer.Subscribe(new List<string>{topic}); consumer.Start(); await signal.WaitAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"Shutting down"); } return n; }
internal Topic(SafeKafkaHandle kafkaHandle, Producer producer, string topic, TopicConfig config) { this.producer = producer; config = config ?? new TopicConfig(); config[""] = "true"; IntPtr configPtr = config.handle.Dup(); if (config.CustomPartitioner != null) { PartitionerDelegate = (IntPtr rkt, IntPtr keydata, UIntPtr keylen, int partition_cnt, IntPtr rkt_opaque, IntPtr msg_opaque) => { byte[] key = null; if (keydata != IntPtr.Zero) { key = new byte[(int)keylen]; Marshal.Copy(keydata, key, 0, (int)keylen); } return(config.CustomPartitioner(this, key, partition_cnt)); }; LibRdKafka.topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(configPtr, PartitionerDelegate); } handle = kafkaHandle.Topic(topic, configPtr); }
internal Topic(SafeKafkaHandle kafkaHandle, Producer producer, string topic, TopicConfig config) { this.producer = producer; config = config ?? new TopicConfig(); config[""] = "true"; IntPtr configPtr = config.handle.Dup(); if (config.CustomPartitioner != null) { PartitionerDelegate = (IntPtr rkt, IntPtr keydata, UIntPtr keylen, int partition_cnt, IntPtr rkt_opaque, IntPtr msg_opaque) => { byte[] key = null; if (keydata != IntPtr.Zero) { key = new byte[(int) keylen]; Marshal.Copy(keydata, key, 0, (int) keylen); } return config.CustomPartitioner(this, key, partition_cnt); }; LibRdKafka.topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(configPtr, PartitionerDelegate); } handle = kafkaHandle.Topic(topic, configPtr); }
private static Thread StartProducer(CancellationTokenSource tokenSource) { var timer = Metric.Timer("Published", Unit.Events); var thread = new Thread(() => { var topicConfig = new TopicConfig(); topicConfig["request.required.acks"] = "0"; // Don't require an ack from the broker. var config = new Config { GroupId = consumerGroupName, EnableAutoCommit = true, StatisticsInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), DefaultTopicConfig = topicConfig }; config[""] = "1"; // Maximum time a broker socket operation may block. config[""] = "1"; // Maximum time to buffer data when using async mode. using (var publisher = new Producer(config, brokers)) using (var topic = publisher.Topic(topicName)) { while (!tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { Thread.Sleep(1000); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var ticks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; topic.Produce(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ticks.ToString()), partition: (int)(ticks % 2)) .ContinueWith(task => { if (task.Exception != null) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: Error publishing message - {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), task.Exception); return; } timer.Record((DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - ticks) / 10000, TimeUnit.Milliseconds); reports.Add(task.Result); }); } } Console.WriteLine("Producer cancelled."); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } }); thread.Start(); return thread; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string brokerList = args[0]; string topicName = args[1]; var topicConfig = new TopicConfig { CustomPartitioner = (top, key, cnt) => { var kt = (key != null) ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(key, 0, key.Length) : "(null)"; int partition = (key?.Length ?? 0) % cnt; bool available = top.PartitionAvailable(partition); Console.WriteLine($"Partitioner topic: {top.Name} key: {kt} partition count: {cnt} -> {partition} {available}"); return partition; } }; using (Producer producer = new Producer(brokerList)) using (Topic topic = producer.Topic(topicName, topicConfig)) { Console.WriteLine($"{producer.Name} producing on {topic.Name}. q to exit."); string text; while ((text = Console.ReadLine()) != "q") { byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text); byte[] key = null; // Use the first word as the key int index = text.IndexOf(" "); if (index != -1) { key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text.Substring(0, index)); } Task<DeliveryReport> deliveryReport = topic.Produce(data, key); var unused = deliveryReport.ContinueWith(task => { Console.WriteLine($"Partition: {task.Result.Partition}, Offset: {task.Result.Offset}"); }); } } }
public Topic Topic(string topic, TopicConfig config = null) { LibRdKafka.PartitionerCallback partitionerDelegate; var kafkaTopic = new Topic(handle, this, topic, config, out partitionerDelegate); if (config?.CustomPartitioner != null) { // kafkaTopic may be GC before partitionerDelegate is called on all produced mesages // so we need to keep a reference to it. // We can't make it static in Topic as the partitioner will be different for each topic // we could make it in a static collection in Topic, but we can clear it when producer is closed, // (as it wait for all message to be produced) // so putting it in an instance collection allows us to free it eventually // it's not very effective for people creating a lot of topics // we should find a way to clear the list // when there is no more messages in queue related to the topic topicPartitioners.Add(partitionerDelegate); } return(kafkaTopic); }
public Topic Topic(string topic, TopicConfig config = null) => new Topic(handle, this, topic, config);
public Topic Topic(string topic, TopicConfig config = null) { return(new Topic(handle, this, topic, config)); }
public Topic Topic(string topic, TopicConfig config = null) { return new Topic(handle, this, topic, config); }