static void ReceiveSingleOneWayMessage() { var connection = GetConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(); var channel = connection.CreateModel(); channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false); var basicConsumer = new OneWayMessageReceiver(channel); channel.BasicConsume("pt.southbank.routing.queue", false, basicConsumer); }
private static void ReceiveSingleOneWayMessage() { IConnection connection = GetConnectionFactoryUsingURI().CreateConnection(); IModel channel = connection.CreateModel(); //sets up the basic behaviour of message handling. //one message at a time and we don’t want to process any additional messages until the actual one has been processed. //the prefetch size, sets the maximum size of for the messages fetched from the queue where 0 means there is no upper limit. //prefetch count, is the number of messages to be fetched from the queue at a time. //The boolean “global” parameter is set to false which means that the prefetch limits are valid for the current consumer only, not for the entire connection channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false); DefaultBasicConsumer basicConsumer = new OneWayMessageReceiver(channel); channel.BasicConsume("my.first.queue", false, basicConsumer); }
private static void ReceiveSingleOneWayMessage() { ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(); connectionFactory.Port = 5672; connectionFactory.HostName = "localhost"; connectionFactory.UserName = "******"; connectionFactory.Password = "******"; connectionFactory.VirtualHost = "accounting"; IConnection connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); IModel channel = connection.CreateModel(); channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false); DefaultBasicConsumer basicConsumer = new OneWayMessageReceiver(channel); channel.BasicConsume("my.first.queue", false, basicConsumer); }