protected void FillPage(string strExamId) { RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam randomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(int.Parse(strExamId)); if (randomExam != null) { ViewState["Year"] = randomExam.BeginTime.Year.ToString(); lblTitle.Text = randomExam.ExamName; } RandomExamSubjectBLL randomExamSubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamSubject> RandomExamSubjects = randomExamSubjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strExamId)); int nItemCount = 0; decimal nTotalScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RandomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { nItemCount += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount; nTotalScore += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount * RandomExamSubjects[i].UnitScore; } // 用于前台JS判断是否完成全部试题 hfPaperItemsCount.Value = nItemCount.ToString(); lblTitleRight.Text = "总共" + nItemCount + "题,共 " + nTotalScore + "分"; }
private void DownloadStudentInfoExcel() { string path = Server.MapPath("/RailExamBao/Excel/Excel.xls"); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objRandomExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("id"))); if (File.Exists(path)) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Buffer = true; this.Response.Charset = "utf-7"; this.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF7; // 添加头信息,为"文件下载/另存为"对话框指定默认文件名 this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(objRandomExam.ExamName + "参加考试学员名单") + ".xls"); // 添加头信息,指定文件大小,让浏览器能够显示下载进度 this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString()); // 指定返回的是一个不能被客户端读取的流,必须被下载 this.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; // 把文件流发送到客户端 this.Response.WriteFile(file.FullName); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["mode"] = Request.QueryString.Get("mode"); ViewState["startmode"] = Request.QueryString.Get("startmode"); hfMode.Value = ViewState["mode"].ToString(); if (ViewState["mode"].ToString() == "ReadOnly") { btnInput.Enabled = false; } string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { HfRandomExamid.Value = strId; RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam RandomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(int.Parse(strId)); if (RandomExam != null) { txtPaperName.Text = RandomExam.ExamName; } ItemTypeBLL objTypeBll = new ItemTypeBLL(); IList <ItemType> objTypeList = objTypeBll.GetItemTypes(); foreach (ItemType objType in objTypeList) { if (RandomExam.IsComputerExam) { if (objType.ItemTypeId > PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL) { continue; } } ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Text = objType.TypeName; item.Value = objType.ItemTypeId.ToString(); lbType.Items.Add(item); } Grid1.DataBind(); } } else { string strDeleteID = Request.Form.Get("DeleteID"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDeleteID)) { int nID = Int32.Parse(strDeleteID); RandomExamSubjectBLL RandomExamSubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL.DeleteRandomExamSubject(nID); Grid1.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获取当前考试的生成试卷的状态和次数 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ExamID"].ToString())); string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Random_Exam_ID=" + ViewState["ExamID"].ToString() + " and Computer_Server_No=" + PrjPub.ServerNo; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; if (txtCode.Text != dr["Random_Exam_Code"].ToString()) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "验证码输入有误,请重新输入!"; txtCode.Text = ""; return; } //获取当前考生即将考试的试卷 string strIP = Pub.GetRealIP(); RandomExamResultCurrentBLL objResultCurrentBll = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExamResultCurrent objResultCurrent = objResultCurrentBll.GetNowRandomExamResultInfo(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["StudentID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ExamID"].ToString())); ViewState["CurrentID"] = objResultCurrent.RandomExamResultId; //objResultCurrentBll.UpdateRandomExamResultCurrentIP(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["CurrentID"].ToString()), strIP); RandomExamApplyBLL objApplyBll = new RandomExamApplyBLL(); RandomExamApply objNowApply = objApplyBll.GetRandomExamApplyByExamResultCurID(objResultCurrent.RandomExamResultId); if (objNowApply.RandomExamApplyID == 0) { RandomExamApply objApply = new RandomExamApply(); objApply.RandomExamResultCurID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["CurrentID"].ToString()); objApply.RandomExamID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ExamID"].ToString()); objApply.CodeFlag = txtCode.Text == dr["Random_Exam_Code"].ToString(); objApply.ApplyStatus = 0; objApply.IPAddress = strIP; hfID.Value = objApplyBll.AddRandomExamApply(objApply).ToString(); } else { objNowApply.CodeFlag = txtCode.Text == dr["Random_Exam_Code"].ToString(); objNowApply.ApplyStatus = 0; objNowApply.IPAddress = Pub.GetRealIP(); objApplyBll.UpdateRandomExamApply(objNowApply); hfID.Value = objNowApply.RandomExamApplyID.ToString(); } lblApply.Text = "已提交考试请求,请等待回复......"; btnClose.Visible = true; btnOK.Visible = false; lblTitle.Visible = false; txtCode.Visible = false; img.Visible = true; }
//获取查询本站段可用机房的Sql语句 private string GetUseSql(OracleAccess db, RailExam.Model.RandomExam exam) { //判断本站微机教室是否被其他站段占用。 string strSql = "select a.Computer_Room_ID from Computer_Room_Apply a " + " inner join Org b on a.Apply_Org_ID=b.Org_ID " + " inner join Computer_Room c on a.Computer_Room_ID=c.Computer_Room_ID " + " where REPLY_STATUS=1 and a.Apply_Org_ID=" + PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.StationOrgID + " and ((to_date('" + exam.BeginTime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')>= APPLY_START_TIME" + " and to_date('" + exam.BeginTime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')<= APPLY_END_TIME)" + " or (to_date('" + exam.EndTime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')>= APPLY_START_TIME " + " and to_date('" + exam.EndTime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')<= APPLY_END_TIME)) " + " and c.Is_Use=1 and c.IS_EFFECT=1"; DataSet dsUse = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); string strUse = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in dsUse.Tables[0].Rows) { #region 判断是否存在该微机教室正在进行的考试,如果存在需要排除 //strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " // + "inner join Random_Exam b on a.Random_Exam_ID=b.Random_Exam_ID " // + "where a.Computer_Room_ID=" + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] // + " and (b.Status_ID<=1 or b.Is_Start<=1)"; //if (db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ // if (strUse == string.Empty) // { // strUse += dr["Computer_Room_ID"].ToString(); // } // else // { // strUse += "," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"]; // } //} #endregion if (strUse == string.Empty) { strUse += dr["Computer_Room_ID"].ToString(); } else { strUse += "," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"]; } } //排除本站段被其他站段占用的微机教室 strSql = " select Computer_Room_ID,Computer_Room_Name " + " from Computer_Room c " + " where c.IS_EFFECT=1 and Org_ID=" + PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.StationOrgID; //if(strUse != string.Empty) //{ // strSql += " and Computer_Room_ID not in (" + strUse + ")"; //} return(strSql); }
private void BindBookTree() { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objRandomExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); BookBLL bookBLL = new BookBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.Book> bookList = null; string strPostID = objRandomExam.PostID; string[] str = strPostID.Split(','); int orgID = PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.OrgID; int leader = objRandomExam.IsGroupLeader; int techID = objRandomExam.TechnicianTypeID; PostBLL objPostBll = new PostBLL(); Hashtable htBook = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { int postID = Convert.ToInt32(str[i]); IList <Post> objPostList = objPostBll.GetPostsByParentID(postID); if (objPostList.Count > 0) { continue; } bookList = bookBLL.GetEmployeeStudyBookInfoByKnowledgeID(-1, orgID, postID, leader, techID, 0); if (bookList.Count > 0) { TreeViewNode tvn = null; foreach (RailExam.Model.Book book in bookList) { if (!htBook.ContainsKey(book.bookId)) { tvn = new TreeViewNode(); tvn.ID = book.bookId.ToString(); tvn.Value = book.bookId.ToString(); //int n = objItemBll.GetItemsByBookID(book.bookId, Convert.ToInt32(strItemTypeID)); tvn.Text = book.bookName; tvn.ToolTip = book.bookName; tvn.Attributes.Add("isBook", "true"); tvn.ImageUrl = "/RailExamBao/App_Themes/" + StyleSheetTheme + "/Images/TreeView/Book.gif"; tvn.ContentCallbackUrl = "/RailExamBao/Common/GetBookChapter.aspx?itemTypeID=1&item=no&id=" + book.bookId; tvBookChapter.Nodes.Add(tvn); htBook.Add(book.bookId, book.bookName); } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("examID"))); hfName.Value = obj.ExamName; } }
protected void FillHeading(string strId, string orgid) { RandomExamResultCurrentBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = new RandomExamResultCurrent(); randomExamResult = randomExamResultBLL.GetRandomExamResult(int.Parse(strId)); string strOrgName = randomExamResult.OrganizationName; string strStationName = ""; string strOrgName1 = ""; int n = strOrgName.IndexOf("-"); if (n != -1) { strStationName = strOrgName.Substring(0, n); strOrgName1 = strOrgName.Substring(n + 1); } else { strStationName = strOrgName; strOrgName1 = ""; } lblOrg.Text = strStationName; lblWorkShop.Text = strOrgName1; lblPost.Text = randomExamResult.PostName; lblName.Text = randomExamResult.ExamineeName; lblTime.Text = randomExamResult.BeginDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); lblScore.Text = System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", randomExamResult.Score); int RandomExamId = randomExamResult.RandomExamId; RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam randomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(RandomExamId); if (randomExam != null) { lblTitle.Text = randomExam.ExamName; } RandomExamSubjectBLL randomExamSubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamSubject> RandomExamSubjects = randomExamSubjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); int nItemCount = 0; decimal nTotalScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RandomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { nItemCount += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount; nTotalScore += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount * RandomExamSubjects[i].UnitScore; } lblTitleRight.Text = "总共" + nItemCount + "题,共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", nTotalScore) + "分"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack && !CallBack1.IsCallback) { string strExamId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); ViewState["BeginTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); ViewState["StudentID"] = Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID"); if (strExamId != null && strExamId != "") { RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam randomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(int.Parse(strExamId)); #region 考前判断(屏蔽) //if (randomExam.StartMode == 2 && randomExam.OrgId.ToString() != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StationID"].ToString() && randomExam.OrgId != 32) //{ // OrganizationBLL OrgBll = new OrganizationBLL(); // string strOrgName = OrgBll.GetOrganization(randomExam.OrgId).ShortName; // Response.Write("<script>alert('该考试为" + strOrgName + "统一时间考试,必须在" + strOrgName + "参加!'); top.window.close();</script>"); // return; //} ////如果当前考试为手动控制,则需判断考试是否开始 //if (randomExam.StartMode == 2 && randomExam.IsStart == 0) //{ // Response.Write("<script>alert('该考试还没有开始,请耐心等待!'); top.window.close();</script>"); // return; //} //if (randomExam.StartMode == 2 && randomExam.IsStart == 2) //{ // Response.Write("<script>alert('该考试已经结束!'); top.window.close();</script>"); // return; //} #endregion HiddenFieldExamTime.Value = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(randomExam.ExamTime).ToString(); HfExamTime.Value = (randomExam.ExamTime * 60).ToString(); //获取当前考生最新需要做的考试试卷主表记录 RandomExamResultCurrentBLL objResultCurrentBll = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExamResultCurrent objResultCurrent = objResultCurrentBll.GetNowRandomExamResultInfo(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["StudentID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(strExamId)); //设置当前考生本次考试还剩下的考试时间 HfExamTime.Value = ((randomExam.ExamTime * 60) - objResultCurrent.ExamTime).ToString(); FillPage(strExamId); } } }
protected void btnAddEmployee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); if (obj.CreatePerson != PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.EmployeeName && PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.RoleID != 362 && PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.RoleID != 1) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "您没有添加考生的权限!添加考生只能由出卷人操作。"; return; } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "jsSelectFirstNode", @"showEmployee(" + (obj.HasTrainClass ?1:0) + ")", true); }
