コード例 #1
ファイル: RavenDB_3264.cs プロジェクト: j2jensen/ravendb
        public void PatcherCanOutputObjectsCorrectly()
            var doc = RavenJObject.Parse("{}");
            const string script = @"output(undefined);
                                output([2, 'c']);
                                output({'a': 'c', 'f': { 'x' : 2}});"

            var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
                Script = script
            using (var scope = new DefaultScriptedJsonPatcherOperationScope())
                var patcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
                patcher.Apply(scope, doc, patch);
                Assert.Equal(8, patcher.Debug.Count);
                Assert.Equal("undefined", patcher.Debug[0]);
                Assert.Equal("True", patcher.Debug[1]);
                Assert.Equal("2", patcher.Debug[2]);
                Assert.Equal("2.5", patcher.Debug[3]);
                Assert.Equal("string", patcher.Debug[4]);
                Assert.Equal("null", patcher.Debug[5]);
                Assert.Equal("[2,\"c\"]", patcher.Debug[6]);
                Assert.Equal("{\"a\":\"c\",\"f\":{\"x\":2}}", patcher.Debug[7]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: UseX2JsScript.cs プロジェクト: GorelH/ravendb
		public void CanProcess()
			var document = new RavenJObject
					"Data", new RavenJObject
						{"Title", "Hi"}

			const string name = @"Raven.Tests.Patching.x2js.js";
			var manifestResourceStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(name);
			var code = new StreamReader(manifestResourceStream).ReadToEnd();

			var jsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			using (var scope = new DefaultScriptedJsonPatcherOperationScope())
				scope.CustomFunctions = new JsonDocument
					DataAsJson = new RavenJObject
						{"Functions", code}

				jsonPatcher.Apply(scope, document, new ScriptedPatchRequest
					Script = "this.Xml = js2x(this.Data);"
コード例 #3
		public void ShouldWork()
			var scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			var result = scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(new RavenJObject {{"Val", double.NaN}}, new ScriptedPatchRequest
				Script = @"this.Finite = isFinite(this.Val);"

コード例 #4
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanUseTrim()
			var doc = RavenJObject.Parse("{\"Email\":' [email protected] '}");
			const string script = "this.Email = this.Email.trim();";
			var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
				Script = script,
			var result = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, patch);
			Assert.Equal(result["Email"].Value<string>(), "*****@*****.**");
コード例 #5
ファイル: LoDash.cs プロジェクト: 925coder/ravendb
 public void Manual()
     var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(new Product
         Tags = new string[0],
     var resultJson = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
         Script = "this.Tags2 = this.Tags.Map(function(value) { return value; });",
     Assert.Equal(0, resultJson.Value<RavenJArray>("Tags2").Length);
コード例 #6
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: arelee/ravendb
		public void ComplexVariableTest2()
			const string email = "*****@*****.**";
			var doc = RavenJObject.Parse("{\"Contact\":null}");
			const string script = "this.Contact = contact;";
			var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
				Script = script,
				Values = { { "contact", new { Email = email } } }
			var result = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, patch);
コード例 #7
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanApplyBasicScriptAsPatch()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var resultJson = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest { Script = sampleScript });
			var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomType>(resultJson.ToString());

			Assert.Equal("Something new", result.Id);
			Assert.Equal(2, result.Comments.Count);
			Assert.Equal("one test", result.Comments[0]);
			Assert.Equal("two", result.Comments[1]);
			Assert.Equal(12144, result.Value);
			Assert.Equal("err!!", resultJson["newValue"]);
コード例 #8
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void ComplexVariableTest()
			const string email = "*****@*****.**";
			var doc = RavenJObject.Parse("{\"Email\":null}");
			const string script = "this.Email = data.Email;";
			var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
				Script = script,
				Values = { { "data", new { Email = email } } }
			var result = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, patch);
コード例 #9
        public void ShouldWork()
            var scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
            using (var scope = new DefaultScriptedJsonPatcherOperationScope())
                var result = scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(scope, new RavenJObject {{"Val", double.NaN}}, new ScriptedPatchRequest
                    Script = @"this.Finite = isFinite(this.Val);"

