コード例 #1
        //Assign a minimap icon:
        public void AssignIcon(SelectionObj Selection)
            //assign the minimap icon to the selection obj component
            Selection.MinimapIcon = GetNewMinimapIcon(Selection.MainObj.transform, Selection.MinimapIconSize);

コード例 #2
        //Selection Obj collision:
        public void OnSelectionObjEnter(SelectionObj Source, SelectionObj Target)
            if (DebugEnabled == true)
                Debug.Log("Collision detected between a " + Source.ObjType + " and a " + Target.ObjType);

            SelectionObjEnter(Source, Target);
コード例 #3
        public void RemoveMinimapIcon(SelectionObj Selection)
            //only proceed if there's a valid selection
            if (Selection.MinimapIcon == null)

            //remove it and add it to the unused list:
            Selection.MinimapIcon.transform.SetParent(null, true);
            Selection.MinimapIcon = null;
コード例 #4
        //method to assign the correct color to the minimap icon:
        public void AssignIconColor(SelectionObj Selection)
            MeshRenderer IconRenderer = Selection.MinimapIcon.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            //set the color of the minimap icon depending on the object type
            switch (Selection.ObjType)
            case SelectionObj.ObjTypes.Unit:              //in case it's a unit
                if (Selection.UnitComp.FreeUnit == false) //if the unit belongs to a faction
                    //set the faction color
                    IconRenderer.material.color = GameManager.Instance.Factions[Selection.UnitComp.FactionID].FactionColor;
                else     //if it's a free unit
                    //set the free faction color
                    IconRenderer.material.color = FreeFactionIconColor;

            case SelectionObj.ObjTypes.Building:                  //If the object to select is a building:
                //set the color as the building's faction color:
                if (Selection.BuildingComp.FreeBuilding == false) //building belongs to a faction
                    //set as the faction color
                    IconRenderer.material.color = GameManager.Instance.Factions[Selection.BuildingComp.FactionID].FactionColor;
                else     //free building
                    //set as the free faction color
                    IconRenderer.material.color = FreeFactionIconColor;

            case SelectionObj.ObjTypes.Resource:     //in case it's a resource
                //set the color depending on the resource type
                IconRenderer.material.color = GameManager.Instance.ResourceMgr.ResourcesInfo[Selection.ResourceComp.ResourceID].TypeInfo.MinimapIconColor;

コード例 #5
        //Attack object collision effect:
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if ((DidDamage == false || DamageOnce == false) && DoDamage == true)
            { //Make sure that the attack obj either didn't do damage when the attack object is allowed to do damage once or if it can do damage multiple times.
                SelectionObj HitObj = other.gameObject.GetComponent <SelectionObj>();
                if (HitObj != null)
                    Unit     HitUnit     = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Unit>();
                    Building HitBuilding = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Building>();

                    //If the damaged object is a unit:
                    if (HitUnit)
                        //Check if the unit belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the unit is actually not dead yet:
                        if (HitUnit.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitUnit.Dead == false)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done
                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, Source);
                                    //Custom event:
                                    if (GameManager.Instance.Events)
                                        GameManager.Instance.Events.OnAttackPerformed(Source, HitUnit.gameObject);

                                    if (DealDamage == true)
                                        if (DoT.Enabled) //if it's DoT
                                            //DoT settings:
                                            Source.ConfigureTargetDoT(HitUnit, AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, CustomDamage, DefaultUnitDamage));
                                            //Remove health points from the unit:
                                            HitUnit.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, CustomDamage, DefaultUnitDamage), SourceObj);
                                            //Attack effect:
                                            AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, other.gameObject, AttackEffectTime, false);
                                            //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                            AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitUnit.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);
                    //If the attack obj hit a building:
                    if (HitBuilding)
                        //Check if the building belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the building still has health:
                        if (HitBuilding.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitBuilding.Health >= 0)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done

                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, Source);
                                    //Custom event:
                                    if (GameManager.Instance.Events)
                                        GameManager.Instance.Events.OnAttackPerformed(Source, HitBuilding.gameObject);

                                    if (DealDamage == true) //only if we can deal damage directly
                                        //Remove health points from the unit:
                                        HitBuilding.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitBuilding.gameObject, CustomDamage, DefaultBuildingDamage), SourceObj);
                                        //Attack effect:
                                        AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, other.gameObject, AttackEffectTime, false);
                                        //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                        AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitBuilding.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);
コード例 #6
ファイル: AttackObject.cs プロジェクト: FSorek/UnityMSArena
        //Attack object collision effect:
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if ((DidDamage == false || DamageOnce == false) && DoDamage == true)               //Make sure that the attack obj either didn't do damage when the attack object is allowed to do damage once or if it can do damage multiple times.
                SelectionObj HitObj = other.gameObject.GetComponent <SelectionObj> ();
                if (HitObj != null)
                    Unit     HitUnit     = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Unit> ();
                    Building HitBuilding = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Building> ();

                    //If the damaged object is a unit:
                    if (HitUnit)
                        //Check if the unit belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the unit is actually not dead yet:
                        if (HitUnit.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitUnit.Dead == false)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done
                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, AttackRanges, SourceFactionID, AttackEffect, AttackEffectTime, AttackCategoriesList, DoT);
                                else if (DoT.Enabled) //if it's DoT
                                    //DoT settings:
                                    HitUnit.DoT        = DoT;
                                    HitUnit.DoT.Damage = AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, DefaultUnitDamage);
                                    //Remove health points from the unit:
                                    HitUnit.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, DefaultUnitDamage), Source);
                                    //Attack effect: units only currently
                                    AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, other.gameObject, AttackEffectTime, false);

                                //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitUnit.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);
                    //If the attack obj hit a building:
                    if (HitBuilding)
                        //Check if the building belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the building still has health:
                        if (HitBuilding.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitBuilding.Health >= 0)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done

                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, AttackRanges, SourceFactionID, AttackEffect, AttackEffectTime, AttackCategoriesList, DoT);
                                    //Remove health points from the unit:
                                    HitBuilding.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitBuilding.gameObject, DefaultUnitDamage), Source);

                                //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitBuilding.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);