コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a 3d texture to a stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textureDataArray">Texture data array</param>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to write to</param>
        public static void WriteTextureToStream( Texture3dData[] textureDataArray, Stream stream )
            Arguments.CheckNotNullAndContainsNoNulls( textureDataArray, "textureDataArray" );
            Arguments.CheckNotNull( stream, "stream" );

            if ( textureDataArray.Length == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Texture data array was empty - must contain at least one element", "textureDataArray" );

            using ( BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter( stream ) )
                writer.Write( TextureFileFormatVersion1.TextureFileIdentifier );

                TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group headerGroup = new TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group( );
                headerGroup.GroupId = GroupIdentifier.TextureHeaderGroup;
                long startOfHeaderGroup = BeginGroup( writer, headerGroup );

                //	Write the header
                TextureFileFormatVersion1.Header header = new TextureFileFormatVersion1.Header( );
                header.Dimensions = 3;
                header.Format = textureDataArray[ 0 ].Format;
                header.TextureDataEntries = textureDataArray.Length;
                header.Write( writer );

                //	Write texture data
                TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group textureDataGroup = new TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group( );
                textureDataGroup.GroupId = GroupIdentifier.Texture3dDataGroup;
                for ( int textureDataIndex = 0; textureDataIndex < textureDataArray.Length; ++textureDataIndex )
                    //	Write the texture group
                    long startOfTextureGroup = BeginGroup( writer, textureDataGroup );
                    Texture3dData textureData = textureDataArray[ textureDataIndex ];

                    //	Write texture data
                    writer.Write( textureData.Width );
                    writer.Write( textureData.Height );
                    writer.Write( textureData.Depth );
                    writer.Write( textureData.Bytes );

                    //	Update the texture group
                    EndGroup( writer, startOfTextureGroup );

                //	Update group with correct size
                EndGroup( writer, startOfHeaderGroup );
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a texture to a stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture">Texture to write</param>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to write to</param>
        /// <param name="writeMipMaps">
        /// If true, all the texture's mip-map levels are written to the stream. Otherwise, only the level 0
        /// texture is written.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if texture or stream arguments are null</exception>
        public static void WriteTextureToStream( ITexture2d texture, Stream stream, bool writeMipMaps )
            Arguments.CheckNotNull( texture, "texture" );
            Arguments.CheckNotNull( stream, "stream" );

            Texture2dData[] textureDataArray = texture.ToTextureData( writeMipMaps );

            using ( BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter( stream ) )
                writer.Write( TextureFileFormatVersion1.TextureFileIdentifier );

                TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group headerGroup = new TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group( );
                headerGroup.GroupId = GroupIdentifier.TextureHeaderGroup;
                long startOfHeaderGroup = BeginGroup( writer, headerGroup );

                //	Write the header
                TextureFileFormatVersion1.Header header = new TextureFileFormatVersion1.Header( );
                header.Dimensions = 2;
                header.Format = texture.Format;
                header.TextureDataEntries = textureDataArray.Length;
                header.Write( writer );

                //	Write texture data
                TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group textureDataGroup = new TextureFileFormatVersion1.Group( );
                textureDataGroup.GroupId = GroupIdentifier.Texture2dDataGroup;
                for ( int textureDataIndex = 0; textureDataIndex < textureDataArray.Length; ++textureDataIndex )
                    //	Write the texture group
                    long startOfTextureGroup = BeginGroup( writer, textureDataGroup );
                    Texture2dData textureData = textureDataArray[ textureDataIndex ];

                    //	Write texture data
                    writer.Write( textureData.Width );
                    writer.Write( textureData.Height );
                    writer.Write( textureData.Bytes );

                    //	Update the texture group
                    EndGroup( writer, startOfTextureGroup );

                //	Update group with correct size
                EndGroup( writer, startOfHeaderGroup );