/*GameOver method - used to end the game because the player is dead, calculating the lives left, Reload the screen with the dead player, Display the status on the screen*/ private void GameOver() { GameTimer.Enabled = false; // Stops the game timer to update the raindrops Y (vertical) position since the player is dead LivesUsed++; // Increment the lives the player already used up int remainingLives = playerLives - LivesUsed; // Calculating the remaining lives through subtracting the lives used from the total player lives Graphics deadPlayer = this.CreateGraphics(); deadPlayer.Clear(Color.White); // Clearing the screen this.Show(); PlayerBuilder playerBuilder = new PlayerBuilder(); // Creating a new object of the PlayerBuilder class playerBuilder.KillPlayer(deadPlayer, POSx, POSy); // using the object created to call the KillPlayer method to load the dead player /*Displaying the game over screen - Heading and loading the buttons to start the game*/ btnEndGame.Visible = true; btnRestart.Visible = true; lblLives.Visible = true; btnRestart.Text = "Retry"; lblLives.Text = String.Format("GAME OVER !!!! {0} / {1} lives remaining.", remainingLives.ToString(), playerLives.ToString()); if (remainingLives == 0) // Checking the condition if the player used up all the lives { btnRestart.Enabled = false; // Disabling the Restart button so that the player can't restart the game after the lives are finished } }
/*PlayerManager method - Loading the player start position once, Load the player in the specified position*/ private void PlayerManager() { if (runOncePlayer) // Will calculate the players start position for the starting of the game only once { runOncePlayer = false; CalcPlayerStartPOS(); // Calling the CalcPlayerStartPOS to calculate the players starting position } Graphics playerGraphics = this.CreateGraphics(); PlayerBuilder playerBuilder = new PlayerBuilder(); // Creating a new object of the PlayerBuilder class playerGraphics = playerBuilder.BuildPlayer(playerGraphics, POSx, POSy); // using the object created to call the BuildPlayer method to build and load the Player }
/*GameOver method - used to end the game because the player is dead, calculating the lives left, Reload the screen with the dead player, Display the status on the screen*/ private void GameOver() { GameTimer.Enabled = false; // Stops the game timer to update the raindrops Y (vertical) position since the player is dead LivesUsed++; // Increment the lives the player already used up int remainingLives = playerLives - LivesUsed; // Calculating the remaining lives through subtracting the lives used from the total player lives Graphics deadPlayer = this.CreateGraphics(); deadPlayer.Clear(Color.White); // Clearing the screen this.Show(); PlayerBuilder playerBuilder = new PlayerBuilder(); // Creating a new object of the PlayerBuilder class playerBuilder.KillPlayer(deadPlayer, POSx, POSy); // using the object created to call the KillPlayer method to load the dead player /*Displaying the game over screen - Heading and loading the buttons to start the game*/ btnEndGame.Visible = true; btnRestart.Visible = true; lblLives.Visible = true; btnRestart.Text = "Retry"; lblLives.Text = String.Format("GAME OVER !!!! {0} / {1} lives remaining.", remainingLives.ToString(), playerLives.ToString()); if (remainingLives == 0) // Checking the condition if the player used up all the lives btnRestart.Enabled = false; // Disabling the Restart button so that the player can't restart the game after the lives are finished }