private void GetHashTable() { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objRandomExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); BookBLL bookBLL = new BookBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.Book> bookList = null; string strPostID = objRandomExam.PostID; string[] str = strPostID.Split(','); int orgID = PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.OrgID; int leader = objRandomExam.IsGroupLeader; int techID = objRandomExam.TechnicianTypeID; PostBLL objPostBll = new PostBLL(); Hashtable htBook = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { int postID = Convert.ToInt32(str[i]); IList <Post> objPostList = objPostBll.GetPostsByParentID(postID); if (objPostList.Count > 0) { continue; } bookList = bookBLL.GetEmployeeStudyBookInfoByKnowledgeID(-1, orgID, postID, leader, techID, 0); if (bookList.Count > 0) { foreach (RailExam.Model.Book book in bookList) { if (!htBook.ContainsKey(book.bookId)) { htBook.Add(book.bookId, book.bookName); } } } } _htBook = htBook; }
private void BindGrid() { RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("eid"))); if (!objExam.IsComputerExam) { gradesGrid.Levels[0].Columns[8].Visible = false; gradesGrid.Levels[0].Columns[9].Visible = false; gradesGrid.Levels[0].Columns[10].Visible = true; gradesGrid.Levels[0].Columns[12].Visible = false; } else { gradesGrid.Levels[0].Columns[8].Visible = true; gradesGrid.Levels[0].Columns[9].Visible = true; gradesGrid.Levels[0].Columns[10].Visible = false; } }
protected void FillPage(string strExamId) { //获取考试基本信息 RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam randomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(int.Parse(strExamId)); if (randomExam != null) { lblTitle.Text = randomExam.ExamName; } //获取考试题数和分数 RandomExamSubjectBLL randomExamSubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamSubject> RandomExamSubjects = randomExamSubjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strExamId)); int nItemCount = 0; decimal nTotalScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RandomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { nItemCount += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount; nTotalScore += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount * RandomExamSubjects[i].UnitScore; } // 用于前台JS判断是否完成全部试题 hfPaperItemsCount.Value = nItemCount.ToString(); lblTitleRight.Text = "总共" + nItemCount + "题,共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", nTotalScore) + "分"; string strSql = "select a.*,b.post_name, GetOrgName(a.org_id) as org_name from Employee a " + " left join post b on a.post_id = b.post_id" + " where a.Employee_ID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID"); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; lblWorkNo.Text = dr["Work_No"].ToString(); lblIDCard.Text = dr["Identity_CardNo"].ToString(); lblSex.Text = dr["Sex"].ToString(); lblOrgName.Text = dr["org_name"].ToString(); lblPost.Text = dr["post_name"].ToString(); lblName.Text = dr["Employee_Name"].ToString(); }
protected void Callback1_Callback(object sender, CallBackEventArgs e) { try { string strId = ViewState["ExamID"].ToString(); RandomExamResultCurrentBLL objResultCurrentBll = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExamResultCurrent objResultCurrent = objResultCurrentBll.GetRandomExamResult(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["RandomExamResultID"].ToString())); if (objResultCurrent.RandomExamId == 0) { hfStart.Value = "2"; } else { objResultCurrent.ExamTime = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["LastExamTime"].ToString()) + GetSecondBetweenTwoDate(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString())); objResultCurrentBll.UpdateRandomExamResultCurrent(objResultCurrent); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objRandomExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); hfStart.Value = objRandomExam.IsStart.ToString(); } if (hfStart.Value == "2") { RandomExamResultBLL objResultBll = new RandomExamResultBLL(); RandomExamResult objResult = objResultBll.GetNewRandomExamResultByExamineeID(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["EmployeeID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(strId)); hfResultID.Value = objResult.RandomExamResultId.ToString(); } } catch { hfStart.Value = "-1"; } hfResultID.RenderControl(e.Output); hfStart.RenderControl(e.Output); }
protected void btnEnd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "缺少参数!"; return; } //获取当前考试的生成试卷的状态和次数 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); RandomExamComputerServerBLL serverBll = new RandomExamComputerServerBLL(); RandomExamComputerServer server = serverBll.GetRandomExamComputerServer(objExam.RandomExamId, PrjPub.ServerNo); if (server.IsStart == 0) { if (objExam.EndTime >= DateTime.Today) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "当前考试还未开始考试!"; return; } } else if (server.IsStart == 2) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "当前考试已经结束!"; return; } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "jsSelectFirstNode", @"EndPaper();", true); }
private void DownloadAll(string strType) { RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("eid"); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(int.Parse(strId)); string filename = ""; filename = Server.MapPath("/RailExamBao/Excel/" + strType + "/"); string ZipName = Server.MapPath("/RailExamBao/Excel/"); GzipCompress(filename, ZipName); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(ZipName.ToString()); this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Buffer = true; this.Response.Charset = "utf-7"; this.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF7; // 添加头信息,为"文件下载/另存为"对话框指定默认文件名 if (strType.IndexOf("合格") >= 0) { this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(obj.ExamName + "合格试卷") + ".zip"); } else { this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(obj.ExamName) + ".zip"); } // 添加头信息,指定文件大小,让浏览器能够显示下载进度 this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString()); // 指定返回的是一个不能被客户端读取的流,必须被下载 this.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-word"; // 把文件流发送到客户端 this.Response.WriteFile(file.FullName); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //if (PrjPub.IsServerCenter && PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.SuitRange != 1) //{ // HfUpdateRight.Value = "False"; // HfDeleteRight.Value = "False"; //} //else //{ // HfUpdateRight.Value = PrjPub.HasEditRight("新增考试").ToString(); // HfDeleteRight.Value = PrjPub.HasDeleteRight("新增考试").ToString(); //} hfRailSystemID.Value = PrjPub.GetRailSystemId().ToString(); if (PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser == null) { Response.Redirect("/RailExamBao/Common/Error.aspx?error=Session过期请重新登录本系统!"); return; } if (PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.IsAdmin && PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.UseType == 0) { hfIsAdmin.Value = "True"; } else { hfIsAdmin.Value = "False"; } if (PrjPub.HasEditRight("新增考试") && PrjPub.IsServerCenter) { HfUpdateRight.Value = "True"; } else { HfUpdateRight.Value = "False"; } if (PrjPub.HasDeleteRight("新增考试") && PrjPub.IsServerCenter) { HfDeleteRight.Value = "True"; } else { HfDeleteRight.Value = "False"; } ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Value = Session["StationOrgID"].ToString(); item.Text = "--请选择--"; ddlOrg.Items.Add(item); if (PrjPub.IsServerCenter && PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.UseType == 0 && PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.IsAdmin) { ddlOrg.Visible = true; lblOrg.Visible = true; OrganizationBLL objOrgBll = new OrganizationBLL(); IList <Organization> objList = objOrgBll.GetOrganizationsByLevel(2); foreach (Organization organization in objList) { ListItem litem = new ListItem(); litem.Value = organization.OrganizationId.ToString(); litem.Text = organization.ShortName; ddlOrg.Items.Add(litem); } } else { ddlOrg.Visible = false; lblOrg.Visible = false; } hfOrgID.Value = PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.StationOrgID.ToString(); HfExamCategoryId.Value = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); Grid1.DataBind(); } else { string strDeleteID = Request.Form.Get("DeleteID"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDeleteID)) { //RandomExamResultBLL reBll = new RandomExamResultBLL(); //IList<RailExam.Model.RandomExamResult> examResults = reBll.GetRandomExamResultByExamID(int.Parse(strDeleteID)); //if (examResults.Count > 0) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "已有考生参加考试,该考试不能被删除!"; // Grid1.DataBind(); // return; //} DeleteData(int.Parse(strDeleteID)); Grid1.DataBind(); } if (Request.Form.Get("Refresh") == "true") { Grid1.DataBind(); } if (Request.Form.Get("OutPut") != null && Request.Form.Get("OutPut") != string.Empty) { OutputWord(Request.Form.Get("OutPut")); } if (Request.Form.Get("ResetID") != null && Request.Form.Get("ResetID") != string.Empty) { Grid1.DataBind(); } if (Request.Form.Get("arrangeID") != null && Request.Form.Get("arrangeID") != string.Empty) { string strId = Request.Form.Get("arrangeID"); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); //if(objExam.HasPaper) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "该考试已经生成试卷,不能重新安排微机教室!"; // Grid1.DataBind(); // return; //} if (!PrjPub.IsServerCenter) { Grid1.DataBind(); return; } if (PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.RoleID != 1) { OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); RandomExamArrangeBLL arrangeBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); IList <RandomExamArrange> arrangeList = arrangeBll.GetRandomExamArranges(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); if (arrangeList.Count == 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "该考试还未选择考生,不能安排微机教室!"; Grid1.DataBind(); return; } RandomExamArrange arrange = arrangeList[0]; bool hasOrg = false; string[] str = arrange.UserIds.Split(','); EmployeeBLL employeebll = new EmployeeBLL(); OrganizationBLL orgBll = new OrganizationBLL(); for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { Employee obj = employeebll.GetEmployee(Convert.ToInt32(str[i])); if (orgBll.GetStationOrgID(obj.OrgID) == PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.StationOrgID) { hasOrg = true; break; } } if (!hasOrg) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "该考试没有本站段考生,无须安排微机教室!"; Grid1.DataBind(); return; } } Grid1.DataBind(); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "jsSelectFirstNode", @"showArrange(" + strId + ");", true); } } }
protected void btnExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objRandomExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("id"))); SpreadsheetClass xlsheet = new SpreadsheetClass(); Worksheet ws = (Worksheet)xlsheet.Worksheets[1]; ws.Cells.Font.set_Size(10); ws.Cells.Font.set_Name("宋体"); ws.Cells[1, 1] = objRandomExam.ExamName + " 参加考试学员名单"; Range rang1 = ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[1, 1], ws.Cells[1, 7]); rang1.set_MergeCells(true); rang1.set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); rang1.Font.set_Name("宋体"); //write headertext ws.Cells[2, 1] = "序号"; ((Range)ws.Cells[2, 1]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); ws.Cells[2, 2] = "姓名"; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 2], ws.Cells[2, 2]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 2], ws.Cells[2, 2]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); if (PrjPub.IsWuhan()) { ws.Cells[2, 3] = "员工编码"; } else { ws.Cells[2, 3] = "工资编号"; } ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 3], ws.Cells[2, 3]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 3], ws.Cells[2, 3]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); ws.Cells[2, 4] = "职名"; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 4], ws.Cells[2, 4]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 4], ws.Cells[2, 4]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); ws.Cells[2, 5] = "组织机构"; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 5], ws.Cells[2, 7]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 5], ws.Cells[2, 7]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); ws.Cells[2, 8] = "考试地点"; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 8], ws.Cells[2, 10]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[2, 8], ws.Cells[2, 10]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); for (int j = 0; j < gvChoose.Rows.Count; j++) { ws.Cells[3 + j, 1] = ((Label)gvChoose.Rows[j].FindControl("lblNo")).Text; ws.Cells[3 + j, 2] = ((Label)gvChoose.Rows[j].FindControl("LabelName")).Text; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 2], ws.Cells[3 + j, 2]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 2], ws.Cells[3 + j, 2]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft); ws.Cells[3 + j, 3] = "'" + ((Label)gvChoose.Rows[j].FindControl("LabelWorkNo")).Text; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 3], ws.Cells[3 + j, 3]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 3], ws.Cells[3 + j, 3]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft); ws.Cells[3 + j, 4] = ((Label)gvChoose.Rows[j].FindControl("LabelPostName")).Text; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 4], ws.Cells[3 + j, 4]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 4], ws.Cells[3 + j, 4]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft); ws.Cells[3 + j, 5] = ((Label)gvChoose.Rows[j].FindControl("Labelorgid")).Text; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 5], ws.Cells[3 + j, 7]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 5], ws.Cells[3 + j, 7]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); ws.Cells[3 + j, 8] = ((Label)gvChoose.Rows[j].FindControl("lblComputeRoom")).Text; ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 8], ws.Cells[3 + j, 10]).set_MergeCells(true); ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[3 + j, 8], ws.Cells[3 + j, 10]).set_HorizontalAlignment(XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter); } ws.Name = "1-1"; ws.Cells.Columns.AutoFit(); try { ((Worksheet)xlsheet.Worksheets[1]).Activate(); string path = Server.MapPath("../Excel/Excel.xls"); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } xlsheet.Export(path, SheetExportActionEnum.ssExportActionNone, SheetExportFormat.ssExportAsAppropriate); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Buffer = true; this.Response.Charset = "utf-7"; this.