public CResult UpdateButtonColor(RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CButtonColor inUser) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.UpdateButtonColor), inUser.ButtonColor, inUser.ButtonID, inUser.CurrentUserId, inUser.LoginDateTime); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemInsert() in CUserInfoDAO class", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); //throw new Exception("Exception occure at ItemInsert()", ex); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult Cat1Delete(RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CCategory1 oCat) { CResult objResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.DeleteCategory1), oCat.Category1ID); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); objResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemDelete()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); objResult.Message = ex.Message; objResult.IsException = true; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return objResult; }
public CResult InsertDelivery(CDelivery inDelivery) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.InsertDelivery),inDelivery.DeliveryOrderID,inDelivery.DeliveryTime); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in InsertDeposit()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); //throw new Exception("Exception occure at OrderDetailsInsert()", ex); oResult.IsException = true; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult UpdatePrintStyle(CPrintStyle inUser) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.UpdatePrintStyle), inUser.Header, inUser.Body, inUser.Footer, inUser.StyleID); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemInsert() in CUserInfoDAO class", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); oResult.IsException = true; //throw new Exception("Exception occure at ItemInsert()", ex); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult AddButtonColor(RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CButtonColor inUser) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); inUser.ButtonName = inUser.ButtonName.Replace("''", "'"); inUser.ButtonName = inUser.ButtonName.Replace("'", "''"); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.AddButtonColor), inUser.ButtonName, inUser.ButtonColor, RMSGlobal.LogInUserName, DateTime.Now.Ticks); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemInsert() in CUserInfoDAO class", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); //throw new Exception("Exception occure at ItemInsert()", ex); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult GetButtonColor(RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CButtonColor inCat) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetButtonColor), inCat.ButtonID); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql); if (oReader != null) { if (oReader.Read()) { inCat = ReaderToButtonColor(oReader); oResult.Data = inCat; oResult.IsSuccess = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemGetById()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); oResult.IsException = true; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult AddUser(CUserInfo inUser) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.AddUser), inUser.UserName, inUser.Password, inUser.Type, inUser.Status, inUser.Gender); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemInsert() in CUserInfoDAO class", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); //throw new Exception("Exception occure at ItemInsert()", ex); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult Cat2Delete(CCategory2 oCat) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.DeleteCategory2), oCat.Category2ID); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemDelete()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); throw new Exception("Exception occure at ItemDelete()", ex); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult GetDrawerLogDetails(Int64 startTime, Int64 endTime) { CResult tempcResult = new CResult(); List<CPayment> paymentdetails = new List<CPayment>(); string sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.DrawerLogdetails), startTime, endTime); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sqlCommand); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { CPayment tempPayment = new CPayment(); if (oReader["terminal_id"] != null) { tempPayment.PcID = int.Parse(oReader["terminal_id"].ToString()); } if (oReader["userid"] != null) { tempPayment.UserID = Convert.ToString(oReader["userid"]); } if (oReader["opentime"] != null) { Int64 dateTime = Convert.ToInt64(oReader["opentime"].ToString()); tempPayment.PaymentTime = new DateTime(dateTime);// Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime); } paymentdetails.Add(tempPayment); } } tempcResult.Data = paymentdetails; return tempcResult; }
/// <summary> /// Changes the print status after printing for indicating whether the guest bill is printed or not. /// </summary> /// <param name="orderID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CResult ChangeGuestBillPrintStatus(long orderID) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); string sqlCommand = ""; try { this.OpenConnection(); sqlCommand = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.ChangeGuestBillPrintStatus), orderID); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlCommand); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ChangeGuestBillPrintStatus()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); oResult.IsException = true; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult GetBalanceReport(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate) { CResult aResult = new CResult(); try { // this.OpenConnection(); string sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetBalanceReport), fromdate, todate); RMS.Common.CCommonConstants oConstants = RMS.ConfigManager.GetConfig<RMS.Common.CCommonConstants>(); String tempConnStr = oConstants.DBConnection; SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand, tempConnStr); SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter); DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; dataAdapter.Fill(table); dataAdapter.Dispose(); aResult.Data = table; } catch (Exception ex) { } return aResult; }
