public static SongInfo GetClipInfo(string ClipEntryTitle) { SongInfo songInfo = new SongInfo(); string sCoreSongInfo = ""; try { // //The clip will be in form of below // //ClipEntryTitle = // 3122^Tere+Bina+Zindegi+Vi^Kishore+Kumar,Lata+Mangeshkar^Aandhi^R.D+Burman^^... // if ((ClipEntryTitle.IndexOf("^") >= 0)) { sCoreSongInfo = ClipEntryTitle.Substring(ClipEntryTitle.IndexOf("^") + 1); if (sCoreSongInfo.Trim() != "") { string[] clipInfos = sCoreSongInfo.Split("^".ToCharArray()); songInfo.SongTitle = clipInfos[0].Trim().Replace("+"," "); songInfo.Artist = clipInfos[1].Trim().Replace("+"," "); songInfo.Album = clipInfos[2].Trim().Replace("+"," "); songInfo.MusicComposer = clipInfos[3].Trim().Replace("+"," "); } } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Clip information parsing problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } return songInfo; }
private void cmdMusicDirectory_Click(object sender, C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventArgs e) { try { //Browse to music directory and show mp3s created by RaagaHacker using(frmMusicDirBrowser browser = new frmMusicDirBrowser()) { browser.ShowDialog(); } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void c1CommandControl1_Click(object sender, C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventArgs e) { try { NavigateToUrl(URLs.RAAGA_HOME); } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Internet Navigational Error"; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if(frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; Application.Exit(); } } }
private void picVolumeControl_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("sndvol32.exe"); } catch(Exception _e) { if (Globals.GetInstance().SuppressError == false) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Raaga Jukebox Configuration Problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } }
private void UpdateAudioLevelUI(object state) { object[] values = (object[])state; byte[] data = (byte[])values[0]; int size = (int)values[1]; long i = 0; long iVal4 = bufferSize/4, iVal2 = bufferSize/2; long iLeftAudioValue = 0, iRightAudioValue = 0; long iLeftAudioValueSquared = 0, iRightAudioValueSquared = 0; double dblRMSLeft = 0.0f, dblRMSRight = 0.0f; double dbldbLeft = 0.0f, dbldbRight = 0.0f; try { while (i < (size - 2)) { //Get the left channel data //We are calculating RMS value. buffrSise/2 is the sample mean iLeftAudioValue = data[i] - iVal4; iLeftAudioValueSquared += iLeftAudioValue * iLeftAudioValue; //Get the right channel data for same sample i++; //We are calculating RMS value. buffrSise/2 is the sample mean iRightAudioValue = data[i] - iVal4; iRightAudioValueSquared += iRightAudioValue * iRightAudioValue; //Get the next sample i++; } //RMS values dblRMSLeft = ((double)(iLeftAudioValueSquared / iVal2) * (double)(iLeftAudioValueSquared / iVal2)); dblRMSRight = ((double)(iRightAudioValueSquared / iVal2) * (double)(iRightAudioValueSquared / iVal2)); //Get the values in db dbldbLeft = 20 * (Math.Log(dblRMSLeft) / Math.Log(10.0f)); dbldbRight = 20 * (Math.Log(dblRMSRight) / Math.Log(10.0f)); if (m_wndParent != null) { m_wndParent.SetChannelValue((int)dbldbLeft, (int)dbldbRight); } } catch (Exception _e) { //Handle it if (Globals.GetInstance().SuppressError == false) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "UpdateAudioLevelUI: Recording problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } }
