private void ButtonOk_Click(object eventSender, EventArgs eventArgs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TextFileNameFormat.Text)) { Interaction.MsgBox("Please enter a value for the downloaded programme file name format.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation); this.TextFileNameFormat.Focus(); this.cancelClose = true; return; } bool formatChanged = Settings.FileNameFormat != this.TextFileNameFormat.Text; if (this.folderChanged || formatChanged) { string message = "Move existing downloads to \"" + this.TextSaveIn.Text + "\" and rename to new naming format?"; if (!formatChanged) { message = "Move existing downloads to \"" + this.TextSaveIn.Text + "\"?"; } else if (!this.folderChanged) { message = "Rename existing downloads to new naming format?"; } if (MessageBox.Show(message, Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { using (Status status = new Status()) { status.ShowDialog( this, delegate { Model.Download.UpdatePaths(status, this.TextSaveIn.Text, this.TextFileNameFormat.Text); }); } } Settings.SaveFolder = this.TextSaveIn.Text; Settings.FileNameFormat = this.TextFileNameFormat.Text; } Settings.RunOnStartup = this.CheckRunOnStartup.Checked; Settings.RunAfterCommand = this.TextRunAfter.Text; Settings.ParallelDownloads = (int)this.NumberParallel.Value; Settings.RssServer = this.CheckRssServer.Checked; if (this.CheckRssServer.Checked) { Settings.RssServerPort = (int)this.NumberServerPort.Value; Settings.RssServerNumRecentEps = (int)this.NumberEpisodes.Value; } if (OsUtils.WinSevenOrLater()) { Settings.CloseToSystray = this.CheckCloseToSystray.Checked; } OsUtils.ApplyRunOnStartup(); }
private void ButtonReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Interaction.MsgBox("Are you sure that you would like to reset all of your settings?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo | MsgBoxStyle.Question) == MsgBoxResult.Yes) { Settings.ResetUserSettings(); OsUtils.ApplyRunOnStartup(); this.Close(); } }