public CResult GetCashreportBydate(DateTime fromtime, DateTime totime) { CResult aResult = new CResult(); double amount = 0; try { // this.OpenConnection(); string sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetCashreportBydate), fromtime,totime); RMS.Common.CCommonConstants oConstants = RMS.ConfigManager.GetConfig<RMS.Common.CCommonConstants>(); String tempConnStr = oConstants.DBConnection; SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand, tempConnStr); SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter); DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; dataAdapter.Fill(table); dataAdapter.Dispose(); aResult.Data = table; } catch (Exception ex) { } try { this.OpenConnection(); string sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetAllCashAmountByDate), fromtime, totime); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sqlCommand); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { try { amount += Convert.ToDouble(oReader["Cash_Amount"]); } catch (Exception) { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // result = "Credit Transaction Couldn,t Save Successfully"; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } aResult.Amount = amount; return aResult; }
RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CResult IInventroySalesReportDAO.GetSelectionOfItems() { CResult objResult = new CResult(); String sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetSelectionofItemsRecords)); DataSet dsSalessRecords = this.GetDataset(sqlCommand); objResult.Data = dsSalessRecords; return objResult; }
RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CResult IInventroySalesReportDAO.GetSalesReport(long p_startTime, long p_endTime) { CResult objResult = new CResult(); String sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetInventorySalesRecords), p_startTime, p_endTime); DataSet dsSalessRecords = this.GetDataset(sqlCommand); objResult.Data = dsSalessRecords; return objResult; }
public CResult GetBookingInfoAll(DateTime inCurrentDate) { CResult tempResult = new CResult(); GetTimeSpan(inCurrentDate); List<CBooking> oBookingList = new List<CBooking>(); try { CCommonConstants oTempConstant = ConfigManager.GetConfig<CCommonConstants>(); this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.BookingInfoGetAll), m_oStartTime, m_oEndTime); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { CBooking oBooking = ReaderToBooking(oReader); oBookingList.Add(oBooking); } } tempResult.Data = oBookingList; tempResult.IsSuccess = true; this.CloseConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("###" + ex + "###"); tempResult.IsException = true; Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in GetBookingInfoAll()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); if (ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(SqlException))) { SqlException oSQLEx = ex as SqlException; if (oSQLEx.Number != 7619) throw new Exception("Exception occure at GetBookingInfoAll()", ex); } else { throw new Exception("Exception occure at GetBookingInfoAll()", ex); } } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return tempResult; }
public RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CResult AddCat2(RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CCategory2 inUser) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { bool bTempFlag = CheckCat(inUser); if (bTempFlag) { oResult.Message = "Category2 exists with this name."; } else { CResult oResult2 = GetMaxCatOrder(); if (oResult2.IsSuccess && oResult2.Data != null) { int iTempOrder = (int)oResult2.Data; iTempOrder = iTempOrder + 1; inUser.Category2Name = inUser.Category2Name.Replace("''", "'"); inUser.Category2Name = inUser.Category2Name.Replace("'", "''"); this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.AddCategory2), inUser.Category2Name, inUser.Category1ID, iTempOrder, inUser.Category2Type, inUser.Category2Color, inUser.Category2ViewTable, inUser.Category2ViewBar, inUser.Category2ViewTakeAway, RMSGlobal.LogInUserName, DateTime.Now.Ticks); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemInsert() in CUserInfoDAO class", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); //throw new Exception("Exception occure at ItemInsert()", ex); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public RMS.Common.ObjectModel.CResult GetCategoryAnchestors(int inLeafCategoryID, int inCatLevel) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Empty; if (inCatLevel == 4) { sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetCategory4Anchestor), inLeafCategoryID); } else if (inCatLevel == 3) { sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetCategory3Anchestor), inLeafCategoryID); } else if (inCatLevel == 2) { sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetCategory2Anchestor), inLeafCategoryID); } else if (inCatLevel == 1) { sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetCategory1Anchestor), inLeafCategoryID); } IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { oResult.Data = ReaderToCategoryAnchestor(oReader); } } oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemGetById()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); oResult.IsException = true; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult GetTotalPaymentByTypeNDate(String inType, DateTime inCurrentDate) { CResult tempResult = new CResult(); GetTimeSpan(inCurrentDate); float tempSummaryByType = 0; try { inType = inType.Replace("''", "'"); inType = inType.Replace("'", "''"); this.OpenConnection(); String sSql1 = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.PaymentGetTypeTotal), m_oStartTime, m_oEndTime, inType); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql1); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { if (oReader["type_total"] != null) float.TryParse(oReader["type_total"].ToString(), out tempSummaryByType); } } tempResult.Data = tempSummaryByType; tempResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in GetTotalPaymentByType()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); tempResult.IsException = true; if (ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(SqlException))) { SqlException oSQLEx = ex as SqlException; if (oSQLEx.Number != 7619) throw new Exception("Exception occured at GetTotalPaymentByType(()", ex); } else { throw new Exception("Exception occure at GetTotalPaymentByType(", ex); } } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return tempResult; }
public CResult AddCat2(CCategory2 inUser) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { bool bTempFlag = CheckCat(inUser); if (bTempFlag) { oResult.Message = "Category1 exists with this name."; } else { bTempFlag = CheckCatOrder(inUser); if (bTempFlag) { oResult.Message = "Category order exists. Write another order."; } else { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = "";// String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.AddCategory1), inUser.Category1Name, inUser.Category1Order, inUser.ParentCatID); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); oResult.IsSuccess = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in ItemInsert() in CUserInfoDAO class", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); //throw new Exception("Exception occure at ItemInsert()", ex); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
public CResult AvailableTableForUnlock() { CResult tempResult = new CResult(); GetTimeSpan(DateTime.Now); List<CTransferOrderShow> tempAvailableTableListForUnlock = new List<CTransferOrderShow>(); try { CCommonConstants oTempConstant = ConfigManager.GetConfig<CCommonConstants>(); this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = string.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.ShowAvailableTableForUnlock), m_oStartTime, m_oEndTime); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { CTransferOrderShow tempTableForUnlock = ReaderToTransferOrderShow(oReader); tempAvailableTableListForUnlock.Add(tempTableForUnlock); } } tempResult.Data = tempAvailableTableListForUnlock; tempResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { tempResult.IsException = true; Console.Write("###" + ex + "###"); Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in AvailableTableForUnlock()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); if (ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(SqlException))) { SqlException oSQLEx = ex as SqlException; if (oSQLEx.Number != 7619) throw new Exception("Exception occure at AvailableTableForTUnlock()", ex); } else { throw new Exception("Exception occure at AvailableTableForUnlock()", ex); } } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return tempResult; }
private void btnEditCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //For modifying the customer information COrderManager tempOrderManager = new COrderManager(); CResult objCresult = new CResult(); objCresult = tempOrderManager.OrderInfoByOrderID(m_orderID); CDelivery objDeliveryTime = new CDelivery(); //Collecting the delivery information of the order objDeliveryTime.DeliveryOrderID = m_orderID; CResult objDeliveryInfo = tempOrderManager.GetDeliveryInfo(objDeliveryTime); objDeliveryTime = (CDelivery)objDeliveryInfo.Data; COrderInfo tempOrderInfo = (COrderInfo)objCresult.Data; CTakeAwayForm objTakeawayFrm = new CTakeAwayForm(m_orderID, objDeliveryTime, tempOrderInfo.Status, true); objTakeawayFrm.Show(); CFormManager.Forms.Push(m_previousForm); this.Hide(); }
private void showbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime fromtime =fromdateTimePicker.Value.Date; DateTime totime = todateTimePicker.Value.Date; CResult aResult=new CResult(); aResult = aBankTransactionDao.GetDebitreportBydate(fromtime , totime); DataTable aTable=new DataTable(); try { aTable = (DataTable)aResult.Data; debitdataGridView.DataSource = aTable; amountlabel.Text = aResult.Amount.ToString("F02"); } catch (Exception) { } }
public CResult DeleteUser(CUserInfo inUser) { try { m_oResult = RMS.DataAccess.Database.Instance.UserInfo.DeleteUser(inUser); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("Exception occuer at DeleteItem() : " + ex.Message); m_oResult.IsException = true; m_oResult.Action = EERRORNAME.EXCEPTION_OCCURE; m_oResult.SetParams(ex.Message); m_oResult.Message = ex.Message; Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in DeleteItem()", LogLevel.Error, "CItemManager"); } return m_oResult; }
public CResult GetGeneralSettings() { CResult tempResult = new CResult(); string sSql = SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetGeneralSetting); try { this.OpenConnection(); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql); GeneralSettings gSettings = new GeneralSettings(); while (oReader.Read()) { gSettings.Vat = Convert.ToDouble(oReader[1]); gSettings.IsVatEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(oReader[2]); gSettings.Currency = oReader[3].ToString(); ; } tempResult.Data = gSettings; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in GetGeneralSettings()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); if (ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(SqlException))) { SqlException oSQLEx = ex as SqlException; if (oSQLEx.Number != 7619) throw new Exception("Exception occured at GetGeneralSettings()", ex); } else { throw new Exception("Exception occure at GetGeneralSettings()", ex); } } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return tempResult; }