private void ctlRaagaBrowser_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e) { try { //Either movie/playlist if (((e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("movie") >= 0) && (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("movies") == -1) && (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("fastclick") == -1)) || (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("viewPL") >= 0)) { currentURL = e.uRL.ToString().Trim(); //Load CD image for the movie if ((e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("movie") >= 0) && (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("movies") == -1)) { //We are at the movie's song-list page , not in movie list page // //Determine the CD image for the movie. CD images used to correspond to //a HTML image element with src value*.jpg // //Parse the page for such a image //Get a AgilityPack HTML document HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument agilityDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); //Load the current HTML into it agilityDoc.LoadUrl(e.uRL.ToString()); //Get the image src url, stream it to a image try { //Get the image node HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeMovie = agilityDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//img[contains(@src,'')]")[0]; //Get the image(movie/album pic) picMovie.Image = Image.FromStream(new System.Net.WebClient().OpenRead(nodeMovie.Attributes["src"].Value)); //Get the (movie/album) name lblMovieName.Text = nodeMovie.Attributes["alt"].Value; } catch { picMovie.Image.Dispose(); picMovie.Image = null; lblMovieName.Text = ""; } finally { agilityDoc = null; System.GC.Collect(0); } } IHTMLDocument2 doc = ((IHTMLDocument2)this.ctlRaagaBrowser.Document); if (doc != null) { // //Get the forms : Raaga songs listed in a form named "raaga" IHTMLFormElement2 oSongForm = null; oSongForm = ((IHTMLFormElement2)doc.forms.item("raaga",0)); if (oSongForm != null) { // //If the form called "raaga" is present execute following //script doc.parentWindow.execScript(Signatures.SongListJS,"JavaScript"); m_SongsNo = doc.title == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(doc.title); lblSongs.Text = "1/" + m_SongsNo.ToString(); lblSongs.Refresh(); // //Also attach a IDispatch handler to receive //javascript events in a IE-COM way doc.onclick = this; songPage = true; } } } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Song list setection problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void ctlRaagaBrowser_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e) { try { //Either movie/playlist if (((e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("movie") >= 0) && (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("movies") == -1)) || (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("viewPL") >= 0)) { IHTMLDocument2 doc = ((IHTMLDocument2)this.ctlRaagaBrowser.Document); if (doc != null) { // //Get the forms : Raaga songs listed in a form named "raaga" IHTMLFormElement2 oSongForm = null; oSongForm = ((IHTMLFormElement2)doc.forms.item("raaga",0)); if (oSongForm != null) { // //If the form called "raaga" is present execute following //script doc.parentWindow.execScript(Signatures.SongListJS,"JavaScript"); m_SongsNo = doc.title == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(doc.title); lblSongs.Text = "1/" + m_SongsNo.ToString(); lblSongs.Refresh(); // //Also attach a IDispatch handler to receive //javascript events in a IE-COM way doc.onclick = this; } } } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Song list setection problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void cmdSettings_Click(object sender, C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventArgs e) { try { frmSettings objSettings = new frmSettings(); if (objSettings.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void ctlRaagaJukebox_NewWindow2(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_NewWindow2Event e) { try { //No popup here e.cancel = true; } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void ctlRaagaJukebox_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e) { try { if (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("playerV31/index.asp") >= 0) { Uri PlayerUrl = new Uri(e.uRL.ToString()); if (PlayerUrl.Query.IndexOf("bhcp") >= 0) { // //Go to the next track //Simulate javascript::Next() API possibly exposed by //the