コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BinaryFilesGroup"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name="targetFolder">The target folder.</param>
 /// <param name="dataSourceName">Name of the data source.</param>
 /// <param name="reportServer">The report server.</param>
 /// <param name="reports">The reports.</param>
 public BinaryFilesGroup(string name, string targetFolder, string reportServer, BinaryFile[] reports)
     _Name         = name;
     _TargetFolder = targetFolder;
     //if (dataSourceName != null)
     //    if (Settings.DataSources.ContainsKey(dataSourceName))
     //    {
     //        _DataSource = (DataSource)Settings.DataSources[dataSourceName];
     //    }
     if (reportServer != null)
         if (Settings.ReportServers.ContainsKey(reportServer))
             _ReportServerInfo = (ReportServerInfo)Settings.ReportServers[reportServer];
     if (targetFolder != null && targetFolder.Length > 0)
         _TargetFolder = targetFolder.Trim();
     if (reports != null && reports.Length > 0)
         _BinaryFiles = reports;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DataSource"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="userName">The user name.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
        /// <param name="credentialRetrieval">The credential retrieval enum.</param>
        /// <param name="windowsCredentials">if set to <c>true</c> [windows credentials].</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string.</param>
        /// <param name="publish">if set to <c>true</c>, publish.</param>
        /// <param name="overwrite">if set to <c>true</c>, overwrite.</param>
        /// <param name="targetFolder">The target folder.</param>
        /// <param name="reportServer">The report server.</param>
        public DataSource(string name, string userName, string password, string credentialRetrieval, bool windowsCredentials, string connectionString, bool publish, bool overwrite, string targetFolder, string reportServer)
            _Name               = name;
            _UserName           = userName;
            _Password           = password;
            _RSConnectionString = connectionString;
            _Publish            = publish;
            _Overwrite          = overwrite;
            if (targetFolder != null && targetFolder.Length > 0)
                _TargetFolder = targetFolder.Trim();
            if (reportServer != null)
                if (Settings.ReportServers.ContainsKey(reportServer))
                    _ReportServer = (ReportServerInfo)Settings.ReportServers[reportServer];

            _CredentialRetrieval = ReportCredential.Integrated;
            if (credentialRetrieval != null)
                    _CredentialRetrieval = (ReportCredential)Enum.Parse(typeof(ReportCredential), credentialRetrieval, true);
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    Logger.LogException("DataSource", e.Message);

            _WindowsCredentials = windowsCredentials;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ReportGroup"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name="targetFolder">The target folder.</param>
 /// <param name="dataSourceName">Name of the data source.</param>
 /// <param name="reportServer">The report server.</param>
 /// <param name="reports">The reports.</param>
 public ReportGroup(string name, string targetFolder, string dataSourceName, string reportServer, Report[] reports)
     _Name         = name;
     _TargetFolder = targetFolder;
     if (dataSourceName != null)
         if (Settings.DataSources.ContainsKey(dataSourceName))
             _DataSource = (DataSource)Settings.DataSources[dataSourceName];
     if (reportServer != null)
         if (Settings.ReportServers.ContainsKey(reportServer))
             _ReportServer = (ReportServerInfo)Settings.ReportServers[reportServer];
     if (targetFolder != null && targetFolder.Length > 0)
         _TargetFolder = targetFolder.Trim();
     if (reports != null && reports.Length > 0)
         _Reports = reports;
コード例 #4
        private ReportGroup CreateReportGroup(string name, string targetFolder, string dataSourceName, string reportServer, IEnumerable <Report> reports)
            DataSource dataSource = dataSourceName != null && DataSources.ContainsKey(dataSourceName)
                ? DataSources[dataSourceName]
                : null;
            ReportServerInfo reportServerInfo = reportServer != null && ReportServers.ContainsKey(reportServer)
                ? ReportServers[reportServer]
                : null;

            return(new ReportGroup(name, targetFolder, dataSource, reportServerInfo, reports));
コード例 #5
        public static bool TryCreate(ReportServerInfo reportServer, out IWSWrapper result, out Exception exception)
            ReportingService2005 proxy = new ReportingService2005()
                Url         = reportServer.GetServiceUrl(SERVICE_NAME),
                Timeout     = reportServer.Timeout ?? -1,
                Credentials = reportServer.CreateCredentials(SERVICE_NAME)

                result    = new WSWrapper2005(proxy);
                exception = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                result    = null;
                exception = e;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Settings.cs プロジェクト: naristhararuk/pjfsaccount
        private static void ReadSettings(XmlDocument d)
            // Globals
            XmlNodeList list5 = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/Globals/Global");