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF7; // 添加头信息,为"文件下载/另存为"对话框指定默认文件名 this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(objRandomExam.ExamName + "参加考试学员名单") + ".xls"); // 添加头信息,指定文件大小,让浏览器能够显示下载进度 this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString()); // 指定返回的是一个不能被客户端读取的流,必须被下载 this.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; // 把文件流发送到客户端 this.Response.WriteFile(file.FullName); } catch { SessionSet.PageMessage = "系统错误,导出Excel文件失败!"; } }
protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string examId = Request.QueryString.Get("examID"); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam objRandomExam = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(examId)); if (objRandomExam.IsStart != 2) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "考试还未结束不能生成补考试卷!"; return; } //OrganizationBLL OrgBll = new OrganizationBLL(); //Organization org = OrgBll.GetOrganization(objRandomExam.OrgId); //if (org.SuitRange != 1 && !objRandomExam.IsUpload) //{ // Grid1.DataBind(); // SessionSet.PageMessage = "考试为站段考试,还未上传考试成绩不能生成补考试卷!"; // return; //} if (objRandomExam.HasTrainClass) { string strTrainClassID = ""; RandomExamTrainClassBLL trainClassBLL = new RandomExamTrainClassBLL(); IList <RandomExamTrainClass> trainClasses = trainClassBLL.GetRandomExamTrainClassByRandomExamID(Convert.ToInt32(examId)); foreach (RandomExamTrainClass trainClass in trainClasses) { if (strTrainClassID == "") { strTrainClassID = "'" + trainClass.TrainClassID + "'"; } else { strTrainClassID = strTrainClassID + ",'" + trainClass.TrainClassID + "'"; } } } string OrganizationName = ""; string strExamineeName = ""; decimal dScoreLower = 0; decimal dScoreUpper = 1000; IList <RandomExamResult> examResults = null; RandomExamResultBLL bllExamResult = new RandomExamResultBLL(); examResults = bllExamResult.GetRandomExamResults(objRandomExam.RandomExamId, OrganizationName, "", strExamineeName, string.Empty, dScoreLower, dScoreUpper, objRandomExam.OrgId); string strID = string.Empty; string strNoPass = string.Empty; foreach (RandomExamResult result in examResults) { if (strID == string.Empty) { strID = result.ExamineeId.ToString(); } else { strID = strID + "," + result.ExamineeId; } //当补考考生不为未参加考试考生时 if (ddlSelect.SelectedValue != "2") { if (result.Score < objRandomExam.PassScore) { if (strNoPass == string.Empty) { strNoPass = result.ExamineeId.ToString(); } else { strNoPass = strNoPass + "," + result.ExamineeId; } } } } RandomExamArrangeBLL objArrangebll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); IList <RandomExamArrange> objArrangeList = objArrangebll.GetRandomExamArranges(objRandomExam.RandomExamId); string strChooseID = string.Empty; if (objArrangeList.Count > 0) { strChooseID = objArrangeList[0].UserIds; } string[] str = strChooseID.Split(','); string strNoResult = string.Empty; //当补考考生不为不及格考生时 if (ddlSelect.SelectedValue != "1") { for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { if (("," + strID + ",").IndexOf(("," + str[i] + ",")) < 0) { if (strNoResult == string.Empty) { strNoResult = str[i]; } else { strNoResult = strNoResult + "," + str[i]; } } } } string strTotal = string.Empty; if (strNoResult == string.Empty && strNoPass == string.Empty) { strTotal = string.Empty; } else if (strNoResult == string.Empty && strNoPass != string.Empty) { strTotal = strNoPass; } else if (strNoResult != string.Empty && strNoPass == string.Empty) { strTotal = strNoResult; } else if (strNoResult != string.Empty && strNoPass != string.Empty) { strTotal = strNoPass + "," + strNoResult; } if (strTotal == string.Empty) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "所选考试无考试不及格和未参加考试学员,不需生成补考考试!"; return; } int nowExamID = objBll.AddResetRandomExam(objRandomExam.RandomExamId); if (nowExamID == 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "复制失败!"; return; } RandomExamArrange objArrange = new RandomExamArrange(); objArrange.RandomExamId = nowExamID; objArrange.UserIds = strTotal; objArrange.Memo = string.Empty; int newArrangeId = objArrangebll.AddRandomExamArrange(objArrange); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail where Random_Exam_ID=" + objRandomExam.RandomExamId; DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); str = strTotal.Split(','); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string strArrange = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { if (("," + dr["User_Ids"] + ",").IndexOf("," + str[i] + ",") >= 0) { if (strArrange == string.Empty) { strArrange = str[i]; } else { strArrange += "," + str[i]; } } } if (strArrange != string.Empty) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); //Request.PhysicalApplicationPath取得config文件路径 doc.Load(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, "web.config")); XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("configuration/dataConfiguration/@defaultDatabase"); string value = node.Value; int id = 0; if (value == "Oracle") { OracleParameter para1 = new OracleParameter("p_User_Ids", OracleType.Clob); OracleParameter para2 = new OracleParameter("p_random_exam_arrange_de_id", OracleType.Number); para2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; OracleParameter para3 = new OracleParameter("p_random_exam_arrange_Id", OracleType.Number); para3.Value = newArrangeId; OracleParameter para4 = new OracleParameter("p_random_Exam_ID", OracleType.Number); para4.Value = nowExamID; OracleParameter para5 = new OracleParameter("p_computer_room_id", OracleType.Number); para5.Value = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Computer_Room_ID"].ToString()); IDataParameter[] paras = new IDataParameter[] { para1, para2, para3, para4, para5 }; id = Pub.RunAddProcedure(false, "USP_RANDOM_EXAM_ARRANGE_DE_I", paras, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(strArrange)); } } } //向Random_Exam_Computer_Server 机房考试状态表 插入记录 strSql = "select c.Computer_Server_No from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " + " inner join Computer_Room b on a.Computer_Room_ID=b.Computer_Room_ID " + " inner join Computer_Server c on c.Computer_Server_ID=b.Computer_Server_ID " + " where a.Random_Exam_ID=" + nowExamID; DataSet dsComputer = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); string serverNo = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dsComputer.Tables[0].Rows) { if (serverNo != dr["Computer_Server_No"].ToString()) { serverNo = dr["Computer_Server_No"].ToString(); strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Computer_Server" + "(Random_Exam_ID,Computer_Server_No,Status_ID,Is_Start,Has_Paper," + "Random_Exam_Code,Is_Upload,DownLoaded) " + "values (" + nowExamID + "," + serverNo + ",0,0,0,'',0,0)"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } } Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';top.close();</script>"); } catch { SessionSet.PageMessage = "复制失败!"; } }
protected void btnInput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ViewState["EmptyFlag"].ToString() != null && ViewState["EmptyFlag"].ToString() == "1") { return; } string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); string strAllId = hfrbnID.Value; IList <RailExam.Model.Employee> Employees = null; EmployeeBLL psBLL = new EmployeeBLL(); Employees = psBLL.GetEmployeesSelect(Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrg.SelectedValue), ViewState["PinYin"].ToString(), ViewState["WorkNo"].ToString(), ViewState["EmployeeName"].ToString(), "a.employee_Name"); for (int i = 0; i < Employees.Count; i++) { string strEmId = Employees[i].EmployeeID.ToString(); string strOldAllId = strAllId; if (strOldAllId == strEmId) { strAllId = strEmId; } } ViewState["ChooseId"] = strAllId; if (strAllId == "") { SessionSet.PageMessage = "请选择考生!"; return; } else { RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam random = objBll.GetExam(int.Parse(strId)); if (random.RandomExamModularTypeID > 1) { OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Modular_Type where Random_Exam_Modular_Type_ID=" + random.RandomExamModularTypeID; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Modular_Type where Level_Num=" + (Convert.ToInt32(dr["Level_NUM"]) - 1); DataRow drPre = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; strSql = " select a.* " + "from Random_Exam_Result a " + " inner join Random_Exam b on a.Random_Exam_ID=b.Random_Exam_ID " + " left join Random_Exam_Modular_Type c on b.Random_Exam_Modular_Type_ID=c.Random_Exam_Modular_Type_ID " + " where c.Level_Num=" + (Convert.ToInt32(dr["Level_NUM"]) - 1); DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); strSql = "select * from Employee where Employee_ID = " + strAllId; DataRow drEmp = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; string strErrorMessage = string.Empty; DataRow[] drs = ds.Tables[0].Select("EXAMINEE_ID=" + strAllId); if (drs.Length == 0) { strErrorMessage = "所选考生【" + drEmp["Employee_Name"] + "】未能通过【" + drPre["Random_Exam_Modular_Type_Name"] + "】考试,不能参加【" + dr["Random_Exam_Modular_Type_Name"] + "】考试!"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strErrorMessage)) { SessionSet.PageMessage = strErrorMessage; return; } } } if (ViewState["UpdateMode"] != null && ViewState["UpdateMode"].ToString() == "0") { RandomExamArrangeBLL examArrangeBLL = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); IList <RandomExamArrange> objList = examArrangeBLL.GetRandomExamArranges(int.Parse(strId)); if (objList.Count == 0) { RandomExamArrange examArrange = new RandomExamArrange(); examArrange.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); examArrange.UserIds = strAllId; examArrange.Memo = ""; examArrangeBLL.AddRandomExamArrange(examArrange); ViewState["UpdateMode"] = 1; if (txtWorkNo.Text != "") { txtWorkNo.Text = ""; txtWorkNo.Focus(); } if (txtPinYin.Text != "") { txtPinYin.Text = ""; txtPinYin.Focus(); } if (txtEmployeeName.Text != "") { txtEmployeeName.Text = ""; txtEmployeeName.Focus(); } BindEmptyGrid1(); SessionSet.PageMessage = "添加成功!"; return; } else { ViewState["UpdateMode"] = "1"; } } if (ViewState["UpdateMode"] != null && ViewState["UpdateMode"].ToString() == "1") { RandomExamArrangeBLL examArrangeBLL = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); string strEndId = examArrangeBLL.GetRandomExamArranges(int.Parse(strId))[0].UserIds; if (("," + strEndId + ",").IndexOf("," + strAllId + ",") >= 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "该学员已添加!"; return; } if (strEndId == "") { examArrangeBLL.UpdateRandomExamArrange(int.Parse(strId), strAllId); } else { examArrangeBLL.UpdateRandomExamArrange(int.Parse(strId), strEndId + "," + strAllId); } if (txtWorkNo.Text != "") { txtWorkNo.Text = ""; txtWorkNo.Focus(); } if (txtPinYin.Text != "") { txtPinYin.Text = ""; txtPinYin.Focus(); } if (txtEmployeeName.Text != "") { txtEmployeeName.Text = ""; txtEmployeeName.Focus(); } BindEmptyGrid1(); SessionSet.PageMessage = "添加成功!"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "", " window.opener.form1.Refresh.value = 'true',window.opener.form1.submit();", true); return; } }
