コード例 #1
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        // complixty of fun add ( O(res.arr.length) + O(total.arr.length) + O(Str1.length ) +O(Str2.length ) + O(1) + O(1)
        // in exact case all = N
        // total complixty = 4N = O(N)

        public static Big_int sub(Big_int fir_num, Big_int sec_num, ref Big_int res)
            Big_int comp = new Big_int(fir_num.arr.Length);         //O(1)
            int     diff = fir_num.arr.Length - sec_num.arr.Length; //O(1)

            for (int i = diff; i < fir_num.arr.Length; i++)         //O(fir_num.arr.Length)=O(N)
                comp.arr[i] = 9 - sec_num.arr[i - diff];            //O(1)
            for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++)                          //O(diff) < O(N)
                comp.arr[i] = 9;                                    //O(1)
            Big_int one = new Big_int(1);                           //O(1)

            one.arr[0] = 1;                                         //O(1)
            ADD(comp, one, ref comp);                               //O(N)
            comp = remove_zeros(comp);                              //O(N)
            ADD(fir_num, comp, ref comp);                           //O(N)
            comp = remove_zeros(comp);                              //O(N)
            res  = new Big_int(comp.arr.Length - 1);                //O(1)
            for (int i = 1; i < comp.arr.Length; i++)               //O(N)
                res.arr[i - 1] = comp.arr[i];                       //O(1)
            res = remove_zeros(res);                                //O(N)
            return(res);                                            //O(1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        //complexity = O(N)
        public static Big_int pow_mod(Big_int number, Big_int power, Big_int mod, ref Big_int res)
            if (mod.arr.Length == 1 && mod.arr[0] == 1)     //O(1)
                res        = new Big_int(1);                //O(1)
                res.arr[0] = 0;                             //O(1)
                return(res);                                //O(1)
            if (power.arr.Length == 1 && power.arr[0] == 0) //O(1)
                res        = new Big_int(1);                //O(1)
                res.arr[0] = 1;                             //O(1)
                return(res);                                //O(1)
            if (power.arr.Length == 1 && power.arr[0] == 1) //O(N)
                res = number;                               //O(1)
                res = remove_zeros(res);                    //O(N)
                return(res);                                //O(1)

            if (power.arr[power.arr.Length - 1] % 2 == 0)      // O(N^1.58)
                Big_int new_power = new Big_int(1);            //O(1)
                new_power.arr[0] = 2;                          //O(1)
                Big_int rem = new Big_int(1);                  //O(1)
                div(power, new_power, ref new_power, ref rem); //O(N)
                new_power = remove_zeros(new_power);           //O(N)
                Big_int value = new Big_int(1);                //O(1)

                pow_mod(number, new_power, mod, ref res); //T(N/2)
                res = remove_zeros(res);                  //O(N)
                res = mult(res, res, ref value);          //O(1.58)
                res = remove_zeros(res);                  //O(N)
            else //O(N^1.58)
                Big_int new_power = new Big_int(1);            //O(1)
                new_power.arr[0] = 2;                          //O(1)
                Big_int rem = new Big_int(1);                  //O(1)
                div(power, new_power, ref new_power, ref rem); //O(N)
                new_power = remove_zeros(new_power);           //O(N)
                Big_int value = new Big_int(1);                //O(1)

                pow_mod(number, new_power, mod, ref res); //T(N/2)
                res = remove_zeros(res);                  //O(N)
                res = mult(res, res, ref value);          //O(N^1.58)
                res = remove_zeros(res);                  //O(N)
                mult(res, number, ref res);               //O(N^1.58)
                res = remove_zeros(res);                  //O(N)
            Big_int q = new Big_int(1);                   //O(1)

            div(res, mod, ref q, ref res);                //O(N)

            res = remove_zeros(res);                      //O(N)
            return(res);                                  //O(1)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        //complexity : O(N^1.58)
        public static Big_int dec(Big_int n, Big_int d, Big_int em)
            Big_int res = new Big_int(n.arr.Length); //O(1)
            Big_int q   = new Big_int(n.arr.Length); //O(1)
            Big_int r   = new Big_int(n.arr.Length); //O(1)