            _GlobalVariables = new StringDictionary();

            if (list5 != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in list5)
                    XmlNode key = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    if (key != null)
                        if (_GlobalVariables.ContainsKey(key.Value))
                            _GlobalVariables[key.Value] = node.InnerText;
                            _GlobalVariables.Add(key.Value, node.InnerText);

            // ReportServers
            XmlNodeList list6 = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/ReportServers/ReportServer");

            if (list6 != null)
                _ReportServers = new Hashtable();
                foreach (XmlNode node in list6)
                    XmlNode n0 = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    if (n0 != null)
                        string  name   = ProcessGlobals(n0.Value);
                        XmlNode rsHost = node.Attributes["Host"];
                        XmlNode rsPath = node.Attributes["Path"];
                        if (rsHost != null && rsPath != null)
                            XmlNode rsProtocol = node.Attributes["Protocol"];
                            string  protocol   = rsProtocol != null
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsProtocol.Value)
                                : "http";

                            XmlNode rsTimeout = node.Attributes["Timeout"];
                            string  timeout   = rsTimeout != null
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsTimeout.Value)
                                : null;

                            XmlNode rsUserName = node.Attributes["UserName"];
                            string  userName   = rsUserName != null && rsUserName.Value.Trim().Length > 0
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsUserName.Value)
                                : null;

                            XmlNode rsPassword = node.Attributes["Password"];
                            string  password   = rsPassword != null
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsPassword.Value)
                                : null;

                            ReportServerInfo rsInfo = new ReportServerInfo(name, protocol, ProcessGlobals(rsHost.Value), ProcessGlobals(rsPath.Value), timeout, userName, password);
                            if (_ReportServers.ContainsKey(name))
                                _ReportServers[name] = rsInfo;
                                _ReportServers.Add(name, rsInfo);

            // DataSources
            XmlNodeList list1 = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/DataSources/DataSource");

            if (list1 != null)
                _DataSources   = new Hashtable();
                _DBConnections = new StringDictionary();
                foreach (XmlNode node in list1)
                    string name                = null;
                    string userName            = null;
                    string password            = null;
                    string credentialRetrieval = null;
                    string connectionString    = null;
                    string targetFolder        = null;
                    string reportServer        = null;
                    bool   publish             = false;
                    bool   overwrite           = false;
                    bool   windowsCredentials  = false;

                    XmlNode n1 = node.Attributes["Name"];

                    if (n1 != null)
                        name = n1.Value;
                        XmlNode n2  = node.Attributes["Publish"];
                        XmlNode n3  = node.SelectSingleNode("ConnectionString");
                        XmlNode n4  = node.Attributes["Overwrite"];
                        XmlNode n5  = node.SelectSingleNode("UserName");
                        XmlNode n6  = node.SelectSingleNode("Password");
                        XmlNode n7  = node.SelectSingleNode("CredentialRetrieval");
                        XmlNode n8  = node.SelectSingleNode("WindowsCredentials");
                        XmlNode n9  = node.Attributes["TargetFolder"];
                        XmlNode n10 = node.Attributes["ReportServer"];

                        if (n2 != null)
                            publish = (n2.Value.ToLower() == "true");
                        if (n3 != null)
                            connectionString = ProcessGlobals(n3.InnerText);
                        if (n4 != null)
                            overwrite = (n4.Value.ToLower() == "true");
                        if (n5 != null)
                            if (n5.InnerText.Trim().Length > 0)
                                userName = ProcessGlobals(n5.InnerText);
                        if (n6 != null)
                            password = ProcessGlobals(n6.InnerText);
                        if (n7 != null)
                            credentialRetrieval = ProcessGlobals(n7.InnerText);
                        if (n8 != null)
                            windowsCredentials = (n8.InnerText.ToLower() == "true");
                        if (n9 != null)
                            targetFolder = ProcessGlobals(n9.Value);
                        if (n10 != null)
                            reportServer = ProcessGlobals(n10.Value);