protected void FillHeading(string strId, string orgid) { RandomExamResultBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultBLL(); RandomExamResult randomExamResult = new RandomExamResult(); randomExamResult = randomExamResultBLL.GetRandomExamResultStation(int.Parse(strId)); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); string strSql = "select a.*" + " from Random_Exam_Result_Detail a" + " where a.Random_Exam_Result_ID=" + randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId + " and Employee_ID=" + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + randomExamResult.RandomExamId; DataTable dtExam = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0]; if (dtExam.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql = "select a.*" + " from Random_Exam_Result_Detail_Temp a" + " where a.Random_Exam_Result_ID=" + randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId + " and Employee_ID=" + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + randomExamResult.RandomExamId; dtExam = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0]; } if (dtExam.Rows.Count > 0) { bool isExists = Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("/RailExamBao/Online/Photo/" + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "/")); DataRow drExam = dtExam.Rows[0]; lblFignerDate.Text = drExam["FingerPrint_Date"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(drExam["FingerPrint_Date"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); lblPhotoDate1.Text = drExam["Photo1_Date"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(drExam["Photo1_Date"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); lblPhotoDate2.Text = drExam["Photo2_Date"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(drExam["Photo2_Date"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); lblPhotoDate3.Text = drExam["Photo3_Date"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(drExam["Photo3_Date"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); string filepath = Server.MapPath("/RailExamBao/Online/Photo/" + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "/") + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "_" + randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId + "_"; string path = "../Online/Photo/" + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "/" + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "_" + randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId + "_"; if (PrjPub.IsServerCenter && isExists) { if (File.Exists(filepath + "00.jpg")) { fignerImage.ImageUrl = path + "00.jpg"; } else { fignerImage.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } else { if (drExam["FingerPrint"] != DBNull.Value) { fignerImage.ImageUrl = "ShowResultImage.aspx?resultDetailID=" + drExam["Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID"] + "&typeID=0"; } else { fignerImage.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } DataSet ds = Pub.GetPhotoDateSet(randomExamResult.ExamineeId.ToString()); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] != DBNull.Value) { picImage.ImageUrl = "../RandomExamTai/ShowImage.aspx?EmployeeID=" + randomExamResult.ExamineeId; } else { picImage.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } else { picImage.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } if (PrjPub.IsServerCenter && isExists) { if (File.Exists(filepath + "01.jpg")) { photoImage1.ImageUrl = path + "01.jpg"; } else { photoImage1.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } else { if (drExam["Photo1"] != DBNull.Value) { photoImage1.ImageUrl = "ShowResultImage.aspx?resultDetailID=" + drExam["Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID"] + "&typeID=1"; } else { photoImage1.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } if (PrjPub.IsServerCenter && isExists) { if (File.Exists(filepath + "02.jpg")) { photoImage2.ImageUrl = path + "02.jpg"; } else { photoImage2.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } else { if (drExam["Photo2"] != DBNull.Value) { photoImage2.ImageUrl = "ShowResultImage.aspx?resultDetailID=" + drExam["Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID"] + "&typeID=2"; } else { photoImage2.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } if (PrjPub.IsServerCenter && isExists) { if (File.Exists(filepath + "03.jpg")) { photoImage3.ImageUrl = path + "03.jpg"; } else { photoImage3.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } else { if (drExam["Photo3"] != DBNull.Value) { photoImage3.ImageUrl = "ShowResultImage.aspx?resultDetailID=" + drExam["Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID"] + "&typeID=3"; } else { photoImage3.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } } else { fignerImage.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; DataSet ds = Pub.GetPhotoDateSet(randomExamResult.ExamineeId.ToString()); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] != DBNull.Value) { picImage.ImageUrl = "../RandomExamTai/ShowImage.aspx?EmployeeID=" + randomExamResult.ExamineeId; } else { picImage.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } } else { picImage.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } photoImage1.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; photoImage2.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; photoImage3.ImageUrl = "../images/empty.jpg"; } string strOrgName = randomExamResult.OrganizationName; string strStationName = ""; string strOrgName1 = ""; int n = strOrgName.IndexOf("-"); if (n != -1) { strStationName = strOrgName.Substring(0, n); strOrgName1 = strOrgName.Substring(n + 1); } else { strStationName = strOrgName; strOrgName1 = ""; } lblOrg.Text = strStationName; lblWorkShop.Text = strOrgName1; lblPost.Text = randomExamResult.PostName; lblName.Text = randomExamResult.ExamineeName; lblTime.Text = randomExamResult.BeginDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); lblScore.Text = System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", randomExamResult.Score); int RandomExamId = randomExamResult.RandomExamId; RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam randomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(RandomExamId); if (randomExam != null) { lblTitle.Text = randomExam.ExamName; } RandomExamSubjectBLL randomExamSubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamSubject> RandomExamSubjects = randomExamSubjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); int nItemCount = 0; decimal nTotalScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RandomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { nItemCount += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount; nTotalScore += RandomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount * RandomExamSubjects[i].UnitScore; } lblTitleRight.Text = "总共" + nItemCount + "题,共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", nTotalScore) + "分"; }
public void FillPaper() { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam randomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(int.Parse(strId)); ViewState["Year"] = randomExam.BeginTime.Year.ToString(); RandomExamResultCurrentBLL objResultCurrentBll = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = objResultCurrentBll.GetNowRandomExamResultInfo(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID")), Convert.ToInt32(strId)); int RandomExamId = Convert.ToInt32(strId); int randomExamResultId = randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId; RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> examResultAnswers = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswersCurrent(randomExamResultId); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsCurrent(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); Response.Write("<br>"); Response.Write("<span class='StudentLeftInfo'><b> 第" + GetNo(i) + "大题:" + paperSubject.SubjectName + "</b></span>"); Response.Write("<br>"); if (PaperItems != null) { Response.Write("<table width='100%' border='1'>"); int z = 1; int tempK = 0; int count = 1; for (int j = 0; j < PaperItems.Count; j++) { RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j]; int k = j + 1; if (paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL && paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { z = 1; if (k % 5 == 1) { Response.Write("</tr >"); Response.Write("<tr><td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + k + "</b></a></td>"); } else { Response.Write("<td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + k + "</b></a></td>"); } } else { if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { z = 1; tempK++; } if (count % 3 == 1) { Response.Write("</tr >"); Response.Write("<tr><td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + tempK + "-(" + z + ")</b></a></td>"); } else { Response.Write("<td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + tempK + "-(" + z + ")</b></a></td>"); } z++; count++; } } Response.Write("</tr >"); Response.Write("</table>"); } } //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "StartStyle", "<script>StartStyle()</script>"); } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } }
private void UploadPaper() { // 根据 ProgressBar.htm 显示进度条界面 string templateFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("."), "ProgressBar.htm"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@templateFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); string html = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Response.Write(html); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); //获取当前考试的生成试卷的状态和次数 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); string typeid = Request.QueryString.Get("typeid"); string strSql, strKey = "0"; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); int orgId = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StationID"]); try { RandomExamResultBLL objResultBll = new RandomExamResultBLL(); strSql = "select SYNCHRONIZE_LOG_SEQ.NextVal@link_sf from dual"; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; strKey = dr[0].ToString(); strSql = "insert into SYNCHRONIZE_LOG@link_sf values(" + strKey + "," + orgId + ",6,sysdate,null,1," + PrjPub.ServerNo + ")"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = @"select Examinee_ID,Random_Exam_Result_ID from Random_Exam_Result@link_sf where Random_Exam_ID=" + obj.RandomExamId + @" and org_id=" + PrjPub.StationID + @" and examinee_id in (select employee_Id from Random_Exam_Result_Detail a inner join Computer_Room b on a.Computer_Room_ID=b.Computer_Room_ID inner join Computer_Server c on b.Computer_Server_ID=c.Computer_Server_ID where to_number(c.Computer_Server_No)=" + PrjPub.ServerNo + @" and a.Random_Exam_ID=" + obj.RandomExamId + ")"; DataSet dsResult = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); IList <RandomExamResult> randomExamResults = objResultBll.GetRandomExamResultByExamID(obj.RandomExamId); int count = randomExamResults.Count + dsResult.Tables[0].Rows.Count + 1; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); string jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在上传考试答卷,请等待......','" + ((1 * 100) / ((double)count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); string strUrl = "ftp://" + PrjPub.ServerIP + "/Photo"; Uri directoryToDownload = new Uri(strUrl); FtpClient ftpSession = FtpClient.GetFtpClient(directoryToDownload.Host); if (ftpSession == null) { Pub.AddFtp(); ftpSession = FtpClient.GetFtpClient(directoryToDownload.Host); } ftpSession.MakeDirectory("/Photo/" + obj.RandomExamId); int progressNum = 2; foreach (DataRow drResult in dsResult.Tables[0].Rows) { ftpSession.DeleteFile(new Uri(strUrl + "/" + obj.RandomExamId + "/" + drResult["Examinee_ID"] + "_" + drResult["Random_Exam_Result_ID"] + "_00.jpg")); ftpSession.DeleteFile(new Uri(strUrl + "/" + obj.RandomExamId + "/" + drResult["Examinee_ID"] + "_" + drResult["Random_Exam_Result_ID"] + "_01.jpg")); ftpSession.DeleteFile(new Uri(strUrl + "/" + obj.RandomExamId + "/" + drResult["Examinee_ID"] + "_" + drResult["Random_Exam_Result_ID"] + "_02.jpg")); ftpSession.DeleteFile(new Uri(strUrl + "/" + obj.RandomExamId + "/" + drResult["Examinee_ID"] + "_" + drResult["Random_Exam_Result_ID"] + "_03.jpg")); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在上传考试答卷,请等待......','" + ((progressNum * 100) / ((double)count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); progressNum++; } //先删除路局的考试成绩和答卷 objResultBll.DeleteRandomExamResultServer(obj.RandomExamId); foreach (RandomExamResult randomExamResult in randomExamResults) { if (randomExamResult.IsTemp == 1) { //从中间提交表到正式表 objResultBll.RemoveResultAnswerTemp(randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId); } //获取路局的主键ID strSql = "select Random_Exam_Result_Seq.Nextval@link_sf from dual"; DataRow drSeq = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; int serverId = Convert.ToInt32(drSeq[0]); //将成绩插入路局 objResultBll.InsertRandomExamResultServer(randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId, serverId, obj.RandomExamId); if (typeid == "2") { //将答卷插入路局 objResultBll.InsertRandomExamResultAnswerServer(obj.RandomExamId, randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId, serverId); } strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Result_Photo where Random_Exam_ID=" + obj.RandomExamId + " and