player IHTMLDocument2 docPlayer = ((IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaJukebox.Document); if (docPlayer != null) { this.Size = new Size(482,292); this.Size = new Size(480,290); // //Get the first frame window object oIndex = 0; IHTMLWindow2 framePlayer = (IHTMLWindow2)docPlayer.parentWindow.frames.item(ref oIndex); if ((framePlayer != null) && (m_bToggle == true)) { #if DEBUG && TRACE_DUMP using (RaagaHacker.Debug.frmDump dump = new RaagaHacker.Debug.frmDump()) { dump.Dump = framePlayer.document.body.parentElement.outerHTML; dump.ShowDialog(); } #endif //register the above function as a RealOne control's ontitlechange //listner // string sJSTitleChange = @" if (raaga_ply != null) // { // raaga_ply.attachEvent('OnTitleChange',OnTitleChange); // } // function OnTitleChange(ClipTitle) // { // document.title = ClipTitle; // }"; // framePlayer.execScript(sJSTitleChange, "JavaScript"); // //First audio clip is potentially a dirty add clip. //So ignore it //framePlayer.execScript("if (raaga_ply != null) {raaga_ply.DoNextEntry();}", "JavaScript"); } } } } else { if ((e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("ads1.asp") >= 0) || (e.uRL.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("raagaads.asp") >= 0)) { IHTMLDocument2 docPlayer = ((IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaJukebox.Document); if (docPlayer != null) { this.Size = new Size(482,292); this.Size = new Size(480,290); // //Get the first frame window object oIndex = 0; IHTMLWindow2 framePlayer = (IHTMLWindow2)docPlayer.parentWindow.frames.item(ref oIndex); if (framePlayer != null) { if (m_bToggle == true) { //Save the frame-player m_wndPlayer = framePlayer; #if DEBUG && TRACE_DUMP using (RaagaHacker.Debug.frmDump dump = new RaagaHacker.Debug.frmDump()) { dump.Dump = framePlayer.document.body.parentElement.outerHTML; dump.ShowDialog(); } #endif // //First audio clip is potentially a dirty add clip. //So ignore it //register the above function as a RealOne control's ontitlechange //listner string sJSTitleChange = @"if (raaga_ply != null) { raaga_ply.attachEvent('OnTitleChange',OnTitleChange); } function OnTitleChange(ClipTitle) { document.title = ClipTitle; }"; framePlayer.execScript(sJSTitleChange, "JavaScript"); // //The DoNextEntry() API is asynchronous - means it returns //immediately. So the call to get the current clip title //proved futile. m_bToggle = false; framePlayer.execScript("if (raaga_ply != null) {raaga_ply.DoNextEntry();}", "JavaScript"); } else { if (m_bGotSongInfo == false) { } } } } } else { if (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf(URLs.RAAGA_ADD_TO_PLAYLIST) >= 0) { this.ShowDialog(); } } } } catch(Exception _e) { if (Globals.GetInstance().SuppressError == false) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Raaga Jukebox Manipulation Problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the session ID set by the 'MyRaaga' pages /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public RaagaCookies GetRaagaSessionIDCookie() { m_SessionID = ""; try { NavigateToUrl(URLs.RAAGA_LOGIN_REFERER); //Wait until loading completes while(ctlRaagaJukebox.ReadyState != SHDocVw.tagREADYSTATE.READYSTATE_COMPLETE) { Application.DoEvents(); Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; } if (ctlRaagaJukebox.ReadyState == SHDocVw.tagREADYSTATE.READYSTATE_COMPLETE) { Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; try { //Get the ASP session ID(may be ASP 3.0) // //Get the cookie collection IHTMLDocument2 doc = (IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaJukebox.Document; string sCookie = doc.cookie; if (sCookie.Trim() != "") { if (sCookie.IndexOf(";") >= 0) { string[] arr = sCookie.Split(new char[]{';'}); string sCookieName = "", sCookieValue = ""; foreach(string cookie in arr) { sCookieName = cookie.Substring(0,cookie.IndexOf("=")); sCookieValue = cookie.Substring(cookie.IndexOf("=") + 1); if (sCookieName.IndexOf(Signatures.RaagaASPSession) >= 0) { m_Cookies.SessionID = sCookieValue.Trim(); m_Cookies.SessionIDKey = sCookieName.Trim(); } if (sCookieName.Trim() == Signatures.RaagaUIDOffline) { m_Cookies.UID = sCookieValue.Trim(); } if (sCookieName.Trim() == Signatures.RaagaUID) { m_Cookies.UID1 = sCookieValue.Trim(); } } } else { //One cookie - and that got to be ASP SESSION ID m_SessionID = sCookie; } } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } return m_Cookies; }