                        if (_DataSources.ContainsKey(name))
                            _DataSources[name]   = new DataSource(name, userName, password, credentialRetrieval, windowsCredentials, connectionString, publish, overwrite, targetFolder, reportServer);
                            _DBConnections[name] = ((DataSource)_DataSources[name]).ConnectionString;
                            _DataSources.Add(name, new DataSource(name, userName, password, credentialRetrieval, windowsCredentials, connectionString, publish, overwrite, targetFolder, reportServer));
                            _DBConnections.Add(name, ((DataSource)_DataSources[name]).ConnectionString);

            // Reports
            XmlNodeList list7 = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/Reports/ReportGroup");
            int         k     = 0;

            if (list7 != null)
                _ReportGroups = new ReportGroup[list7.Count];
                foreach (XmlNode node in list7)
                    string   rgName         = null;
                    string   targetFolder   = null;
                    string   dataSourceName = null;
                    string   reportServer   = null;
                    int      cacheTime      = -1;
                    Report[] reports        = null;

                    XmlNode n1  = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    XmlNode n2  = node.Attributes["DataSourceName"];
                    XmlNode n3  = node.Attributes["TargetFolder"];
                    XmlNode n4  = node.Attributes["ReportServer"];
                    XmlNode n14 = node.Attributes["CacheTime"];
                    if (n2 != null && n3 != null && n4 != null)
                        dataSourceName = ProcessGlobals(n2.Value);
                        targetFolder   = ProcessGlobals(n3.Value);
                        reportServer   = ProcessGlobals(n4.Value);
                        if (n1 != null)
                            rgName = ProcessGlobals(n1.Value);
                        if (n14 != null)
                            cacheTime = int.Parse(ProcessGlobals(n14.Value));

                        XmlNodeList list2 = node.SelectNodes("Report");
                        int         i     = 0;
                        if (list2 != null)
                            reports = new Report[list2.Count];
                            foreach (XmlNode node1 in list2)
                                string  rpName          = null;
                                string  collapsedHeight = null;
                                int     reportCacheTime = cacheTime;
                                XmlNode n11             = node1.SelectSingleNode("FilePath");

                                if (n11 != null)
                                    XmlNode n12 = node1.Attributes["Name"];
                                    XmlNode n13 = node1.Attributes["CollapsedHeight"];
                                    XmlNode n15 = node1.Attributes["CacheTime"];
                                    if (n12 != null)
                                        rpName = ProcessGlobals(n12.Value);
                                    if (n13 != null)
                                        collapsedHeight = ProcessGlobals(n13.Value);
                                    if (n15 != null)
                                        reportCacheTime = int.Parse(ProcessGlobals(n15.Value));

                                    reports[i] = new Report(rpName, string.Format("{0}{1}", Settings.CurrentDirectory, n11.InnerText), collapsedHeight, reportCacheTime);


                        _ReportGroups[k] = new ReportGroup(rgName, targetFolder, dataSourceName, reportServer, reports);

            XmlNodeList list8 = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/BinaryFiles/BinaryFilesGroup");
            int         kk    = 0;

            if (list8 != null)
                _BinaryFilesGroup = new BinaryFilesGroup[list8.Count];
                foreach (XmlNode node in list8)
                    string rgName       = null;
                    string targetFolder = null;
                    //string dataSourceName = null;
                    string       reportServer = null;
                    int          cacheTime    = -1;
                    BinaryFile[] reports      = null;

                    XmlNode n1 = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    // XmlNode n2 = node.Attributes["DataSourceName"];
                    XmlNode n3  = node.Attributes["TargetFolder"];
                    XmlNode n4  = node.Attributes["ReportServer"];
                    XmlNode n14 = node.Attributes["CacheTime"];
                    if (n3 != null && n4 != null)
                        //  dataSourceName = ProcessGlobals(n2.Value);
                        targetFolder = ProcessGlobals(n3.Value);
                        reportServer = ProcessGlobals(n4.Value);
                        if (n1 != null)
                            rgName = ProcessGlobals(n1.Value);
                        if (n14 != null)
                            cacheTime = int.Parse(ProcessGlobals(n14.Value));

