コード例 #1
        private Color DiffuseShading(SinglePoint interscetionPoint, SinglePoint lightPoint)
            //Unit normal vector
            normalVector.X = (interscetionPoint.x - this.sampleSphere.Center.x) / this.sampleSphere.Radius;
            normalVector.Y = (interscetionPoint.y - this.sampleSphere.Center.y) / this.sampleSphere.Radius;
            normalVector.Z = (interscetionPoint.z - this.sampleSphere.Center.z) / this.sampleSphere.Radius;

            //Vector from normal to the Light
            lightVector.X = (lightPoint.x - interscetionPoint.x);// / Math.Abs(lightPoint.x - interscetionPoint.x);
            lightVector.Y = (lightPoint.y - interscetionPoint.y);// / Math.Abs(lightPoint.y - interscetionPoint.y);
            lightVector.Z = (lightPoint.z - interscetionPoint.z);// / Math.Abs(lightPoint.z - interscetionPoint.z);
            double kd = 0.8;
            double ka = 0.2;

            double fctr = Vector3D.DotProduct(normalVector, lightVector);
            Color resultColor = new Color();
            resultColor.R = (byte)(ka * this.sampleSphere.R + kd * fctr * this.sampleSphere.R);
            resultColor.G = (byte)(ka * this.sampleSphere.G + kd * fctr * this.sampleSphere.G);
            resultColor.B = (byte)(ka * this.sampleSphere.B + kd * fctr * this.sampleSphere.B);
            resultColor.A = 1;

            return resultColor;
コード例 #2
 private void ShiftCoordinates(ref SinglePoint p)
     p.x += this.canvasWidth / 2;
     p.y += this.canvasHeight / 2;
コード例 #3
        /*   A sphere is given by its center (cx, cy, cz), its radius R, and its color (SR, SG, SB).
         *   line segment (ray) is given by its endpoints: P0 = (x0, y0, z0) and P1 = (x1, y1, z1).
         *   To find visible spheres, set P0 = viewer’s coordinates, VP = (VPx, VPy, VPz) and let P1 run through
         *   all the points (x1, y1, 0) where (x1, y1) is a pixel in the display area.
        private void SphereInterscetionCheck(SinglePoint p0, SinglePoint p1)
            lightPoint.x = 0;
            lightPoint.y = 50;
            lightPoint.z = 0;

            //p1.z = (double)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p0.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.Pow(p0.y - p1.y, 2) + Math.Pow(p0.z - p1.z, 2));

            dx = p1.x - p0.x;
            dy = p1.y - p0.y;
            dz = p1.z - p0.z;

            a = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
            b = 2 * dx * (p0.x - this.sampleSphere.Center.x) + 2 * dy * (p0.y - this.sampleSphere.Center.y) + 2 * dz * (p0.z - this.sampleSphere.Center.z);
            c = this.sampleSphere.Center.x * this.sampleSphere.Center.x + this.sampleSphere.Center.y * this.sampleSphere.Center.y
                + this.sampleSphere.Center.z * this.sampleSphere.Center.z + p0.x * p0.x + p0.y * p0.y + p0.z * p0.z
                - 2 * (this.sampleSphere.Center.x * p0.x + this.sampleSphere.Center.y * p0.y + this.sampleSphere.Center.z * p0.z)
                - this.sampleSphere.Radius * this.sampleSphere.Radius;

            delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;

            t = (-b - Math.Sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
            SinglePoint diffuseShadingPoint = new SinglePoint { x = p0.x + t * dx, y = p0.y + t * dy, z = p0.z + t * dz };

            if (delta < 0) {
                DrawPixel((p0.x + t * dx), (p0.y + t * dy), Colors.Black, 1);
            } else if (delta == 0) {
                //DrawPixel((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, this.sampleSphere.SpehereColor, 1);
                //this.grid.Add(new PointToCheck { x = (int)p1.x, y = (int)p1.y });

                //DrawPixel((p0.x + t * dx), (p0.y + t * dy), Colors.Green, 1);
                //this.grid.Add(new PointToCheck { x = (p0.x + t * dx), y = (p0.y + t * dy), delta = delta });

                DrawPixel((p0.x + t * dx), (p0.y + t * dy), DiffuseShading(diffuseShadingPoint, lightPoint), 1);
                this.grid.Add(new PointToCheck { x = (p0.x + t * dx), y = (p0.y + t * dy), delta = delta });

            } else {
                //DrawPixel((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, this.sampleSphere.SpehereColor, 1);
                //this.grid.Add(new PointToCheck { x = (int)p1.x, y = (int)p1.y });

                //DrawPixel((p0.x + t * dx), (p0.y + t * dy), Colors.Red, 1);
                //this.grid.Add(new PointToCheck { x = (p0.x + t * dx), y = (p0.y + t * dy), delta = delta });

                DrawPixel((p0.x + t * dx), (p0.y + t * dy), DiffuseShading(diffuseShadingPoint, lightPoint), 1);
                this.grid.Add(new PointToCheck { x = (p0.x + t * dx), y = (p0.y + t * dy), delta = delta });

コード例 #4
        private Color PhongIllumination(SinglePoint pointOfInterscetion, Vector3D normalVector)
            vectorN = normalVector;
            vectorL = lightVector;
            vectorR.X = (this.sampleSphere.Center.x - pointOfInterscetion.x);
            vectorR.Y = (this.sampleSphere.Center.y - pointOfInterscetion.y);
            vectorR.Z = (this.sampleSphere.Center.z - pointOfInterscetion.z);
            vectorV = -vectorR;

            return new Color();