Random_Exam_Result_ID=" + randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId; DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow drPhoto = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; int employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(drPhoto["Employee_ID"]); Uri ftpUri = new Uri(strUrl + "/" + obj.RandomExamId + "/"); if (drPhoto["FingerPrint"] != DBNull.Value) { SavePhotoToServer(employeeId, (byte[])drPhoto["FingerPrint"], 0, serverId, ftpSession, ftpUri); } if (drPhoto["Photo1"] != DBNull.Value) { SavePhotoToServer(employeeId, (byte[])drPhoto["Photo1"], 1, serverId, ftpSession, ftpUri); } if (drPhoto["Photo2"] != DBNull.Value) { SavePhotoToServer(employeeId, (byte[])drPhoto["Photo2"], 2, serverId, ftpSession, ftpUri); } if (drPhoto["Photo3"] != DBNull.Value) { SavePhotoToServer(employeeId, (byte[])drPhoto["Photo3"], 3, serverId, ftpSession, ftpUri); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在上传考试答卷,请等待......','" + ((progressNum * 100) / ((double)count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); progressNum++; } if (typeid == "1") { //只上传成绩须更新时间 strSql = "update Random_Exam_Computer_Server@link_sf set " + "Last_Upload_Date=sysdate where random_exam_id=" + obj.RandomExamId + " and Computer_server_no=" + PrjPub.ServerNo; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } else { //如果考试已经结束上传,将上传标志置为已经上传 if (obj.IsStart == 2) { objBll.UpdateIsUpload(obj.RandomExamId, PrjPub.ServerNo, 1); } else { objBll.UpdateIsUpload(obj.RandomExamId, PrjPub.ServerNo, 0); } } strSql = "update SYNCHRONIZE_LOG@link_sf set SYNCHRONIZE_STATUS_ID=2,End_Time=sysdate where SYNCHRONIZE_LOG_ID=" + strKey; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } catch (Exception ex) { strSql = "update SYNCHRONIZE_LOG@link_sf set SYNCHRONIZE_STATUS_ID=3,End_Time=sysdate where SYNCHRONIZE_LOG_ID=" + strKey; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ex.Message.Replace("\n", "\r\n") + "');window.close();</script>"); return; } Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';window.close();</script>"); }
private void GetPaper() { // 根据 ProgressBar.htm 显示进度条界面 string templateFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("."), "ProgressBar.htm"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@templateFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); string html = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Response.Write(html); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); string jsBlock; ViewState["BeginTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); //获取当前考试的生成试卷的状态和次数 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); int year = obj.BeginTime.Year; int ExamCount = obj.MaxExamTimes; RandomExamArrangeBLL eaBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamArrange> ExamArranges = eaBll.GetRandomExamArranges(int.Parse(strId)); string strChooseID = ""; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); OracleAccess dbCenter = new OracleAccess(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OracleCenter"].ConnectionString); string strSql; if (ExamArranges.Count > 0) { strSql = "select a.* from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " + " inner join Computer_Room b on a.Computer_Room_ID=b.Computer_Room_ID" + " inner join Computer_Server c on c.Computer_server_ID=b.Computer_Server_ID" + " where c.Computer_Server_No='" + PrjPub.ServerNo + "' " + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strChooseID)) { strChooseID += dr["User_Ids"].ToString(); } else { strChooseID += "," + dr["User_Ids"]; } } } else { strChooseID = ""; } if (strChooseID == "") { Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='本场考试未在本单位安排考生!';window.close();</script>"); return; } if (db.GetCount("RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year, "TABLE") == 0) { strSql = "create table RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " as select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where 1=2 "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } strSql = "insert into RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); if (!PrjPub.IsServerCenter) { if (dbCenter.GetCount("RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year, "TABLE") == 0) { strSql = "create table RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " as select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where 1=2 "; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } strSql = "insert into RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((1 * 100) / ((double)2) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); //每次生成试卷之前删除已生成的考试试卷 RandomExamResultCurrentBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); randomExamResultBLL.DelRandomExamResultCurrent(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((2 * 100) / ((double)2) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); jsBlock = string.Empty; string[] str = strChooseID.Split(','); RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); //定义全局答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswersCurrentAll = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); //定义一个考生一次答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswers = null; int progressNum = 1; for (int n = 1; n <= ExamCount; n++) { for (int m = 0; m < str.Length; m++) { RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = new RandomExamResultCurrent(); randomExamResult.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.BeginDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.CurrentDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResult.EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.Score = 0; randomExamResult.OrganizationId = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StationID"]); randomExamResult.Memo = ""; randomExamResult.StatusId = 0; randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.CorrectRate = 0; randomExamResult.ExamineeId = int.Parse(str[m]); randomExamResult.ExamSeqNo = n; int nRandomExamResultPK = randomExamResultBLL.AddRandomExamResultCurrent(randomExamResult); ViewState["RandomExamResultPK"] = nRandomExamResultPK; strSql = "select a.* from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " + " where ','||User_Ids||',' like '%," + str[m] + ",%' " + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; //strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," // + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID) " // + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," // + nRandomExamResultPK + "," // + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," // + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," // + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ") "; //db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail_Temp(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID,Is_Remove) " + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," + nRandomExamResultPK + "," + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ",0) "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamStrategyBLL strategyBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strId)); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { Hashtable hashTableItemIds = new Hashtable(); Hashtable htSubjectItemIds = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; int nSubjectId = paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId; // int nItemCount = paperSubject.ItemCount; IList <RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); for (int j = 0; j < strategys.Count; j++) { int nStrategyId = strategys[j].RandomExamStrategyId; int nItemCount = strategys[j].ItemCount; IList <RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByStrategyId(nStrategyId, year); // IList<RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsBySubjectId(nSubjectId); Random ObjRandom = new Random(); Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashTableCount = new Hashtable(); int index = 0; while (hashTable.Count < nItemCount) { int k = ObjRandom.Next(itemList.Count); hashTableCount[index] = k; index = index + 1; int itemID = itemList[k].ItemId; int examItemID = itemList[k].RandomExamItemId; if (!hashTableItemIds.ContainsKey(itemID)) { hashTable[examItemID] = examItemID; hashTableItemIds[itemID] = itemID; htSubjectItemIds[examItemID] = examItemID; } //if (hashTableCount.Count == itemList.Count && hashTable.Count < nItemCount) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "随机考试在设定的取题范围内的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; // return; //} } } } foreach (int key in htSubjectItemIds.Keys) { string strItemId = htSubjectItemIds[key].ToString(); RandomExamItem item = randomItemBLL.GetRandomExamItem(Convert.ToInt32(strItemId), year); string nowSelectAnswer = string.Empty; string nowStandardAnswer = string.Empty; if (item.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(item, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); } RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = int.Parse(strItemId); randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); //完型填空子题 IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(item.ItemId, obj.RandomExamId, year); foreach (RandomExamItem randomExamItem in randomExamItems) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(randomExamItem, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = randomExamItem.RandomExamItemId; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在生成试卷,请等待......','" + ((progressNum * 100) / ((double)ExamCount * str.Length * htSubjectItemIds.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); progressNum++; } } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } } } bool isRefresh = true; try { objBll.UpdateHasPaper(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, true); } catch { strSql = @" update Random_Exam_Computer_Server set has_paper=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId + @" and Computer_server_no='" + PrjPub.ServerNo + @"'"; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where has_paper=1 and random_exam_id=" + strId; int count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (count > 0) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set has_paper=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } else { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set has_paper=0 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } } //如果考试是随到随考,考试状态自动变为正在进行 if (obj.StartMode == 1) { try { objBll.UpdateIsStart(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, 1); isRefresh = false; } catch { strSql = @" update Random_Exam_Computer_Server set Is_Start=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId + @" and Computer_server_no='" + PrjPub.ServerNo + @"'"; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where random_exam_id=" + strId; int totalcount = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Is_Start=0 and random_exam_id=" + strId; int count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (totalcount == count) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set Is_Start=0 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } else { strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Is_Start=1 and random_exam_id=" + strId; count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (count > 0) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set Is_Start=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } else { strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Is_Start=2 and random_exam_id=" + strId; count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (count == totalcount) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set Is_Start=2 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } } } } } else { isRefresh = false; } if (isRefresh) { objBll.RandomExamRefresh(); } SystemLogBLL objLogBll = new SystemLogBLL(); objLogBll.WriteLog("“" + obj.ExamName + "”生成所有考试试卷"); Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';top.close();</script>"); }
