public void CanGetFullUrlWithSlashOnTheEnd() { using (var store = NewDocumentStore()) using (var server = new RavenDbHttpServer(store.Configuration, store.DocumentDatabase)) { server.Start(); var documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080/" }.Initialize(); var session = documentStore.OpenSession(); var entity = new LinqIndexesFromClient.User(); session.Store(entity); Assert.Equal("http://localhost:8080/docs/users/1", session.Advanced.GetDocumentUrl(entity)); } }
static public void WaitForUserToContinueTheTest(EmbeddableDocumentStore documentStore) { if (Debugger.IsAttached == false) return; documentStore.DatabaseCommands.Put("Pls Delete Me", null, RavenJObject.FromObject(new { StackTrace = new StackTrace(true) }), new RavenJObject()); using (var server = new RavenDbHttpServer(documentStore.Configuration, documentStore.DocumentDatabase)) { server.Start(); Process.Start(documentStore.Configuration.ServerUrl); // start the server do { Thread.Sleep(100); } while (documentStore.DatabaseCommands.Get("Pls Delete Me") != null); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the document store access method to RavenDB /// </summary> protected override void InitializeInternal() { if (configuration != null && Url == null) { DocumentDatabase = new DocumentDatabase(configuration); DocumentDatabase.SpinBackgroundWorkers(); if (UseEmbeddedHttpServer) { httpServer = new RavenDbHttpServer(configuration, DocumentDatabase); httpServer.Start(); } databaseCommandsGenerator = () => new EmbededDatabaseCommands(DocumentDatabase, Conventions); } else { base.InitializeInternal(); } }
public void CanProjectFromIndex() { using (var documentStore = NewDocumentStore()) using (var httpServer = new RavenDbHttpServer(documentStore.Configuration, documentStore.DocumentDatabase)) { httpServer.Start(); documentStore.DatabaseCommands.PutIndex("ImagesByTag", new IndexDefinition<Image, ImageByTagSearchModel> { Map = images => from image in images from tag in image.Tags select new { TagName = tag, Images = new[] { image.Id } }, Reduce = results => from result in results group result by result.TagName into g select new { TagName = g.Key, Images = g.SelectMany(x => x.Images).Distinct() }, Stores = { {x => x.TagName, FieldStorage.Yes}, {x => x.Images, FieldStorage.Yes} } , Indexes = { {x => x.TagName, FieldIndexing.NotAnalyzed}, {x => x.Images, FieldIndexing.No} } },true); using(var s = documentStore.OpenSession()) { s.Store(new Image { Id = "images/123", Tags = new[] { "sport", "footbool" } }); s.Store(new Image { Id = "images/234", Tags = new[] { "footbool", "live" } }); s.SaveChanges(); } using (var s = documentStore.OpenSession()) { var imageByTagSearchModels = s.Advanced.LuceneQuery<ImageByTagSearchModel>("ImagesByTag") .OrderBy("TagName") .WaitForNonStaleResults() .ToList(); Assert.Equal("footbool", imageByTagSearchModels[0].TagName); Assert.Equal(2, imageByTagSearchModels[0].Images.Length); Assert.Equal("live", imageByTagSearchModels[1].TagName); Assert.Equal(1, imageByTagSearchModels[1].Images.Length); Assert.Equal("sport", imageByTagSearchModels[2].TagName); Assert.Equal(1, imageByTagSearchModels[2].Images.Length); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the document store access method to RavenDB /// </summary> protected override void InitializeInternal() { if (configuration != null && Url == null) { if(configuration.RunInMemory || configuration.RunInUnreliableYetFastModeThatIsNotSuitableForProduction) { ResourceManagerId = Guid.NewGuid(); // avoid conflicts } DocumentDatabase = new DocumentDatabase(configuration); DocumentDatabase.SpinBackgroundWorkers(); if (UseEmbeddedHttpServer) { httpServer = new RavenDbHttpServer(configuration, DocumentDatabase); httpServer.Start(); } databaseCommandsGenerator = () => new EmbeddedDatabaseCommands(DocumentDatabase, Conventions, currentSessionId); } else { base.InitializeInternal(); } }
private void StartRaven(RavenConfiguration config) { try { _database = new DocumentDatabase(config); _database.SpinBackgroundWorkers(); _server = new RavenDbHttpServer(config, _database); try { _server.Start(); } catch (Exception) { _server.Dispose(); _server = null; throw; } } catch (Exception) { _database.Dispose(); _database = null; throw; } }