                        XmlNodeList list2 = node.SelectNodes("BinaryFile");
                        int         ik    = 0;
                        if (list2 != null)
                            reports = new BinaryFile[list2.Count];
                            foreach (XmlNode node1 in list2)
                                string  rpName          = null;
                                string  collapsedHeight = null;
                                int     reportCacheTime = cacheTime;
                                XmlNode n11             = node1.SelectSingleNode("FilePath");

                                if (n11 != null)
                                    XmlNode n12 = node1.Attributes["Name"];
                                    XmlNode n13 = node1.Attributes["CollapsedHeight"];
                                    XmlNode n15 = node1.Attributes["CacheTime"];
                                    if (n12 != null)
                                        rpName = ProcessGlobals(n12.Value);
                                    if (n13 != null)
                                        collapsedHeight = ProcessGlobals(n13.Value);
                                    if (n15 != null)
                                        reportCacheTime = int.Parse(ProcessGlobals(n15.Value));

                                    reports[ik] = new BinaryFile(rpName, string.Format("{0}{1}", Settings.CurrentDirectory, n11.InnerText), collapsedHeight, reportCacheTime);


                        _BinaryFilesGroup[kk] = new BinaryFilesGroup(rgName, targetFolder, reportServer, reports);

            // Executions
            XmlNodeList list3 = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/DBExecutions/DBExecution");
            int         j     = 0;

            if (list3 != null)
                _DBExecutions = new DBExecution[list3.Count];
                foreach (XmlNode node in list3)
                    XmlNode dataSourceName = node.Attributes["DataSourceName"];

                    if (dataSourceName != null)
                        StringCollection files = null;
                        XmlNodeList      list4 = node.SelectNodes("DBFilePath");
                        if (list4 != null)
                            files = new StringCollection();
                            foreach (XmlNode node1 in list4)

                        _DBExecutions[j] = new DBExecution(ProcessGlobals(dataSourceName.Value), files);

コード例 #7
        private void ReadSettings(XmlDocument d)
            // Globals
            XmlNodeList globalVariableNodes = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/Globals/Global");

            if (globalVariableNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in globalVariableNodes)
                    XmlNode key = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    if (key != null)
                        _globalVariables[key.Value] = node.InnerText;

            // ReportServers
            XmlNodeList reportServerNodes = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/ReportServers/ReportServer");

            if (reportServerNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in reportServerNodes)
                    XmlNode n0 = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    if (n0 != null)
                        string  name   = ProcessGlobals(n0.Value);
                        XmlNode rsHost = node.Attributes["Host"];
                        XmlNode rsPath = node.Attributes["Path"];
                        if (rsHost != null && rsPath != null)
                            XmlNode rsProtocol = node.Attributes["Protocol"];
                            string  protocol   = rsProtocol != null
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsProtocol.Value)
                                : "http";

                            XmlNode rsTimeout = node.Attributes["Timeout"];
                            string  timeout   = rsTimeout != null
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsTimeout.Value)
                                : null;

                            XmlNode rsUserName = node.Attributes["UserName"];
                            string  userName   = rsUserName != null && rsUserName.Value.Trim().Length > 0
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsUserName.Value)
                                : null;

                            XmlNode rsPassword = node.Attributes["Password"];
                            string  password   = rsPassword != null
                                ? ProcessGlobals(rsPassword.Value)
                                : null;

                            _reportServers[name] = new ReportServerInfo(name, protocol, ProcessGlobals(rsHost.Value), ProcessGlobals(rsPath.Value), timeout, userName, password);

