コード例 #1
		public async Task<Profile> Register(Device device, Profile profile) //100%
			var postParameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
					{"username",				profile.username},
					{"password",				profile.password},
					{"primaryEmail",			profile.primaryEmail},
					{"referralId",				profile.referralId},
					{"genderId",				profile.genderId},
					{"givenName",				profile.givenName},
					{"surName",					profile.surName},
					{"birthCountryId",			profile.birthCountryId},
					{"owningMonitorProfileId",	profile.owningMonitorProfileId},
					{"owningPartnerProfileId",	profile.owningPartnerProfileId},
					{"dialCode",				profile.dialCode},
					{"cellPhone",				device.Number},
					{"clientCountryId",			profile.clientCountryId},
					{"lastSighting",			profile.lastSighting},
					{"nickName",				profile.nickName},
					{"otherInformation",		profile.otherInformation},
					{"otherName",				profile.otherName},
					{"tribe",					profile.tribe},
					{"alternateEmail",			profile.alternateEmail},
					{"homeTown",				profile.homeTown},
					{"preferredLanguageId",		profile.preferredLanguageId},
					{"userProfileStateId",		profile.userProfileStateId},
					{"actingUserProfileId",		profile.actingUserProfileId},
					{"assistingUserProfileId",	profile.assistingUserProfileId},
					{"sessionId",				profile.sessionId},

			var y = await Api("profile/", postParameters: postParameters);

			var x = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(y, new {profile = new {id = 0}});

			return await GetProfile(x.profile.id.ToString());

			//EG "\n{\"profile\":{\"id\":324865}}"
コード例 #2
		public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
			//Test Data
			var testProfile = new Profile
				username = "",
				givenName = "kaelanc",
				surName = "fouwelsc",
				password = "******",
				otherInformation = "I like trains",
				lastSighting = "Test"
			var testDevice = new Device { Number = "+447842073150" };
			//Test Data

			var testUsername = await RefugeesUnitedService.GenerateUsername(testProfile.givenName, testProfile.surName);
			testProfile.username = testUsername;
			//Get API to generate a Username

			var testUserExists = await RefugeesUnitedService.UserExists(testProfile.username);
			//Check if user exists

			//var testRegister = await RefugeesUnitedService.Register(testDevice, testProfile); // todo <-- Problematic
			//Attempt to register said user

			var testLogin = await RefugeesUnitedService.Login(testDevice, "kaelanc.fouwelsc", "1234");
			//Atempt to login said user

			var testSearch = await RefugeesUnitedService.Search(testProfile);
			//Search for said user

			var testLogout = await RefugeesUnitedService.Logout("kaelanc.fouwelsc");
			//Attempt to logout said user

			//Break here
			return Content("");
コード例 #3
		public async Task<Profile> Login(Device device, string username, string password) //99*%
			//todo sort out returns
			var parameters = new[]
					new { Key = "password", Value = password}
			var y = await Api("profile/login/" + username, parameters.ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Value));
			var x = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LoginResponse>(y);

			return null;			//Don't know what data returns when logged is SUCCESSFULL - Would need ProfileID to get the profile.

			//EG "\n{\"authenticated\":false,\"verificationRequired\":false,\"forcePasswordReset\":false}"
コード例 #4
		public void Blacklist(Device device, string reason)
			DeviceRepository.Change(device, (ref Device d) => d.BlacklistReason = reason);
コード例 #5
		public void DeviceAttach(User user, Device device)
			UserRepository.Change(user, (ref User u) => u.Device = device);
コード例 #6
		public IEnumerable<User> UsersForDevice(Device device)
			return UserRepository.Where(u => u.Device == device);
コード例 #7
		public async Task<Profile> Register(Profile user, Device device)
			return await RefugeesUnitedService.Register(device, user);
コード例 #8
		public async Task<Profile> Authenticate(User user, Device device, string password)
			return await RefugeesUnitedService.Login(device, user.RefUnitedUsername, password);