            Big_int.div(em, n, ref q, ref r);        //O(N)
            Big_int.pow_mod(r, d, n, ref res);       //O(N^1.58)
            res = Big_int.remove_zeros(res);         //O(N)
            return(res);                             //O(1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        //complixty of fun mult = O(subt.arr.Length)+O(bd.arr.Length)+3T(N/2)+O(mid)+O(x_str)+O(Y_str)+O(N)
        // in exact case all = N
        //T(N) =3T(N/2)+O(N) By Master Case 1
        //  𝑁log 3-ε base2=N
        // so case 1
        // exact O(N^1.6)
        public static Big_int remove_zeros(Big_int mul)
            int zeros = 0;                           //O(1)

            for (int i = 0; i < mul.arr.Length; i++) //O(mul.arr.Length)
                if (mul.arr[i] == 0)
                    zeros = i; //O(1)
                    continue;  //O(1)
            if (zeros == mul.arr.Length)
                mul        = new Big_int(1); //O(1)
                mul.arr[0] = 0;              //O(1)
                return(mul);                 //O(1)
            else if (zeros == 0 && mul.arr[0] == 0 && mul.arr.Length > 1)
                Big_int temp  = new Big_int(mul.arr.Length - 1); //O(1)
                int     count = 0;                               //O(1)
                for (int i = 1; i < mul.arr.Length; i++)         //O(1)
                    temp.arr[count] = mul.arr[i];                //O(1)
                    count++;                                     //O(1)
                return(temp);                                    //O(1)
                Big_int temp  = new Big_int(mul.arr.Length - zeros); //O(1)
                int     count = 0;                                   //O(1)
                for (int i = zeros; i < mul.arr.Length; i++)         //O(1)
                    temp.arr[count] = mul.arr[i];                    //O(1)
                    count++;                                         //O(1)
                return(temp);                                        //O(1)
コード例 #5
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        //complixty of fun remove_zeros = O(mul.arr.Length)
        // in exact case all = N
        // total complixty  O(N)

        public static Big_int div(Big_int a, Big_int b, ref Big_int q, ref Big_int r)
            int great = greater(a, b);                     //O(1)

            if (a.arr.Length < b.arr.Length || great == 2) //O(1)
                q        = new Big_int(1);                 //O(1)
                q.arr[0] = 0;                              //O(1)
                r        = a;                              //O(1)
                return(q);                                 //O(1)
            Big_int twoB = new Big_int(1);                 //O(1)

            ADD(b, b, ref twoB);                           //O(N)
            twoB = remove_zeros(twoB);                     //O(N)
            div(a, twoB, ref q, ref r);                    //T(2b)
            Big_int twoQ = new Big_int(1);                 //O(1)

            ADD(q, q, ref twoQ);                           //O(N)
            q     = remove_zeros(twoQ);                    //O(N)
            great = greater(r, b);                         //O(N)
            if (r.arr.Length < b.arr.Length || great == 2) //O(1)
                return(q);                                 //O(1)
                Big_int one = new Big_int(1);   //O(1)
                one.arr[0] = 1;                 //O(1)
                Big_int Q_one = new Big_int(1); //O(1)
                ADD(q, one, ref Q_one);         //O(N)
                q = remove_zeros(Q_one);        //O(N)
                Big_int rSb = new Big_int(1);   //O(1)
                sub(r, b, ref rSb);             //O(N)
                r = remove_zeros(rSb);          //O(N)
                return(q);                      //O(1)
コード例 #6
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        //T(N)=T(2b)+N ->1    ,T(>a)=a=N
        //by iteration :
        // T(2b)=T(4b)+2n
        //T(N)=T(4b)+2N+N -> 2
        //T(4b) = T(8b)+4N
        //T(N)=T(2^K b)+ sum from i=0 to i=K-1 N
        //Termination : 2^k B = a   Log both sides
        //k Log B = Log a
        //K = log N / Log N = 1
        //T(N) = N + (1 - 2 ^ 1+1)/(1-2)  N =N+ -3/-1 N = 4 N
        //Complexity = O(N)