コード例 #10
ファイル: RavenDB_3197.cs プロジェクト: j2jensen/ravendb
        public void ScriptPatchShouldGenerateNiceException()
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    session.Store(new SimpleUser { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith"});

                        RavenJObject.FromObject(new { Functions =
@"exports.a = function(value) { return  b(value); };
exports.b = function(v) { return c(v); }
exports.c = function(v) { throw 'oops'; }
                        new RavenJObject());


                var patcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(store.SystemDatabase);
                using (var scope = new ScriptedIndexResultsJsonPatcherScope(store.SystemDatabase, new HashSet<string>()))
                    var e = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => patcher.Apply(scope, new RavenJObject(), new ScriptedPatchRequest
                        Script = @"var s = 1234; 
                    Assert.Equal(@"Unable to execute JavaScript: 
var s = 1234; 

[email protected]:3
[email protected]:2
[email protected]:1
[email protected]:2
anonymous [email protected]:1", e.Message);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ScriptsCache.cs プロジェクト: thoemmi/ravendb
        public Jint.JintEngine CheckoutScript(ScriptedPatchRequest request)
            CachedResult value;

            if (cacheDic.TryGetValue(request, out value))
                Interlocked.Increment(ref value.Usage);
                Jint.JintEngine context;
                if (value.Queue.TryDequeue(out context))
            var result = ScriptedJsonPatcher.CreateEngine(request);

            var cachedResult = new CachedResult
                Usage     = 1,
                Queue     = new ConcurrentQueue <Jint.JintEngine>(),
                Timestamp = SystemTime.UtcNow

            cacheDic.AddOrUpdate(request, cachedResult, (_, existing) =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref existing.Usage);
            if (cacheDic.Count > CacheMaxSize)
                foreach (var source in cacheDic
                         .OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Usage)
                         .ThenBy(x => x.Value.Timestamp)
                    if (Equals(source.Key, request))
                        continue;                         // we don't want to remove the one we just added
                    CachedResult ignored;
                    cacheDic.TryRemove(source.Key, out ignored);

コード例 #12
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CreateDocumentShouldThrowInvalidEtagException()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var advancedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			var x = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => advancedJsonPatcher.Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
                Script = @"PutDocument('Items/1', { Property: 1}, {'@etag': 'invalid-etag' });"

			Assert.Contains("Invalid ETag value 'invalid-etag' for document 'Items/1'", x.InnerException.Message);
コード例 #13
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CannotUseInfiniteLoop()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var advancedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			var x = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => advancedJsonPatcher.Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
																							Script = "while(true) {}"

			Assert.Contains("Too many steps in script", x.Message);
コード例 #14
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanOutputDebugInformation()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var advancedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			advancedJsonPatcher.Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
				Script = "output(this.Id)"

			Assert.Equal("someId", advancedJsonPatcher.Debug[0]);
コード例 #15
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanPatchUsingVars()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var resultJson = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
				Script = "this.TheName = Name",
				Values = { { "Name", "ayende" } }
			Assert.Equal("ayende", resultJson.Value<string>("TheName"));
コード例 #16
ファイル: DocumentDatabase.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public Tuple<PatchResultData, List<string>> ApplyPatch(string docId, Etag etag,
															   ScriptedPatchRequest patchExisting, ScriptedPatchRequest patchDefault, RavenJObject defaultMetadata,
															   TransactionInformation transactionInformation, bool debugMode = false)
			ScriptedJsonPatcher scriptedJsonPatcher = null;
			var applyPatchInternal = ApplyPatchInternal(docId, etag, transactionInformation,
				(jsonDoc, size) =>
					scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(this);
					return scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(jsonDoc, patchExisting, size, docId);
				() =>
					if (patchDefault == null)
						return null;

					scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(this);
					var jsonDoc = new RavenJObject();
					jsonDoc[Constants.Metadata] = defaultMetadata ?? new RavenJObject();
					return scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(new RavenJObject(), patchDefault, 0, docId);
				() =>
					if (scriptedJsonPatcher == null)
						return null;
					return scriptedJsonPatcher.CreatedDocs;
				}, debugMode);
			return Tuple.Create(applyPatchInternal, scriptedJsonPatcher == null ? new List<string>() : scriptedJsonPatcher.Debug);
コード例 #17
ファイル: PatchActions.cs プロジェクト: randacc/ravendb
 public Tuple<PatchResultData, List<string>> ApplyPatch(string docId, Etag etag, ScriptedPatchRequest patch,
                                                TransactionInformation transactionInformation, bool debugMode = false)
     ScriptedJsonPatcher scriptedJsonPatcher = null;
     var applyPatchInternal = ApplyPatchInternal(docId, etag, transactionInformation,
         jsonDoc =>
             scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(Database);
             return scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(jsonDoc.ToJson(), patch, jsonDoc.SerializedSizeOnDisk, jsonDoc.Key);
         () => null,
         () =>
             if (scriptedJsonPatcher == null)
                 return null;
             return scriptedJsonPatcher
         }, debugMode);
     return Tuple.Create(applyPatchInternal, scriptedJsonPatcher == null ? new List<string>() : scriptedJsonPatcher.Debug);
コード例 #18
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanUseSplit()
			var doc = RavenJObject.Parse("{\"Email\":'*****@*****.**'}");
			const string script = @"
this.Parts = this.Email.split('@');";
			var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
				Script = script,
			var scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			var result = scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(doc, patch);
			Assert.Equal(result["Parts"].Value<RavenJArray>()[0], "somebody");
			Assert.Equal(result["Parts"].Value<RavenJArray>()[1], "somewhere.com");
コード例 #19
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: j2jensen/ravendb
        public void CanOutputDebugInformation()
            var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
            using (var scope = new DefaultScriptedJsonPatcherOperationScope())
                var advancedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
                advancedJsonPatcher.Apply(scope, doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
                    Script = "output(this.Id)"

                Assert.Equal("someId", advancedJsonPatcher.Debug[0]);
コード例 #20
			public override void Dispose()
				bool shouldRetry = false;
				int retries = 128;
				Random rand = null;

					using (shouldRetry ? database.TransactionalStorage.DisableBatchNesting() : null)
						var patcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(database);
						using (var scope = new ScriptedIndexResultsJsonPatcherScope(database, forEntityNames))
							if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptedIndexResults.DeleteScript) == false)
								foreach (var kvp in removed)
									foreach (var entry in kvp.Value)
										patcher.Apply(scope, entry, new ScriptedPatchRequest
											Script = scriptedIndexResults.DeleteScript,
											Values =
										            "key", kvp.Key

										if (Log.IsDebugEnabled && patcher.Debug.Count > 0)
											Log.Debug("Debug output for doc: {0} for index {1} (delete):\r\n.{2}", kvp.Key, scriptedIndexResults.Id, string.Join("\r\n", patcher.Debug));



							if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptedIndexResults.IndexScript) == false)
								foreach (var kvp in created)
										foreach (var entry in kvp.Value)
											patcher.Apply(scope, entry, new ScriptedPatchRequest
												Script = scriptedIndexResults.IndexScript,
												Values =
											            "key", kvp.Key

									catch (Exception e)
										Log.Warn("Could not apply index script " + scriptedIndexResults.Id + " to index result with key: " + kvp.Key, e);
										if (Log.IsDebugEnabled && patcher.Debug.Count > 0)
											Log.Debug("Debug output for doc: {0} for index {1} (index):\r\n.{2}", kvp.Key, scriptedIndexResults.Id, string.Join("\r\n", patcher.Debug));


								database.TransactionalStorage.Batch(accessor =>
									foreach (var operation in scope.GetOperations())
										switch (operation.Type)
											case ScriptedJsonPatcher.OperationType.Put:
												database.Documents.Put(operation.Document.Key, operation.Document.Etag, operation.Document.DataAsJson, operation.Document.Metadata, null);
											case ScriptedJsonPatcher.OperationType.Delete:
												database.Documents.Delete(operation.DocumentKey, null, null);
												throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("operation.Type: " + operation.Type);

								shouldRetry = false;
							catch (ConcurrencyException)
								if (scriptedIndexResults.RetryOnConcurrencyExceptions && retries-- > 0)
									shouldRetry = true;
									if (rand == null)
										rand = new Random();
									Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(5, Math.Max(retries * 2, 10)));


