// CONVERSATION public void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { R_Speech = new R_Lib.R_Speech(FormControls.getForm <frmMain>().rt_Convo); #region setup db connection //System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\rioDB.sdf"); //Testing script #endregion setup db connection R_Speech.loadSystemVocabs(); // load rio default commands // loadShellGrammar ActionResult shellGrammar = R_Speech.loadShellGrammar(); if (shellGrammar.success) { if (shellGrammar.msg == "AddCommand") { frmCustom cust = new frmCustom(); cust.isShown = true; cust.ShowDialog(); } } else { MessageBox.Show(shellGrammar.msg); } //loadDictationGrammar(); //R_Speech.R_SpeakAsync("Dictation grammars loaded"); // load default microphone R_Speech.R_recognizer.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); // sets the program to interpret multiple commands R_Speech.R_recognizer.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); }