public override void LoadContent() { if (Game.OptionsCurrent.SquareSize <= 0) { Model pm = Game.Content.Load <Model>(@"Models\Square"); float squareSize = Utilities.CalculateModelRadius(pm) * 1.13f; Game.StatusCurrent.GameOpts = new GameOptions(squareSize, Vector3.Zero); } //initialise the camera camera = new CubicalCamera(50f, Game, 5); //initialises the squares bool red = false; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { float yPos = Game.OptionsCurrent.SquareSize * (i); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { float zPos = Game.OptionsCurrent.SquareSize * j; for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { float xPos = Game.OptionsCurrent.SquareSize * k; Color color; if (red) { color = Game.StatusCurrent.ColorBlackSquares; } else { color = Game.StatusCurrent.ColorWhiteSquares; } red = !red; Square pm2 = new Square((Raumschach)this.Game, new Square.ChessboardPosition(k, i, j)) ; pm2.WorldTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation( Game.OptionsCurrent.LeftBottom + new Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos) ); squares[k, i, j] = pm2; } } } Game.Logics.ResetMatchParameters(); ChessboardLogics.Init(10000, 8); UpdateSquares(); camera.LoadContent(); Game.FormCollection["frmGamePlayScreen"].Show(); base.LoadContent(); }
public Raumschach() { //this.TargetElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 20); graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; logics = new ChessboardLogics(this); //Full Screen Mode = 1280; = 720; // = true; // Create the screen manager component. screenManager = new ScreenManager(this); Components.Add(screenManager); screenManager.AddScreen(new MainMenuScreen(), null); //GamePlayScreen gps = new GamePlayScreen(); //gps.DebugMode = true; //screenManager.AddScreen(gps, 0); }
private void DoMove(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e) { Game.StatusCurrent.Result = (PossibleResult)ChessboardLogics.GetResult(); to.OccupyingPiece = from.OccupyingPiece; from.OccupyingPiece = null; to.OccupyingPiece.PieceType = (PiecesTypes)Math.Abs(ChessboardLogics.GetPieceBySquare(to.index)) - 1; OnExit(sender, e); }
void ExecuteComputerMove(object state) { if (SelectedPiece != null) { SelectedPiece.IsSelected = false; SelectedPiece = null; foreach (Square sqr in squares) { sqr.IsSelected = false; } } string move = ChessboardLogics.GetAndMakeNextComputerMove(); Game.StatusCurrent.Result = (PossibleResult)ChessboardLogics.GetResult(); string strFrom = move.Substring(0, 3); string strTo = move.Substring(3, 3); string strPromo = String.Empty; try{ strPromo = move.Substring(6, 1); }catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {}; Square from = GetSquareFromString(strFrom); Square to = GetSquareFromString(strTo); //move the piece Piece p = from.OccupyingPiece; from.OccupyingPiece = null; to.OccupyingPiece = p; to.OccupyingPiece.PieceType = (PiecesTypes)Math.Abs(ChessboardLogics.GetPieceBySquare(to.index)) - 1; //UpdateSquares(); Game.FormCollection["frmGamePlayScreen"]["lblTurn"].Text = "It's " + Game.StatusCurrent.SideToMove + " turn"; Game.FormCollection["frmGamePlayScreen"]["lblComputerMove"].Text = "Computer has moved " + strFrom + strTo; Game.FormCollection["frmGamePlayScreen"]["lblComputerTime"].Text = String.Empty; IsComputerMoving = false; }
public void UpdateSquares() { //int[] board = new int[125]; //ChessboardLogics.GetChessboard(out board); for (int i = 0; i < 125; i++) { Square sq = squares[ 4 - (i % 5), 4 - (int)(i / 25), 4 - (i / 5) % 5 ]; sq.index = i; int piece = ChessboardLogics.GetPieceBySquare(i); if (piece < 8) { PiecesTypes pt = (PiecesTypes)(Math.Abs(piece) - 1); SideType st; if (piece < 0) { st = SideType.Black; } else { st = SideType.White; } new Piece(pt, Game, sq, st, squares); } else { sq.OccupyingPiece = null; } } }
void knightMenuEntry_Selected(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e) { ChessboardLogics.MakeMove(moveToMake + Piece.PiecesTypesLetters[PiecesTypes.Knight]); DoMove(sender, e); }
private void btnLoad_OnRelease(object obj, EventArgs e) { string FEN = loadedGames[((ComboBox)formCollection["frmGamePlayScreen"]["cmbLoadGame"]).Text]; ChessboardLogics.SetChessboardToFEN(FEN); }
public override void HandleInput(InputState input) { KeyboardState keybState = Keyboard.GetState(); if ((keybState.IsKeyUp(Keys.T) && (IsTKeyDown))) { IsTKeyDown = false; } if (((keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.T)) && ((keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl)) || (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightControl)))) && (!IsTKeyDown)) { IsTKeyDown = true; //facciamo in modo che se si tira indietro tutti i giocatori diventino umani foreach (Side s in Game.StatusCurrent.Sides) { s.PlayerType = PlayerType.Human; } //ricarichiamo la form in modo che mostri i dati aggiornati Game.FormCollection["frmGamePlayScreen"].Show(); ChessboardLogics.Takeback(); UpdateSquares(); } if (!ChessboardLogics.IsComputerThinking() && (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { PositionableModel closestClickedModel = GetClosestClickedModel(); if (closestClickedModel != null) { if (closestClickedModel.GetType() == typeof(Square)) //it is a selected square for sure { Square sq = closestClickedModel as Square; string move = SelectedPiece.OccupiedSquare.ToString() + sq.ToString(); if (ChessboardLogics.IsPromo(move)) { screenManager.AddScreen( new PromotionSelectionMenuScreen(move, SelectedPiece.OccupiedSquare, sq), this.controllingPlayer ); } else { ChessboardLogics.MakeMove(move); Game.StatusCurrent.Result = (PossibleResult)ChessboardLogics.GetResult(); //move the piece SelectedPiece.OccupiedSquare.OccupyingPiece = null; sq.OccupyingPiece = SelectedPiece; Game.FormCollection["frmGamePlayScreen"]["lblTurn"].Text = "It's " + Game.StatusCurrent.SideToMove + " turn"; //UpdateSquares(); //if (Game.StatusCurrent.SideToMove == SideType.White) // Game.StatusCurrent.SideToMove = SideType.Black; //else // Game.StatusCurrent.SideToMove = SideType.White; } SelectedPiece.IsSelected = false; SelectedPiece = null; foreach (Square sqr in squares) { sqr.IsSelected = false; } } else //else it's a piece { Piece clickedPiede = closestClickedModel as Piece; if (clickedPiede.Side == Game.StatusCurrent.SideToMove) { if (SelectedPiece != null) { SelectedPiece.IsSelected = false; } //select all moveable squares SelectedPiece = closestClickedModel as Piece; SelectedPiece.IsSelected = true; string from = SelectedPiece.OccupiedSquare.ToString(); foreach (Square sq in squares) { string to = sq.ToString(); if (ChessboardLogics.CanMove(from + to) != 0) { sq.IsSelected = true; } else { sq.IsSelected = false; } } } } } } base.HandleInput(input); }