public static void Zadatak3() { Console.WriteLine("Zadatak 3\n"); List <IRentable> list = new List <IRentable> { new Book("Zlocin i kazna"), new Video("Sam u kuci") }; RentingConsolePrinter printer = new RentingConsolePrinter(); printer.DisplayItems(list); printer.PrintTotalPrice(list); Console.WriteLine("\n***************************************\n"); }
public static void Zadatak5() { Console.WriteLine("Zadatak 5\n"); List <IRentable> flashSale = new List <IRentable> { new DiscountedItem(new Book("Zlocin i kazna")), new DiscountedItem(new Video("Sam u kuci")), new DiscountedItem(new HotItem(new Book("Zlocin i kazna 2"))), new DiscountedItem(new HotItem(new Video("Sam u kuci 2"))) }; RentingConsolePrinter printer = new RentingConsolePrinter(); printer.DisplayItems(flashSale); printer.PrintTotalPrice(flashSale); Console.WriteLine("\n***************************************\n"); }
public static void Zadatak4() { Console.WriteLine("Zadatak 4\n"); List <IRentable> list = new List <IRentable> { new Book("Zlocin i kazna"), new Video("Sam u kuci"), new HotItem(new Book("Zlocin i kazna 2")), new HotItem(new Video("Sam u kuci 2")) }; RentingConsolePrinter printer = new RentingConsolePrinter(); printer.DisplayItems(list); printer.PrintTotalPrice(list); Console.WriteLine("\n***************************************\n"); //Sada imamo Trending: Prije imena }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* 2. zadatak * Dataset dataset = new Dataset("CSV.txt"); * Analyzer3rdParty analyzer3RdParty = new Analyzer3rdParty(); * IAnalytics adapter = new Adapter(analyzer3RdParty); * * * double[] AvgPerColumn = adapter.CalculateAveragePerColumn(dataset); * double[] AvgPerRow = adapter.CalculateAveragePerRow(dataset); * * for(int i = 0; i < AvgPerColumn.Length; i++) * { * Console.WriteLine(AvgPerColumn[i]); * } * * for (int i = 0; i < AvgPerRow.Length; i++) * { * Console.WriteLine(AvgPerRow[i]); * } */ /* 3. zadatak * List<IRentable> rentables = new List<IRentable>(); * RentingConsolePrinter rentingConsolePrinter = new RentingConsolePrinter(); * * rentables.Add(new Video("The Lord of the Rings")); * rentables.Add(new Book("Harry Potter")); * * rentingConsolePrinter.PrintTotalPrice(rentables); * rentingConsolePrinter.DisplayItems(rentables); */ /* 4. Zadatak * List<IRentable> rentables = new List<IRentable>(); * RentingConsolePrinter rentingConsolePrinter = new RentingConsolePrinter(); * * rentables.Add(new Video("The Lord of the Rings")); * rentables.Add(new Book("Harry Potter")); * rentables.Add(new HotItem(new Video("Avengers: Endgame"))); * rentables.Add(new HotItem(new Book("The Chronicles of Narnia"))); * * rentingConsolePrinter.PrintTotalPrice(rentables); * rentingConsolePrinter.DisplayItems(rentables); * * //Svaka hit knjiga i svaki hit film u ispisu ima "Trending:" pod description. Override-ana je metoda */ List <IRentable> rentables = new List <IRentable>(); RentingConsolePrinter rentingConsolePrinter = new RentingConsolePrinter(); rentables.Add(new Video("The Lord of the Rings")); rentables.Add(new Book("Harry Potter")); rentables.Add(new HotItem(new Video("Avengers: Endgame"))); rentables.Add(new HotItem(new Book("The Chronicles of Narnia"))); rentables.Add(new DiscountedItem(new Video("The replacements"))); rentables.Add(new DiscountedItem(new Book("Junaci Pavlove ulice"))); rentingConsolePrinter.PrintTotalPrice(rentables); rentingConsolePrinter.DisplayItems(rentables); }