private void GetPaperAfter() { // 根据 ProgressBar.htm 显示进度条界面 string templateFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("."), "ProgressBar.htm"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@templateFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); string html = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Response.Write(html); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); ViewState["BeginTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); //获取当前考试的生成试卷的状态和次数 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); int year = obj.BeginTime.Year; int ExamCount = obj.MaxExamTimes; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); string jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((1 * 100) / ((double)1) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); if (!PrjPub.IsServerCenter) { RandomExamArrangeBLL objArrangeBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); objArrangeBll.RefreshRandomExamArrange(); } //RandomExamArrangeBLL eaBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); //IList<RailExam.Model.RandomExamArrange> ExamArranges = eaBll.GetRandomExamArranges(int.Parse(strId)); //string strChooseID = ""; //if (ExamArranges.Count > 0) //{ // strChooseID = ExamArranges[0].UserIds; //} //else //{ // strChooseID = ""; //} //RandomExamResultCurrentBLL objResultCurrentBll = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); //IList<RandomExamResultCurrent> examResults = objResultCurrentBll.GetRandomExamResultInfo(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); //for (int i = 0; i < examResults.Count; i++) //{ // strChooseID = ("," + strChooseID + ",").Replace("," + examResults[i].ExamineeId + ",", ","); //} //strChooseID = strChooseID.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(','); string strChooseID = Request.QueryString.Get("addIds"); if (strChooseID == string.Empty) { return; } string[] str = strChooseID.Split('|'); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((2 * 100) / ((double)2) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); string strSql; RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); //定义全局答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswersCurrentAll = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); //定义一个考生一次答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswers = null; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); jsBlock = string.Empty; int progressNum = 1; for (int n = 1; n <= ExamCount; n++) { for (int m = 0; m < str.Length; m++) { RandomExamResultCurrentBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = new RandomExamResultCurrent(); randomExamResult.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.BeginDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.CurrentDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResult.EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.Score = 0; randomExamResult.OrganizationId = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StationID"]); randomExamResult.Memo = ""; randomExamResult.StatusId = 0; randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.CorrectRate = 0; randomExamResult.ExamineeId = int.Parse(str[m]); randomExamResult.ExamSeqNo = n; int nRandomExamResultPK = randomExamResultBLL.AddRandomExamResultCurrent(randomExamResult); ViewState["RandomExamResultPK"] = nRandomExamResultPK; strSql = "select a.* from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " + " where ','||User_Ids||',' like '%," + str[m] + ",%' " + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; //strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," // + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID) " // + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," // + nRandomExamResultPK + "," // + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," // + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," // + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ") "; //db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail_Temp(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID,Is_Remove) " + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," + nRandomExamResultPK + "," + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ",0) "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamStrategyBLL strategyBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strId)); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { Hashtable hashTableItemIds = new Hashtable(); Hashtable htSubjectItemIds = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; int nSubjectId = paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId; // int nItemCount = paperSubject.ItemCount; IList <RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); for (int j = 0; j < strategys.Count; j++) { int nStrategyId = strategys[j].RandomExamStrategyId; int nItemCount = strategys[j].ItemCount; IList <RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByStrategyId(nStrategyId, year); // IList<RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsBySubjectId(nSubjectId); Random ObjRandom = new Random(); Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashTableCount = new Hashtable(); int index = 0; while (hashTable.Count < nItemCount) { int k = ObjRandom.Next(itemList.Count); hashTableCount[index] = k; index = index + 1; int itemID = itemList[k].ItemId; int examItemID = itemList[k].RandomExamItemId; if (!hashTableItemIds.ContainsKey(itemID)) { hashTable[examItemID] = examItemID; hashTableItemIds[itemID] = itemID; htSubjectItemIds[examItemID] = examItemID; } //if (hashTableCount.Count == itemList.Count && hashTable.Count < nItemCount) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "随机考试在设定的取题范围内的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; // return; //} } } } randomExamResultAnswers = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); foreach (int key in htSubjectItemIds.Keys) { string strItemId = htSubjectItemIds[key].ToString(); RandomExamItem item = randomItemBLL.GetRandomExamItem(Convert.ToInt32(strItemId), year); string nowSelectAnswer = string.Empty; string nowStandardAnswer = string.Empty; if (item.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(item, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); } RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = int.Parse(strItemId); randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); //完型填空子题 IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(item.ItemId, obj.RandomExamId, year); foreach (RandomExamItem randomExamItem in randomExamItems) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(randomExamItem, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = randomExamItem.RandomExamItemId; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在生成试卷,请等待......','" + ((progressNum * 100) / ((double)ExamCount * str.Length * htSubjectItemIds.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); progressNum++; } } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } } } //临时添加考生无需更改考试状态,因为考试状态肯定是正在进行和生成试卷 //objBll.UpdateHasPaper(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, true); ////如果考试是随到随考,考试状态自动变为正在进行 //if (obj.StartMode == 1) //{ // objBll.UpdateIsStart(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, 1); //} SystemLogBLL objLogBll = new SystemLogBLL(); objLogBll.WriteLog("“" + obj.ExamName + "”生成新增考生试卷"); Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';top.close();</script>"); }
private void updateExam() { // 根据 ProgressBar.htm 显示进度条界面 string templateFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("."), "ProgressBar.htm"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@templateFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); string html = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Response.Write(html); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); string jsBlock; try { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); RandomExamBLL examBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam exam = examBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); IList <RandomExamResult> examResults = null; RandomExamResultBLL bllExamResult = new RandomExamResultBLL(); examResults = bllExamResult.GetRandomExamResults(int.Parse(strId), "", "", "", "", 0, 1000, Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("OrgID"))); string strChooseID = string.Empty; foreach (RandomExamResult randomExamResult in examResults) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strChooseID)) { strChooseID += randomExamResult.ExamineeId; } else { strChooseID += "," + randomExamResult.ExamineeId; } } OracleAccess access = new OracleAccess(); string strSql = @"select ER.Begin_Time,E.Is_Computerexam,ER.Examinee_ID, case when z.computer_room_seat=0 then GetOrgName(ER.org_ID)||CR.Computer_Room_Name||'微机教室' else GetOrgName(ER.org_ID)||CR.Computer_Room_Name||'微机教室-'||z.computer_room_seat||'机位' end Computer_Room_Name, case when y.subject_name is not null then y.subject_name else case when MT.RANDOM_EXAM_MODULAR_TYPE_NAME is not null then (MT.RANDOM_EXAM_MODULAR_TYPE_NAME||'-'|| E.EXAM_NAME) else E.EXAM_NAME end end as subject, ER.Score,ER.Is_Pass,E.RANDOM_EXAM_ID from random_exam_result ER inner join random_exam_result_detail z on ER.Random_Exam_Result_Id=z.Random_Exam_Result_Id and z.is_remove=1 left join random_exam E on E.RANDOM_EXAM_ID=ER.RANDOM_EXAM_ID left join random_exam_train_class x on E.Random_Exam_ID=x.Random_Exam_ID left join Zj_Train_Class_Subject y on x.train_class_subject_id=y.train_class_subject_id left join computer_room CR on CR.COMPUTER_ROOM_ID=z.Computer_Room_Id left join random_exam_modular_type MT on MT.RANDOM_EXAM_MODULAR_TYPE_ID=E.Random_Exam_Modular_Type_Id Inner join ( select b.*,min(a.end_time) end_time from Random_Exam_Result a inner join (select distinct max(a.score) score, a.examinee_id, a.Random_Exam_Id from Random_EXAM_RESULT a where a.status_id > 0. group by a.examinee_id, a.Random_Exam_Id) b on a.examinee_id =b.examinee_id and a.score =b.score and a.Random_Exam_Id = b.Random_Exam_Id group by b.examinee_id, b.Random_Exam_Id,b.score ) F on ER.examinee_id = f.examinee_id and ER.score = f.score and ER.Random_Exam_Id = f.Random_Exam_Id and ER.end_time=f.end_time where ER.Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; DataTable dtSel = access.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0]; if (dtSel != null && dtSel.Rows.Count > 0) { int i = 1; foreach (DataRow r in dtSel.Rows) { if (("," + strChooseID + ",").IndexOf("," + r["Examinee_ID"] + ",") < 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('更新考生考试档案','" + ((i * 100) / ((double)dtSel.Rows.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); i++; continue; } access.ExecuteNonQuery(" delete from zj_employee_exam where Random_Exam_ID=" + strId + " and employee_id=" + r["Examinee_ID"]); string exam_date = r["Begin_Time"].ToString(); int exam_style = Convert.ToInt32(r["Is_Computerexam"]); string exam_address = r["Computer_Room_Name"].ToString(); string exam_subject = r["subject"].ToString(); double exam_score = Convert.ToDouble(r["Score"]); int exam_result = Convert.ToInt32(r["Is_Pass"]); int random_exam_id = Convert.ToInt32(r["RANDOM_EXAM_ID"]); StringBuilder sqlInsert = new StringBuilder(); sqlInsert.Append( "insert into zj_employee_exam(employee_exam_id,employee_id,exam_date,exam_style,exam_address,"); sqlInsert.Append("exam_subject,exam_score ,exam_result,create_date,create_person,random_exam_id"); sqlInsert.Append(") values(employee_exam_seq.nextval,{0},to_date('{1}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),{2},"); sqlInsert.Append(" '{3}','{4}','{5}',{6},to_date('{7}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'{8}',{9})"); string sqlIns = string.Format(sqlInsert.ToString(), r["Examinee_ID"], exam_date, exam_style, exam_address, exam_subject, exam_score, exam_result, DateTime.Now, PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.EmployeeName, random_exam_id); access.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlIns); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('更新考生考试档案','" + ((i * 100) / ((double)dtSel.Rows.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); i++; } } if (exam.HasTrainClass) { jsBlock = string.Empty; RandomExamTrainClassBLL objBll = new RandomExamTrainClassBLL(); IList <RandomExamTrainClass> objList = objBll.GetRandomExamTrainClassByRandomExamID(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); string strClassID = ""; foreach (RandomExamTrainClass trainClass in objList) { strClassID += (strClassID == string.Empty) ? trainClass.TrainClassID.ToString() : "," + trainClass.TrainClassID; } StringBuilder sqlClass = new StringBuilder(); sqlClass.Append(" select C.TRAIN_CLASS_ID,begin_date,end_date,TP.TRAIN_PLAN_TYPE_ID,TP.Location,C.Employee_ID "); sqlClass.Append(" from zj_train_class TC right join (select train_plan_id, train_class_id,Employee_ID from zj_train_plan_employee"); sqlClass.AppendFormat(" where train_class_id in ({0}) ", strClassID); sqlClass.Append(" ) C on C.TRAIN_CLASS_ID=TC.TRAIN_CLASS_ID "); sqlClass.Append(" left join zj_train_plan TP on TP.TRAIN_PLAN_ID=C.TRAIN_PLAN_ID"); access = new OracleAccess(); DataTable dtClass = access.RunSqlDataSet(sqlClass.ToString()).Tables[0]; if (dtClass != null && dtClass.Rows.Count > 0) { int i = 1; foreach (DataRow r in dtClass.Rows) { if (("," + strChooseID + ",").IndexOf("," + r["Employee_ID"] + ",") < 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('更新考生培训档案','" + ((i * 100) / ((double)dtClass.Rows.