				} while (shouldRetry);
コード例 #21
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: j2jensen/ravendb
        public void CanUseToISOString()
            var date = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var dateOffset = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(100);
            var testObject = new CustomType { Date = date, DateOffset = dateOffset };
            var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(testObject);
            var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
                Script = @"
            this.DateOutput = new Date(this.Date).toISOString();
            this.DateOffsetOutput = new Date(this.DateOffset).toISOString();

            using (var scope = new DefaultScriptedJsonPatcherOperationScope())
                var scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
                var result = scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(scope, doc, patch);

                var dateOutput = result.Value<string>("DateOutput");
                var dateOffsetOutput = result.Value<string>("DateOffsetOutput");

                // With the custom fixes to Jint, these tests now pass (RavenDB-1536)
                Assert.Equal(date.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ"), dateOutput);
                Assert.Equal(dateOffset.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ"), dateOffsetOutput);
コード例 #22
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CreateDocumentShouldThrowIfSpecifiedJsonIsNullOrEmptyString()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var advancedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			var x = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => advancedJsonPatcher.Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
                Script = @"PutDocument('Items/1', null);"

			Assert.Contains("Created document cannot be null or empty. Document key: 'Items/1'", x.InnerException.Message);

			x = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => advancedJsonPatcher.Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
                Script = @"PutDocument('Items/1', null, null);"

			Assert.Contains("Created document cannot be null or empty. Document key: 'Items/1'", x.InnerException.Message);
コード例 #23
		public Tuple<PatchResultData, List<string>> ApplyPatch(string docId, Guid? etag, ScriptedPatchRequest patch, TransactionInformation transactionInformation, bool debugMode = false)
			ScriptedJsonPatcher scriptedJsonPatcher = null;
			var applyPatchInternal = ApplyPatchInternal(docId, etag, transactionInformation,
				jsonDoc =>
					scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(
						loadDocument: id =>
											var jsonDocument = Get(id, transactionInformation);
											return jsonDocument == null ? null : jsonDocument.ToJson();
					return scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(jsonDoc, patch);
				}, debugMode);
			return Tuple.Create(applyPatchInternal, scriptedJsonPatcher == null ? new List<string>() : scriptedJsonPatcher.Debug);
コード例 #24
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanUseMathFloor()
			var doc = RavenJObject.Parse("{\"Email\":' [email protected] '}");
			const string script = "this.Age =  Math.floor(1.6);";
			var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
				Script = script,
			var result = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, patch);
			Assert.Equal(result["Age"].Value<int>(), 1);
コード例 #25
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanUseLoDash()
			const string email = "*****@*****.**";
			var doc = RavenJObject.Parse("{\"Contact\":null}");
			const string script = "this.Emails = _(3).times(function(i) { return contact.Email + i; });";
			var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
				Script = script,
				Values = { { "contact", new { Email = email } } }
			var result = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, patch);
			Assert.Equal(new [] { "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" }, result.Value<RavenJArray>("Emails").Select(x => x.Value<string>()));
コード例 #26
            public override void Dispose()
				var patcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(database);
	            using (var scope = new ScriptedIndexResultsJsonPatcherScope(database, forEntityNames))
		            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptedIndexResults.DeleteScript) == false)
			            foreach (var kvp in removed)
				            foreach (var entry in kvp.Value)
								patcher.Apply(scope, entry, new ScriptedPatchRequest
									                            Script = scriptedIndexResults.DeleteScript, 
																Values =
																	{ "key", kvp.Key }

					            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled && patcher.Debug.Count > 0)
						            Log.Debug("Debug output for doc: {0} for index {1} (delete):\r\n.{2}", kvp.Key, scriptedIndexResults.Id, string.Join("\r\n", patcher.Debug));