        private static int greater(Big_int a, Big_int b)
            if (a.arr.Length > b.arr.Length)      //O(1)
                return(1);                        //O(1)
            else if (a.arr.Length < b.arr.Length) //O(1)
                return(2);                        //O(1)
            for (int i = 0; i < a.arr.Length; i++)
                if (a.arr[i] > b.arr[i])      //O(1)
                    return(1);                //O(1)
                else if (a.arr[i] < b.arr[i]) //O(N)
                    return(2);                //O(1)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileStream   file = new FileStream("C:\\Users\\Dell\\Desktop\\RSA_Project\\RSA_Project\\bin\\Debug\\SampleRSA.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file);
            FileStream   file2 = new FileStream("C:\\Users\\Dell\\Desktop\\RSA_Project\\RSA_Project\\bin\\Debug\\SampleRSAOutput.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file2);
            Big_int      n, e, msg;
            int          fun;
            string       line1   = "";
            string       line2   = "";
            string       line3   = "";
            string       line4   = "";
            int          filelen = int.Parse(sr.ReadLine());

            for (int j = 0; j < filelen; j++)
                int caseNo = j + 1;
                line1 = sr.ReadLine();
                line2 = sr.ReadLine();
                line3 = sr.ReadLine();
                line4 = sr.ReadLine();
                n     = new Big_int(line1);
                e     = new Big_int(line2);
                msg   = new Big_int(line3);
                fun   = int.Parse(line4);
                if (fun == 0)
                    float   start_time = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    Big_int res        = Big_int.encr(n, e, msg);
                    float   end_time   = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    float   sec        = (end_time - start_time) / 1000;
                    Console.WriteLine("Case " + caseNo + " : ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Seconds : " + sec + "sec");
                    float ms = (end_time - start_time);
                    Console.WriteLine("Milliseconds : " + ms + " ms");
                    foreach (int i in res.arr)
                    float   start_time = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    Big_int res        = Big_int.dec(n, e, msg);
                    float   end_time   = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    float   sec        = (end_time - start_time) / 1000;
                    Console.WriteLine("Case " + caseNo + " : ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Seconds : " + sec + "sec");
                    float ms = (end_time - start_time);
                    Console.WriteLine("Milliseconds : " + ms + " ms");
                    foreach (int i in res.arr)

            Console.WriteLine("########################### COMPLETE TEST CASES ############################");

            file  = new FileStream("C:\\Users\\Dell\\Desktop\\RSA_Project\\RSA_Project\\bin\\Debug\\TestRSA.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            sr    = new StreamReader(file);
            file2 = new FileStream("C:\\Users\\Dell\\Desktop\\RSA_Project\\RSA_Project\\bin\\Debug\\TestRSAOutput.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
            sw    = new StreamWriter(file2);

            filelen = int.Parse(sr.ReadLine());

            for (int j = 0; j < filelen; j++)
                int caseNo = j + 1;
                line1 = sr.ReadLine();
                line2 = sr.ReadLine();
                line3 = sr.ReadLine();
                line4 = sr.ReadLine();
                n     = new Big_int(line1);
                e     = new Big_int(line2);
                msg   = new Big_int(line3);
                fun   = int.Parse(line4);
                if (fun == 0)
                    float   start_time = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    Big_int res        = Big_int.encr(n, e, msg);
                    float   end_time   = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    float   sec        = (end_time - start_time) / 1000;
                    Console.WriteLine("Case " + caseNo + " : ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Seconds : " + sec + "sec");
                    float ms = (end_time - start_time);
                    Console.WriteLine("Milliseconds : " + ms + " ms");
                    foreach (int i in res.arr)
                    float   start_time = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    Big_int res        = Big_int.dec(n, e, msg);
                    float   end_time   = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    float   sec        = (end_time - start_time) / 1000;
                    Console.WriteLine("Case " + caseNo + " : ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Seconds : " + sec + "sec");
                    float ms = (end_time - start_time);
                    Console.WriteLine("Milliseconds : " + ms + " ms");
                    foreach (int i in res.arr)
コード例 #8
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        public static Big_int ADD(Big_int str1, Big_int str2, ref Big_int res)
            int     numofzero;                                           //O(1)
            int     carry = 0;                                           //O(1)
            Big_int total;                                               //O(1)