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); i++; continue; } access.ExecuteNonQuery(" delete from zj_employee_train where Train_class_ID in (" + strClassID + ") and employee_id=" + r["Employee_ID"]); int trainClassID = Convert.ToInt32(r["TRAIN_CLASS_ID"]); string beginDate = r["begin_date"].ToString(); string endDate = r["end_date"].ToString(); int trainPlanTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(r["TRAIN_PLAN_TYPE_ID"]); string location = r["Location"].ToString(); int hour = 0; string classSubject = string.Empty; DataTable dtSubject = access.RunSqlDataSet( "select subject_name,class_hour from zj_train_class_subject where train_class_id=" + trainClassID).Tables[0]; if (dtSubject != null && dtSubject.Rows.Count > 0) { List <string> lst = new List <string>(); foreach (DataRow rhour in dtSubject.Rows) { lst.Add(rhour["subject_name"].ToString()); if (rhour["class_hour"].ToString() != "") { hour += Convert.ToInt32(rhour["class_hour"]); } } classSubject = string.Join(",", lst.ToArray()); } StringBuilder sqlInsert = new StringBuilder(); sqlInsert.Append("insert into zj_employee_train values(EMPLOYEE_TRAIN_SEQ.NEXTVAL,"); sqlInsert.Append("{0},{1},to_date('{2}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('{3}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),"); sqlInsert.Append("{4},'{5}',{6},'{7}',to_date('{8}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'{9}')"); string sqlIns = string.Format(sqlInsert.ToString(), r["Employee_ID"], trainClassID, beginDate, endDate, trainPlanTypeID, location, hour, classSubject, DateTime.Now, PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.EmployeeName); access.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlIns); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('更新考生培训档案','" + ((i * 100) / ((double)dtClass.Rows.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); i++; } } } Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';top.close();</script>"); } catch (Exception) { Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='false';top.close();</script>"); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { DataTable dataTable = BindGrid(); if (txtMET2.Text == "") { txtMET2.Text = "1"; } if (chkHasTrainClass.Checked) { if (hfPostID.Value == "") { SessionSet.PageMessage = "带有培训班的考试,必须选择职名!"; return; } } RandomExamBLL examBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam exam = new RailExam.Model.RandomExam(); string strID = string.Empty; string strMode = ViewState["mode"].ToString(); string strStartMode = ViewState["startmode"].ToString(); RandomExamTrainClassBLL objTrainClassBll = new RandomExamTrainClassBLL(); string[] strPost = hfPostID.Value.Split(','); string strErrorMessage = ""; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); if (strMode == "Insert") { string strExam = "select * from Random_Exam where Exam_Name='" + txtExamName.Text + "'"; if (db.RunSqlDataSet(strExam).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "该考试名称在系统中已经存在,请重新输入!"; txtExamName.Focus(); return; } if (chkHasTrainClass.Checked) { foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < strPost.Length; i++) { IList <RandomExamTrainClass> objList = objTrainClassBll.GetRandomExamTrainClassCount(Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassSubjectID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(strPost[i])); if (objList.Count > 0) { strErrorMessage = "培训班“" + dr["TrainClassName"] + "”的考试科目“" + dr["TrainClassSubjectName"] + "”已新增当前所选职名的试卷!"; } } } } if (strErrorMessage != "") { SessionSet.PageMessage = strErrorMessage; return; } exam.CategoryId = int.Parse(hfCategoryId.Value); exam.ExamName = txtExamName.Text; exam.Memo = txtMemo.Text; exam.CreatePerson = PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.EmployeeName; exam.ExamModeId = 1; exam.PassScore = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPassScore.Text); if (rbnExamMode1.Checked) { exam.IsComputerExam = true; } else { exam.IsComputerExam = false; } if (rbnStartMode1.Checked) { exam.StartMode = 1; } else { exam.StartMode = 2; } if (rbnStyle1.Checked) { exam.ExamStyle = 1; } else { exam.ExamStyle = 2; } exam.IsAutoScore = chAutoScore.Checked; exam.CanSeeAnswer = chkCanSeeAnswer.Checked; exam.CanSeeScore = chSeeScore.Checked; exam.IsPublicScore = chPublicScore.Checked; exam.IsUnderControl = chUD.Checked; exam.MaxExamTimes = int.Parse(txtMET2.Text); exam.MinExamTimes = 1; exam.BeginTime = DateTime.Parse(dateBeginTime.DateValue.ToString()); exam.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(dateEndTime.DateValue.ToString()); exam.ExamTypeId = 1; exam.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; exam.Description = txtDescription.Text; exam.ExamTime = int.Parse(txtExamTime.Text); exam.StatusId = 1; exam.PostID = hfPostID.Value; exam.RandomExamModularTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlModularType.SelectedValue); exam.IsReduceError = chkIsReduceScore.Checked; exam.AutoSaveInterval = chkAllItem.Checked ? 1 : 0; if (saveTd.Visible) { exam.SaveStatus = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDate.SelectedValue); if (dateSaveDate.Visible) { if (dateSaveDate.DateValue == null) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "请选择一个存档时间!"; return; } exam.SaveDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateSaveDate.DateValue); } } else { exam.SaveStatus = 0; exam.SaveDate = null; } //exam.AutoSaveInterval = 0; exam.OrgId = PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser.StationOrgID; exam.HasTrainClass = chkHasTrainClass.Checked; int id = examBLL.AddExam(exam); strID = id.ToString(); if (_isWuhanOnly) { //当考试来源为培训班时,需自动添加考生。 if (chkHasTrainClass.Checked) { foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { RandomExamTrainClass obj = new RandomExamTrainClass(); obj.RandomExamID = Convert.ToInt32(strID); obj.TrainClassID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassID"].ToString()); obj.TrainClassSubjectID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassSubjectID"].ToString()); objTrainClassBll.AddRandomExamTrainClass(obj); } //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), // "jsSelectFirstNode", // @"SaveArrange(" + strID + ",'" + strStartMode + "','" + strMode + "');", // true); //string strClause = strID + "|" + strStartMode + "|" + strMode; //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "import", "inputCallback.callback('" + strClause + "');", true); try { SaveRandomExamArrange(strID, hfTrainClassID.Value, hfPostID.Value); } catch { SessionSet.PageMessage = "添加考生失败"; return; } Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } else { Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } } else { Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } } else if (strMode == "Edit") { strID = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); if (Pub.HasPaper(Convert.ToInt32(strID))) { Response.Write("<script>alert('该考试已生成试卷,不能被编辑!');window.close();</script>"); return; } string strExam = "select * from Random_Exam where Random_Exam_ID!=" + strID + " and Exam_Name='" + txtExamName.Text + "'"; if (db.RunSqlDataSet(strExam).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "该考试名称在系统中已经存在,请重新输入!"; txtExamName.Focus(); return; } string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Has_Paper=1 and Random_Exam_ID=" + strID; DataTable dt = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "当前考试已经生成试卷,不能继续编辑!"; return; } if (chkHasTrainClass.Checked && ViewState["TrainClass"].ToString() != hfTrainClassID.Value) { foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < strPost.Length; i++) { IList <RandomExamTrainClass> objList = objTrainClassBll.GetRandomExamTrainClassCount(Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassSubjectID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(strPost[i])); if (objList.Count > 0) { if (objList[0].RandomExamID.ToString() != strID) { strErrorMessage = "培训班“" + dr["TrainClassName"] + "”的考试科目“" + dr["TrainClassSubjectName"] + "”已新增当前所选职名的试卷!"; } } } } } if (strErrorMessage != "") { SessionSet.PageMessage = strErrorMessage; return; } exam.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(hfCategoryId.Value); exam.ExamName = txtExamName.Text; exam.Memo = txtMemo.Text; exam.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strID); exam.ExamTime = int.Parse(txtExamTime.Text); exam.ExamModeId = 1; exam.PassScore = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPassScore.Text); if (rbnExamMode1.Checked) { exam.IsComputerExam = true; } else { exam.IsComputerExam = false; } if (rbnStartMode1.Checked) { exam.StartMode = 1; } else { exam.StartMode = 2; } if (rbnStyle1.Checked) { exam.ExamStyle = 1; } else { exam.ExamStyle = 2; } exam.BeginTime = DateTime.Parse(dateBeginTime.DateValue.ToString()); exam.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(dateEndTime.DateValue.ToString()); exam.IsAutoScore = chAutoScore.Checked; exam.CanSeeAnswer = chkCanSeeAnswer.Checked; exam.CanSeeScore = chSeeScore.Checked; exam.IsPublicScore = chPublicScore.Checked; exam.IsUnderControl = chUD.Checked; exam.MaxExamTimes = int.Parse(txtMET2.Text); exam.MinExamTimes = 1; exam.ExamTypeId = 1; exam.Description = txtDescription.Text; //exam.AutoSaveInterval = 0; exam.RandomExamModularTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlModularType.SelectedValue); exam.IsReduceError = chkIsReduceScore.Checked; exam.AutoSaveInterval = chkAllItem.Checked ? 1 : 0; if (saveTd.Visible) { exam.SaveStatus = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDate.SelectedValue); if (dateSaveDate.Visible) { if (dateSaveDate.DateValue == null) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "请选择一个存档时间!"; return; } exam.SaveDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateSaveDate.DateValue); } } else { exam.SaveStatus = 0; exam.SaveDate = null; } RandomExamArrangeBLL objArrangeBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); //当是否为培训班改变或则培训班改变时,需删除考试安排 if (Convert.ToBoolean(ViewState["HasTrainClass"].ToString()) != chkHasTrainClass.Checked || ViewState["TrainClass"].ToString() != hfTrainClassID.Value || ViewState["PostID"].ToString() != hfPostID.Value) { objArrangeBll.DeleteRandomExamArrangeByRandomExamID(Convert.ToInt32(strID)); } if ((Convert.ToBoolean(ViewState["HasTrainClass"].ToString()) != chkHasTrainClass.Checked && !chkHasTrainClass.Checked) || ViewState["TrainClass"].ToString() != hfTrainClassID.Value) { objTrainClassBll.DeleteRandomExamTrainClassByRandomExamID(Convert.ToInt32(strID)); } exam.HasTrainClass = chkHasTrainClass.Checked; exam.PostID = hfPostID.Value; exam.Version = exam.Version + 1; examBLL.UpdateExam(exam); if (_isWuhanOnly) { if (chkHasTrainClass.Checked) { //当培训班或职名发生变化时,更改考生名单 if (ViewState["TrainClass"].ToString() != hfTrainClassID.Value || ViewState["PostID"].ToString() != hfPostID.Value) { objTrainClassBll.DeleteRandomExamTrainClassByRandomExamID(Convert.ToInt32(strID)); foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { RandomExamTrainClass obj = new RandomExamTrainClass(); obj.RandomExamID = Convert.ToInt32(strID); obj.TrainClassID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassID"].ToString()); obj.TrainClassSubjectID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TrainClassSubjectID"].ToString()); objTrainClassBll.AddRandomExamTrainClass(obj); } //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), //"jsSelectFirstNode", //@"SaveArrange(" + strID + ",'" + strStartMode + "','" + strMode + "');", //true); //string strClause = strID + "|" + strStartMode + "|" + strMode; //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "import", "inputCallback.callback('" + strClause + "');", true); try { SaveRandomExamArrange(strID, hfTrainClassID.Value, hfPostID.Value); } catch { SessionSet.PageMessage = "添加考生失败"; return; } Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } else { Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } } else { Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } } else { Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } } else { strID = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageSecond.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strID); } }