private void DataArrived(IntPtr data, int size) { try { if (m_RecBuffer == null || m_RecBuffer.Length < size) m_RecBuffer = new byte[size]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data, m_RecBuffer, 0, size); if (m_Writer != null) { m_Writer.Write(m_RecBuffer,0,m_RecBuffer.Length); } } catch(Exception _e) { Stop(); //Handle it frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void ctlRaagaJukebox_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e) { try { if (e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("playerV31/index.asp") >= 0) { Uri PlayerUrl = new Uri(e.uRL.ToString()); if (PlayerUrl.Query.IndexOf("bhcp") >= 0) { // //Go to the next track //Simulate javascript::Next() API possibly exposed by //the player IHTMLDocument2 docPlayer = ((IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaJukebox.Document); if (docPlayer != null) { this.Size = new Size(482,292); this.Size = new Size(480,290); // //Get the first frame window object oIndex = 0; IHTMLWindow2 framePlayer = (IHTMLWindow2)docPlayer.parentWindow.frames.item(ref oIndex); if ((framePlayer != null) && (m_bToggle == true)) { // //First audio clip is potentially a dirty add clip. //So ignore it framePlayer.execScript("raaga_ply.DoNextEntry()","JavaScript"); } } } } else { if ((e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("ads1.asp") >= 0) || (e.uRL.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("raagaads.asp") >= 0)) { IHTMLDocument2 docPlayer = ((IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaJukebox.Document); if (docPlayer != null) { this.Size = new Size(482,292); this.Size = new Size(480,290); // //Get the first frame window object oIndex = 0; IHTMLWindow2 framePlayer = (IHTMLWindow2)docPlayer.parentWindow.frames.item(ref oIndex); if (framePlayer != null) { if (m_bToggle == true) { //Save the frame-player m_wndPlayer = framePlayer; // //First audio clip is potentially a dirty add clip. //So ignore it framePlayer.execScript("raaga_ply.DoNextEntry()","JavaScript"); string sJSTitleChange = ""; //register the above function as a RealOne control's ontitlechange //listner sJSTitleChange += " raaga_ply.attachEvent('OnTitleChange',OnTitleChange);\n"; sJSTitleChange += "function OnTitleChange(ClipTitle)\n"; sJSTitleChange += "{\ndocument.title = ClipTitle;\n}\n"; framePlayer.execScript(sJSTitleChange,"JavaScript"); // //The DoNextEntry() API is asynchronous - means it returns //immediately. So the call to get the current clip title //proved futile. m_bToggle = false; } else { if (m_bGotSongInfo == false) { } } } } } else { } } } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void cmdMyRaagaLogin_Click(object sender, C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventArgs e) { try { //NavigateToUrl(URLs.RAAGA_LOGIN_REFERER); frmNewWindowJukeBox frm = new frmNewWindowJukeBox(); frm.Visible = false; //m_SessionID = frm.GetRaagaSessionIDCookie(); m_Cookies = frm.GetRaagaSessionIDCookie(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; NavigateToUrl(Application.StartupPath + @"\HTMLPages\myraaga_Login.html"); } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