            if (str1.arr.Length > str2.arr.Length)                       //O(1)
                numofzero = str1.arr.Length - str2.arr.Length;           //O(1)
                total     = new Big_int(str1.arr.Length + 1);            //O(1)

                for (int i = str2.arr.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)           //O(Str2.length ) -> O(N)
                    int num = 0;                                         //O(1)

                    num = str1.arr[i + numofzero] + str2.arr[i] + carry; //O(1)
                    if (num >= 10)                                       //O(1)
                        total.arr[i + numofzero + 1] = num % 10;         //O(1)
                        carry = 1;                                       //O(1)
                        total.arr[i + numofzero + 1] = num; //O(1)
                        carry = 0;                          //O(1)
                for (int i = numofzero; i > 0; i--)         //O(numofzero)
                    total.arr[i] = str1.arr[i - 1] + carry; //O(1)
                    if (total.arr[i] >= 10)                 //O(1)
                        total.arr[i] = total.arr[i] % 10;   //O(1)
                        carry        = 1;                   //O(1)
                        carry = 0; //O(1)
                total.arr[0] = carry; //O(1)

                numofzero = str2.arr.Length - str1.arr.Length;           //O(1)
                total     = new Big_int(str2.arr.Length + 1);            //O(1)

                for (int i = str1.arr.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)           //O(Str1.length ) -> O(N)
                    int num = 0;                                         //O(1)
                    num = str1.arr[i] + str2.arr[i + numofzero] + carry; //O(1)

                    if (num >= 10)                                       //O(1)
                        total.arr[i + numofzero + 1] = num % 10;         //O(1)
                        carry = 1;                                       //O(1)
                        total.arr[i + numofzero + 1] = num; //O(1)
                        carry = 0;                          //O(1)
                for (int i = numofzero; i > 0; i--)         //O(numofzero)
                    total.arr[i] = str2.arr[i - 1] + carry; //O(1)
                    if (total.arr[i] >= 10)                 //O(1)
                        total.arr[i] = total.arr[i] % 10;   //O(1)
                        carry        = 1;                   //O(1)
                        carry = 0; //O(1)
                total.arr[0] = carry;                  //O(1)
            int non_zero = 0;                          //O(1)

            for (int i = 0; i < total.arr.Length; i++) //O(total.arr.length)
                if (total.arr[i] == 0)
                    continue;                               //O(1)
                non_zero = i;                               //O(1)
                break;                                      //O(1)
            res = new Big_int(total.arr.Length - non_zero); //O(1)
            for (int i = 0; i < res.arr.Length; i++)        //O(res.arr.length)
                res.arr[i] = total.arr[i + non_zero];       //O(1)
            return(res);                                    //O(1)
コード例 #9
ファイル: Big_int.cs プロジェクト: mohaned739/RSA
        // in exact case all = N
        // total complixty = 7N = O(N)
        public static Big_int mult(Big_int x, Big_int y, ref Big_int res)
            int max = Math.Max(x.arr.Length, y.arr.Length); //O(1)
            int mid = max / 2;                              //O(1)

