コード例 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a category for the type including it's version (defaulted to "" for versionless types) in the specified configuration, using the specified type, and specified category name.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="configuration">The configuration in which the category will be created</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type for which the category will be created</param>
		/// <param name="categoryName">The category name in which creation will occur</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static XmlConfigurationCategory CreateCategoryForTypeVersion(XmlConfiguration configuration, Type type, CategoryNames categoryName)
				if (configuration != null)
					if (type != null)
						// start in the specified category
						XmlConfigurationCategory searchCategory = configuration.Categories[@"SnapIns\" + categoryName.ToString()];
						if (searchCategory != null)
							SnapInAttributeReader reader = new SnapInAttributeReader(type);
							if (reader != null)
								Version version = null;
								SnapInVersionAttribute versionAttribute = reader.GetSnapInVersionAttribute();
								if (versionAttribute != null)
									version = versionAttribute.Version;
									version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0);
								string path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}", @"SnapIns\" + categoryName.ToString(), type.FullName, version.ToString());
								return configuration.Categories[path, true];
			catch(System.Exception systemException)
			return null;
コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines if the specified Type's Version (queried via attributes and reflection) is included in the array of Versions specified
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="versions">The array of versions to search</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type to search for</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static bool IsVersionOfTypeIncluded(Version[] versions, Type type)
				if (type != null)
					SnapInAttributeReader reader = new SnapInAttributeReader(type);
					if (reader != null)
						SnapInVersionAttribute versionAttribute = reader.GetSnapInVersionAttribute();
						if (versionAttribute != null)
							foreach(Version version in versions)
								if (Version.Equals(version, versionAttribute.Version))
									return true;
			catch(System.Exception systemException)
			return false;
コード例 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines if the specified Type's Version is an upgrade from the specified versions
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="versions">The array of versions to compare</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type whos version to compare against</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static bool IsVersionOfTypeAnUpgrade(Version[] versions, Type type)
				if (type != null)
					SnapInAttributeReader reader = new SnapInAttributeReader(type);
					if (reader != null)
						SnapInVersionAttribute versionAttribute = reader.GetSnapInVersionAttribute();
						if (versionAttribute != null)
							bool newer = true;
							foreach(Version version in versions)
								if (version > versionAttribute.Version)
									newer = false;								
							return newer;
			catch(System.Exception systemException)
			return false;
コード例 #4
		private void ExtractAttributesFromMetaData(Type type)
				SnapInAttributeReader reader = new SnapInAttributeReader(type);
				if (reader != null)
					// company name
					SnapInCompanyAttribute companyAttribute = reader.GetSnapInCompanyAttribute();
					if (companyAttribute != null)
						_company = companyAttribute.CompanyName;

					// description
					SnapInDescriptionAttribute descriptionAttribute = reader.GetSnapInDescriptionAttribute();
					if (descriptionAttribute != null)
						_description = descriptionAttribute.Description;

					// developers
					SnapInDevelopersAttribute developersAttribute = reader.GetSnapInDeveloperAttributes();
					if (developersAttribute != null)
						_developers = developersAttribute.DevelopersNames;

					// image
					SnapInImageAttribute imageAttribute = reader.GetSnapInImageAttribute();
					if (imageAttribute != null)
						_image = (Bitmap)imageAttribute.GetImage(type);

					// product families
					SnapInProductFamilyMemberAttribute[] productFamilyAttributes = reader.GetSnapInProductFamilyMemberAttribute();
					if (productFamilyAttributes != null)
						_productFamilies = new string[productFamilyAttributes.Length];
						for(int i = 0; i < productFamilyAttributes.Length; i++)
							_productFamilies[i] = productFamilyAttributes[i].ProductFamily;
					// title
					SnapInTitleAttribute titleAttribute = reader.GetSnapInTitleAttribute();
					if (titleAttribute != null)
						_title = titleAttribute.Title;						
					// version
					SnapInVersionAttribute versionAttribute = reader.GetSnapInVersionAttribute();
					if (versionAttribute != null)
						_version = versionAttribute.Version;

				if (_developers == null)
					_developers = new string[] {};

				if (_productFamilies == null)
					_productFamilies = new string[] {};

				// ensure default image
				if (_image == null)
					_image = _defaultImage;
				// ensure title 
				if (_title == null || _title == string.Empty)
					_title = type.FullName;

				if (_version == null)
					_version = new Version("");
			catch(System.Exception systemException)