            // DataSources
            XmlNodeList dataSourceNodes = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/DataSources/DataSource");

            if (dataSourceNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in dataSourceNodes)
                    XmlNode nameAttribute = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    if (nameAttribute != null)
                        XmlNode publishAttribute           = node.Attributes["Publish"];
                        XmlNode extensionElement           = node.SelectSingleNode("Extension");
                        XmlNode connectionStringElement    = node.SelectSingleNode("ConnectionString");
                        XmlNode overwriteAttribute         = node.Attributes["Overwrite"];
                        XmlNode userNameElement            = node.SelectSingleNode("UserName");
                        XmlNode passwordElement            = node.SelectSingleNode("Password");
                        XmlNode credentialRetrievalElement = node.SelectSingleNode("CredentialRetrieval");
                        XmlNode windowsCredentialsElement  = node.SelectSingleNode("WindowsCredentials");
                        XmlNode targetFolderElement        = node.Attributes["TargetFolder"];
                        XmlNode reportServerAttribute      = node.Attributes["ReportServer"];

                        string name    = nameAttribute.Value;
                        bool   publish = publishAttribute != null &&
                                         Convert.ToBoolean(publishAttribute.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        bool overwrite = overwriteAttribute != null &&
                                         Convert.ToBoolean(overwriteAttribute.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        string extension = extensionElement != null
                           ? ProcessGlobals(extensionElement.InnerText)
                           : null;

                        string connectionString = connectionStringElement != null
                           ? ProcessGlobals(connectionStringElement.InnerText)
                           : null;

                        string userName = userNameElement != null
                            ? ProcessGlobals(userNameElement.InnerText).Trim()
                            : null;

                        string password = passwordElement != null
                            ? ProcessGlobals(passwordElement.InnerText)
                            : null;

                        string credentialRetrieval = credentialRetrievalElement != null
                            ? ProcessGlobals(credentialRetrievalElement.InnerText)
                            : null;

                        bool windowsCredentials = windowsCredentialsElement != null &&
                                                  Convert.ToBoolean(windowsCredentialsElement.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        string targetFolder = targetFolderElement != null
                            ? PathUtil.FormatPath(ProcessGlobals(targetFolderElement.Value))
                            : null;

                        string reportServer = reportServerAttribute != null
                            ? ProcessGlobals(reportServerAttribute.Value)
                            : null;

                        ReportServerInfo reportServerInfo = reportServer != null && ReportServers.ContainsKey(reportServer)
                            ? ReportServers[reportServer]
                            : null;
                        DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(name,
                                                               userName, password, credentialRetrieval, windowsCredentials,
                                                               extension, connectionString, publish, overwrite,
                                                               targetFolder, reportServerInfo);
                        _dataSources[name] = dataSource;

                        string dbConnectionString;
                        if (dataSource.TryGetDbConnectionString(out dbConnectionString))
                            _dbConnections[name] = dbConnectionString;

            // Reports
            XmlNodeList reportGroupNodes = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/Reports/ReportGroup");

            if (reportGroupNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in reportGroupNodes)
                    XmlNode n1  = node.Attributes["Name"];
                    XmlNode n2  = node.Attributes["DataSourceName"];
                    XmlNode n3  = node.Attributes["TargetFolder"];
                    XmlNode n4  = node.Attributes["ReportServer"];
                    XmlNode n14 = node.Attributes["CacheTime"];
                    if (n2 != null && n3 != null && n4 != null)
                        string rgName         = null;
                        string dataSourceName = ProcessGlobals(n2.Value);
                        string targetFolder   = PathUtil.FormatPath(ProcessGlobals(n3.Value));
                        string reportServer   = ProcessGlobals(n4.Value);
                        int    cacheTime      = -1;

                        if (n1 != null)
                            rgName = ProcessGlobals(n1.Value);
                        if (n14 != null)
                            cacheTime = int.Parse(ProcessGlobals(n14.Value));

                            CreateReportGroup(rgName, targetFolder, dataSourceName, reportServer,
                                              SelectReports(node, targetFolder, cacheTime)));

            // Executions
            XmlNodeList dbExecutionNodes = d.SelectNodes("//Settings/DBExecutions/DBExecution");

            if (dbExecutionNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in dbExecutionNodes)
                    XmlNode dataSourceName = node.Attributes["DataSourceName"];

                    if (dataSourceName != null)