            if (x.arr.Length == 1 && y.arr.Length == 1)
                res.arr[res.arr.Length - 1] = x.arr[mid] * y.arr[mid]; //O(1)
                int num  = res.arr[res.arr.Length - 1] % 10;           //O(1)
                int num2 = res.arr[res.arr.Length - 1] / 10;           //O(1)
                if (res.arr[res.arr.Length - 1] / 10 != 0)
                    res = new Big_int(2);               //O(1)
                    res.arr[res.arr.Length - 1] = num;  //O(1)
                    res.arr[res.arr.Length - 2] = num2; //O(1)
                return(res);                            //O(1)
            if ((max == x.arr.Length && max % 2 != 0) || (max == y.arr.Length && max % 2 != 0))
                max += 1;                              //O(1)
                string x_str = String.Join("", x.arr); //O(N)
                string y_str = String.Join("", y.arr); //O(N)
                x_str = x_str.PadLeft(max, '0');       //O(N)
                y_str = y_str.PadLeft(max, '0');       //O(N)

                x = new Big_int(x_str);                //O(x_str)
                y = new Big_int(y_str);                //O(y_str)
            else if (x.arr.Length != y.arr.Length)
                if (x.arr.Length < y.arr.Length)
                    string x_str = String.Join("", x.arr); //O(N)
                    x_str = x_str.PadLeft(max, '0');       //O(N)
                    x     = new Big_int(x_str);            //O(x_str)
                    string y_str = String.Join("", y.arr); //O(N)
                    y_str = y_str.PadLeft(max, '0');       //O(N)
                    y     = new Big_int(y_str);            //O(y_str)
            mid = max / 2;                                           //O(1)

            Big_int a = new Big_int(mid);                            //O(1)
            Big_int b = new Big_int(mid);                            //O(1)
            Big_int c = new Big_int(mid);                            //O(1)
            Big_int d = new Big_int(mid);                            //O(1)

            for (int i = 0; i < mid; i++)                            //O(mid)
                b.arr[i] = x.arr[i];                                 //O(1)
                d.arr[i] = y.arr[i];                                 //O(1)
            for (int i = mid; i < max; i++)                          //O(mid)
                a.arr[i - mid] = x.arr[i];                           //O(1)
                c.arr[i - mid] = y.arr[i];                           //O(1)
            Big_int ac = new Big_int(mid);                           //O(1)

            mult(a, c, ref ac);                                      //T(N/2)
            ac = remove_zeros(ac);                                   //O(N)
            Big_int bd = new Big_int(mid);                           //O(1)

            mult(b, d, ref bd);                                      //T(N/2)
            bd = remove_zeros(bd);                                   //O(N)
            Big_int acPbd = new Big_int(0);                          //O(1)

            ADD(ac, bd, ref acPbd);                                  //O(N)
            acPbd = remove_zeros(acPbd);                             //O(N)
            Big_int aPb = new Big_int(0);                            //O(1)

            Big_int.ADD(a, b, ref aPb);                              //O(N)
            aPb = remove_zeros(aPb);                                 //O(N)
            Big_int cPd = new Big_int(0);                            //O(1)

            Big_int.ADD(c, d, ref cPd);                              //O(N)
            cPd = remove_zeros(cPd);                                 //O(N)

            Big_int aPbcPd = new Big_int(mid);                       //O(1)

            mult(aPb, cPd, ref aPbcPd);                              //T(N/2)
            aPbcPd = remove_zeros(aPbcPd);                           //O(N)
            Big_int subt = new Big_int(0);                           //O(1)

            sub(aPbcPd, acPbd, ref subt);                            //O(N)
            Big_int bdz = new Big_int(x.arr.Length + bd.arr.Length); //O(1)

            for (int i = 0; i < bd.arr.Length; i++)                  //O(bd.arr.Length)
                bdz.arr[i] = bd.arr[i];                              //O(1)
            Big_int subz = new Big_int((mid) + subt.arr.Length);     //O(1)

            for (int i = 0; i < subt.arr.Length; i++)                //O(subt.arr.Length)
                subz.arr[i] = subt.arr[i];                           //O(1)
            Big_int sum = new Big_int(0);                            //O(1)

            ADD(bdz, subz, ref sum);                                 //O(N)
            sum = remove_zeros(sum);                                 //O(N)
            res = new Big_int(0);                                    //O(1)
            ADD(sum, ac, ref res);                                   //O(N)
            res = remove_zeros(res);                                 //O(N)
            return(res);                                             //O(1)