コード例 #1
ファイル: RayMath.cs プロジェクト: stella3d/weekend-tracer
        public static float3 Color(Ray r, HitableArray <Sphere> world, int depth, ref Random rng)
            var rec = new HitRecord();

            if (world.Hit(r, 0.001f, float.MaxValue, ref rec))
                Ray    scattered   = new Ray();
                float3 attenuation = new float3();
                if (depth < 50)
                    if (r.Scatter(rec, ref attenuation, ref scattered, ref rng))
                        return(attenuation * Color(scattered, world, depth + 1, ref rng));
                    // this ray has run out of bounces - draw a black pixel
                    return(new float3());

            // the ray didn't hit anything, so draw the background color for this pixel
            return(Utils.BackgroundColor(ref r));
コード例 #2
            public static float3 Color(Ray r, HitableArray <Sphere> world)
                var rec = new HitRecord();

                if (world.Hit(r, 0f, float.MaxValue, ref rec))
                    var rn = rec.normal;
                    return(0.5f * new float3(rn.x + 1f, rn.y + 1f, rn.z + 1f));

                return(Utils.BackgroundColor(ref r));
コード例 #3
            public float3 Color(Ray r, HitableArray <Sphere> world)
                var rec = new HitRecord();

                if (recursionCounter < maxHits && world.Hit(r, 0.001f, float.MaxValue, ref rec))
                    var target = rec.p + rec.normal + Utils.RandomInUnitSphere(random);
                    return(absorbRate * Color(new Ray(rec.p, target - rec.p), world));

                return(Utils.BackgroundColor(ref r));