public CResult InsertDeposit(CDeposit inDeposit) { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.DepositInsert), inDeposit.DepositBalance, inDeposit.DepositTime, inDeposit.CustomerID, inDeposit.DepositTotalAmount,inDeposit.PcID,inDeposit.Status,inDeposit.DepositType); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sSql); sSql = SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.ScopeIdentity); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql); if (oReader != null) { bool bIsRead = oReader.Read(); if (bIsRead) { inDeposit.DepositID = Int64.Parse(oReader[0].ToString()); } oReader.Close(); } oResult.Data = inDeposit; oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in InsertDeposit()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); //throw new Exception("Exception occure at OrderDetailsInsert()", ex); oResult.IsException = true; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return oResult; }
//New Added public CResult OrderDetailsArchiveGetByOrderID(Int64 inOrderID) { CResult tempResult = new CResult(); List<COrderDetails> tempOrderDetailsList = new List<COrderDetails>(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sSql = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.OrderDetailsArchiveGetByOrderId), inOrderID); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sSql); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { COrderDetails tempOrderDetails = ReaderToOrderDetails(oReader); tempOrderDetailsList.Add(tempOrderDetails); } } tempResult.Data = tempOrderDetailsList; tempResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { tempResult.IsException = true; Console.Write("###" + ex.ToString() + "###"); Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in OrderDetailsGetByOrderID()", LogLevel.Error, "Database"); if (ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(SqlException))) { SqlException oSQLEx = ex as SqlException; if (oSQLEx.Number != 7619) throw new Exception("Exception occured at OrderDetailsGetByOrderID()", ex); } else { throw new Exception("Exception occure at OrderDetailsGetByOrderID()", ex); } } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return tempResult; }
public CResult GetAllKitchenText() { try { m_oResult=Database.Instance.SaveDefaultTime.GetKitchenText(); m_oResult.IsSuccess = true; m_oResult.Message = "Data Updated Successfully"; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("Exception occuer at UpdateOrderInfo() : " + ex.Message); m_oResult.IsException = true; m_oResult.Action = EERRORNAME.EXCEPTION_OCCURE; m_oResult.Message = ex.Message; Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in UpdateOrderInfo()", LogLevel.Error, "COrderManager"); } return m_oResult; }
public CResult AddItemSelectableAttribute(CItemSelectableAttribute inUser) { CResult res = new CResult(); CDalConfig oTempDal = ConfigManager.GetConfig<CDalConfig>(); String tempConnStr = oTempDal.ConnectionString; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(tempConnStr); try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("ISP_item_selectable_attributes", conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add("@topping_id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = inUser.ToppingID; command.Parameters.Add("@item_selection_id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = inUser.ItemSelectionID; command.Parameters.Add("@price", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = inUser.TablePrice; command.Parameters.Add("@item_id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = inUser.ItemID; command.Parameters.Add("@is_default", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = inUser.ISDefault; command.Parameters.Add("@topping_name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = inUser.ToppingName; command.Parameters.Add("@IsPizzaTopping", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = false; command.Parameters.Add("@tk_price", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = inUser.TKPrice; command.Parameters.Add("@bar_price", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = inUser.BarPrice; if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) conn.Open(); int result = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); res.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { res.IsSuccess = false; // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) conn.Close(); } return res; }
public CResult AvailableTableForVoid() { try { //List<CTransferOrderShow> oTableList = Database.Instance.AvailableTableForVoid.AvailableTableForVoid(); m_oResult = Database.Instance.AvailableTableForVoid.AvailableTableForVoid(); //m_oResult.Data = oTableList; //m_oResult.IsSuccess = true; m_oResult.Message = "Data Read Successful"; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("Exception occuer at OrderListForVoid() : " + ex.Message); m_oResult.IsException = true; m_oResult.Action = EERRORNAME.EXCEPTION_OCCURE; m_oResult.SetParams(ex.Message); m_oResult.Message = ex.Message; Logger.Write("Exception : " + ex + " in OrderListForVoid()", LogLevel.Error, "COrderManager"); } return m_oResult; }
public CResult GetInitialDBStr() { CResult oResult = new CResult(); try { CDalConfig oTempDal = ConfigManager.GetConfig<CDalConfig>(); String sTempDB = oTempDal.ConnectionString; oResult.Data = sTempDB; oResult.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { } return oResult; }