protected void FillPage(int nExamID) { RandomExamBLL examBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam exam = examBLL.GetExam(nExamID); if (exam != null) { if (ViewState["startmode"].ToString() == "Edit") { if (Pub.HasPaper(exam.RandomExamId)) { Response.Write("<script>alert('该考试已生成试卷,不能被编辑!');window.close();</script>"); return; } } hfHasTrainClass.Value = exam.HasTrainClass.ToString(); txtCategoryName.Text = exam.CategoryName; hfCategoryId.Value = exam.CategoryId.ToString(); ddlType.SelectedValue = exam.ExamTypeId.ToString(); txtExamName.Text = exam.ExamName; txtExamTime.Text = exam.ExamTime.ToString(); dateBeginTime.DateValue = exam.BeginTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dateEndTime.DateValue = exam.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); txtPassScore.Text = exam.PassScore.ToString(); if (exam.IsComputerExam) { rbnExamMode1.Checked = true; rbnExamMode2.Checked = false; } else { rbnExamMode1.Checked = false; rbnExamMode2.Checked = true; rbnExamMode1.Enabled = false; rbnExamMode2.Enabled = false; } if (exam.StartMode == 1) { rbnStartMode1.Checked = true; } else { rbnStartMode2.Checked = true; } if (exam.ExamStyle == 1) { rbnStyle1.Checked = true; } else { rbnStyle2.Checked = true; } if (exam.AutoSaveInterval == 1) { chkAllItem.Checked = true; } else { chkAllItem.Checked = false; } txtMET2.Text = exam.MaxExamTimes.ToString(); chUD.Checked = exam.IsUnderControl; chAutoScore.Checked = exam.IsAutoScore; chkCanSeeAnswer.Checked = exam.CanSeeAnswer; chSeeScore.Checked = exam.CanSeeScore; chPublicScore.Checked = exam.IsPublicScore; txtDescription.Text = exam.Description; txtMemo.Text = exam.Memo; ddlModularType.SelectedValue = exam.RandomExamModularTypeID.ToString(); chkIsReduceScore.Checked = exam.IsReduceError; //存档考试 if (exam.ExamStyle == 2) { rbnStyle2.Checked = true; saveTd.Visible = true; ddlDate.SelectedValue = exam.SaveStatus.ToString(); if (exam.SaveStatus == 2) { dateSaveDate.Visible = true; dateSaveDate.DateValue = Convert.ToDateTime(exam.SaveDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { dateSaveDate.Visible = false; } } else { rbnStyle1.Checked = true; saveTd.Visible = false; } lblCreatePerson.Text = exam.CreatePerson; lblCreateTime.Text = exam.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); if (ViewState["startmode"].ToString() == "Edit") { RandomExamResultBLL reBll = new RandomExamResultBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamResult> examResults = reBll.GetRandomExamResultByExamID(exam.RandomExamId); if (examResults.Count > 0) { ViewState["mode"] = "ReadOnly"; } } chkHasTrainClass.Checked = exam.HasTrainClass; ViewState["HasTrainClass"] = chkHasTrainClass.Checked.ToString(); SetTrainClassVisible(chkHasTrainClass.Checked); if (chkHasTrainClass.Checked) { RandomExamTrainClassBLL objTrainClassBll = new RandomExamTrainClassBLL(); IList <RandomExamTrainClass> objTrainClassList = objTrainClassBll.GetRandomExamTrainClassByRandomExamID(exam.RandomExamId); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("RandomExamTrainClassID", typeof(int))); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("RandomExamID", typeof(int))); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TrainClassID", typeof(int))); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TrainClassName", typeof(string))); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TrainClassSubjectID", typeof(int))); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TrainClassSubjectName", typeof(string))); string strSql = ""; foreach (RandomExamTrainClass trainClass in objTrainClassList) { DataRow newRow = dataTable.NewRow(); newRow[0] = trainClass.RandomExamTrainClassID; newRow[1] = trainClass.RandomExamID; newRow[2] = trainClass.TrainClassID; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); strSql = "select * from ZJ_Train_Class where Train_Class_ID=" + trainClass.TrainClassID; newRow[3] = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]["Train_Class_Name"].ToString(); newRow[4] = trainClass.TrainClassSubjectID; strSql = "select * from ZJ_Train_Class_Subject where Train_Class_Subject_ID=" + trainClass.TrainClassSubjectID; newRow[5] = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]["Subject_Name"].ToString(); dataTable.Rows.Add(newRow); if (hfTrainClassID.Value == "") { hfTrainClassID.Value = trainClass.TrainClassID.ToString(); } else { hfTrainClassID.Value = hfTrainClassID.Value + "," + trainClass.TrainClassID.ToString(); } } ViewState["TrainClass"] = hfTrainClassID.Value; Grid1.DataSource = dataTable; Grid1.DataBind(); //当考试为补考的时候,不能修改培训班信息 if (exam.IsReset) { chkHasTrainClass.Enabled = false; Grid1.Enabled = false; btnAddTrainClass.Visible = false; } hfIsReset.Value = exam.IsReset.ToString(); } else { ViewState["TrainClass"] = ""; ViewState["PostID"] = ""; } hfPostID.Value = exam.PostID; ViewState["PostID"] = hfPostID.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exam.PostID)) { PostBLL postBLL = new PostBLL(); string[] strPostID = exam.PostID.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strPostID.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { txtPost.Text = postBLL.GetPost(Convert.ToInt32(strPostID[i])).PostName; } else { txtPost.Text = txtPost.Text + "," + postBLL.GetPost(Convert.ToInt32(strPostID[i])).PostName; } } hfPostName.Value = txtPost.Text; } } if (ViewState["mode"].ToString() == "ReadOnly") { txtExamName.Enabled = false; dateBeginTime.Enabled = false; dateEndTime.Enabled = false; ddlType.Enabled = false; txtExamTime.Enabled = false; rbnExamMode1.Enabled = false; rbnExamMode2.Enabled = false; txtMET2.Enabled = false; chUD.Enabled = false; chAutoScore.Enabled = false; chkCanSeeAnswer.Enabled = false; chSeeScore.Enabled = false; chPublicScore.Enabled = false; txtDescription.Enabled = false; txtMemo.Enabled = false; rbnStartMode1.Enabled = false; rbnStartMode2.Enabled = false; txtPassScore.Enabled = false; chkHasTrainClass.Enabled = false; Grid1.Enabled = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (PrjPub.CurrentLoginUser == null) { Response.Redirect("/RailExamBao/Common/Error.aspx?error=Session过期请重新登录本系统!"); return; } ViewState["mode"] = Request.QueryString.Get("mode"); ViewState["startmode"] = Request.QueryString.Get("startmode"); hfMode.Value = ViewState["mode"].ToString(); if (ViewState["mode"].ToString() == "ReadOnly") { btnInput.Enabled = false; } string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { HfRandomExamid.Value = strId; RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam RandomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(int.Parse(strId)); if (RandomExam != null) { txtPaperName.Text = RandomExam.ExamName; } ItemTypeBLL objTypeBll = new ItemTypeBLL(); IList <ItemType> objTypeList = objTypeBll.GetItemTypes(); foreach (ItemType objType in objTypeList) { if (RandomExam.IsComputerExam) { if (objType.ItemTypeId > PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_JUDGE) { continue; } } ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Text = objType.TypeName; item.Value = objType.ItemTypeId.ToString(); lbType.Items.Add(item); } BindGrid(); } } else { string strDeleteID = Request.Form.Get("DeleteID"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDeleteID)) { int nID = Int32.Parse(strDeleteID); RandomExamSubjectBLL RandomExamSubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL.DeleteRandomExamSubject(nID); BindGrid(); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); string strMode = ViewState["mode"].ToString(); string strStartMode = ViewState["startmode"].ToString(); if (ViewState["mode"].ToString() == "ReadOnly") { if (strStartMode == "Edit") { //Response.Redirect("/RailExamBao/RandomExamOther/RandomExamStudent.aspx?startmode=Edit&mode=Edit&id=" + strId); Response.Redirect("/RailExamBao/RandomExam/SelectEmployeeDetailNew.aspx?startmode=Edit&mode=Edit&id=" + strId); return; } else { Response.Redirect("/RailExamBao/RandomExam/SelectEmployeeDetailNew.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strId); return; } } RandomExamStrategyBLL psbcBll = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); int Ncount = psbcBll.GetRandomExamStrategysByExamID(int.Parse(strId)).Count; if (Ncount == 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "请添加策略!"; return; } RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamStrategyBLL strategyBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); ItemBLL itemBLL = new ItemBLL(); RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strId)); int ExamItemCounts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { int nSubjectId = randomExamSubjects[i].RandomExamSubjectId; decimal nTotalItemCount = randomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount; IList <RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); int nItemCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < strategys.Count; j++) { nItemCount += strategys[j].ItemCount; } ExamItemCounts += nItemCount; if (nItemCount != nTotalItemCount) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "大题设定的试题数和取题范围设定的总题数不相等,请重新设置!"; return; } } if (ExamItemCounts == 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "考试的总题数不能为0,请重新设置!"; return; } //获取考试信息 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); int year = obj.BeginTime.Year; //删除可能的取题范围 randomItemBLL.DeleteItems(int.Parse(strId), year); Hashtable htItemID = new Hashtable(); Hashtable htChapter = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { IList <RailExam.Model.Item> itemList = new List <RailExam.Model.Item>(); int nSubjectId = randomExamSubjects[i].RandomExamSubjectId; decimal nUnitScore = randomExamSubjects[i].UnitScore; IList <RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); for (int k = 0; k < strategys.Count; k++) { //策略 int nChapterId = strategys[k].RangeId; int nRangeType = strategys[k].RangeType; int typeId = strategys[k].ItemTypeId; int StrategyId = strategys[k].RandomExamStrategyId; int strDiffId = strategys[k].ItemDifficultyID; int strMaxDiffId = strategys[k].MaxItemDifficultyID; string excludesChapterID = strategys[k].ExcludeChapterId; IList <RailExam.Model.Item> itemListTemp = new List <RailExam.Model.Item>(); itemListTemp = itemBLL.GetItemsByStrategyNew(nRangeType, strDiffId, strMaxDiffId, nChapterId, typeId, excludesChapterID); if (itemListTemp.Count < strategys[k].ItemCount) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "大题" + (i + 1).ToString() + "在设定的取题范围内的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; return; } for (int m = 0; m < itemListTemp.Count; m++) { itemListTemp[m].StrategyId = StrategyId; if (itemListTemp[m].StatusId == 1) { if (htChapter.ContainsKey(itemListTemp[m].ChapterId)) { ArrayList objList = (ArrayList)htChapter[itemListTemp[m].ChapterId]; if (objList.IndexOf(itemListTemp[m].KeyWord) < 0) { itemList.Add(itemListTemp[m]); if (itemListTemp[m].KeyWord != "" && itemListTemp[m].KeyWord != null) { objList.Add(itemListTemp[m].KeyWord); } } } else { ArrayList objList = new ArrayList(); if (itemListTemp[m].KeyWord != "" && itemListTemp[m].KeyWord != null) { objList.Add(itemListTemp[m].KeyWord); } itemList.Add(itemListTemp[m]); htChapter.Add(itemListTemp[m].ChapterId, objList); } } } } if (itemList.Count < randomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "大题" + (i + 1).ToString() + "在设定的取题范围内符合要求的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; return; } IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); int n = 0; foreach (RailExam.Model.Item item in itemList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.StandardAnswer) && (item.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_SINGLECHOOSE || item.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_MULTICHOOSE || item.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_JUDGE)) { n = n + 1; break; } if (!htItemID.ContainsKey(item.ItemId)) { htItemID.Add(item.ItemId, item.ItemId); } else { continue; } RandomExamItem paperItem = new RandomExamItem(); paperItem.SubjectId = nSubjectId; paperItem.StrategyId = item.StrategyId; paperItem.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); paperItem.AnswerCount = item.AnswerCount; paperItem.BookId = item.BookId; paperItem.CategoryId = item.CategoryId; paperItem.ChapterId = item.ChapterId; paperItem.CompleteTime = item.CompleteTime; paperItem.Content = item.Content; paperItem.CreatePerson = item.CreatePerson; paperItem.CreateTime = item.CreateTime; paperItem.Description = item.Description; paperItem.DifficultyId = item.DifficultyId; paperItem.ItemId = item.ItemId; paperItem.Memo = item.Memo; paperItem.OrganizationId = item.OrganizationId; paperItem.OutDateDate = item.OutDateDate; paperItem.Score = nUnitScore; paperItem.SelectAnswer = item.SelectAnswer; paperItem.Source = item.Source; paperItem.StandardAnswer = item.StandardAnswer; paperItem.StatusId = item.StatusId; paperItem.TypeId = item.TypeId; paperItem.UsedCount = item.UsedCount; paperItem.Version = item.Version; randomExamItems.Add(paperItem); } if (n == 1) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "大题" + (i + 1).ToString() + "有无标准答案的试题,请重新设置取题范围!"; return; } if (randomExamItems.Count > 0) { randomItemBLL.AddItem(randomExamItems, year); } } /* * Hashtable hashTableItemIds = new Hashtable(); * for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) * { * int nSubjectId = randomExamSubjects[i].RandomExamSubjectId; * //int nItemCount = randomExamSubjects[i].ItemCount; * * IList<RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); * for (int j = 0; j < strategys.Count; j++) * { * int nStrategyId = strategys[j].RandomExamStrategyId; * int nItemCount = strategys[j].ItemCount; * * IList<RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByStrategyId(nStrategyId, year); * Random ObjRandom = new Random(); * Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(); * Hashtable hashTableCount = new Hashtable(); * while (hashTable.Count < nItemCount) * { * int k = ObjRandom.Next(itemList.Count); * hashTableCount[k] = k; * int itemID = itemList[k].ItemId; * if (!hashTableItemIds.ContainsKey(itemID)) * { * hashTable[itemID] = itemID; * hashTableItemIds[itemID] = itemID; * } * * if (hashTableCount.Count == itemList.Count && hashTable.Count < nItemCount) * { * SessionSet.PageMessage = "随机考试在设定的取题范围内的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; * return; * } * } * } * }*/ Response.Redirect("/RailExamBao/RandomExam/SelectEmployeeDetailNew.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strId); }