		            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptedIndexResults.IndexScript) == false)
			            foreach (var kvp in created)
					            foreach (var entry in kvp.Value)
						            patcher.Apply(scope, entry, new ScriptedPatchRequest
							                                        Script = scriptedIndexResults.IndexScript, 
																	Values =
																		{ "key", kvp.Key }

				            catch (Exception e)
					            Log.Warn("Could not apply index script " + scriptedIndexResults.Id + " to index result with key: " + kvp.Key, e);
					            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled && patcher.Debug.Count > 0)
						            Log.Debug("Debug output for doc: {0} for index {1} (index):\r\n.{2}", kvp.Key, scriptedIndexResults.Id, string.Join("\r\n", patcher.Debug));


		            database.TransactionalStorage.Batch(accessor =>
			            foreach (var operation in scope.GetOperations())
				            switch (operation.Type)
					            case ScriptedJsonPatcher.OperationType.Put:
						            database.Documents.Put(operation.Document.Key, operation.Document.Etag, operation.Document.DataAsJson, operation.Document.Metadata, null);
					            case ScriptedJsonPatcher.OperationType.Delete:
						            database.Documents.Delete(operation.DocumentKey, null, null);
						            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("operation.Type");
コード例 #27
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanPatchUsingRavenJObjectVars()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var variableSource = new { NewComment = "New Comment" };
			var variable = RavenJObject.FromObject(variableSource);
			var script = "this.Comments[0] = variable.NewComment;";
			var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest()
				Script = script,
				Values = { { "variable", variable } }

			var resultJson = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, patch);
			var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomType>(resultJson.ToString());

			Assert.Equal(variableSource.NewComment, result.Comments[0]);
コード例 #28
ファイル: PatchActions.cs プロジェクト: randacc/ravendb
        public Tuple<PatchResultData, List<string>> ApplyPatch(string docId, Etag etag,
                                                               ScriptedPatchRequest patchExisting, ScriptedPatchRequest patchDefault, RavenJObject defaultMetadata,
                                                               TransactionInformation transactionInformation, bool debugMode = false)
            ScriptedJsonPatcher scriptedJsonPatcher = null;
            var applyPatchInternal = ApplyPatchInternal(docId, etag, transactionInformation,
                jsonDoc =>
                    scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(Database);
                    return scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(jsonDoc.ToJson(), patchExisting, jsonDoc.SerializedSizeOnDisk, jsonDoc.Key);
                () =>
                    if (patchDefault == null)
                        return null;

                    scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(Database);
                    var jsonDoc = new RavenJObject();
                    jsonDoc[Constants.Metadata] = defaultMetadata ?? new RavenJObject();
                    return scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(new RavenJObject(), patchDefault, 0, docId);
                () =>
                    if (scriptedJsonPatcher == null)
                        return null;
                    return scriptedJsonPatcher
                }, debugMode);
            return Tuple.Create(applyPatchInternal, scriptedJsonPatcher == null ? new List<string>() : scriptedJsonPatcher.Debug);
コード例 #29
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanRemoveFromCollectionByValue()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var resultJson = new ScriptedJsonPatcher().Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
				Script = @"
			var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomType>(resultJson.ToString());

			Assert.Equal(new[] { "one", "seven" }.ToList(), result.Comments);
コード例 #30
		public Tuple<PatchResultData, List<string>> ApplyPatch(string docId, Etag etag, ScriptedPatchRequest patch, TransactionInformation transactionInformation, bool debugMode = false)
			ScriptedJsonPatcher scriptedJsonPatcher = null;
			var applyPatchInternal = ApplyPatchInternal(docId, etag, transactionInformation,
				(jsonDoc, size) =>
					scriptedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher(this);
					return scriptedJsonPatcher.Apply(jsonDoc, patch);
				}, debugMode);
			return Tuple.Create(applyPatchInternal, scriptedJsonPatcher == null ? new List<string>() : scriptedJsonPatcher.Debug);
コード例 #31
ファイル: AdvancedPatching.cs プロジェクト: robashton/ravendb
		public void CanRemoveFromCollectionByCondition()
			var doc = RavenJObject.FromObject(test);
			var advancedJsonPatcher = new ScriptedJsonPatcher();
			var resultJson = advancedJsonPatcher.Apply(doc, new ScriptedPatchRequest
				Script = @"
this.Comments.RemoveWhere(function(el) {return el == 'seven';});
			var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomType>(resultJson.ToString());

			Assert.Equal(new[] { "one", "two" }.ToList(), result.Comments);