//Fires when document's title changes private void ctlRaagaJukebox_TitleChange(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_TitleChangeEvent e) { try { //Add skipped !!!! if (m_bToggle == false) { IHTMLWindow2 framePlayer = m_wndPlayer; if (framePlayer != null) { // //Save the previous recording if (m_isRecording == true) { //Stop the recording m_isRecording = false; Stop(); // //Do the saving...(mp3/wav etc) if (m_sCurrentSongInfo != null) { // //Do the saving...(mp3/wav etc) FormatConverter converter = new FormatConverter(); converter.Convert(m_sCurrentMusicRecordingPath + "\\" + m_sCurrentSongInfo.SongTitle + ".wav",m_sCurrentSongInfo); m_sCurrentSongInfo = null; } } //Finished the playlist...close the window if (m_CurrentSongIndex >= m_wndParent.SongsCount) { //Disable the Raaga player volume control m_wndParent.PlayerVolume = -1; Stop(); this.Close(); } else { //Un-register the TitleChange event-hadler ctlRaagaJukebox.TitleChange -= new AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_TitleChangeEventHandler( this.ctlRaagaJukebox_TitleChange); //Get the volume and update the parent UI framePlayer.execScript("if (raaga_ply != null) { document.title = raaga_ply.GetVolume(); }", "JavaScript"); m_wndParent.PlayerVolume = int.Parse(framePlayer.document.title.Trim()); // //No way to get javascript string to C# string framePlayer.execScript( "if (raaga_ply != null) { document.title = raaga_ply.GetEntryTitle(raaga_ply.GetCurrentEntry()); }", "JavaScript"); string sClipTitle = framePlayer.document.title; SongInfo si = ClipInfoParser.GetClipInfo(sClipTitle); m_sCurrentSongInfo = si; string s = ""; s += "Song :" + si.SongTitle + "\r\n"; s += "Artist :" + si.Artist + "\r\n"; s += "Composer/Director :" + si.MusicComposer + "\r\n"; s += "Album/Film :" + si.Album + "\r\n"; //MessageBox.Show(s); // //Register the .NET event-handler again sothat //on clipchange(on-document-title change) it fires again ctlRaagaJukebox.TitleChange += new AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_TitleChangeEventHandler( this.ctlRaagaJukebox_TitleChange); // //Add embedded between subsequent songs have no title/album m_isRecording = true; if ((si != null) && (si.Album.Trim() != "")) { // //Detect adds in between(Ad Signatures in Beta 2.) string[] AdSignatures = new string[] { "xoom", "citibank", "rupee", "money", "ford" }; if ((si.SongTitle.ToLower().IndexOf(AdSignatures[0]) >= 0) || (si.SongTitle.ToLower().IndexOf(AdSignatures[1]) >= 0) || (si.SongTitle.ToLower().IndexOf(AdSignatures[2]) >= 0) || (si.SongTitle.ToLower().IndexOf(AdSignatures[3]) >= 0) || (si.SongTitle.ToLower().IndexOf(AdSignatures[4]) >= 0)) { framePlayer.execScript("if (raaga_ply != null) { raaga_ply.DoNextEntry(); }", "JavaScript"); m_isRecording = false; m_sCurrentSongInfo = null; } else { // //Show songinfo/index in main window if (m_wndParent != null) { m_wndParent.DisplaySongInfo(m_sCurrentSongInfo, m_CurrentSongIndex); m_CurrentSongIndex++; } // //Core : Record the music m_lCumulativeBytesCount = 0; string MusicFolder = ""; if (Globals.GetInstance().AutomaticGenreDetection == true) { if (Directory.Exists( Globals.GetInstance().MusicDirectory + "\\" + m_sCurrentSongInfo.Album) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory( Globals.GetInstance().MusicDirectory + "\\" + m_sCurrentSongInfo.Album); } MusicFolder = Globals.GetInstance().MusicDirectory + "\\" + m_sCurrentSongInfo.Album; } else { //Assorted is selceted if (Directory.Exists( Globals.GetInstance().MusicDirectory + "\\" + Globals.GetInstance().AssortedDirectory) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory( Globals.GetInstance().MusicDirectory + "\\" + Globals.GetInstance().AssortedDirectory); } MusicFolder = Globals.GetInstance().MusicDirectory + "\\" + Globals.GetInstance().AssortedDirectory; } m_isRecording = true; m_sCurrentMusicRecordingPath = MusicFolder; Start(MusicFolder + "\\" + m_sCurrentSongInfo.SongTitle + ".wav"); } } } } } } catch(Exception _e) { Stop(); if (Globals.GetInstance().SuppressError == false) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " recording problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } }
//********************* //Raaga Home //********************* private void cmdRaagaHome_Click(object sender, C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventArgs e) { try { NavigateToUrl(URLs.RAAGA_HINDI_MOVIES); } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void DataArrived(IntPtr data, int size) { try { if (m_RecBuffer == null || m_RecBuffer.Length < size) m_RecBuffer = new byte[size]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data, m_RecBuffer, 0, size); if (m_Writer != null) { m_Writer.Write(m_RecBuffer,0,m_RecBuffer.Length); m_lCumulativeBytesCount += m_Writer.BytesWritten; } //If invoked syncronously, the thread-block will jeoperdize the waveIn //recording. So following invocation should be prohibited... // //UpdateAudioLevelUI(m_RecBuffer, size); // //Either use explicit Thread.Start() stuff or Delegate.Invoke(ThreadPool) etc. object[] values = new object[]{m_RecBuffer,size}; System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( new System.Threading.WaitCallback(UpdateAudioLevelUI),values); } catch(Exception _e) { Stop(); //Handle it if (Globals.GetInstance().SuppressError == false) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "DataArrived: Recording problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } }
private void ctlRaagaBrowser_BeforeNavigate2(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_BeforeNavigate2Event e) { // //Does songs listed in this page(Either movie / Playlist...) try { } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Song list setection problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } #region Old Code /* try { // //Someone has clicked a "submit" button in the page if ((e.uRL.ToString().IndexOf("secnew/authenNew.asp") >= 0) && (m_Cookies.SessionID != "")) { //Get the Key1=Value1&Key2=Value2 like posted data string string sPostedData = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString((Byte[])e.postData); MessageBox.Show("Headers :" + e.headers.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Cookies :" + ((IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaBrowser.Document).cookie); //Split the posted string by "&" if (sPostedData.Length > 0) { string[] arrPostedData = sPostedData.Split(new char[]{'&'}); string sLogIn = arrPostedData[0].Substring(arrPostedData[0].IndexOf("=") + 1); string sPassword = arrPostedData[1].Substring(arrPostedData[1].IndexOf("=") + 1); if ((sLogIn.Trim() != "") && (sPassword.Trim() != "")) { //Post the HTTP data by ourselves // //Use .NET smart client classes like WebRequest or WebResponse //for the obvious solution string sHTMLResponse = Common.Utility.PostToURLAndGetResponse( URLs.RAAGA_HOME + "/secnew/authenNew.asp", sPostedData, m_Cookies); // //Parse...Parse...Parse // //While looking for signature I found 'tHead' class //in the playlists.Simple. Look fo.r <form></form> and if //it has a 'tHead' in it it's playlist row int iFormStartTag = -1; int iFormEndTag = -1; int iIndex = 0; string sInnerFormHTML = ""; string sPlayListHTML = ""; do { iFormStartTag = sHTMLResponse.IndexOf( Signatures.HTMLFormTag, iIndex); if (iFormStartTag >= 0) { iFormEndTag = sHTMLResponse.IndexOf( Signatures.HTMLFormEndTag, iFormStartTag); } if ((iFormStartTag > 0) && (iFormEndTag > 0)) { sInnerFormHTML = sHTMLResponse.Substring( iFormStartTag, iFormEndTag - iFormStartTag); if (sInnerFormHTML.Length > 0) { //If it's the <form> block we're looking for if (sInnerFormHTML.IndexOf( Signatures.RaagaPlayList) > 0) { //Yes!!! sPlayListHTML += sInnerFormHTML; iIndex = iFormEndTag + 3; } } } } while((iFormEndTag != -1) && (iFormEndTag != sHTMLResponse.Length)); //Create a tempfile and dump the HTML to it FileStream fs = new FileStream( Application.StartupPath + @"/HTMLPages/playlist_LIST.htm", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); string sNewFileContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace( "[RaagaPlayListForms]", sPlayListHTML.Trim()); sr.Close(); //Write back to the HTML StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); sw.Write(sNewFileContent); sw.Close(); fs.Close(); //Don't let the iexplorer to post the values,We'll aqapost it later e.cancel = true; NavigateToUrl( Application.StartupPath + @"/HTMLPages/playlist_LIST.htm"); } } } else if (e.uRL.ToString() == URLs.RAAGA_LOGIN_REFERER) { e.cancel = true; //MessageBox.Show("Headers :" + ((IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaBrowser.Document).h MessageBox.Show("Cookies :" + ((IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaBrowser.Document).cookie); //Get the ASP session ID(may be ASP 3.0) // //Get the cookie collection /* IHTMLDocument2 doc = (IHTMLDocument2)ctlRaagaBrowser.Document; string sCookie = doc.cookie; if (sCookie.Trim() != "") { if (sCookie.IndexOf(";") >= 0) { //More than one cookie m_SessionID = ""; } else { //One cookie - and that got to be ASP SESSION ID m_SessionID = sCookie; } } } else { e.cancel = false; } } catch(Exception _e) { e.cancel = true; frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } */ #endregion }
private void Start(string FileName) { Stop(); try { //Start WaveIn recorder m_Recorder = new WaveLib.WaveInRecorder (Globals.GetInstance().DefaultWaveInDevice, //previously : -1 m_Format, bufferSize, 3, new WaveLib.BufferDoneEventHandler(DataArrived)); //Start capturing the music to a WAV stream Stream WaveFile = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); m_Writer = new WaveWriter(WaveFile, m_Format); } catch(Exception _e) { Stop(); //Handle it if (Globals.GetInstance().SuppressError == false) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } }
private void ctlRaagaBrowser_NewWindow2(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_NewWindow2Event e) { try { m_wndChild = new frmNewWindowJukeBox(this); e.ppDisp = m_wndChild.RaagaJukebox.Application; m_wndChild.RaagaJukebox.RegisterAsBrowser = true; m_wndChild.Hide(); //frm.Show(); } catch(Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = " navigational problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } }
private void c1Command2_Click(object sender, C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventArgs e) { using (RaagaHacker.Playlists.frmPlaylists playlists = new RaagaHacker.Playlists.frmPlaylists()) { if (playlists.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //Play selected button is clicked try { // //Now we need to move any arbitrary movie-songs page NavigateToUrl(URLs.RAAGA_DUMMY_SONG_PAGE); IHTMLDocument2 doc = ((IHTMLDocument2)this.ctlRaagaBrowser.Document); if (doc != null) { //Wait until document gets loaded. // //For some bizzare reason following code is not working... // //while (doc.url.Trim().Equals(URLs.RAAGA_DUMMY_SONG_PAGE) == false) //; //Add a sleep System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); //Nullify the image control if (picMovie.Image != null) { picMovie.Image.Dispose(); picMovie.Image = null; lblMovieName.Text = ""; } if (playlists.SongIDs.Trim() != "") { //Make sure to set the number of songs to be played. //Based on this, the "hidden" jukebox will dispose its resources //or take other "...done" jobs. if (playlists.SongIDs.IndexOf(",") == -1) { this.m_SongsNo = 1; } else { this.m_SongsNo = playlists.SongIDs.Split(",".ToCharArray()).Length; } //Start the "RaagaJukebox" with the song ids passed doc.parentWindow.execScript( Signatures.playSelected.Replace("<<selection>>", playlists.SongIDs), "JavaScript"); } } } catch (COMException _ce) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Playlist Recording Problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(_ce.ErrorCode).Message; frm.StrackTrace = _ce.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } catch (Exception _e) { frmException frm = new frmException(); frm.ExceptionDialogTitle = "Playlist Recording Problem "; frm.ErrorMessage = _e.Message; frm.StrackTrace = _e.StackTrace; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } } }